OC.L10N.register( "bbb", { "You created the room %s." : "你创建了房间:%s", "You deleted the room %s." : "你删除了房间:%s", "{user} deleted the room %s." : "{user} 删除了房间:%s", "You shared the room %s with {shareWith}." : "你分享了房间 %s,分享途径是 {shareWith}", "{user} shared the room %s with you." : "{user} 向你分享房间 %s", "You unshared the room %s with {shareWith}." : "你取消共享房间 %s,操作方法是 {shareWith}", "{user} unshared the room %s with you." : "{user} 取消了和你分享房间 %s", "You started a meeting in the \"%s\" room." : "你在 \"%s\" 房间中开始了一场会议。", "{user} started a meeting in the \"%s\" room." : "{user} 在 \"%s\" 房间中开始了一场会议", "The meeting in room \"%s\" has ended." : "房间 “%s” 的通话已结束", "Recording for room \"%s\" is ready." : "房间 \"%s\"的录音已就位", "To invite someone to the meeting, send them this link: %s" : "要邀请某人参加会议,请发送此链接:%s", "API URL or secret not configured. Please contact your administrator." : "API URL或密钥没有配置。请联系您的管理员。", "BigBlueButton Integration" : "BigBlueButton集成", "BigBlueButton integration for Nextcloud" : "Nextcloud与BigBlueButton的集成", "Room not found" : "房间未找到", "The room could not be found. Maybe it was deleted?" : "房间找不到。也许它被删除了? ", "Back to %s" : "返回 %s", "Get your API URL and secret by executing \"sudo bbb-conf --secret\" on your BigBlueButton server." : "在您的BigBlueButton服务器上执行“sudo bbb-conf --secret”命令以获取您的API URL和密钥。", "API URL" : "API URL", "API secret" : "API 密匙", "Save" : "保存", "Show room manager in app navigation instead of settings page." : "在应用程序导航中,而不是设置页面显示房间管理人。", "Community" : "社区", "Are you enjoying this app? Give something back to the open source community." : "你喜欢这个应用程序吗?给开源社区一些回报吧。", "Checkout the contributor guide" : "检查贡献者指南 ", "URL Shortener" : "URL 缩短服务", "If you like to use shorter urls, you can enter a forwarding proxy below." : "如果你喜欢使用更短的 url,你可以在下面输入转发代理。", "URL shortener" : "URL 缩短服务 ", "Restrictions" : "限制", "You will be forwarded to the room in the next few seconds." : "几秒钟内你就会被送进房间。", "Let's go!" : "让我们出发吧!", "Please enter your name!" : "请输入您的名字!", "The name must be at least 3 characters long." : "名称长度必须至少有3个字符。", "You have to provide the correct password to join the meeting." : "您必须提供正确的密码以加入会议。", "Display name" : "显示名称", "Password" : "密码", "Join" : "加入", "Have an account? Log in." : "有一个账户吗?登录。", "Hello %s" : "%s 你好", "Name, group …" : "名称、群组 ...", "Group" : "群组", "Searching" : "搜索中", "No matches" : "无匹配项", "Public" : "公开", "Internal + Password protection for guests" : "对来宾的内部+外部密码保护", "Internal + Waiting room for guests" : "来宾的内部+等候室", "Internal" : "内部", "Internal restricted" : "内部受限", "Name" : "名称", "Access" : "投票范围", "Max" : "最大值", "Record" : "记录", "Recordings" : "记录", "You are not permitted to create a room." : "你未被允许创建一个房间。", "You exceeded the maximum number of rooms." : "你超出了房间的最大数量。", "Room quota:" : "房间配额:", "Edit" : "编辑", "Descriptive name of this room." : "此房间的描述名称。", "This message is shown to all users in the chat area after they joined." : "此消息在他们加入后将向在聊天区域的所有用户显示。", "Sets a limit on the number of participants for this room. Zero means there is no limit." : "给此房间设置参与者数量的限制。零表示没有限制。", "If enabled, the moderator is able to start the recording." : "如果启用,主持人将可以使用录音。", "Public: Everyone knowing the link is able to join. Password: Guests have to provide a password. Waiting room: A moderator has to accept every guest before they can join. Internal: Only Nextcloud users can join." : "公开:所有知道链接的人都可以加入。密码:访客必须提供密码。接待室:所有访客都需要经过主持人同意才能加入。内部:只有Nextcloud用户可以加入。", "A moderator is able to manage all participants in a meeting including kicking, muting or selecting a presenter. Users with the role moderator are also able to close a meeting or change the default settings." : "主持人可以管理会议中的所有与会者,包括踢人、静音、选择主讲人等。具有主持人角色的用户还可以关闭会议或更改会议默认设置。 ", "If enabled, normal users have to wait until a moderator is in the room." : "如果启用,普通用户必须等待,直至主持人在房间里。", "If enabled, a moderator URL is generated which allows access with moderator permission." : "如果启用,将生成一个主持人 URL,允许以主持人权限访问。", "Only selected users and groups are allowed to access the room." : "只允许选定的用户和组访问该房间。 ", "Edit \"{room}\"" : "编辑 “{room}”", "Room URL" : "房间 URL", "Welcome" : "欢迎", "Participant limit" : "参与者限制", "Every participant is moderator" : "每个参与者都是主持人", "Moderator access via URL" : "支持人访问 URL", "Miscellaneous" : "杂项", "Recording" : "录音", "Require moderator to start room" : "需要主持人启动房间 ", "Room name" : "房间名", "Create" : "创建", "Open recording" : "打开录音", "Copy to clipboard" : "复制到剪贴板", "Save as file" : "保存为文件", "_%n participant_::_%n participants_" : ["%n 参与者"], "Delete" : "删除", "Are you sure you want to delete \"{name}\"? This operation can not be undone." : "您是否确定要删除“{name}”?此操作无法撤销。", "Delete \"{name}\"?" : "你确定要删除 “{name}” 吗?", "Select target folder" : "选择目标文件夹", "Room URL was stored in \"{path}\" as \"{filename}\"." : "房间的URL以“{filename}”保存在“{path}”。", "Link stored" : "链接已保存", "URL to room could not be stored." : "房间的URL无法保存。", "Error" : "错误", "URL to presentation was stored in \"{path}\" as \"{filename}\"." : "演示的URL以“{filename}”保存在“{path}”。", "URL to presentation could not be stored." : "演示的URL无法保存。", "Are you sure you want to delete the recording from \"{startDate}\"? This operation can not be undone." : "您是否确定要删除自“{startDate}”以来的记录?此操作无法撤销。", "Delete?" : "删除?", "Could not delete record" : "无法删除记录", "Server error" : "服务器错误", "moderator" : "主持人", "admin" : "管理员", "Share" : "共享", "Loading" : "正在加载", "You are not allowed to change this option, because this room is shared with you." : "你不能更改此选项,因为此房间是与你共享的。", "Max. rooms" : "房间最大数目", "Max. participants" : "参与者最大数目", "Group …" : "群组 ...", "Restrictions do not affect existing rooms. Minus one means the value is unlimited. The least restrictive option is chosen for every user if multiple restrictions apply." : "限制不影响现有的房间。- 1 表示这个值是无限的。如果有多个限制,则为每个用户选择限制最少的选项。", "Are you sure you want to delete the restrictions for group \"{name}\"? This operation can not be undone." : "你确定想要删除对群组 \"{name}\" 的限制吗?此操作无法撤销", "Delete restrictions for \"{name}\"?" : "删除对 \"{name}\" 的限制吗?", "Settings saved" : "设置已保存", "Unexpected error occurred" : "发生了意外错误", "API URL is invalid" : "API URL不合法", "API secret is invalid" : "API密钥不合法", "URL has to start with HTTPS" : "URL 必须以 HTTPS 开头", "URL has to contain the {token} placeholder" : "URL 必须包含 {token} 占位符", "URL has to start with https:// and contain {token}. Additionally the {user} placeholder can be used." : "URL 必须以 https:// 开始,并且包含 {token}。此外,还可以使用 {user} 占位符。", "_This room is not open yet. We will try it again in %n second. Please wait._::_This room is not open yet. We will try it again in %n seconds. Please wait._" : ["这个房间还没开。我们将在 %n 秒内再试一次。请等待"] }, "nplurals=1; plural=0;");