"BigBlueButton integration for Nextcloud":"BigBlueButton integrācija priekš Nextcloud",
"This app allows to create meetings with an external installation of [BigBlueButton](https://bigbluebutton.org).\n\n* **Room setup** Create multiple room configurations with name, welcome message, ...\n* **Share guest link** Share the room link with all your guests\n* **Custom presentation** Start a room with a selected presentation from your file browser\n* **Manage recordings** View, share and delete recordings for your rooms\n\nDeveloper wanted! If you have time it would be awesome if you could help to enhance this application.\n\n*This app integrates BigBlueButton and is not endorsed or certified by BigBlueButton Inc. BigBlueButton and the BigBlueButton Logo are trademarks of BigBlueButton Inc.*":"Šī programma ļauj veidot video sapulces ar attālinātu [BigBlueButton](https://bigbluebutton.org) instalāciju.\n\n* **Sapulču telpu iestatīšana** Veidojiet sapulču telpu konfigurācijas ar nosaukumiem, sveicieniem, ...\n* **Kopīgo viesa saiti** Kopīgo sapulču telpu saiti jebkuram dalībniekam\n* **Pielāgotas prezentācijas** Startēt istabu ar īpaši izvēlētu jūsu prezentāciju\n* **Pārvaldīt ierakstus** Skati, kopīgo vai dzēs istabu ierakstus.\n\nVajag izstrādātājus! Ja tev ir laiks un vēlies palīdzēt uzlabot šo programmu.\n\n*Š\"i programma integrē BigBlueButton un tā nav atbalstīta vai sertificēta no BigBlueButton Inc. BigBlueButton un BigBlueButton Logo ir BigBlueButton Inc. preču zīmes.",
"API secret":"API slepenais kods",
"Please enter your name!":"Ludzu ieraksties savu vārdu@",
"The name must be at least 3 characters long.":"Vārdam jābūt vismaz 3 rakstzīmes garam.",