OC.L10N.register( "bbb", { "API URL or secret not configured. Please contact your administrator." : "Naslov URL API oziroma koda ni nastavljena. Stopite v stik s skrbnikom sistema.", "BigBlueButton Integration" : "Podpora BigBlueButton", "BigBlueButton integration for Nextcloud" : "Podpora Nextcloud za BigBlueButton", "This app allows to create meetings with an external installation of [BigBlueButton](https://bigbluebutton.org).\n\n* **Room setup** Create multiple room configurations with name, welcome message, ...\n* **Share guest link** Share the room link with all your guests\n* **Custom presentation** Start a room with a selected presentation from your file browser\n* **Manage recordings** View, share and delete recordings for your rooms\n\nDeveloper wanted! If you have time it would be awesome if you could help to enhance this application.\n\n*This app integrates BigBlueButton and is not endorsed or certified by BigBlueButton Inc. BigBlueButton and the BigBlueButton Logo are trademarks of BigBlueButton Inc.*" : "Program omogoča ustvarjanje srečanj na zunanji namestitvi strežnika [BigBlueButton](https://bigbluebutton.org).\n\n* **Nastavitve skupin** Ustvariti je mogoče več skupin z različnimi imeni, pozdravnimi sporočili ...\n* **Objava povezave za goste** Objava povezave za udeležbo tudi zunanjih sogovornikov\n* **Predstavitve po meri** Možnost začetka prestavitve z izbrano predstavitvijo iz datoteke\n* **Upravljanje s posnetki** Pregled, souporaba in urejanje posnetkov skupin\n\nIščejo se razvijalci! Če imate čas lahko pomagate pri razvoju programa.\n\n*Ta program ni podprt s strani skupine BigBlueButton. Ime in logotip podjetja BigBlueButton sta blagovni znamki BigBlueButton Inc.*", "Get your API URL and secret by executing \"sudo bbb-conf --secret\" on your BigBlueButton server." : "Naslov URL API in kodo je mogoče pridobiti z ukazom »sudo bbb-conf --secret« na strežniku BigBlueButton.", "API URL" : "Naslov URL API", "API secret" : "Koda API", "Save" : "Shrani", "Please enter your name!" : "Vpišite ime", "The name must be at least 3 characters long." : "Ime mora vsebovati vsaj 3 znake.", "Display name" : "Prikazno ime", "Name" : "Ime", "Welcome" : "Dobrodošli", "Max" : "Največ", "Record" : "Snemaj", "Recordings" : "Posnetki", "Room name" : "Ime skupine", "Create" : "Ustvari", "_%n participant_::_%n participants_" : ["%n udeleženec","%n udeleženca","%n udeleženci","%n udeležencev"], "Delete" : "Odstrani", "Are you sure you want to delete \"{name}\"? This operation can not be undone." : "Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti »{name}«? Opravila ni mogoče razveljaviti.", "Delete \"{name}\"?" : "Ali res želite odstraniti »{name}«?", "Select target folder" : "Izbor ciljne mape", "Room URL was stored in \"{path}\" as \"{filename}\"." : "Naslov URL skupine je shranjena na poti »{path}« kot »{filename}«.", "Link stored" : "Povezava je shranjena", "URL to room could not be stored." : "Naslova URL skupine ni mogoče shraniti.", "Error" : "Napaka", "URL to presentation was stored in \"{path}\" as \"{filename}\"." : "Naslov URL predstavitve je shranjena na poti »{path}« kot »{filename}«.", "URL to presentation could not be stored." : "Naslova URL do predstavitve ni mogoče shraniti.", "Are you sure you want to delete the recording from \"{startDate}\"? This operation can not be undone." : "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati posnetek z dne »{startDate}«? Opravila ni mogoče povrniti.", "Delete?" : "Ali želite izbrisati?", "Could not delete record" : "Zapisa ni mogoče izbrisati", "Server error" : "Napaka strežnika", "Settings saved" : "Nastavitve so shranjene.", "Unexpected error occurred" : "Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake", "API URL is invalid" : "Naslov URL API ni veljaven", "API secret is invalid" : "Koda API ni veljavna" }, "nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);");