# This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or # later. See the COPYING file. app_name=$(notdir $(CURDIR)) build_tools_directory=$(CURDIR)/build/tools composer=$(shell which composer 2> /dev/null) all: dev-setup lint build-js-production test build: install-composer-deps build-js # Dev env management dev-setup: clean clean-dev install-composer-deps-dev js-init composer.phar: curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php install-composer-deps: composer.phar php composer.phar install --no-dev -o install-composer-deps-dev: composer.phar php composer.phar install -o js-init: yarn install yarn-update: yarn update # Building build-js: js-init yarn run dev build-js-production: js-init yarn run build watch-js: js-init yarn run watch # Linting lint: js-init yarn run lint lint-fix: js-init yarn run lint:fix # Style linting stylelint: js-init yarn run stylelint stylelint-fix: js-init yarn run stylelint:fix phplint: ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run phplint-fix: ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix # Cleaning clean: rm -rf js/* clean-dev: rm -rf node_modules pack: mkdir -p archive tar --exclude='./Makefile' --exclude='./webpack*' --exclude='./.*' --exclude='./ts' --exclude='./tests' --exclude='./node_modules' --exclude='./archive' -zcvf ./archive/cloud_bbb.tar.gz . --transform s/^./bigbluebutton/ # Tests test: ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c phpunit.xml ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c phpunit.integration.xml