feat: make nav label configurable

fix #124
sualko 2021-02-24 14:36:37 +01:00
parent c9f2116219
commit b28469ada4
2 changed files with 25 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -63,11 +63,28 @@ configuration page of your Nextcloud instance.
![Screenshot admin section](https://github.com/sualko/cloud_bbb/raw/master/docs/screenshot-admin.png)
## Create your first room
### Manual configuration (for experts)
If you prefer not to use the web interface for configuration, you will find all
used configuration keys in the list below. Please beware that there will be no
check if those values are correct. Therefore this is not the recommended way.
The syntax to set all settings is `occ config:app:set bbb KEY --value "VALUE"`.
Key | Description
--------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`app.navigation` | Set to `true` to show navigation entry
`app.navigation.name` | Defines the navigation label. Default "BigBlueButton".
`api.url` | URL to your BBB server. Should start with `https://`
`api.secret` | Secret of your BBB server
`app.shortener` | Value of your shortener service. Should start with `https://` and contain `{token}`.
## :bowtie: User guide
### Create your first room
Go to the BigBlueButton section inside your personal settings page and enter a
room name. That's it. You can now distribute the room url.
## Enter a room from files
### Enter a room from files
Use the ... menu and select the desired BBB configuration to enter the room.
Beware that if the room is already running the presentation will **not** be
updated. Entering a room with a defined presentation works only if link shares

View File

@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ class Application extends App {
$config = $container->query(IConfig::class);
if ($config->getAppValue(self::ID, 'app.navigation') === 'true') {
$name = $config->getAppValue(self::ID, 'app.navigation.name', 'BigBlueButton');
} else {
@ -56,16 +58,16 @@ class Application extends App {
$settingsManager->registerSetting(ISettingsManager::KEY_PERSONAL_SETTINGS, \OCA\BigBlueButton\Settings\Personal::class);
private function registerAsNavigationEntry() {
private function registerAsNavigationEntry(string $name) {
$server = $this->getContainer()->getServer();
$server->getNavigationManager()->add(function () use ($server) {
$server->getNavigationManager()->add(function () use ($server, $name) {
return [
'id' => self::ID,
'order' => 80,
'href' => $server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute('bbb.page.index'),
'icon' => $server->getURLGenerator()->imagePath('bbb', 'app.svg'),
'name' => 'BigBlueButton',
'name' => $name,