/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ require('colors').setTheme({ verbose: 'cyan', warn: 'yellow', error: 'red', }); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const https = require('https'); const { Octokit } = require('@octokit/rest'); const execa = require('execa'); const inquirer = require('inquirer'); const git = require('simple-git/promise')(); const package = require('../package.json'); require('dotenv').config(); const isDryRun = process.argv.indexOf('--dry-run') > 1; const commitMessage = `release: ${package.version} :tada:`; const tagName = `v${package.version}`; const files = [ path.join(__dirname, '..', 'archives', `bbb-v${package.version}.tar.gz`), path.join(__dirname, '..', 'archives', `bbb-v${package.version}.tar.gz.asc`), path.join(__dirname, '..', 'archives', `bbb-v${package.version}.tar.gz.ncsig`), path.join(__dirname, '..', 'archives', `bbb-v${package.version}.tar.gz.sig`), ]; function pull() { return git.pull('origin', 'master'); } async function notAlreadyTagged() { if ((await git.tags()).all.includes(tagName)) { throw 'version already tagged'; } } async function lastCommitNotBuild() { return (await git.log(['-1'])).latest.message !== commitMessage; } async function isMasterBranch() { return (await git.branch()) === 'master'; } async function generateChangelog() { const latestTag = (await git.tags()).latest; const title = `v${package.version}` === latestTag ? '[Unreleased]' : `${package.version} (${new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]})`; const logs = await git.log({ from: latestTag, to: 'HEAD', }); const sections = [{ type: 'feat', label: 'Added', }, { type: 'fix', label: 'Fixed', }]; const entries = {}; logs.all.forEach(log => { const match = log.message.match(/^([a-z]+)(?:\((\w+)\))?: (.+)/); if (!match) { return; } const [, type, scope, description] = match; const entry = { type, scope, description, issues: [] }; if(log.body) { const matches = log.body.match(/(?:fix|fixes|closes?|refs?) #(\d+)/g) || []; for (const match of matches) { const [, number] = match.match(/(\d+)$/); entry.issues.push(number); } } if (!entries[type]) { entries[type] = []; } entries[type].push(entry); }); let changeLog = `## ${title}\n`; function stringifyEntry(entry) { const issues = entry.issues.map(issue => { return `[#${issue}](https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/issues/${issue})`; }).join(''); return `- ${issues}${issues.length > 0 ? ' ' : ''}${entry.description}\n`; } sections.forEach(section => { if (!entries[section.type]) { return; } changeLog += `### ${section.label}\n`; entries[section.type].forEach(entry => { changeLog += stringifyEntry(entry); }); delete entries[section.type]; changeLog += '\n'; }); const miscKeys = Object.keys(entries); if (miscKeys && miscKeys.length > 0) { changeLog += '### Misc\n'; miscKeys.forEach(type => { entries[type].forEach(entry => { changeLog += stringifyEntry(entry); }); }); } return changeLog; } async function editChangeLog(changeLog) { const answers = await inquirer.prompt([{ type: 'editor', name: 'changeLog', message: 'You have now the possibility to edit the change log', default: changeLog, }]); return answers.changeLog; } function hasChangeLogEntry() { return new Promise(resolve => { fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'CHANGELOG.md'), function (err, data) { if (err) throw err; if (!data.includes(`## ${package.version}`)) { throw `Found no change log entry for ${package.version}`; } resolve(); }); }); } async function commitChangeLog() { const status = await git.status(); if (status.staged.length > 0) { throw 'Repo not clean. Found staged files.'; } if (!isDryRun) { await git.add('CHANGELOG.md'); await git.commit('docs: update change log', ['-n']); } } async function hasArchiveAndSignatures() { return files.map(file => fs.existsSync(file)).indexOf(false) < 0; } async function stageAllFiles() { if (isDryRun) { return; } const gitProcess = execa('git', ['add', '-u']); gitProcess.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); return gitProcess; } function showStagedDiff() { const gitProcess = execa('git', ['diff', '--staged']); gitProcess.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); return gitProcess; } async function keypress() { return inquirer.prompt([{ type: 'input', name: 'keypress', message: 'Press any key to continue... (where is the any key?)', }]); } function commit() { if (isDryRun) { return; } return git.commit(commitMessage, ['-S', '-n']); } async function wantToContinue(message) { const answers = await inquirer.prompt([{ type: 'confirm', name: 'continue', message, default: false, }]); if (!answers.continue) { process.exit(10); } } function push() { if (isDryRun) { return; } return git.push('origin', 'master'); } async function createGithubRelease(changeLog) { if (!process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) { throw 'Github token missing'; } const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN, userAgent: 'custom releaser for sualko/cloud_bbb', }); const origin = (await git.remote(['get-url', 'origin'])).trim(); const matches = origin.match(/^git@github\.com:(.+)\/(.+)\.git$/); if (!matches) { throw 'Origin is not configured or no ssh url'; } const owner = matches[1]; const repo = matches[2]; const releaseOptions = { owner, repo, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase tag_name: tagName, name: `BigBlueButton Integration ${tagName}`, body: changeLog.replace(/^## [^\n]+\n/, ''), prerelease: !/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(package.version), }; if (isDryRun) { console.log('github release options', releaseOptions); return []; } const releaseResponse = await octokit.repos.createRelease(releaseOptions); console.log(`Draft created, see ${releaseResponse.data.html_url}`.verbose); function getMimeType(filename) { if (filename.endsWith('.asc') || filename.endsWith('sig')) { return 'application/pgp-signature'; } if (filename.endsWith('.tar.gz')) { return 'application/gzip'; } if (filename.endsWith('.ncsig')) { return 'text/plain'; } return 'application/octet-stream'; } const assetUrls = await Promise.all(files.map(async file => { const filename = path.basename(file); const uploadOptions = { owner, repo, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase release_id: releaseResponse.data.id, data: fs.createReadStream(file), headers: { 'content-type': getMimeType(filename), 'content-length': fs.statSync(file)['size'], }, name: filename, }; const assetResponse = await octokit.repos.uploadReleaseAsset(uploadOptions); console.log(`Asset uploaded: ${assetResponse.data.name}`.verbose); return assetResponse.data.browser_download_url; })); return assetUrls; } async function uploadToNextcloudStore(archiveUrl) { if(!process.env.NEXTCLOUD_TOKEN) { throw 'Nextcloud token missing'; } const hostname = 'apps.nextcloud.com'; const apiEndpoint = '/api/v1/apps/releases'; const signatureFile = files.find(file => file.endsWith('.ncsig')); const data = JSON.stringify({ download: archiveUrl, signature: fs.readFileSync(signatureFile, 'utf-8'), nightly: false, }); const options = { hostname, port: 443, path: apiEndpoint, method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': data.length, Authorization: `Token ${process.env.NEXTCLOUD_TOKEN}`, }, }; if (isDryRun) { console.log('nextcloud app store request', options, data); return; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const req = https.request(options, res => { if (res.statusCode === 200) { console.log('App release was updated successfully'.verbose); resolve(); } else if (res.statusCode === 201) { console.log('App release was created successfully'.verbose); resolve(); } else if (res.statusCode === 400) { reject('App release was not accepted'); } else { reject('App release rejected with status ' + res.statusCode); } res.on('data', d => { process.stdout.write(d); }); }); req.on('error', error => { reject(error); }); req.write(data); req.end(); }); } async function run() { await pull(); console.log('✔ pulled latest changes'.green); await execa('yarn', ['composer:install:dev']); console.log('✔ composer dev dependencies installed'.green); await notAlreadyTagged(); console.log('✔ not already tagged'.green); await lastCommitNotBuild(); console.log('✔ last commit is no build commit'.green); await isMasterBranch(); console.log('✔ this is the master branch'.green); let changeLog = await generateChangelog(); console.log('✔ change log generated'.green); changeLog = await editChangeLog(changeLog); console.log('✔ change log updated'.green); console.log(changeLog); console.log('Press any key to continue...'); await keypress(); await hasChangeLogEntry(); console.log('✔ there is a change log entry for this version'.green); await commitChangeLog(); console.log('✔ change log commited'.green); await hasArchiveAndSignatures(); console.log('✔ found archive and signatures'.green); await stageAllFiles(); console.log('✔ all files staged'.green); await showStagedDiff(); await wantToContinue('Should I commit those changes?'); await commit(); console.log('✔ All files commited'.green); await wantToContinue('Should I push all pending commits?'); await push(); console.log('✔ All commits pushed'.green); await wantToContinue('Should I continue to create a Github release?'); const assetUrls = await createGithubRelease(changeLog); console.log('✔ released on github'.green); const archiveAssetUrl = assetUrls.find(url => url.endsWith('.tar.gz')); console.log(`Asset url for Nextcloud store: ${archiveAssetUrl}`.verbose); await wantToContinue('Should I continue to upload the release to the app store?'); await uploadToNextcloudStore(archiveAssetUrl); console.log('✔ released in Nextcloud app store'.green); }; run().catch(err => { console.log(`✘ ${err.toString()}`.error); });