diff --git a/l10n/gl.js b/l10n/gl.js index 7be6cfa..a4b126a 100644 --- a/l10n/gl.js +++ b/l10n/gl.js @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "API secret is invalid" : "O segredo da API é incorrecto", "URL has to start with HTTPS" : "O URL ten que comezar con HTTPS", "URL has to contain the {token} placeholder" : "O URL ten que conter o marcador de posición {token}", - "URL has to start with https:// and contain {token}. Additionally the {user} placeholder can be used." : "A URL ten que comezar con https:// e conter {token}. Ademais pódese usar o marcador de posición de {user}.", + "URL has to start with https:// and contain {token}. Additionally the {user} placeholder can be used." : "O URL ten que comezar con https:// e conter {token}. Ademais pódese usar o marcador de posición de {user}.", "Send to" : "Enviar a", "_This room is not open yet. We will try it again in %n second. Please wait._::_This room is not open yet. We will try it again in %n seconds. Please wait._" : ["Esta sala aínda non está aberta. Tentarémolo de novo en %n segundo. Agarde.","Esta sala aínda non está aberta. Tentarémolo de novo en %n segundos. Agarde."] }, diff --git a/l10n/gl.json b/l10n/gl.json index 634dcbc..823da46 100644 --- a/l10n/gl.json +++ b/l10n/gl.json @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ "API secret is invalid" : "O segredo da API é incorrecto", "URL has to start with HTTPS" : "O URL ten que comezar con HTTPS", "URL has to contain the {token} placeholder" : "O URL ten que conter o marcador de posición {token}", - "URL has to start with https:// and contain {token}. Additionally the {user} placeholder can be used." : "A URL ten que comezar con https:// e conter {token}. Ademais pódese usar o marcador de posición de {user}.", + "URL has to start with https:// and contain {token}. Additionally the {user} placeholder can be used." : "O URL ten que comezar con https:// e conter {token}. Ademais pódese usar o marcador de posición de {user}.", "Send to" : "Enviar a", "_This room is not open yet. We will try it again in %n second. Please wait._::_This room is not open yet. We will try it again in %n seconds. Please wait._" : ["Esta sala aínda non está aberta. Tentarémolo de novo en %n segundo. Agarde.","Esta sala aínda non está aberta. Tentarémolo de novo en %n segundos. Agarde."] },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"