name: PHP Tests on: pull_request: push: branches: - master jobs: unit-tests: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: php-versions: ['7.3', '7.4'] nextcloud-versions: ['stable20', 'stable21', 'stable22'] include: - php-versions: '7.2' nextcloud-versions: 'stable20' - php-versions: '8' nextcloud-versions: ['stable21', 'stable22'] name: php${{ matrix.php-versions }} on ${{ matrix.nextcloud-versions }} unit tests env: CI: true XDEBUG_MODE: coverage steps: - name: Set up php${{ matrix.php-versions }} uses: shivammathur/setup-php@master with: php-version: ${{ matrix.php-versions }} extensions: ctype, curl, dom, gd, gmp, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, openssl, pdo_sqlite, posix, sqlite, xml, zip coverage: xdebug - name: Checkout Nextcloud run: git clone --recursive --depth 1 -b ${{ matrix.nextcloud-versions }} nextcloud - name: Install Nextcloud run: php -f nextcloud/occ maintenance:install --database-name oc_autotest --database-user oc_autotest --admin-user admin --admin-pass admin --database sqlite --database-pass='' - name: Checkout the app uses: actions/checkout@master with: path: nextcloud/apps/bbb - name: Fix php-parser on stable20 incompatibility with phpunit 9.3+ if: ${{ matrix.nextcloud-versions == 'stable20' }} working-directory: nextcloud/3rdparty run: composer require nikic/php-parser:4.10 - name: Downgrade phpunit for php7.2 if: ${{ matrix.php-versions == '7.2' }} working-directory: nextcloud/apps/bbb run: composer update phpunit/phpunit -W - name: Install dependencies working-directory: nextcloud/apps/bbb run: composer install - name: Enable app run: php -f nextcloud/occ app:enable bbb - name: Run tests working-directory: nextcloud/apps/bbb run: composer run test