import {api} from './Common/Api'; import './Manager/App.scss'; declare const OCP: any; $(() => { function generateWarningElement(message: string) { return $(`
`); } function generateSuccessElement(message: string) { return $(`
`); } async function checkServer(url: string, secret: string) { const result = await api.checkServer(url, secret); if (result === 'success') { return; } throw result; } function checkPasswordConfirmation() { return new Promise(resolve => { if (OC.PasswordConfirmation && OC.PasswordConfirmation.requiresPasswordConfirmation()) { OC.PasswordConfirmation.requirePasswordConfirmation(() => resolve()); return; } resolve(); }); } async function saveApiSettings(url: string, secret: string) { url += url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/'; await checkServer(url, secret); await checkPasswordConfirmation(); OCP.AppConfig.setValue('bbb', 'api.url', url); OCP.AppConfig.setValue('bbb', 'api.secret', secret); } $('#bbb-api').on('submit', function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const resultElement = $(this).find('.bbb-result').empty(); saveApiSettings(this['api.url'].value, this['api.secret'].value).then(() => { const successElement = generateSuccessElement(t('bbb', 'Settings saved')); setTimeout(() => { resultElement.empty(); }, 3000); resultElement.append(successElement); }).catch(err => { let message = t('bbb', 'Unexpected error occurred'); if (err === 'invalid-url') { message = t('bbb', 'API URL is invalid'); } else if (err === 'invalid-secret') { message = t('bbb', 'API secret is invalid'); } const warningElement = generateWarningElement(message); resultElement.append(warningElement); }); }); function generateExampleShortener(shortener: string) { return shortener.replace(/${OC.currentUser}`).replace(/\{token\}/g, 'your_room_id'); } async function saveAppSettings(shortener: string) { await checkPasswordConfirmation(); if (shortener.indexOf('https://') !== 0) { throw 'https'; } if (shortener.indexOf('{token}') < 0) { throw 'token'; } OCP.AppConfig.setValue('bbb', 'app.shortener', shortener); } $('#bbb-shortener').on('submit', function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const resultElement = $(this).find('.bbb-result').empty(); saveAppSettings(this['app.shortener'].value).then(() => { const successElement = generateSuccessElement(t('bbb', 'Settings saved')); setTimeout(() => { resultElement.empty(); }, 3000); resultElement.append(successElement); }).catch(err => { let message = t('bbb', 'Unexpected error occurred'); if (err === 'https') { message = t('bbb', 'URL has to start with HTTPS'); } else if (err === 'token') { message = t('bbb', 'URL has to contain the {token} placeholder'); } const warningElement = generateWarningElement(message); console.warn('Could not save app settings', err); resultElement.append(warningElement); }); }); $('#bbb-shortener [name="app.shortener"]').on('keyup', (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); const {value} =; if (!value || value.indexOf('https://') !== 0 || value.indexOf('{token}') < 0) { $('#bbb-shortener-example').text(t('bbb', 'URL has to start with https:// and contain {token}. Additionally the {user} placeholder can be used.')); return; } const target = window.location.origin + OC.generateUrl('apps/bbb/b/$1'); const url = (new URL(value)); const rewritePath = '^' + url.pathname.replace(/^\//, '').replace(/%7Buser%7D/g, '.+').replace(/%7Btoken%7D/g, '(.+)'); $('#bbb-shortener-example').html(`


${t('bbb', 'Example configuration for Apache and Nginx')}
#Apache with mod_rewrite
ServerName    ${url.hostname}
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule   "${rewritePath}"  "${target}"  [R=307,L]

#Nginx config
server_name ${url.hostname};
rewrite ${rewritePath} ${target} last;
return 307;
`); }); $('#bbb-shortener [name="app.shortener"]').trigger('keyup'); $('#bbb-settings [name="app.navigation"]').on('change', (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); console.log('checkbox changed to',; OCP.AppConfig.setValue('bbb', 'app.navigation',; }); });