# BigBlueButton™ integration for Nextcloud ![Static analysis](https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/workflows/Static%20analysis/badge.svg) ![PHP Tests](https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/workflows/PHP%20Tests/badge.svg) ![Lint](https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/workflows/Lint/badge.svg) ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/sualko/cloud_bbb/total.svg) ![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/sualko/cloud_bbb.svg) [![ko-fi](https://www.ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/sualko) This app allows to create meetings with an external installation of [BigBlueButton](https://bigbluebutton.org). :clap: Developer wanted! If you have time it would be awesome if you could help to enhance this application. __This app uses BigBlueButton and is not endorsed or certified by BigBlueButton Inc. BigBlueButton and the BigBlueButton Logo are trademarks of BigBlueButton Inc.__ ![Screenshot configuration](https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/raw/master/docs/screenshot-configuration.png) ## :heart_eyes: Features This integration provides the following features: * **Room setup** Create multiple room configurations with name, welcome message, ... * **Share guest link** Share the room link with all your guests * **Share rooms** Share rooms with members, groups or circles * **Custom presentation** Start a room with a selected presentation from your file browser * **Manage recordings** View, share and delete recordings for your rooms * **Restrictions** Restrict room creation to certain groups * **Activities** Get an overview of your room activities ## :rocket: Install it The easiest way to install this app is by using the [Nextcloud app store](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/bbb). If you like to build from source, please continue reading. To install it change into your Nextcloud's apps directory: cd nextcloud/apps Then run: git clone https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb.git bbb Then install the dependencies using: make build ## :gear: Configure it Get your BBB API url and secret by executing `sudo bbb-conf --secret` on your BBB server. ``` $ sudo bbb-conf --secret URL: https://bbb.your.domain/bigbluebutton/ Secret: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345679 Link to the API-Mate: https://mconf.github.io/api-mate/#server=https://... ``` Enter these values in the additional settings section on the admin configuration page of your Nextcloud instance. ![Screenshot admin section](https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/raw/master/docs/screenshot-admin.png) ## Create your first room Go to the BigBlueButton section inside your personal settings page and enter a room name. That's it. You can now distribute the room url. ## Enter a room from files Use the ... menu and select the desired BBB configuration to enter the room. Beware that if the room is already running the presentation will **not** be updated. Entering a room with a defined presentation works only if link shares are enabled and do not require authentication. See [#1](https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/issues/1) for details. ![Screenshot file browser](https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/raw/master/docs/screenshot-file-browser.png) ## :notebook: Notes - By using the [Link Editor](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/files_linkeditor) you can share rooms as any other file ## :pick: Troubleshooting - Before installing, make sure your BBB is running correctly - If the room doesn't appear in the ... menu of files, a browser/cache reload might help ## :heart: Sponsors Writing such an application is a lot of work and therefore we are specially thankful for people and organisations who are sponsoring features or bug fixes: - [Medienwerkstatt Minden-Lübbecke e.V.](https://www.medienwerkstatt.org) manage recordings ([#19]) - [Deutscher Bundesjugendring](https://www.dbjr.de) version [0.4.0], version [0.5.0] - [Graz University of Technology](https://www.tugraz.at) form action ([#47]), navigation entry ([#31]), restrictions ([#43], [#53]), circles ([#61]) - [Arawa](https://www.arawa.fr) UX audit - [Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für schulische Qualitätsentwicklung – Netzwerk Medienberatung](https://nlq.niedersachsen.de/) moderator url, UX improvements If you are looking for other ways to contribute to this project, you are welcome to look at our [contributor guidelines]. Every contribution is valuable :tada:. [contributor guidelines]: https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/blob/master/.github/contributing.md [#19]: https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/issues/19 [#47]: https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/issues/47 [#31]: https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/issues/31 [#43]: https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/issues/43 [#53]: https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/issues/53 [#61]: https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/issues/61 [0.4.0]: https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/releases/tag/v0.4.0 [0.5.0]: https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/releases/tag/v0.5.0