"API URL or secret not configured. Please contact your administrator.":"URL ou secreto da API sen configurar. Póñase en contacto co seu administrador.",
"BigBlueButton Integration":"Integración co BigBlueButton",
"BigBlueButton integration for Nextcloud":"Integración para o Nextcloud co BigBlueButton",
"This app allows to create meetings with an external installation of [BigBlueButton](https://bigbluebutton.org).\n\n* **Room setup** Create multiple room configurations with name, welcome message, ...\n* **Share guest link** Share the room link with all your guests\n* **Custom presentation** Start a room with a selected presentation from your file browser\n* **Manage recordings** View, share and delete recordings for your rooms\n\nDeveloper wanted! If you have time it would be awesome if you could help to enhance this application.\n\n*This app integrates BigBlueButton and is not endorsed or certified by BigBlueButton Inc. BigBlueButton and the BigBlueButton Logo are trademarks of BigBlueButton Inc.*":"Esta aplicación permite crear xuntanzas cunha instalación externa de [BigBlueButton] (https://bigbluebutton.org).\n\n* **Configuración de salas* Crear múltiples configuracións de salas con nome, mensaxe de benvida, ...\n* **Compartir a ligazón de convidados** Compartir a ligazón da sala con todos os teus convidados\n* **Presentación personalizada** Inicie unha sala cunha presentación seleccionada dende o seu navegadorr de ficheiros\n* **Xestionar as gravacións** Ver, compartir e eliminar as gravacións das súas salas\n\nBúscase desenvolvedor! Se tes tempo, sería fantástico se puideses axudar a mellorar esta aplicación.\n\n*Esta aplicación integra BigBlueButton e non está avaliada nin certificada por BigBlueButton Inc. BigBlueButton e o logotipo de BigBlueButton son marcas comerciais de BigBlueButton Inc.*",
"Get your API URL and secret by executing \"sudo bbb-conf --secret\" on your BigBlueButton server.":"Obter o URL e o secreto da API executando «sudo bbb-conf --secret» no servidor BigBlueButton.",
"Are you sure you want to delete \"{name}\"? This operation can not be undone.":"Confirma que quere eliminar «{name}»? Non é posíbel desfacer esta operación.",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recording from \"{startDate}\"? This operation can not be undone.":"Confirma que queres eliminar a gravación de «{startDate}»? Non é posíbel desfacer esta operación.",