# The Grid The Grid is a fork of the Matrix protocol with a different set of core values and a true community management. It aims to be care more for privacy and much more friendly to self-hosted infrastructures. ## Status We are currently putting it all together before official kickoff. See the [Sunrise](https://gitlab.com/thegridprotocol/home/milestones/1) milestone for the current progress. ## Documents The following bootstrap documents explain what The Grid is in more details, how it came to be, differences with Matrix, how the protocol will be managed by the non-profit and how documentation should take place. - [Project Overview](docs/overview.md) - [Governing Body](docs/governing-body.md) - [Documentation Principles](docs/doc-principles.md) ## Contact Visit us on: - Matrix - [#thegrid:kamax.io](https://matrix.to/#/#thegrid:kamax.io) - [#kamax-thegrid:t2bot.io](https://matrix.to/#/#kamax-thegrid:t2bot.io) - Telegram: [@thegrid_matrix](https://t.me/thegrid_matrix)