{ "semantics":[ { "label":"Quiz introduction", "fields":[ { "label":"Display introduction" }, { "label":"Title", "description":"This title will be displayed above the introduction text." }, { "label":"Introduction text", "description":"This text will be displayed before the quiz starts." }, { "label":"Start button text", "default":"Start Quiz" }, { "label":"Background image", "description":"An optional background image for the introduction." } ] }, { "label":"Background image", "description":"An optional background image for the Question set." }, { "label":"Progress indicator", "description":"Question set progress indicator style.", "options":[ { "label":"Textual" }, { "label":"Dots" } ] }, { "label":"Pass percentage", "description":"Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz." }, { "label":"Questions", "widgets":[ { "label":"Default" }, { "label":"Textual" } ], "entity":"question", "field":{ "label":"Question type", "description":"Library for this question." } }, { "label":"Interface texts in quiz", "fields":[ { "label":"Back button", "default":"Previous question" }, { "label":"Next button", "default":"Next question" }, { "label":"Finish button", "default":"Finish" }, { "label":"Progress text", "description":"Text used if textual progress is selected.", "default":"Question: @current of @total questions" }, { "label":"Label for jumping to a certain question", "description":"You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.", "default":"Question %d of %total" }, { "label":"Copyright dialog question label", "default":"Question" }, { "label":"Readspeaker progress", "description":"May use @current and @total question variables", "default":"Question @current of @total" }, { "label":"Unanswered question text", "default":"Unanswered" }, { "label":"Answered question text", "default":"Answered" }, { "label":"Current question text", "default":"Current question" } ] }, { "label":"Disable backwards navigation", "description":"This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set" }, { "label":"Randomize questions", "description":"Enable to randomize the order of questions on display." }, { "label":"Number of questions to be shown:", "description":"Create a randomized batch of questions from the total." }, { "label":"Quiz finished", "fields":[ { "label":"Display results" }, { "label":"Display solution button" }, { "label":"No results message", "description":"Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled", "default":"Finished" }, { "label":"Feedback heading", "default":"Your result:", "description":"This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions." }, { "label":"Score display text", "description":"Text used to display Total user score. \"@score\" will be replaced by calculated score, \"@total\" will be replaced by maximum possible score. ", "default":"You got @score of @total points" }, { "label":"Quiz passed greeting", "placeholder":"Congratulations!", "default":"Congratulations!", "description":"This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz." }, { "label":"Passed comment", "default":"You did very well!", "description":"This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz." }, { "label":"Quiz failed title", "default":"You did not pass this time.", "description":"This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz." }, { "label":"Failed comment", "default":"Have another try!", "description":"This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz." }, { "label":"Solution button label", "default":"Show solution", "description":"Text for the solution button." }, { "label":"Retry button label", "default":"Retry", "description":"Text for the retry button." }, { "label":"Finish button text", "default":"Finish" }, { "label":"Display video before quiz results" }, { "label":"Enable skip video button" }, { "label":"Skip video button label", "default":"Skip video" }, { "label":"Passed video", "description":"This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz." }, { "label":"Fail video", "description":"This video will be played if the user failes the quiz." } ] }, { "label":"Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons", "fields":[ { "label":"Override \"Show Solution\" button", "description":"This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.", "options":[ { "label":"Enabled" }, { "label":"Disabled" } ] }, { "label":"Override \"Retry\" button", "description":"This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.", "options":[ { "label":"Enabled" }, { "label":"Disabled" } ] } ] } ] }