import axios from '@nextcloud/axios'; import { generateOcsUrl, generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'; import { showSuccess, showWarning, showError } from '@nextcloud/dialogs'; import '@nextcloud/dialogs/styles/toast'; import { api } from './Common/Api'; type OC_Dialogs_Message = (content: string, title: string, dialogType: 'notice' | 'alert' | 'warn' | 'none', buttons?: number, callback?: () => void, modal?: boolean, allowHtml?: boolean) => Promise; type ExtendedDialogs = typeof OC.dialogs & { message: OC_Dialogs_Message }; const mimeTypes = [ 'application/pdf', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'application/msword', 'application/', 'application/', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'text/plain', 'text/rtf', ] as const; type MimeTypes = typeof mimeTypes[number]; async function createDirectShare(fileId: number): Promise { const url = generateOcsUrl('apps/dav/api/v1/', undefined, { ocsVersion: 1, escape: true, noRewrite: true, }) + 'direct'; const createResponse = await, { fileId, }); return; } async function createRoomWithFile(shareUrl: string, filename: string, roomUid: string) { const joinUrl = generateUrl('/apps/bbb/b/{uid}?u={url}&filename={filename}', { uid: roomUid, url: shareUrl, filename, });, '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer'); } function insertDocumentToRoom(shareUrl: string, filename: string, roomUid: string) { return api.insertDocument(roomUid, shareUrl, filename); } async function sendFile(fileId: number, filename: string, roomUid: string) { const shareUrl = await createDirectShare(fileId); const isRunning = await api.isRunning(roomUid); if (isRunning) { try { const success = await insertDocumentToRoom(shareUrl, filename, roomUid); if (success) { showSuccess(t('bbb', 'The file "{filename}" was uploaded to your room.', { filename })); } else { showWarning(t('bbb', 'The file "{filename}" could not be uploaded to your room.', { filename })); } } catch { showError(t('bbb', 'The file "{filename}" could not be uploaded to your room. Maybe your BigBlueButton server does not support this action.', { filename })); } } else { createRoomWithFile(shareUrl, filename, roomUid); } } async function openDialog(fileId: number, filename: string) { const initContent = '
'; const title = t('bbb', 'Send file to BBB'); await (OC.dialogs as ExtendedDialogs).message(initContent, title, 'none', -1, undefined, true, true); const rooms = await api.getRooms(); const container = $('#bbb-file-action').empty(); const table = $('').appendTo(container); table.attr('style', 'margin-top: 1em; width: 100%;'); for (const room of rooms) { const row = $(''); const button = $('
').append(button)); row.append($('').attr('style', 'width: 100%;').text(; row.appendTo(table); } if (rooms.length > 0) { const description = t('bbb', 'Please select the room in which you like to use the file "{filename}".', { filename }); container.append(description); container.append(table); } else { container.append($('p').text(t('bbb', 'No rooms available!'))); } } function registerFileAction(fileActions: any, mime: MimeTypes) { fileActions.registerAction({ name: 'bbb', displayName: t('bbb', 'Send to BBB'), mime, permissions: OC.PERMISSION_SHARE, icon: OC.imagePath('bbb', 'app-dark.svg'), actionHandler: (fileName, context) => { console.log('Action handler'); openDialog(, fileName); }, }); } const BBBFileListPlugin = { ignoreLists: [ 'trashbin', ], attach(fileList) { if (this.ignoreLists.includes( || !OC.currentUser) { return; } mimeTypes.forEach(mime => registerFileAction(fileList.fileActions, mime)); }, }; OC.Plugins.register('OCA.Files.FileList', BBBFileListPlugin);