OC.L10N.register( "bbb", { "API URL or secret not configured. Please contact your administrator." : "API URLa edo URL sekretua konfiguratu gabe. Jarri harremanetan zure administratzailearekin.", "BigBlueButton Integration" : "BigBlueButton integrazioa", "BigBlueButton integration for Nextcloud" : "BigBlueButton integrazioa Nextclouderako", "This app allows to create meetings with an external installation of [BigBlueButton](https://bigbluebutton.org).\n\n* **Room setup** Create multiple room configurations with name, welcome message, ...\n* **Share guest link** Share the room link with all your guests\n* **Custom presentation** Start a room with a selected presentation from your file browser\n* **Manage recordings** View, share and delete recordings for your rooms\n\nDeveloper wanted! If you have time it would be awesome if you could help to enhance this application.\n\n*This app integrates BigBlueButton and is not endorsed or certified by BigBlueButton Inc. BigBlueButton and the BigBlueButton Logo are trademarks of BigBlueButton Inc.*" : "Aplikazio honekin bilerak sortu daitezke, kanpo-instalazio batean [BigBlueButton](https://bigbluebutton.org) erabiliz.\n\n* **Gela konfiguratzea** Sortu gela konfigurazio anitzak, izena, ongietorri mezua...\n* **Partekatu gonbidatu esteka** Partekatu gelaren esteka zure gonbidatu guztiei\n* **Pertsonalizatu aurkezpenak** Hasi bilera zure fitxategien artean hautatutako aurkezpen batekin\n* **Kudeatu grabazioak** Ikusi, partekatu eta ezabatu zure geletako grabazioak\n\nGaratzaile bila gabiltza! Denbora baduzu, ederra litzateke aplikazio hau hobetzen lagunduko bazenigu.\n\n*Aplikazio honek BigBlueButton integratzen du eta ez dago BigBlueButton Inc.-i loturik edo berak zertifikatuta. BigBlueButton izena eta BigBlueButton logoaren jabetza BigBlueButton Inc.-enak dira*", "Get your API URL and secret by executing \"sudo bbb-conf --secret\" on your BigBlueButton server." : "Lortu API URLa edo URL sekretua zure BigBlueButton zerbitzarian \"sudo bbb-conf --secret\" exekutatuz.", "API URL" : "API URLa", "API secret" : "API sekretua", "Save" : "Gorde", "Please enter your name!" : "Mesedez sartu zure izena!", "The name must be at least 3 characters long." : "Izenak 3 karaktere behar ditu gutxienez.", "You have to provide the correct password to join the meeting." : "Pasahitz zuzena jarri behar duzu bileran sartzeko.", "Display name" : "Erakutsi izena", "Password" : "Pasahitza", "Join" : "Batu", "Name" : "Izena", "Max" : "Maximoa", "Record" : "Grabatu", "Recordings" : "Grabaketak", "Edit" : "Editatu", "Descriptive name of this room." : "Gelaren izen deskribatzailea.", "This message is shown to all users in the chat area after they joined." : "Mezu hau erabiltzaile guztiek ikusten dute txatean sartu ostean.", "Sets a limit on the number of participants for this room. Zero means there is no limit." : "Gela honetako partaide kopuruari muga jartzea. Zero jartzeak mugarik ez dagoela esan nahi du.", "If enabled, the moderator is able to start the recording." : "Gaituz gero, moderatzaileak grabatzeko aukera du.", "Public: Everyone knowing the link is able to join. Password: Guests have to provide a password. Waiting room: A moderator has to accept every guest before they can join. Internal: Only Nextcloud users can join." : "Publikoa: esteka daukan edonor sar daiteke bileran. Pasahitza: gonbidatuak pasahitza sartu behar du. Itxarongela: moderatzaileak banaka onartu behar ditu gonbidatuak, bileran sar daitezen. Barnekoa: Nextcloud erabiltzaileak bakarrik sar daitezke.", "A moderator is able to manage all participants in a meeting including kicking, muting or selecting a presenter. Users with the role moderator are also able to close a meeting or change the default settings." : "Moderatzaileak baimena dauka gainerako partaideak kudeatzeko, kanporatzeko, mututzeko edo aurkezle bat hautatzeko. Moderatzaile rola duten erabiltzaileak gai dira bilera itxi edo ezarpen lehenetsiak aldatzeko ere.", "Edit \"{room}\"" : "Editatu \"{room}\"", "Welcome" : "Ongi etorri", "Participant limit" : "Partaideen muga", "Access" : "Sarbidea", "Public" : "Publikoa", "Internal + Password protection for guests" : "Barnekoa + Pasahitza gonbidatuentzat", "Internal + Waiting room for guests" : "Barnekoa + Itxarongela gonbidatuentzat", "Internal" : "Barnekoa", "Internal restricted" : "Barnekoa murriztuta", "Every participant is moderator" : "Partaide guztiak dira moderatzaile", "Miscellaneous" : "Askotarikoa", "Recording" : "Grabatzea", "Room name" : "Gelaren izena", "Create" : "Sortu", "_%n participant_::_%n participants_" : ["Parte-hartzaile %n","%n parte-hartzaile"], "Delete" : "Ezabatu", "Are you sure you want to delete \"{name}\"? This operation can not be undone." : "Ziur zaude \"{name}\" ezabatu nahi duzula? Eragiketa hau ezin da desegin.", "Delete \"{name}\"?" : "\"{name}\" ezabatu?", "Select target folder" : "Hautatu helburuko karpeta", "Room URL was stored in \"{path}\" as \"{filename}\"." : "Gelaren URLa hemen \"{path}\" gorde da \"{filename}\" izenarekin.", "Link stored" : "Esteka biltegiratuta", "URL to room could not be stored." : "Gelaren URLa ezin izan da gorde.", "Error" : "Errorea", "URL to presentation was stored in \"{path}\" as \"{filename}\"." : "Aurkezpenaren URLa hemen \"{path}\" gorde da \"{filename}\" izenarekin.", "URL to presentation could not be stored." : "Aurkezpenaren URLa ezin izan da gorde.", "Are you sure you want to delete the recording from \"{startDate}\"? This operation can not be undone." : "Ziur zaude \"{startDate}\"-(e)ko grabazioa ezabatu nahi duzula? Eragiketa hau ezin da desegin.", "Delete?" : "Ezabatu?", "Could not delete record" : "Ezin izan da grabazioa ezabatu", "Server error" : "Zerbitzari akatsa", "Group" : "Taldea", "moderator" : "moderatzailea", "admin" : "admin", "Share" : "Partekatu", "Loading" : "Kargatzen", "Name, group, ..." : "Izena, taldea...", "You are not allowed to change this option, because this room is shared with you." : "Ez duzu baimenik aukera hau aldatzeko, gela hau zurekin partekatua delako.", "Settings saved" : "Ezarpenak gordeta", "Unexpected error occurred" : "Ustekabeko errore bat gertatu da", "API URL is invalid" : "API URLa baliogabea da", "API secret is invalid" : "API sekretua baliogabea da" }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");