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1 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
08f3c23b43 |
@ -247,9 +247,3 @@
.h5p-no-frame .questionset .h5p-question > *:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
/* Hide the fullscreen button rendered by H5P.DragQuestion */
.questionset .h5p-question.h5p-dragquestion .h5p-my-fullscreen-button-enter,
.questionset .h5p-question.h5p-dragquestion .h5p-my-fullscreen-button-exit {
display: none;
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
prevButton: 'Previous question',
nextButton: 'Next question',
finishButton: 'Finish',
submitButton: 'Submit',
textualProgress: 'Question: @current of @total questions',
jumpToQuestion: 'Question %d of %total',
questionLabel: 'Question',
@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
overallFeedback: [],
finishButtonText: 'Finish',
submitButtonText: 'Submit',
solutionButtonText: 'Show solution',
retryButtonText: 'Retry',
showAnimations: false,
@ -67,8 +65,6 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
override: {},
disableBackwardsNavigation: false
this.isSubmitting = contentData
&& (contentData.isScoringEnabled || contentData.isReportingEnabled);
var params = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
var texttemplate =
@ -468,6 +464,10 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
if (typeof questionInstances[i].setXAPIData === 'function') {
continue; // TODO: Temporary until we implement support setXAPIData...
try {
// Do not read answers
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
* Used for contracts with integrated content.
* @public
this.resetTask = function () {
var resetTask = function () {
// Clear previous state to ensure questions are created cleanly
contentData.previousState = [];
@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
message: params.endGame.showResultPage ? params.endGame.message : params.endGame.noResultMessage,
comment: params.endGame.showResultPage ? (success ? params.endGame.oldFeedback.successGreeting : params.endGame.oldFeedback.failGreeting) : undefined,
resulttext: params.endGame.showResultPage ? (success ? params.endGame.oldFeedback.successComment : params.endGame.oldFeedback.failComment) : undefined,
finishButtonText: (self.isSubmitting) ? params.endGame.submitButtonText : params.endGame.finishButtonText,
finishButtonText: params.endGame.finishButtonText,
solutionButtonText: params.endGame.solutionButtonText,
retryButtonText: params.endGame.retryButtonText
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
hookUpButton('.qs-retrybutton', function () {
var $intro = $('.intro-page', $myDom);
@ -877,8 +877,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
// Add finish button
const finishButtonText = (self.isSubmitting) ? params.texts.submitButton : params.endGame.finishButton
question.addButton('finish', finishButtonText,
question.addButton('finish', params.texts.finishButton,
moveQuestion.bind(this, 1), false);
// Add next button
@ -1247,16 +1246,47 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
* Get context data.
* Contract used for confusion report.
this.getContext = function () {
// Get question index and add 1, count starts from 0
return {
type: 'question',
value: (currentQuestion + 1)
this.setXAPIData = function (data) {
if (!data.subContentId || data.subContentId === this.subContentId) {
// This is our data
if (data.success === false) {
// Unable to determine data
console.error('Error error error 1 2 3');
if (data.type === 'feedback') {
// Set score?
else if (data.type === 'solution') {
// Nothing?
// Check if we have any data for our children
if (data.children && data.children.length === questionInstances.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < questionInstances.length; i++) {
if (typeof questionInstances[i].setXAPIData === 'function') {
return true;
else {
// Someone elses data, let's try to find them.
for (let i = 0; i < questionInstances.length; i++) {
if (typeof questionInstances[i].setXAPIData === 'function') {
if (questionInstances[i].setXAPIData(data)) {
return true; // Let parent know we found the owner of the data
H5P.QuestionSet.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype);
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
@ -1,172 +1,168 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Vasvra inleiding",
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "Vertoon inleiding"
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "Titel",
"description": "Hierdie titel sal bo die inleidende teks vertoon word."
"label": "Title",
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "Inleidende teks",
"description": "Hierdie teks sal vertoon word voor die vasvra begin."
"label": "Introduction text",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "Beginknoppie teks",
"default": "Begin vasvra"
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "Start Quiz"
"label": "Agtergrondprent",
"description": "'n Opsionele agtergrondprent vir die inleiding."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "Agtergrondprent",
"description": "'n Vrywillige agtergrondprent vir die vraagstel."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "Vorderingaanwyser",
"description": "Vraagstel vorderingaanwyser styl.",
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "Tekstueel"
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Kolletjies"
"label": "Dots"
"label": "Slaag persentasie",
"description": "Persentasie van totale telling wat vereis word om vasvra te slaag."
"label": "Pass percentage",
"description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label": "Vrae",
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "Verstek"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Tekstueel"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "vraag",
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "Vraagtipe",
"description": "Biblioteek vir hierdie vraag."
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "Koppelvlaktekste in vasvra",
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "Terug knoppie",
"default": "Vorige vraag"
"label": "Back button",
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "Volgende knoppie",
"default": "Volgende vraag"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "Next question"
"label": "Klaar knoppie",
"default": "Klaar"
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "Vordering teks",
"description": "Teks gebruik indien tektuele vordering gekies is.",
"default": "Vraag: @current van @total vrae"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "Etiket om te spring tot 'n bepaalde vraag",
"description": "Jy moet die plekhouer '%d' in stede van die vraagnommer, en %total in stede van die totale aantal vrae gebruik.",
"default": "Vraag %d van %total"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Question"
"label": "Kopiereg dialoog vraagetiket",
"default": "Vraag"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "Spreekleser vordering",
"description": "Mag @current en @total vraagveranderlikes gebruik",
"default": "Vraag @current uit @total"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label": "Onbeantwoorde vraagteks",
"default": "Onbeantwoord"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Answered"
"label": "Beantwoorde vraagteks",
"default": "Beantwoord"
"label": "Huidige vraagteks",
"default": "Huidige vraag"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "Current question"
"label": "Verbied agteruitnavigasie",
"description": "Hierdie keuse laat jou slegs toe om vorentoe te beweeg met die vraagstel"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Skommel vrae",
"description": "Aktiveer ewekansige orde van vrae op vooraansig."
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label": "Aantal vrae om te wys:",
"description": "Skep 'n ewekansige bondel vrae uit die somtotaal."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "Vasvra klaar",
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "Vertoon uitslae"
"label": "Display results"
"label": "Vertoon oplossing knoppie"
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "Vertoon probeer weer knoppie"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Geen uitslae boodskap",
"description": "Teks word op die eindblad vertoon wanneer 'Vertoonresultate' gedeaktiveer is",
"default": "Klaar"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label": "Terugvoer opskrif",
"default": "Jou uitslae:",
"description": "Hierdie opskrif sal aan die einde van die vasvra vertoon wanneer die gebruiker al die vrae beantwoord het."
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Your result:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "Algehele terugvoer",
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Verstek"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Bepaal verstekterugvoer vir enige reeks tellings",
"description": "Voorbeeld: 0-20% Swak telling, 21-91% Gemiddelde telling, 91-100% Uitstekende telling!",
"entity": "reeks",
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Telreeks"
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "Terugvoer vir gedefinieerde telreeks",
"placeholder": "Vul die terugvoer in"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
@ -174,96 +170,92 @@
"label": "Ou terugvoer",
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "Vasvra geslaag begroeting",
"description": "Hierdie teks sal bo die telling vertoon word sodra die gebruiker die vasvra suksesvol geslaag het."
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Geslaag kommentaar",
"description": "Hierdie opmerking sal na die telling vertoon word as die gebruiker die vasvra suksesvol geslaag het."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Vasvra misluk titel",
"description": "Hierdie teks sal bo die telling vertoon word as die gebruiker nie die vasvra het nie."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Gedruip kommentaar",
"description": "Hierdie opmerking sal na die telling vertoon word as die gebruiker die vasvra gedruip het."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Antwoord knoppie-etiket",
"default": "Wys antwoord",
"description": "Teks vir die antwoord knoppie."
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Show solution",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "Probeer weer knoppie etiket",
"default": "Probeer weer",
"description": "Teks vir die probeer weer knoppie."
"label": "Retry button label",
"default": "Retry",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "Klaar knoppieteks",
"default": "Klaar"
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "Vertoon video voor vasvra uitslae"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "Aktiveer slaan video oor knoppie"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Skip video"
"label": "Slaan video oor etiket",
"default": "Slaan video oor"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Video geslaag",
"description": "Hierdie video sal gespeel word indien die gebruiker die vasvra geslaag het."
"label": "Druip video",
"description": "Hierdie video sal gespeel word indien die gebruiker die vasvra gedruip het."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "Instellings vir die \"Wys antwoord\" en \"Probeer weer\" knoppies",
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "Wys \"Toets\" knoppies",
"description": "Hierdie opsie bepaal of die \"Toets\" knoppie vir alle vrae gewys sal word."
"label": "Show \"Check\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Check\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "Oorskry \"Wys oplossing\" knoppie",
"description": "Hierdie opsie bepaal of die \"Wys antwoord\" -knoppie vir alle vrae getoon word, vir almal uitgeskakel of afsonderlik vir elke vraag ingestel word.",
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Aktiveer"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Deaktiveer"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "Oorskry \"Probeer weer\" knoppie",
"description": "Hierdie opsie bepaal of die \"Probeer weer\" -knoppie vir alle vrae getoon word, vir almal uitgeskakel of afsonderlik vir elke vraag ingestel word.",
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Aktiveer"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Deaktiveer"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "زر الانتهاء",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "نص التقدم",
"description": "النص المستخدم إذا تم تحديد التقدم نصيا",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "نص زر الانتهاء",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "عرض الفيديو قبل نتائج المسابقة"
@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Въведение в теста",
"fields": [
"label": "Показване на въведение"
"label": "Заглавие",
"description": "Това заглавие ще се показва над въвеждащия текст."
"label": "Въвеждащ текст",
"description": "Този текст ще се показва преди началото на теста."
"label": "Текст на бутона за начало",
"default": "Начало на теста"
"label": "Фоново изображение",
"description": "Незадължително фоново изображение за въведението."
"label": "Фоново изображение",
"description": "Незадължително фоново изображение за въпросите."
"label": "Индикатор на напредъка",
"description": "Стил за индикатор на напредъка.",
"options": [
"label": "Текстов"
"label": "Точки"
"label": "Процент за успешно преминаване",
"description": "Процент от Общия брой точки за успешно решение на теста."
"label": "Въпроси",
"widgets": [
"label": "По подразбиране"
"label": "Текстов"
"entity": "въпрос",
"field": {
"label": "Тип въпрос",
"description": "Бибилиотека за този въпрос."
"label": "Текстове в теста",
"fields": [
"label": "Назад",
"default": "Предишен въпрос"
"label": "Напред",
"default": "Следващ въпрос"
"label": "Бутон Край",
"default": "Край"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Текст за напредък",
"description": "Текст, който се използва в случай, че е избран да се показва напредъка.",
"default": "Въпрос: @current от @total въпроси"
"label": "Етикет за преминаване към определен въпрос",
"description": "Трябва да използвате '%d' вместо номер на въпрос и %total вместо общ брой въпроси.",
"default": "Въпрос %d от %total"
"label": "Етикет за диалогов прозорец Copyright",
"default": "Въпрос"
"label": "Readspeaker напредък",
"description": "Може да използвате променливи @current и @total за въпросите",
"default": "Въпрос @current от @total"
"label": "Текст за нерешен въпрос",
"default": "Не е даден отговор"
"label": "Текст за решен въпрос",
"default": "Даден е отговор"
"label": "Текст за настоящ въпрос",
"default": "Настоящ въпрос"
"label": "Деактивиране на придвижването назад",
"description": "Тази настройка позволява придвижването само напред в теста"
"label": "Разбъркване на въпросите",
"description": "Позволява разбъркването на въпросите при показване."
"label": "Брой въпроси, които да бъдат показани:",
"description": "Създава група от произволно подбрани въпроси."
"label": "Край на теста",
"fields": [
"label": "Покажи резултати"
"label": "Бутон Покажи решение"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Няма съобщение за резултати",
"description": "Текст, който ще се показва на последната страница, когато \"Покажи резултати\" не е активирано",
"default": "Завършен"
"label": "Заглавие за обратна връзка",
"default": "Вашият резултат:",
"description": "Това заглавие ще се показва накрая на теста, когато ученикът е отговорил на всички въпроси."
"label": "Обща обратна връзка",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "По подразбиране"
"label": "Персонална обратна връзка за всеки диапазон от точки",
"description": "Пример: 0-20% Слаб резултат, 21-91% Среден резултат, 91-100% Отличен резултат!",
"entity": "диапазон",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Диапазон на резултата"
"label": "Обратна връзка за дефиниран диапазон на резултата",
"placeholder": "Въведете обратна връзка"
"label": "Стара обратна връзка",
"fields": [
"label": "Поздравления за успешно решен тест",
"description": "Този текст ще се показва над резултата, когато ученикът реши теста успешно."
"label": "Коментар за успешно решен тест",
"description": "Този коментар ще се показва след резултата, когато ученикът реши теста успешно."
"label": "Заглавие за неуспешно решен тест",
"description": "Този текст ще се показва над резултата, когато ученикът не се справи с теста."
"label": "Коментар за неуспешно решен тест",
"description": "Този коментар ще се показва след резултата, когато ученикът не се справи с теста."
"label": "Етикет за бутон Покажи решение",
"default": "Покажи решение",
"description": "Текст за бутон Покажи решение."
"label": "Етикет за бутон Опитай пак",
"default": "Опитай пак",
"description": "Текст за бутон Опитай пак."
"label": "Текст за бутон Край",
"default": "Край"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Показване на видео преди резултатите от теста"
"label": "Разреши бутон Пропусни видеото"
"label": "Етикет за бутон Пропусни видеото",
"default": "Пропусни видеото"
"label": "Видео при успех",
"description": "Това видео ще се покаже, когато ученикът премине теста успешно."
"label": "Видео при неуспех",
"description": "Това видео ще се покаже, когато ученикът НЕ премине теста успешно."
"label": "Настройки за бутони \"Покажи решение\" и \"Опитай пак\" ",
"fields": [
"label": "Покажи бутони \"Провери\" ",
"description": "Тази настройка определя дали бутон \"Провери\" да се показва за всички въпроси."
"label": "Отмяна на бутон \"Покажи решение\" ",
"description": "Тази настройка определя дали бутон \"Покажи решение\" да се показва за всички въпроси, да не се показва за всички или да се настройва индивидуално за всеки въпрос.",
"options": [
"label": "Активирано"
"label": "Деактивирано"
"label": "Отмяна на бутон \"Опитай пак\" ",
"description": "Тази настройка определя дали бутон \"Опитай пак\" да се показва за всички въпроси, да не се показва за всички или да се настройва индивидуално за всеки въпрос.",
"options": [
"label": "Активирано"
"label": "Деактивирано"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Oznaka za dugme \"Završi\"",
"default": "Kraj"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Početni tekst",
"description": "Koristi tekst ako je izabran za napredak u pisanom obliku.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Prikaži video prije rezultata kviza",
"default": "Kraj"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Aktiviraj dugme \"Preskoči vidio\""
@ -1,172 +1,168 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Introducció al qüestionari",
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "Mostra la introdució"
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "Títol",
"description": "Aquest títol es mostrarà a sobre del text d’introducció."
"label": "Title",
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "Text d’introducció",
"description": "Aquest text es mostrarà abans de començar el qüestionari."
"label": "Text d'introducció",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "Text del botó \"Inicia\"",
"default": "Inicia el qüestionari"
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "Start Quiz"
"label": "Imatge de fons",
"description": "Una imatge de fons opcional per a la introducció."
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "Imatge de fons",
"description": "Imatge de fons opcional per al conjunt de preguntes."
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "Indicador de progrés",
"description": "Estil de l’indicador de progrés del conjunt de preguntes.",
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Punts"
"label": "Dots"
"label": "Percentatge per aprovar el qüestionari",
"description": "Percentatge de la puntuació total requerida per aprovar el qüestionari."
"label": "Percentatge per passar",
"description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label": "Preguntes",
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "Opció predeterminada"
"label": "Per defecte"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "pregunta",
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "Tipus de pregunta",
"description": "Biblioteca per a aquesta pregunta."
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "Textos de la interfície al qüestionari",
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "Botó \"Enrere\"",
"default": "Pregunta anterior"
"label": "Back button",
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "Botó següent",
"default": "Pregunta següent"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "Next question"
"label": "Botó \"Finalitza\"",
"default": "Finalitza"
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Acabar"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "Text del progrés",
"description": "Text que s’utilitza si se selecciona el progrés textual.",
"default": "Pregunta: @current de @total"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "Etiqueta per saltar a una pregunta concreta",
"description": "Heu d’utilitzar l’espai reservat \"%d\" en lloc del número de pregunta i %total en lloc del nombre de preguntes total.",
"default": "Pregunta %d del %total"
"label": "Etiqueta de la pregunta del quadre de diàleg de drets d’autor",
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Pregunta"
"label": "Progrés de l’altaveu de lectura",
"description": "Pot utilitzar variables de pregunta @current i @total",
"default": "Pregunta @current de @total"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "Text de la pregunta sense respondre",
"default": "No s’ha respost"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label": "Text de la pregunta resposta",
"default": "Respost"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Answered"
"label": "Text de la pregunta actual",
"default": "Pregunta actual"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "Current question"
"label": "Desactiva la possibilitat de navegar enrere",
"description": "Aquesta opció només us permetrà avançar pel conjunt de preguntes"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Distribueix les preguntes aleatòriament",
"description": "Permeteu que les preguntes es distribueixin aleatòriament a la pantalla."
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label": "Nombre de preguntes a mostrar:",
"description": "Creeu un conjunt aleatori de preguntes extret del total de preguntes."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "El qüestionari ha finalitzat",
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "Mostra els resultats"
"label": "Display results"
"label": "Mostra el botó \"Solució\""
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "Mostra el botó per tornar-ho a provar"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Missatge \"Sense resultats\"",
"description": "Text que es mostra a l’última pàgina quan l’opció \"Mostra els resultats\" està desactivada",
"default": "Finalitzat"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label": "Encapçalament de la retroacció",
"default": "El seu resultat:",
"description": "Aquest títol es mostrarà al final del qüestionari quan l’usuari hagi respost a totes les preguntes."
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Your result:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "Suggeriment general",
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Opció predeterminada"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Defineix una valoració per cada rang de puntuació",
"description": "Exemple: 0-20% per a puntuació baixa, 21-91% per a puntuació mitjana, 91-100% per a puntuació excel·lent",
"entity": "rang",
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Rang de puntuació"
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "Suggeriment per al rang de puntuació definit",
"placeholder": "Introduïu el suggeriment"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
@ -174,96 +170,92 @@
"label": "Suggeriments antics",
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "L’enhorabona per a qüestionari superat",
"description": "Aquest text es mostrarà a sobre de la puntuació, si l’usuari ha superat el qüestionari."
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Comentari per a qüestionari superat",
"description": "Aquest comentari es mostrarà després de la puntuació si l’usuari ha superat el qüestionari correctament."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Títol de qüestionari no superat",
"description": "Aquest text es mostrarà a sobre de la puntuació, si l’usuari no ha superat el qüestionari."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Ha fallat el comentari",
"description": "Aquest comentari es mostrarà després de la puntuació, si l’usuari no ha superat el qüestionari."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Etiqueta del botó \"Solució\"",
"default": "Mostra la solució",
"description": "Text per al botó de solució."
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Mostrar solució",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "Etiqueta del botó \"Torna-ho a provar\"",
"default": "Torna-ho a provar",
"description": "Text del botó \"Torna-ho a provar\"."
"label": "Etiqueta del botó \"Tornar-ho a provar\"",
"default": "Tornar-ho a provar",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "Text del botó \"Finalitza\"",
"default": "Finalitza"
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Acabar"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "Mostra el vídeo abans dels resultats del qüestionari"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "Activa el botó de saltar el vídeo"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Skip video"
"label": "Etiqueta del botó \"Omet el vídeo\"",
"default": "Omet el vídeo"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Vídeo per a qüestionari superat",
"description": "Aquest vídeo es reproduirà si l’usuari supera el qüestionari."
"label": "Vídeo fallit",
"description": "Aquest vídeo es reproduirà si l’usuari falla el qüestionari."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "Configuració dels botons \"Mostra la solució\" i \"Torna-ho a provar\"",
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "Mostra els botons \"Comprova\"",
"description": "Aquesta opció determina si es mostrarà el botó \"Comprovar\" per a totes les preguntes."
"label": "Show \"Check\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Check\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "Substitueix el botó \"Mostra la solució\"",
"description": "Aquesta opció determina si el botó \"Mostra la solució\" es mostrarà per a totes les preguntes, es desactivarà per a totes o es configurarà per a cada pregunta individualment.",
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Activat"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Desactivat"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "Substitueix el botó \"Torna-ho a provar\"",
"description": "Aquesta opció determina si es mostrarà el botó \"Torna-ho a provar\" per a totes les preguntes, es desactivarà per a totes o es configurarà per a cada pregunta individualment.",
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Activat"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Desactivat"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -1,172 +1,168 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Úvod do testu",
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "Zobrazit úvod"
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "Nadpis",
"description": "Tento nadpis se zobrazí nad úvodním textem."
"label": "Title",
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "Úvodní text",
"description": "Tento text se zobrazí před spuštěním testu."
"label": "Introduction text",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "Text tlačítka Start",
"default": "Start testu"
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "Start Quiz"
"label": "Obrázek na pozadí",
"description": "Volitelný obrázek na pozadí pro úvod."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "Obrázek na pozadí",
"description": "Volitelný obrázek na pozadí pro sadu otázek."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "Ukazatel průběhu",
"description": "Styl ukazatele průběhu testu.",
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "Textový"
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Tečky"
"label": "Dots"
"label": "Procento úspěšnosti",
"description": "Procento z celkového skóre požadovaného pro absolvování testu."
"label": "Pass percentage",
"description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label": "Otázky",
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "Výchozí"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Textové"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "otázka",
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "Typ otázky",
"description": "Knihovna pro tuto otázku."
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "Rozhraní v testu",
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "Tlačítko Zpět",
"default": "Předchozí otázka"
"label": "Back button",
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "Tlačítko Další",
"default": "Další otázka"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "Next question"
"label": "Tlačítko Dokončit",
"default": "Dokončit"
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "Text průběhu",
"description": "Text použitý, pokud je vybrán textový průběh.",
"default": "Otázka: @current z @total otázek"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "Popisek pro skok na určitou otázku",
"description": "Musíte použít zástupný symbol \"%d\" namísto čísla otázky, a %total namísto celkového počtu otázek.",
"default": "Otázka %d z %total"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Question"
"label": "Popisek s otázkou dialogového okna autorských práv",
"default": "Otázka"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "Průběh čtení čtečky",
"description": "Mohou používat proměnné otázek @current a @total",
"default": "Otázka @current z @total"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label": "Text nezodpovězené otázky",
"default": "Nezodpovězeno"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Answered"
"label": "Text odpovězené otázky",
"default": "Odpovězeno"
"label": "Text aktuální otázky",
"default": "Aktuální otázka"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "Current question"
"label": "Zakázat navigaci zpět",
"description": "Tato možnost vám umožní postupovat v sadě otázek pouze vpřed"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Náhodné otázky",
"description": "Povolit náhodný výběr pořadí zobrazovaných otázek."
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label": "Počet otázek, které se mají zobrazit:",
"description": "Vytvořte náhodnou dávku otázek z celkového počtu."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "Test skončil",
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "Zobrazit výsledky"
"label": "Display results"
"label": "Zobrazit tlačítko řešení"
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "Zobrazit tlačítko opakování"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Žádná zpráva o výsledcích",
"description": "Text zobrazený na konci stránky, když je zakázáno \"Zobrazit výsledky\"",
"default": "Dokončeno"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label": "Zpětná vazba",
"default": "Váš výsledek:",
"description": "Tento nadpis se zobrazí na konci testu, když uživatel odpoví na všechny otázky."
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Your result:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "Celková zpětná vazba",
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Výchozí"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Definujte vlastní zpětnou vazbu pro libovolný rozsah skóre",
"description": "Příklad: 0-20% špatné skóre, 21-91% průměrné skóre, 91-100% výborné skóre!",
"entity": "rozsah",
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Rozsah skóre"
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "Zpětná vazba pro definovaný rozsah skóre",
"placeholder": "Vyplňte zpětnou vazbu"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
@ -174,96 +170,92 @@
"label": "Stará zpětná vazba",
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "Pozdrav úspěšného testu",
"description": "Tento text se zobrazí nad skóre, pokud uživatel úspěšně prošel testem."
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Úspěšný komentář",
"description": "Tento komentář se zobrazí po skóre, pokud uživatel úspěšně prošel testem."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Test se nezdařil",
"description": "Tento text se zobrazí nad skóre, pokud uživatel byl v testu neúspěšný."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Komentář při neúspěchu",
"description": "Tento komentář se zobrazí po skóre, pokud uživatel byl v testu neúspěšný."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Popisek tlačítka řešení",
"default": "Zobrazit řešení",
"description": "Text tlačítka řešení."
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Show solution",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "Popisek tlačítka opakovat",
"default": "Opakovat",
"description": "Text tlačítka opakovat."
"label": "Retry button label",
"default": "Retry",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "Popisek tlačítka dokončit",
"default": "Dokončit"
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "Zobrazit video před výsledky testu"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "Povolit tlačítko přeskočit video"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Skip video"
"label": "Popisek tlačítka Přeskočit video",
"default": "Přeskočit video"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Přehrát video",
"description": "Toto video se přehraje, pokud uživatel úspěšně prošel testem."
"label": "Video při neúspěchu",
"description": "Toto video se přehraje, pokud uživatel byl v testu neúspěšný."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "Nastavení tlačítek \"Zobrazit výsledek\" a \"Opakovat\"",
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "Zobrazit tlačítko \"Zkontrolovat\"",
"description": "Tato volba určuje, zda se u všech otázek zobrazí tlačítko \"Zkontrolovat\" ."
"label": "Show \"Check\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Check\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "Přepsat tlačítko \"Zobrazit řešení\"",
"description": "Tato volba určuje, zda se u všech otázek zobrazí tlačítko \"Zobrazit řešení\" , nebo bude zakázané pro všechny nebo nakonfigurované pro každou otázku samostatně.",
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Povoleno"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Zakázáno"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "Přepsat tlačítko \"Opakovat\"",
"description": "Tato volba určuje, zda se u všech otázek zobrazí tlačítko \"Opakovat\" , nebo bude zakázané pro všechny nebo nakonfigurované pro každou otázku samostatně.",
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Povoleno"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Zakázáno"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Beschriftung des \"Beenden\"-Buttons",
"default": "Beenden"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Text der Fortschrittsanzeige",
"description": "Verwendeter Text, wenn Fortschrittsanzeige in Textform gewählt wurde.",
@ -114,7 +110,7 @@
"label": "Rückwärts-Navigation deaktivieren",
"description": "Wenn aktiviert, kann der Nutzer nur vorwärts durch den Fragensatz navigieren"
"description": "Wenn aktiviert, kann der Nutzer nur vorwärts durch den Fragensatz navigieren."
"label": "Fragen zufällig anordnen",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Beschriftung des \"Beenden\"-Buttons",
"default": "Beenden"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Zeige ein Video vor den Ergebnissen an"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Κουμπί ολοκλήρωσης",
"default": "Ολοκλήρωση"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Κείμενο προόδου",
"description": "Κείμενο που χρησιμοποιείται, εάν έχει επιλεγεί το κειμενικό στυλ εμφάνισης της προόδου.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού ολοκλήρωσης",
"default": "Ολοκλήρωση"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Εμφάνιση βίντεο πριν τα αποτελέσματα του κουίζ"
@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Introducción al Examen",
"fields": [
"label": "Mostrar introducción"
"label": "Título",
"description": "Este título será mostrado arriba del texto introductorio."
"label": "Texto introductorio",
"description": "Este texto será mostrado antes de que inicie el examen."
"label": "Texto botón Comenzar",
"default": "Comenzar Examen"
"label": "Imagen de Fondo",
"description": "Una imagen de fondo opcional para la introducción."
"label": "Imagen de fondo",
"description": "Una imagen de fondo opcional para el Conjunto de preguntas."
"label": "Indicador del Progreso",
"description": "Estilo del indicador del progreso de Conjunto de preguntas.",
"options": [
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Puntos"
"label": "Porcentaje aprobatorio",
"description": "Porcentaje del puntaje total requerido para pasar el examen."
"label": "Preguntas",
"widgets": [
"label": "Predeterminado"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "pregunta",
"field": {
"label": "Tipo de pregunta",
"description": "Librería para esta pregunta."
"label": "Textos de interfaz en examen",
"fields": [
"label": "Botón de Retroceso",
"default": "Pregunta anterior"
"label": "Botón Siguiente",
"default": "Pregunta siguiente"
"label": "Botón Terminar",
"default": "Terminar"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Texto del Progreso",
"description": "Texto usado si progreso textual es seleccionado.",
"default": "Pregunta: @current de @total preguntas"
"label": "Etiqueta para saltar a una pregunta dada",
"description": "Usted debe usar el remplazable '%d' en sustitución del número de la pregunta, y %total en lugar de cantidad total de preguntas.",
"default": "Pregunta %d de %total"
"label": "Etiqueta de diálogo de Copyright de pregunta",
"default": "Pregunta"
"label": "Progreso para Lector de texto en voz alta",
"description": "Puede usar @current y @total como variables de preguntas",
"default": "Pregunta @current de @total"
"label": "Texto de pregunta no contestada",
"default": "No contestada"
"label": "Texto de pregunta contestada",
"default": "Contestada"
"label": "Texto de pregunta actual",
"default": "Pregunta actual"
"label": "Deshabilitar navegación hacia atrás",
"description": "Esta opción solamente le permitirá mover hacia adelante en Conjunto de Preguntas"
"label": "Barajear preguntas",
"description": "Habilitar para aleatorizar el orden de preguntas mostradas."
"label": "Número de preguntas a mostrar:",
"description": "Crear un lote aleatorizado de preguntas a partir del total."
"label": "Examen terminado",
"fields": [
"label": "Mostrar resultados"
"label": "Mostrar botón Solución"
"label": "Mostrar botón Reintentar"
"label": "Mensaje para Sin resultados",
"description": "Texto mostrado en página final cuando está deshabilitado el \"Mostrar resultados\"",
"default": "Terminado"
"label": "Encabezado de Retroalimentación",
"default": "Su resultado:",
"description": "Este encabezado será mostrado al final del examen cuando el usuario haya contestado todas las preguntas."
"label": "Retroalimentación Global",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Predeterminado"
"label": "Definir retroalimentación personalizada para cualquier rango de puntaje",
"description": "Ejemplo: 0-20% Mal Puntaje, 21-91% Puntaje Promedio, 91-100% ¡Magnífico Puntaje!",
"entity": "rango",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Rango de Puntaje"
"label": "Retroalimentación para rango definido de puntaje",
"placeholder": "Complete la retroalimentación"
"label": "Retroalimentación Antigua",
"fields": [
"label": "Felicitación examen aprobado",
"description": "Este texto será mostrado arriba del puntaje si el usuario ha aprobado exitosamente el examen."
"label": "Comentario para Aprobado",
"description": "Este comentario será mostrado después del puntaje si el usuario ha aprobado exitosamente el examen."
"label": "Título para examen reprobado",
"description": "Este texto será mostrado arriba del puntaje si el usuario ha reprobado el examen."
"label": "Comentario para Reprobado",
"description": "Este comentario será mostrado después del puntaje si el usuario ha reprobado el examen."
"label": "Etiqueta botón Solución",
"default": "Mostrar solución",
"description": "Texto para el botón de Solución."
"label": "Etiqueta botón Reintentar",
"default": "Reintentar",
"description": "Texto para el botón Reintentar."
"label": "Texto botón Terminar",
"default": "Terminar"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Mostrar video antes de resultados del examen"
"label": "Botón habilitar saltar video"
"label": "Etiqueta botón Saltar video",
"default": "Saltar video"
"label": "Video para aprobado",
"description": "Este video será reproducido si el usuario ha aprobado exitosamente el examen."
"label": "Video para reprobado",
"description": "Este video será reproducido si el usuario reprueba el examen."
"label": "Configuraciones para botones \"Mostrar solución\" y \"Reintentar\"",
"fields": [
"label": "Botones Mostrar \"Comprobar\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina si el botón para \"Comprobar\" será mostrado para todas las preguntas."
"label": "Anular el botón \"Mostrar Solución\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina si el botón \"Mostrar Solución\" será mostrado en todas las preguntas, desactivado para todas, o configurado para cada pregunta individualmente.",
"options": [
"label": "Habilitado"
"label": "Deshabilitado"
"label": "Anular el botón de \"Reintentar\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina si el botón \"Reintentar\" será mostrado para todas las preguntas, deshabilitado para todas, o configurado para cada pregunta individualmente.",
"options": [
"label": "Habilitado"
"label": "Deshabilitado"
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Introducción al Examen",
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "Mostrar introducción"
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "Título",
"description": "Este título será mostrado arriba del texto introductorio."
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "Texto introductorio",
"description": "Este texto será mostrado antes de que inicie el examen."
"label": "Introduction text",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "Texto botón Comenzar",
"default": "Comenzar Examen"
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "Start Quiz"
"label": "Imagen de Fondo",
"description": "Una imagen de fondo opcional para la introducción."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "Imagen de fondo",
"description": "Una imagen de fondo opcional para el Conjunto de pregunta."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "Indicador del Progreso",
"description": "Estilo del indicador del progreso de Conjunto de pregunta.",
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Puntos"
"label": "Dots"
"label": "Porcentaje aprobatorio",
"description": "Porcentaje del puntaje total requerido para pasar el examen."
"label": "Pass percentage",
"description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label": "Preguntas",
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "Predeterminado"
@ -54,119 +54,115 @@
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "pregunta",
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "Tipo de pregunta",
"description": "Librería para esta pregunta."
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "Textos de interfaz en examen",
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "Botón de retroceso",
"default": "Pregunta anterior"
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "Botón Siguiente",
"default": "Pregunta siguiente"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "Next question"
"label": "Botón Terminar",
"default": "Terminar"
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "Texto del progreso",
"description": "Texto usado si progreso textual es seleccionado.",
"default": "Pregunta: @current de @total preguntas"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "Etiqueta para saltar a una pregunta dada",
"description": "Usted debe usar el remplazable '%d' en sustitución del número de la pregunta, y %total en lugar de cantidad total de preguntas.",
"default": "Pregunta %d de %total"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Question"
"label": "Etiqueta de diálogo de Copyright de pregunta",
"default": "Pregunta"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "Progreso para Lector de texto en voz alta",
"description": "Puede usar @current y @total como variables de preguntas",
"default": "Pregunta @current de @total"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label": "Texto de pregunta no contestada",
"default": "No contestada"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Answered"
"label": "Texto de pregunta contestada",
"default": "Contestada"
"label": "Texto de pregunta actual",
"default": "Pregunta actual"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "Current question"
"label": "Deshabilitar navegación hacia atrás",
"description": "Esta opción solamente le permitirá mover hacia adelante en Conjunto de pregunta"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Barajear preguntas",
"description": "Habilitar para aleatorizar el orden de preguntas mostradas."
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label": "Número de preguntas a mostrar:",
"description": "Crear un lote aleatorizado de preguntas a partir del total."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "Examen terminado",
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "Mostrar resultados"
"label": "Display results"
"label": "Mostrar botón Solución"
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "Mostrar botón Reintentar"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Mensaje para Sin resultados",
"description": "Texto mostrado en página final cuando está deshabilitado el \"Mostrar resultados\"",
"default": "Terminado"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label": "Encabezado de Retroalimentación",
"default": "Su resultado:",
"description": "Este encabezado será mostrado al final del examen cuando el usuario haya contestado todas las preguntas."
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Your result:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "Retroalimentación Global",
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Predeterminado"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Definir retroalimentación personalizada para cualquier rango de puntaje",
"description": "Ejemplo: 0-20% Mal Puntaje, 21-91% Puntaje Promedio, 91-100% ¡Magnífico Puntaje!",
"entity": "rango",
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Rango de Puntaje"
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "Retroalimentación para rango definido de puntaje",
"placeholder": "Complete la retroalimentación"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
@ -174,74 +170,70 @@
"label": "Retroalimentación Antigua",
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "Felicitación examen pasado",
"description": "Este texto será mostrado arriba del puntaje si el usuario ha aprobado exitosamente el examen."
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Comentario para Aprobado",
"description": "Este comentario será mostrado después del puntaje si el usuario ha aprobado exitosamente el examen."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Título para examen reprobado",
"description": "Este texto será mostrado arriba del puntaje si el usuario ha reprobado el examen."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Comentario para Reprobado",
"description": "Este comentario será mostrado después del puntaje si el usuario ha reprobado el examen."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Etiqueta botón Solución",
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Mostrar solución",
"description": "Texto para el botón de Solución."
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "Etiqueta botón Reintentar",
"label": "Retry button label",
"default": "Reintentar",
"description": "Texto para el botón Reintentar."
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "Texto botón Terminar",
"default": "Terminar"
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "Mostrar video antes de resultados del examen"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "Botón habilitar saltar video"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Skip video"
"label": "Etiqueta botón Saltar video",
"default": "Saltar video"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Video para aprobado",
"description": "Este video será reproducido si el usuario ha aprobado exitosamente el examen."
"label": "Video para reprobado",
"description": "Este video será reproducido si el usuario reprueba el examen."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "Configuraciones para botones \"Mostrar solución\" y \"Reintentar\"",
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "Botones Mostrar \"Comprobar\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina si el botón para \"Comprobar\" será mostrado para todas las preguntas."
"label": "Show \"Check\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Check\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "Anular el botón \"Mostrar Solución\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina si el botón \"Mostrar Solución\" será mostrado en todas las preguntas, desactivado para todas, o configurado para cada pregunta individualmente.",
"label": "Ocultar el botón \"Mostrar solución\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina si el botón \"Mostrar solución\" se muestra en todas las preguntas, se desactiva para todas, o se configura para cada pregunta individualmente.",
"options": [
"label": "Habilitado"
@ -252,8 +244,8 @@
"label": "Anular el botón de \"Reintentar\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina si el botón \"Reintentar\" será mostrado para todas las preguntas, deshabilitado para todas o configurado para cada pregunta individualmente.",
"label": "Ocultar el botón de \"Reintentar\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina si el botón \"Reintentar\" se muestra en todas las preguntas, se desactiva para todas, o se configura para cada pregunta individualmente.",
"options": [
"label": "Habilitado"
@ -266,4 +258,4 @@
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Lõpeta nupp",
"default": "Valmis"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Edenemise tekst",
"description": "Test, mida kasutatakse, kui valitud on tekstiline edenemisosuti.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Valmis nupu tekst",
"default": "Valmis"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Kuva videot enne viktoriini tulemusi"
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"label": "Galderak",
"widgets": [
"label": "Lehenetsitakoa"
"label": "Lehenetsia"
"label": "Testuala"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Bukatu botoia",
"default": "Bukatu"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Aurrerapenaren testua",
"description": "Testu-aurrerapena hautatuta badago erabiltzen den testua.",
@ -155,7 +151,7 @@
"label": "Lehenetsia"
"label": "Zehaztu ezazu edozein puntuazio-tarterako feedback pertsonalizatua",
"label": "Definitu feedback pertsonalizatua edozein puntuazio tarterako",
"description": "Adibidez: 0-2%0 Puntuazio txarra, %21-%91 Tarteko puntuazioa, %91-%100 Puntuazio bikaina!",
"entity": "tartea",
"field": {
@ -165,8 +161,8 @@
"label": "Zehaztutako tartearentzako feedbacka",
"placeholder": "Idatzi ezazu feedbacka"
"label": "Definitutako puntuazio tarterako feedbacka",
"placeholder": "Bete feedbacka"
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Bukatu botoiaren testua",
"default": "Bukatu"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Bistaratu bideoa galdetegiaren emaitzen aurretik"
@ -1,172 +1,168 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "مقدمه آزمون",
"label": "راهنمای سوال",
"fields": [
"label": "نمایش مقدمه"
"label": "نمایش راهنما"
"label": "عنوان",
"description": "این عنوان در بالای متن مقدمه نمایش داده خواهد شد."
"description": "این عنوان در بالای خلاصه نمایش داده میشود."
"label": "متن مقدمه",
"description": "این متن قبل از شروع آزمون نمایش داده خواهد شد."
"label": "خلاصه متن",
"description": "این متن قبل از شروع آزمون نمایش داده میشود"
"label": "متن دکمه شروع",
"default": "شروع آزمون"
"label": "تصویر پسزمینه",
"description": "یک تصویر انتخابی برای قرارگرفتن در پسزمینه مقدمه."
"label": "تصویر پس زمینه",
"description": "یک تصویر انتخابی برای قرارگرفتن در پس زمینه خلاصه"
"label": "تصویر پسزمینه",
"description": "یک تصویر انتخابی برای قرار گرفتن در پسزمینه مجموعه سوالات."
"label": "تصویر پس زمینه",
"description": "یک تصویر انتخابی برای قرار گرفتن در پس زمینه گروه سوالات"
"label": "شاخص پیشرفت",
"description": "حالت نمایش شاخص پیشرفت مجموعه سؤالات.",
"label": "جداکننده فرآیند",
"description": "حالت نمایش جداکننده سوالات",
"options": [
"label": "متنی"
"label": "نقطهای"
"label": "نقطه ای"
"label": "درصد قبولی",
"description": "درصد از نمره کل که برای قبولی در این آزمون مورد نیاز است."
"label": "درصد پاس شدن",
"description": "درصدی که برای پاس شدن این آزمون مورد نیاز است"
"label": "سؤالات",
"label": "سوالات",
"widgets": [
"label": "پیشفرض"
"label": "Default"
"label": "متنی"
"entity": "سؤال",
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "نوع سوال",
"description": "کتابخانه برای این سؤال."
"description": "کتابخانه برای این سوال"
"label": "متون نمایشی برای آزمون",
"label": "متن نمایشی برای این آزمون",
"fields": [
"label": "دکمه برگشت",
"default": "سؤال قبل"
"label": "دکمه بازگشت",
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "دکمه بعدی",
"default": "سؤال بعدی"
"default": "Next question"
"label": "دکمه پایان",
"default": "پایان"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"default": "Finish"
"label": "متن پیشرفت",
"description": "متن مورد استفاده در صورتی که پیشرفت متنی انتخاب شده باشد.",
"default": "سؤال: @current از @total سؤال"
"description": "متن مورد استفاده در صورتی که پیشرفت متنی انتخاب شده باشد",
"default": "Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "متن برای پریدن به یک سوال خاص",
"description": "شما باید به جای شماره سؤال، از جانگهدار '%d' استفاده کنید، و به جای تعداد کل سؤالات از %total استفاده کنید.",
"default": "سؤال %d از %total"
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "برچسب سؤال دیالوگ حق نشر",
"default": "سؤال"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Question"
"label": "پیشرفت مبدل متن به گفتار",
"description": "میتوان از متغیرهای سؤال @current و @total استفاده کرد",
"default": "سؤال @current از @total"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "متن سؤال پاسخ داده نشده",
"label": "متن سوالات پاسخ داده نشده",
"default": "بدون پاسخ"
"label": "متن سؤال پاسخ داده شده",
"label": "متن سوالات پاسخ داده شده",
"default": "پاسخ داده شده"
"label": "متن سؤال فعلی",
"default": "سؤال کنونی"
"label": "متن سوال فعلی",
"default": "Current question"
"label": "غیرفعال کردن راهبری به عقب",
"description": "این گزینه به شما اجازه میدهد که در مجموعه سؤالات به جلو بروید"
"label": "غیرفعال کردن دکمه بازگشت",
"description": "این گزینه به شما اجازه میدهد که در فقط در سوالات به جلو بروید"
"label": "تصادفی کردن سؤالات",
"description": "با انتخاب این گزینه سؤالات به صورت تصادفی نمایش داده میشوند."
"label": "سوالات تصادفی",
"description": "با انتخاب این گزینه سوالات به صورت تصادفی نمایش داده میشود"
"label": "تعداد سؤالاتی که باید نمایش داده شوند:",
"description": "دستهای از سؤالات را به صورت تصادفی در آزمون نمایش میدهد."
"label": "تعداد سوالاتی که باید نمایش داده شود:",
"description": "تعدادی از سوالات بالا را به صورت تصادفی در آزمون نمایش میدهد"
"label": "آزمون به پایان رسید",
"label": "آزمون به پایان رسیده",
"fields": [
"label": "نمایش نتایج"
"label": "نمایش دکمه پاسخ صحیح"
"label": "دکمه نمایش راه حل"
"label": "نمایش دکمه تلاش مجدد"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "پیام عدم وجود نتایج",
"description": "متن نمایش داده شده در صفحه آخر، وقتی «نمایش نتایج» غیرفعال است",
"default": "به پایان رسید"
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label": "سرصفحه بازخورد",
"default": "نتیجه شما:",
"description": "این سرصفحه در انتهای آزمون، وقتی کاربر به همه سؤالات پاسخ داد، نمایش داده خواهد شد."
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Your result:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "بازخورد سراسری",
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "پیشفرض"
"label": "Default"
"label": "برای هر بازه نمره، بازخورد سفارشی تعریف کن",
"description": "مثال: ۰ - ۲۰ ٪ نمره بد، ۲۱ - ۹۱٪ نمره متوسط، ۹۱ - ۱۰۰ ٪ نمره عالی!",
"entity": "بازه",
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "بازه نمره"
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "بازخورد برای بازه نمره تعریف شده",
"placeholder": "بازخورد را پر کنید"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
@ -174,92 +170,88 @@
"label": "بازخورد پیشین",
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "تبریک قبولی در آزمون",
"description": "اگر کاربر با موفقیت در آزمون قبول شده باشد، این متن در بالای نمره نمایش خواهد شد."
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "یادداشت قبولی",
"description": "اگر کاربر با موفقیت در آزمون قبول شده باشد، این یادداشت بعد از نمره نمایش داده خواهد شد."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "عنوان مردودی در آزمون",
"description": "اگر کاربر در آزمون مردود شود، این متن بالای نمره نمایش داده خواهد شد."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "یادداشت مردودی",
"description": "اگر کاربر در آزمون مردود شده باشد، این یادداشت بعد از نمره نمایش داده خواهد شد."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "برچسب دکمه پاسخ صحیح",
"default": "پاسخ صحیح را نشان بده",
"description": "متن برای دکمه پاسخ صحیح."
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Show solution",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "برچسب دکمه تلاش مجدد",
"default": "تلاش مجدد",
"description": "متن برای دکمه تلاش مجدد."
"label": "Retry button label",
"default": "Retry",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "متن دکمه پایان",
"default": "پایان"
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "ویدئو را پیش از نتایج آزمون نمایش بده"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "دکمه پرش از ویدئو را فعال کن"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Skip video"
"label": "برچسب دکمه پرش از ویدئو",
"default": "پرش از ویدئو"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "ویدئو قبولی",
"description": "اگر کاربر با موفقیت در آزمون قبول شود، این ویدئو پخش خواهد شد."
"label": "ویدئو مردودی",
"description": "اگر کاربر در آزمون مردود شود، این ویدئو پخش خواهد شد."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "تنظیمات برای نمایش پاسخ صحیح و تلاش مجدد",
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "نمایش دکمه بررسی",
"description": "این گزینه تعیین میکند که آیا دکمه «بررسی» برای همه سؤالها نمایش داده خواهد شد."
"label": "Show \"Check\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Check\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "حذف تنظیم اختصاصی و ایجاد تنظیم سراسری دکمه نمایش پاسخ صحیح",
"description": "این گزینه تعیین میکند که آیا دکمه «نمایش پاسخ صحیح» برای همه سؤالها نشان داده خواهد شد، برای همه غیرفعال خواهد شد یا برای هر سؤال تنظیم خواهد شد.",
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "فعال"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "غیرفعال"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "حذف تنظیم اختصاصی و ایجاد تنظیم سراسری دکمه تلاش مجدد",
"description": "این گزینه تعیین میکند که آیا دکمه «تلاش مجدد» برای همه سؤالها نشان داده خواهد شد، برای همه غیرفعال خواهد شد یا برای هر سؤال تنظیم خواهد شد.",
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "فعال"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "غیرفعال"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Painikkeen Lopeta teksti",
"default": "Lopeta"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Edistyminen",
"description": "Tekstiä käytetään mikäli tekstimuotoinen edistymisen näyttäminen on valittuna.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Painikkeen \"Lopeta\" teksti",
"default": "Lopeta"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Näytä video ennen tuloksia"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Bouton Fin",
"default": "Terminer"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Texte de progression",
"description": "Texte utilisé si la progression textuelle a été sélectionnée.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Texte pour le bouton de fin",
"default": "Terminer"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Afficher une vidéo avant l'affichage des résultats du quiz"
@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "Title",
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "Introduction text",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "Tosaigh Tráth na gCeist."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Dots"
"label": "Pass percentage",
"description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "Default"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "Back button",
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "Next question"
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Críochnaigh"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "Ceist: @current as @total"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Question"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Freagartha"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "An cheist seo"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "Display results"
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Críochnaighe"
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Do thoradh:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Default"
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Taispeáin an freagra",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "Retry button label",
"default": "Triail arís",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Críochnaigh"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Scipeáil físeán"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "Settings for \"Seiceáil\", \"Taispeáin an freagra\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "Show \"Seiceáil\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Seiceáil\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "Override \"Taispeáin an freagra\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Taispeáin an freagra\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Introdución ao cuestionario",
"fields": [
"label": "Amosar introdución"
"label": "Título",
"description": "Este título amosarase enriba do texto de introdución."
"label": "Texto de introdución",
"description": "Este texto amosarase antes de que empece o questionario."
"label": "Texto para o botón empezar",
"default": "Empezar o Cuestionario"
"label": "Imaxe de fondo",
"description": "Unha imaxe de fondo opcional para a introdución."
"label": "Imaxe de fondo",
"description": "Unha imaxe de fondo opcional para o grupo de preguntas."
"label": "Indicador de progreso",
"description": "Estilo do indicador de progreso para o grupo de preguntas.",
"options": [
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Puntos"
"label": "Porcentaxe para aprobar",
"description": "Porcentaxe da puntuación total requirida para aprobar o cuestionario."
"label": "Preguntas",
"widgets": [
"label": "Por defecto"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "pregunta",
"field": {
"label": "Tipo de pregunta",
"description": "Biblioteca para esta pregunta."
"label": "Textos da interface no cuestionario",
"fields": [
"label": "Botón atrás",
"default": "Pregunta anterior"
"label": "Botón seguinte",
"default": "Pregunta seguinte"
"label": "Botón rematar",
"default": "Rematar"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Texto de progreso",
"description": "Texto usado ao seleccionar progreso textual.",
"default": "Pregunta: @current de @total preguntas"
"label": "Etiqueta para saltar a unha pregunta determinada",
"description": "Debes usar o marcador '%d' en lugar do número da pregunta, e %total en lugar do número total de preguntas.",
"default": "Pregunta %d de %total"
"label": "Etiqueta para o diálogo de Copyright da pregunta",
"default": "Pregunta"
"label": "Progreso do lector de pantalla",
"description": "Pódense usar as variables de pregunta @current e @total",
"default": "Pregunta @current de @total"
"label": "Texto para preguntas non contestadas",
"default": "Non contestada"
"label": "Texto para preguntas contestadas",
"default": "Contestada"
"label": "Texto para a pregunta actual",
"default": "Pregunta actual"
"label": "Desactivar a navegación cara atrás",
"description": "Este opción só permitirá o desprazamento cara adiante no Conxunto de Preguntas"
"label": "Aleatorizar as preguntas",
"description": "Activar para facer aleatoria a orde das preguntas amosadas."
"label": "Número de preguntas amosadas:",
"description": "Crea un grupo de preguntas aleatorias do total de preguntas."
"label": "Cuestionario rematado",
"fields": [
"label": "Amosar resultados"
"label": "Amosar botón de solución"
"label": "Amosar o botón reintentar"
"label": "Mensaxe para resultado non atopado",
"description": "Texto amosado ao final da páxina cando \"Amosar resultados\" está desactivado",
"default": "Rematado"
"label": "Cabeceira da retroalimentación",
"default": "O teu resultado:",
"description": "Amosarase esta cabeceira ao final do cuestionario cando o usuario acabe de contestar todas as preguntas."
"label": "Retroalimentación Xeral",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Por defecto"
"label": "Define a retroalimentación personalizada para calquera rango de puntuación",
"description": "Exemplo: 0-20% Puntuación mala, 21-91% Puntuación media, 91-100% Puntuación xenial!",
"entity": "rango",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Rango de puntuación"
"label": "Retroalimentación para o rango de puntuación definido",
"placeholder": "Escribe a retroalimentación"
"label": "Antiga Retroalimentación",
"fields": [
"label": "Título para cuestionario aprobado",
"description": "Amosarase este texto enriba da puntuación se o ususario aproba o cuestionario."
"label": "Comentario para aprobado",
"description": "Este comentario amosarase despois da puntuación se o usuario aproba o cuestionario."
"label": "Título para cuestionario non aprobado",
"description": "Este texto amosarase enriba da puntuación se o usuario non aproba o cuestionario."
"label": "Comentario para non a probado",
"description": "Este comentario amosarase despois da puntuación seo usuario non aproba o cuestionario."
"label": "Etiqueta do botón da solución",
"default": "Amosar a solución",
"description": "Texto para o botón da solución."
"label": "Etiqueta para o botón reintentar",
"default": "Reintentar",
"description": "Texto para o botón reintentar."
"label": "Texto para o botón rematar",
"default": "Rematar"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Amosar vídeo antes dos resultados do cuestionario"
"label": "Activar botón saltar vídeo"
"label": "Etiqueta para o botón saltar vídeo",
"default": "Saltar vídeo"
"label": "Vídeo para aprobados",
"description": "Reproducirase este vídeo se o usuario aproba o cuestionario."
"label": "Vídeo para non aprobados",
"description": "Reproducirase este vídeo se o usuario non aproba o cuestionario."
"label": "Configuración para os botóns \"Amosar solución\" e \"Reintentar\"",
"fields": [
"label": "Amosar botóns \"Comprobar\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina se se amosa o botón \"Comprobar\" para todas as preguntas."
"label": "Anular botón \"Amosar solución\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina se se amosa o botón \"Amosar solución\" para todas as preguntas, se desactiva para todas ou se configura para cada unha individualmente.",
"options": [
"label": "Activado"
"label": "Desactivado"
"label": "Anular botón \"Reintentar\"",
"description": "Esta opción determina se se amosa o botón \"Reintentar\" para todas as preguntas, se desactíva para todas ou se configura para cada unha individualmente.",
"options": [
"label": "Activado"
"label": "Desactivado"
@ -8,29 +8,29 @@
"label": "כותרת",
"description": "כותרת זו תוצג מעל תיאור המבוא."
"description": "כותרת זו תוצג מעל תיאור המבוא"
"label": "תיאור מבוא",
"description": "תיאור זה יוצג לפני שהחידון מתחיל."
"description": "תיאור זה יוצג לפני שהחידון מתחיל"
"label": "תיאור כפתור ההתחלה",
"label": "תיאור כפתור ההתחלה ",
"default": "התחילו את החידון"
"label": "תמונת רקע",
"description": "תמונת רקע אפשרית למבוא."
"description": "תמונת רקע אפשרית למבוא"
"label": "תמונת רקע",
"description": "תמונת רקע אפשרית עבור הגדרות השאלה."
"description": "תמונת רקע אפשרית עבור הגדרות השאלה"
"label": "מחוון התקדמות",
"description": "הגדרות שאלה מסוג מחוון התקדמות.",
"description": "הגדרות שאלה מסוג מחוון התקדמות",
"options": [
"label": "מילולי"
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"entity": "שאלה",
"field": {
"label": "סוג שאלה",
"description": "ספריה עבור שאלה זו."
"description": "ספריה עבור שאלה זו"
@ -75,14 +75,10 @@
"label": "כפתור סיום",
"default": "סיום"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "תוכן מתקדם",
"description": "תוכן שבו נעשה שימוש אם תוכן מתקדם נבחר.",
"default": "שאלה: current@ מתוך total@ שאלות"
"description": "תוכן שבו נעשה שימוש אם תוכן מתקדם נבחר",
"default": ""
"label": "תווית עבור קפיצה לשאלה מסוימת",
@ -95,7 +91,7 @@
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "ניתן להשתמש במשתני השאלה current@ ו- total@",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "שאלה @current מתוך @total"
@ -114,15 +110,15 @@
"label": "ניווט קדימה בלבד",
"description": "הגדרה מאפשרת התקדמות ומעבר לשאלה הבאה בלבד"
"description": "הגדרה מאפשרת התקדמות ומעבר לשאלה הבאה בלבד."
"label": "שאלות אקראיות",
"description": "מאפשר תצוגת סדר השאלות באופן אקראי."
"description": "מאפשר תצוגת סדר השאלות באופן אקראי"
"label": "מספר השאלות שיוצגו:",
"description": "יצירת סדרה של שאלות אקראיות מסך כל השאלות."
"description": "יצירת סדרה של שאלות אקראיות מסך כל השאלות"
"label": "החידון הסתיים",
@ -134,7 +130,7 @@
"label": "כפתור הצגת הפתרון"
"label": "הצגת כפתור \"נסו שוב\""
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "אין הודעת תוצאות",
@ -144,7 +140,7 @@
"label": "כותרת המשוב",
"default": "התוצאה שלכם:",
"description": "כותרת זו תוצג בסיום החידון כאשר הנבחן ענה על כל השאלות."
"description": "כותרת זו תוצג בסיום החידון כאשר הנבחן ענה על כל השאלות"
"label": "משוב כולל",
@ -156,7 +152,7 @@
"label": "יש להגדיר משוב מותאם אישית לכל טווח ניקוד",
"description": "לדוגמא:0-20% ציון לא טוב,21-91% ציון ממוצע,91-100% ציון מעולה!",
"description": "לדוגמא:0-20% ציון לא טוב,21-91% ציון ממוצע,91-100% ציון מעולה!\"",
"entity": "טווח",
"field": {
"fields": [
@ -178,40 +174,36 @@
"fields": [
"label": "ברכת הצלחה בחידון",
"description": "תוכן זה יוצג מעל הניקוד אם הנבחן עבר בהצלחה את החידון."
"description": "תוכן זה יוצג מעל הניקוד אם הנבחן עבר בהצלחה את החידון"
"label": "הערה עבור הצלחה בחידון",
"description": "הערה זו תוצג מעל הניקוד, אם הנבחן עבר בהצלחה את החידון."
"label": "הערה עבור הצלחה בחידון ",
"description": "הערה זו תוצג מעל הניקוד, אם הנבחן עבר בהצלחה את החידון"
"label": "כותרת כשלון בחידון",
"description": "תוכן זה יוצג מעל הניקוד אם הנבחן נכשל בחידון."
"description": "תוכן זה יוצג מעל הניקוד אם הנבחן נכשל בחידון"
"label": "הערה עבור כשלון בחידון",
"description": "הערה זו תוצג מעל הניקוד, אם הנבחן נכשל בחידון."
"description": "הערה זו תוצג מעל הניקוד, אם הנבחן נכשל בחידון"
"label": "\"תווית כפתור \"הפתרון",
"default": "הציגו פתרון",
"description": "תאור עבור כפתור \"הפתרון\"."
"description": "\"תוכן עבור כפתור \"הפתרון"
"label": "תווית כפתור נסו שוב",
"default": "נסו בשנית",
"description": "תוכן עבור כפתור \"נסו שוב\"."
"description": "\"תוכן עבור כפתור \"נסו שוב"
"label": "\"תוכן כפתור \"סיום",
"default": "סיום"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "יש להציג וידאו לפני תוצאות החידון"
@ -224,11 +216,11 @@
"label": "וידאו של הצלחה בחידון",
"description": "וידאו זה יופעל במידה והנבחן יעבור בהצלחה את החידון."
"description": "וידאו זה יופעל במידה והנבחן יעבור בהצלחה את החידון"
"label": "וידאו של כישלון בחידון",
"description": "סרטון זה יופעל במידה והנבחן ייכשל בחידון."
"description": "וידאו זה יופעל במידה והנבחן יכשל בחידון"
@ -236,12 +228,12 @@
"label": "הגדרות עבור כפתורי \"הציגו פתרון\" ו \"נסו בשנית\"",
"fields": [
"label": "הציגו כפתורי \"נבחר\"",
"label": "הציגו כפתורי \"נבחר\" ",
"description": "אפשרות זו קובעת אם הכפתור \"נבחר\" יוצג עבור כל השאלות."
"label": "עדכון כפתור \"תצוגת פתרון\"",
"description": "אפשרות זו קובעת האם הכפתור \"הצגת פתרון\" יוצג עבור כל השאלות, יכובה לכולן או יוגדר לכל שאלה בנפרד.",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "פעיל"
@ -253,7 +245,7 @@
"label": "עדכון כפתור \"נסו שוב\"",
"description": "אפשרות זו קובעת אם הכפתור \"נסו שוב\" יוצג עבור כל השאלות, יושבת עבור כל השאלות או יוגדר עבור כל שאלה בנפרד.",
"description": "אפשרות זו קובעת אם הכפתור \"נסו שוב\" יוצג עבור כל השאלות, יושבת עבור כל השאלות או יוגדר עבור כל שאלה בנפרד.\n",
"options": [
"label": "פעיל"
@ -266,4 +258,4 @@
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Pulsante fine",
"default": "Finito"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Testo di avanzamento",
"description": "Testo usato se è selezionato l'avanzamento testuale",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Testo del pulsante di fine prova",
"default": "Finito"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Mostra il video prima dei risultati della prova"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "完了ボタン",
"default": "完了"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "進行状況のテキスト",
"description": "テキストによる進行状況を選択した場合に使用するテキスト。",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "完了ボタンのテキスト",
"default": "完了"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "クイズの結果の前にビデオを表示"
@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "Title",
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "Introduction text",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "ចាប់ផ្តើមកម្រងសំណួរ"
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Dots"
"label": "Pass percentage",
"description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "Default"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "Back button",
"default": "សំណួរមុន"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "សំណួរបន្ទាប់"
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "បញ្ចប់"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "សំណួរ: @current ចំណោម @total សំណួរ"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "សំណួរទី %d ចំណោម %total"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "សំណួរ"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "សំណួរទី @current ចំណោម @total"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "មិនបានឆ្លើយ"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "បានឆ្លើយ"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "សំណួរបច្ចុប្បន្ន"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "Display results"
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "បានបញ្ចប់"
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "លទ្ធផលរបស់អ្នក:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Default"
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "បង្ហាញចម្លើយត្រឹមត្រូវ",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "Retry button label",
"default": "សាកម្តងទៀត",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "បញ្ចប់"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "រំលងវីដេអូ"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "Show \"Check\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Check\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -1,172 +1,168 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "퀴즈 소개",
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "소개 표시"
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "제목",
"description": "이 제목은 소개 텍스트 위에 표시됨."
"label": "Title",
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "소개 글",
"description": "이 텍스트는 퀴즈가 시작하기 전에 표시됨."
"label": "Introduction text",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "시작 단추 텍스트",
"default": "퀴즈 시작"
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "Start Quiz"
"label": "배경 이미지",
"description": "소개 배경 이미지(선택사항)"
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "배경 이미지",
"description": "문제 세트 배경 이미지(선택사항)"
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "진행률 표시",
"description": "문제 세트 진행률 표시 스타일.",
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "텍스트 유형"
"label": "Textual"
"label": "점 유형"
"label": "Dots"
"label": "통과 백분율",
"description": "퀴즈 통과에 필요한 총점 백분율."
"label": "Pass percentage",
"description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label": "문제",
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "기본값"
"label": "Default"
"label": "텍스트 유형"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "문제",
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "문제 유형",
"description": "이 문제에 대한 라이브러리."
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "퀴즈의 인터페이스 텍스트",
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "뒤로 버튼",
"default": "이전 질문"
"label": "Back button",
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "다음 버튼",
"default": "다음 질문"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "Next question"
"label": "완료 단추",
"default": "완료"
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "진행률 텍스트",
"description": "텍스트형 진행률을 선택한 경우 사용되는 글자.",
"default": "Question: 총 @total 질문 중 현재 @current"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "특정 문제로 이동을 위한 라벨",
"description": "문항 번호 대신 자리 표시자 '%d'를 사용해야 하며, 총 문제 수 대신 %total을 사용해야 한다.",
"default": "%total 중 %d 문제"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Question"
"label": "저작권 대화 문제 라벨",
"default": "문제"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "자동 문장 읽어 주기 기능에서 진행율",
"description": "@current 및 @total 문제 변수를 사용할 수 있음",
"default": "총 @total 중 현재 @current 질문"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label": "미답변 문제 텍스트",
"default": "답변되지 않음"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Answered"
"label": "답변 문제 텍스트",
"default": "답변됨"
"label": "현재 질문 텍스트",
"default": "현재 질문"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "Current question"
"label": "뒤로 돌아가기 비활성화",
"description": "이 옵션은 문제 세트에서 앞으로만 이동할 수 있도록 함"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "문제 무작위화",
"description": "표시된 문제 순서를 무작위 순서로 변경할 수 있음."
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label": "표시할 질문 수:",
"description": "전체 문제에서 무작위화로 문제 세트를 만들기 만드세요."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "퀴즈 완료",
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "결과 표시"
"label": "Display results"
"label": "해답 버튼 표시"
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "재시도 버튼 표시"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "결과 메시지 없음",
"description": "\"Display results\"가 비활성화된 경우 끝 페이지에 표시되는 텍스트",
"default": "완료"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label": "피드백 제목",
"default": "결과:",
"description": "이 제목은 사용자가 모든 질문에 답했을 때 퀴즈 끝에 표시됨."
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Your result:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "전반적인 피드백",
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "기본값"
"label": "Default"
"label": "점수 범위에 대한 사용자 피드백 정의",
"description": "예: 0-20% 낮은 점수, 21-91% 평균 점수, 91-100% 높은 점수!",
"entity": "범위",
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "점수 범위"
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "정의된 점수 범위에 대한 피드백",
"placeholder": "피드백 작성"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
@ -174,96 +170,92 @@
"label": "피드백",
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "통과한 퀴즈에 대한 메시지",
"description": "이 텍스트는 사용자가 퀴즈를 성공적으로 통과하면 점수 위에 표시됨."
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "통과에 대한 코멘트",
"description": "이 코멘트는 사용자가 퀴즈를 성공적으로 통과했다면 점수 뒤에 표시됨."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "실패한 퀴즈 텍스트",
"description": "이 텍스트는 사용자가 퀴즈에 실패했을 때 점수 위에 표시됨."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "퀴즈를 실패한 경우 코멘트",
"description": "이 코멘트는 사용자가 퀴즈에 실패했을 때 점수 뒤에 표시됨."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "해답 버튼 레이블",
"default": "해답 보이기",
"description": "해답 버튼에 대한 텍스트."
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Show solution",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "재시도 버튼 라벨",
"default": "재시도",
"description": "재시도 버튼에 대한 텍스트."
"label": "Retry button label",
"default": "Retry",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "완료 버튼 텍스트",
"default": "완료"
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "퀴즈 결과 전에 비디오 표시"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "비디오 건너뛰기 버튼 사용"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Skip video"
"label": "비디오 건너뛰기 버튼 레이블",
"default": "비디오 건너뛰기"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "통과한 경우 비디오",
"description": "이 동영상은 사용자가 퀴즈를 성공적으로 통과하면 재생됨."
"label": "실패한 경우 비디오",
"description": "이 동영상은 사용자가 퀴즈에 실패하면 재생됨."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "\"Show solution\" 및 \"Retry\" 버튼 설정",
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "\"Check\"버튼 표시",
"description": "이 옵션은 모든 질문에 \"Check\" 버튼이 표시될지 여부를 결정함."
"label": "Show \"Check\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Check\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "\"Sow Solution\" 버튼 재정의",
"description": "이 옵션은 모든 질문에 대해 \"Show Solution\" 버튼을 표시할지 또는 각 질문에 대해 개별적으로 구성할지 결정",
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "활성화"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "비활성화"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "\"Retry\"버튼 재정의",
"description": "이 옵션은 모든 질문에 대해 \"Retry\"버튼을 표시할지 아니면 모든 질문에 대해 개별적으로 구성할지 결정",
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "활성화"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "비활성화"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Avslutt-knappen",
"default": "Avslutt"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Fremgangstekst",
"description": "Tekst brukt hvis tekstlig angivelse av fremdrift er valgt. Variabler: @current og @total.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Avslutt knappetekst",
"default": "Bekreft"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Vis video før resultatene"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Beëindigings-knop",
"default": "Klaar"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Tekst bij voortgang",
"description": "Deze tekst wordt gebruikt als 'Tekst' als voortgangsindicator is geselecteerd.",
@ -134,7 +130,7 @@
"label": "Toon de oplossings-knop"
"label": "Toon opnieuw proberen-knop"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Geen resultaten bericht",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Tekst voor de beëindigings-knop",
"default": "Klaar"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Toon video voor de quizresultaten"
@ -266,4 +258,4 @@
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Avslutt-knappen",
"default": "Bekreft"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Fremgangstekst",
"description": "Tekst brukt hvis tekstlig angivelse av fremdrift er valgt. Variabler: @current og @total",
@ -96,7 +92,7 @@
"label": "Fremdriftstekst for hjelpemiddelteknologi",
"description": "Kan bruke @current og @total variabler",
"default": "Deloppgåve @current av @total"
"default": "Deloppgave @current av @total"
"label": "Ikke svart på spørsmål-tekst",
@ -104,7 +100,7 @@
"label": "Svart på spørsmål-tekst",
"default": "Svar gitt"
"default": "Svar avgitt"
"label": "Aktivt spørsmål-tekst",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Tekst til \"Avslutt\" knapp",
"default": "Bekreft"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Vis video før resultata"
@ -266,4 +258,4 @@
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Przycisk zakończenia",
"default": "Zakończ"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Tekst postępu",
"description": "Ten tekst zostanie wyświetlony, jeśli wybrana zostanie opcja wyświetlania postępu tekstowo.",
@ -134,7 +130,7 @@
"label": "Przycisk wyświetlania wyników"
"label": "Wyświetl przycisk powtórzenia"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Informacja dla braku wyników",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Etykieta przycisku zakończenia",
"default": "Zakończ"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Odtwórz wideo przed ekranem wyników"
@ -266,4 +258,4 @@
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Botão para terminar",
"default": "Terminar"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Texto do progresso",
"description": "Texto a utilizar se o progresso textual estiver ativo.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Texto para o botão terminar",
"default": "Terminar"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Mostrar video antes dos resultados do questionário"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Кнопка Завершить",
"default": "Завершить"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Текст прогресса",
"description": "Текст, используемый, если выбран текстовый прогресс.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Текст кнопки завершения",
"default": "Завершить"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Показать видео до результатов теста"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Besedilo gumba \"Potrdi\"",
"default": "Potrdi"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Besedilo o napredku",
"description": "Besedilo v primeru izbire tekstovnega indikatorja napredka.",
@ -197,21 +193,17 @@
"label": "Besedilo za gumb \"Prikaži rešitev\"",
"default": "Prikaži rešitev",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"description": ""
"label": "Besedilo za gumb \"Poskusi ponovno\"",
"default": "Poskusi ponovno",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"description": ""
"label": "Besedilo gumba \"Potrdi\"",
"default": "Potrdi"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Predvajaj videoposnetek ob zaključku kviza"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
@ -1,172 +1,168 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Увод у квиз",
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "Прикажи увод"
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "Наслов",
"description": "Овај наслов ће бити приказан изнад уводног текста."
"label": "Title",
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "Уводни текст",
"description": "Овај текст ће се приказати пре почетка квиза."
"label": "Introduction text",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "Текст дугма Старт",
"default": "Покрени квиз"
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "Start Quiz"
"label": "Позадинска слика",
"description": "Опционална позадинска слика за увод."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "Позадинска слика",
"description": "Необавезна позадинска слика за скуп питања."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "Показатељ напретка",
"description": "Стил индикатора напретка постављеног питања.",
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "Текстуални"
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Тачке"
"label": "Dots"
"label": "Проценат пролазности",
"description": "Проценат укупне оцене потребне за полагање квиза."
"label": "Pass percentage",
"description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label": "Питања",
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "Уобичајено"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Текстуални"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "Тип питања",
"description": "Библиотека за ово питање."
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "Интерфејс квиза",
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "Назад дугме",
"default": "Претходно питање"
"label": "Back button",
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "Следеће дугме",
"default": "Следеће питање"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "Next question"
"label": "Дугме Заврши",
"default": "Заврши"
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "Текст напретка",
"description": "Текст који се користи ако је одабран текстуални напредак.",
"default": "Питање: @current од @total питања"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "Ознака за прелазак на одређено питање",
"description": "Морате користити резервирано место '%d' уместо броја питања и %total уместо укупне количине питања.",
"default": "Питање %d од %total"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Question"
"label": "Ознака са дијалогом о ауторским правима",
"default": "Питање"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "Напредак читача звучника",
"description": "Можете користити @current и @total променљиве",
"default": "Питање @current од @total"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label": "Текст питања без одговора",
"default": "Без одговора"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Answered"
"label": "Текст питања са одговором",
"default": "Одговорио"
"label": "Текст тренутног питања",
"default": "Тренутно питање"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "Current question"
"label": "Онемогућите навигацију уназад",
"description": "Ова опција ће вам омогућити само напред у Сету питања"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Рандомизирајте питања",
"description": "Омогућите случајни редослед приказаних питања."
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label": "Број питања која треба приказати:",
"description": "Направите насумичну серију питања од укупног броја."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "Квиз је завршен",
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "Прикажи резултате"
"label": "Display results"
"label": "Дугме за приказ решења"
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "Прикажи дугме за поновни покушај"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Нема резултата",
"description": "Текст се приказује на завршној страници када \"Прикажи резултате\" је онемогућено",
"default": "Готово"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label": "Наслов повратне информације",
"default": "Ваш резултат:",
"description": "Овај наслов ће се приказати на крају квиза када корисник одговори на сва питања."
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Your result:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "Укупне повратне информације",
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Уобичајено"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Дефинишите прилагођене повратне информације за било који опсег резултата",
"description": "Пример: 0-20% Лош резултат, 21-91% Просечан резултат, 91-100% Одличан резултат!",
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Распон резултата"
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "Повратне информације за дефинисани опсег резултата",
"placeholder": "Попуните повратне информације"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
@ -174,96 +170,92 @@
"label": "Остале повратне информације",
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "Квиз је завршен",
"description": "Овај текст ће бити приказан изнад резултата ако је корисник успешно прошао квиз."
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Прошао коментар",
"description": "Овај коментар ће се приказати након резултата ако је корисник успешно прошао квиз."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Квиз није успео",
"description": "Овај текст ће се приказати изнад резултата ако је корисник пао у квизу."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Неуспели коментар",
"description": "Овај коментар ће се приказати након резултата ако је корисник пао у квизу."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Ознака дугмета за решење",
"default": "Прикажи решења",
"description": "Текст за дугме за решење."
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Show solution",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "Ознака дугмета - Покушај поново",
"default": "Покушај поново",
"description": "Текст за дугме за поновни покушај."
"label": "Retry button label",
"default": "Retry",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "Текст дугмета - Заврши",
"default": "Заврши"
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "Прикажите видео пре резултата квиза"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "Омогући дугме за прескакање видео записа"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Skip video"
"label": "Ознака за прескакање видеа",
"default": "Прескочи видео"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Видео је прошао",
"description": "Овај видео ће се репродуковати ако је корисник успешно прошао квиз."
"label": "Неуспели видео",
"description": "Овај видео ће се репродуковати ако корисник није прошао квиз."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "Подешавања за \"Прикажи решења\" и \"Врати\" дугмиће",
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "Прикажи \"Провери\" дугме",
"description": "Ова опција одређује да ли ће \"Провери\" дугме ће бити приказано за сва питања."
"label": "Show \"Check\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Check\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "Прегазити \"Прикажи решења\" дугме",
"description": "Ова опција одређује да ли ће \"Прикажи решења\" дугме бити приказано за сва питања, онемогућено за сва или конфигурисано за свако питање појединачно.",
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Омогући"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Онемогући"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "Прегази \"Врати\" дугме",
"description": "Ова опција одређује да ли ће \"Врати\" дугме бити приказано за сва питања, онемогућено за сва или конфигурисано за свако питање појединачно.",
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Омогући"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Онемогући"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Introduktion",
"label": "Quiz introduktion",
"fields": [
"label": "Visa introduktion"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Avsluta-knapp",
"default": "Avsluta"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Text för framsteg",
"description": "Text som används om textuella framsteg är valt.",
@ -134,7 +130,7 @@
"label": "Visa rätt svar-knapp"
"label": "Visa försök igen-knapp"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Meddelande vid inget resultat",
@ -165,7 +161,7 @@
"label": "Feedback för detta poängintervall",
"label": "Feedback för definierat poängintervall",
"placeholder": "Fyll i feedback"
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Text för knappen Avsluta",
"default": "Avsluta"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Visa video före resultat från denna quiz"
@ -228,16 +220,16 @@
"label": "Ej godkänt-video",
"description": "Denna video kommer att visas om användaren misslyckas med att nå godkänt på denna quiz."
"description": "Denna video kommer att visas om användaren har misslyckats med att nå godkänt på denna quiz."
"label": "Inställningar för knapparna \"Visa lösning\" och \"Försök igen\"",
"label": "Inställningar för knapparna \"Visa rätt svar\" och \"Försök igen\"",
"fields": [
"label": "Visa \"Svara\"-knappar",
"description": "Denna inställning avgör om knappen \"Svara\" (som visar om svaret var korrekt eller ej) ska visas på alla frågor."
"label": "Visa \"Rätta\" knappar",
"description": "Denna inställning avgör om knappen \"Rätta\" ska visas på alla frågor."
"label": "Ignorera knapp \"Visa rätt svar\"",
@ -252,8 +244,8 @@
"label": "Ignorera knapp \"Försök igen\"",
"description": "Denna inställning avgör om knappen \"Försök igen\" ska visas på alla frågor, vara inaktiverad för alla frågor, eller konfigureras individuellt per fråga.",
"label": "Ignorera knapp \"Försök igen\" ",
"description": "Denna inställning avgör om knappen \"Försök igen\" ska visas på alla frågor, vara inaktiverad för alla frågor, eller konfigureras individuellt per fråga",
"options": [
"label": "Aktiverad"
@ -266,4 +258,4 @@
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Sınav (Quiz) Hakkında Bilgilendirme",
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "Bilgilendirmeyi göster"
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "Başlık",
"description": "Bu başlık bilgilendirme metninin başlığıdır. "
"label": "Title",
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "Bilgilendirme metni",
"description": "Sınav (quiz) başlamadan önce gösterlecek metin"
"label": "Giriş metni",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "Başla butonu metni",
"default": "Sınavı başlat"
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "Start Quiz"
"label": "Arka plan görseli",
"description": "Bilgilendirme bölümü için isterseniz arka plan görseli ekleyebilirsiniz."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "Arka plan görseli",
"description": "Soru seti için isteğe bağlı arka plan görseli."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "İlerleme göstergeleri",
"description": "Soru seti ilerleme göstergesi stili",
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "Metinsel"
"label": "Metin"
"label": "Noktalar"
"label": "Dots"
"label": "Geçme puanı (%)",
"description": "Sınavı (quiz) geçmek için gerekli toplam puan yüzdesi."
"label": "Geçiş yüzdesi",
"description": "Quizi geçmek için gerekli toplam puan yüzdesi."
"label": "Sorular",
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "Varsayılan"
@ -54,119 +54,115 @@
"label": "Metin"
"entity": "soru",
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "Soru türü",
"description": "Soru şablonlarından seçin"
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "Test arayüz metinleri",
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "Geri butonu",
"default": "Önceki soru"
"label": "Back button",
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "Sonraki butonu",
"default": "Sonraki soru"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "Next question"
"label": "Bitir butonu",
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Bitir"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "İlerleme metni",
"description": "İlerleme göstergesi olarak metin seçildiyse kullanılacak metin.",
"default": "Soru: @current / @total"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "Belirli bir soruya geçmek için etiket",
"description": "Soru numarası yerine '%d' yer tutucusunu ve toplam soru sayısı yerine de %total'ı kullanmalısınız.",
"default": "Soru %d / %total"
"label": "Telif hakkı iletişim kutusu soru etiketi",
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Soru"
"label": "Okuyucu ilerleme durumu",
"description": "@current ve @total soru değişkenleri kullanabilir",
"default": "Soru @current / @total"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "Yanıtlanmamış soru için metin",
"default": "Yanıtlanmadı"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label": "Yanıtlanmış soru için metin",
"default": "Yanıtlandı"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Answered"
"label": "Geçerli soru için metin",
"default": "Geçerli soru"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "Current question"
"label": "Geri gelmeyi engelle",
"description": "Bu seçenek soru setinde sadece ileri doğru gezmeye olanak verir önceki soruya dönemez."
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Rastgele Sorular",
"description": "Soruların ekranda rastgele bir şekilde (her seferinde farklı sıralamada) gelmesi için etkinleştirin."
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Soruları sırasını ekranda rasgele gelmesi için etkinleştirin."
"label": "Sınavda sorulacak soru sayısı:",
"description": "Soru havuzundan belirli sayıda rastgele soru seçmenizi sağlar."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "Sınav (quiz) bitti",
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "Sonuçları göster"
"label": "Display results"
"label": "Çözümü göster butonunu göster"
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "Yeniden dene butonunu göster"
"label": "Display retry button"
"label": "Sonuç yok mesajı",
"description": " \"Sonuçları göster\" devre dışı bırakıldığında gösterilecek metin.",
"default": "Bitti"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label": "Geri bildirim başlığı",
"default": "Sonucunuz:",
"description": "Bu başlık, kullanıcı tüm soruları yanıtladığında sınavın sonunda görüntülenecektir."
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Your result:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "Genel geri bildirim",
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Varsayılan"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Herhangi bir puan aralığı için özel geri bildirim tanımlayabilirsiniz.",
"description": "Örnek: 0-44% Geliştirilmeli, 45-70% Orta, 70-100% İyi!",
"entity": "aralık",
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Skor Aralığı"
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "Tanımlanmış puan aralığı için geri bildirim",
"placeholder": "Geri bildirim için doldurun"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
@ -174,97 +170,92 @@
"label": "Eski Geri Bildirim",
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "Sınavı geçtiniz tebrikler",
"description": "Kullanıcı sınavı başarıyla geçerse puanının üzerinde bu metin görüntülenecektir."
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Geçti yorumu",
"description": "Kullanıcı sınavı başarıyla geçtiyse puandan sonra bu yorum görüntülenecektir."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Sınav başarısız başlığı",
"description": "Kullanıcı sınavda başarısız olursa puanının üzerinde bu metin görüntülenecektir."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Kaldı yorumu",
"description": "Kullanıcı sınavda başarısız olursa puandan sonra bu yorum görüntülenecektir."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Çözümü göster butonu etiketi",
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Çözümü göster",
"description": "Çözümü göster butonu için etiket"
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "Yeniden dene butonu etiketi",
"default": "Yeniden Dene",
"description": "Yeniden dene butonu için etiket"
"label": "Yeniden dene buton etiketi",
"default": "Yeniden dene",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "Bitir butonu için etiket",
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Bitir"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "Sınav sonuçlarından önce videoyu göster"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "Videoyu atla düğmesini etkinleştir"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Skip video"
"label": "Videoyu atla düğmesi etiketi",
"default": "Videoyu Atla"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Geçti videosu",
"description": "Bu video, kullanıcı sınavı başarıyla geçerse oynatılacaktır."
"label": "Kaldı videosu",
"description": "Bu video, kullanıcı sınavda başarısız olursa oynatılacaktır."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user fails the quiz."
"label": "\"Çözümü göster\" ve \"Yeniden dene\" butonları için ayarlar",
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "\"Kontrol et\" butonlarını göster",
"description": "Bu seçenek, tüm sorular için \"Kontrol et\" butonunun gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini belirler."
"label": "Show \"Check\" buttons",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Check\" button will be shown for all questions."
"label": "\"Çözümü göster\" butonunu etkinleştir.",
"description": "Bu seçenek, \"Çözümü göster\" butonunun tüm sorular için gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini, tümü için devre dışı bırakılıp bırakılmayacağını veya her soru için ayrı ayrı yapılandırılıp yapılandırılmayacağını belirler.",
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Etkinleştir"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Devre dışı bırak"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "Override \"Yeniden dene\" ",
"description": "Bu seçenek, \"Yeniden dene\" butonunun tüm sorular için gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini, tümü için devre dışı bırakılıp bırakılmayacağını veya her soru için ayrı ayrı yapılandırılıp yapılandırılmayacağını belirler.",
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Etkinleştir"
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Devre dışı bırak"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Кнопка Завершити",
"default": "Завершити"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Текст прогресу",
"description": "Текст, який використовується якщо обрано текстовий прогрес.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "Текст кнопки завершення",
"default": "Завершити"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Показати відео до результатів тесту"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
@ -208,14 +204,6 @@
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "完成功能鈕名稱",
"default": "完成"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "進度",
"description": "若進度指示選擇以文字方式呈現,則以文字方式顯示.",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "完成功能鈕名稱",
"default": "完成"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "在測驗結果前撥放影片"
@ -75,10 +75,6 @@
"label": "完成按鈕顯示文字",
"default": "完成"
"label": "Submit button",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "進度顯示文字",
"description": "若進度指示選擇文字式時顯示的文字。",
@ -208,10 +204,6 @@
"label": "完成按鈕的顯示文字",
"default": "完成"
"label": "Submit button text",
"default": "Submit"
"label": "在測驗結果出現前顯示影片"
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"contentType": "question",
"majorVersion": 1,
"minorVersion": 17,
"patchVersion": 7,
"patchVersion": 1,
"embedTypes": [
@ -71,4 +71,4 @@
"minorVersion": 0
Reference in New Issue