dist: bionic language: php php: - 7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4 services: - mysql - postgresql env: global: - CORE_BRANCH=stable20 - DB=mysql - LINT=false matrix: include: - php: 7.3 env: DB=sqlite - php: 7.4 env: DB=sqlite - php: 7.3 env: DB=pgsql - php: 7.4 env: DB=pgsql - php: 7.3 env: LINT=true - php: 7.2 env: DB=sqlite CORE_BRANCH=stable19 - php: 7.3 env: CORE_BRANCH=stable18 - php: 7.4 env: CORE_BRANCH=master - php: nightly env: DB=sqlite fast_finish: true allow_failures: - php: nightly - php: 7.4 env: "CORE_BRANCH=master" cache: yarn: true directories: - "$HOME/core/apps/bbb/node_modules" - "$HOME/.composer/cache/files" - "$HOME/.npm" #before_script: phpenv global 7.3 before_install: - php --info # Set up DB - if [[ "$DB" == 'pgsql' ]]; then createuser -U travis -s oc_autotest; fi - if [[ "$DB" == 'mysql' ]]; then mysql -u root -e 'create database oc_autotest;'; fi - if [[ "$DB" == 'mysql' ]]; then mysql -u root -e "CREATE USER 'oc_autotest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';"; fi - if [[ "$DB" == 'mysql' ]]; then mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL ON oc_autotest.* TO 'oc_autotest'@'localhost';"; fi - composer self-update - yarn install - yarn composer:install:dev - cd .. - git clone https://github.com/nextcloud/server.git --recursive --depth 1 -b $CORE_BRANCH core - mv cloud_bbb core/apps/bbb before_script: # Set up core - php -f core/occ maintenance:install --database-name oc_autotest --database-user oc_autotest --admin-user admin --admin-pass admin --database $DB --database-pass='' # Set up app - php -f core/occ app:enable bbb # Enable app twice to check occ errors of registered commands - php -f core/occ app:enable bbb - cd core/apps/bbb script: - php -v - yarn test - if [[ "$LINT" = 'true' ]]; then yarn lint; fi - if [[ "$LINT" = 'true' ]]; then yarn commitlint-travis; fi