Merge branch 'release' into stable
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- source: /language/.en.json
translation: /language/%two_letters_code%.json
@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
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font-weight: bold;
@ -237,30 +225,27 @@
font-size: 1.25em;
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color: #777;
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margin-bottom: 1.5em;
margin: 2em 0 1em 0;
.questionset-results .result-header,
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.questionset-results .result-text,
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color: #1a73d9;
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font-size: 2em;
margin-top: 1em;
margin: 1em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em;
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font-size: 1.25em;
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margin: 1em;
/* No margin for questions when no frame */
Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -20,6 +20,52 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
var self = this;
this.contentId = contentId;
var defaults = {
initialQuestion: 0,
progressType: 'dots',
passPercentage: 50,
questions: [],
introPage: {
showIntroPage: false,
title: '',
introduction: '',
startButtonText: 'Start'
texts: {
prevButton: 'Previous question',
nextButton: 'Next question',
finishButton: 'Finish',
textualProgress: 'Question: @current of @total questions',
jumpToQuestion: 'Question %d of %total',
questionLabel: 'Question',
readSpeakerProgress: 'Question @current of @total',
unansweredText: 'Unanswered',
answeredText: 'Answered',
currentQuestionText: 'Current question'
endGame: {
showResultPage: true,
noResultMessage: 'Finished',
message: 'Your result:',
oldFeedback: {
successGreeting: '',
successComment: '',
failGreeting: '',
failComment: ''
overallFeedback: [],
finishButtonText: 'Finish',
solutionButtonText: 'Show solution',
retryButtonText: 'Retry',
showAnimations: false,
skipButtonText: 'Skip video',
showSolutionButton: true
override: {},
disableBackwardsNavigation: false
var params = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
var texttemplate =
'<% if (introPage.showIntroPage) { %>' +
'<div class="intro-page">' +
@ -61,6 +107,10 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
' </div>' +
var solutionButtonTemplate = params.endGame.showSolutionButton ?
' <button type="button" class="h5p-joubelui-button h5p-button qs-solutionbutton"><%= solutionButtonText %></button>':
var resulttemplate =
'<div class="questionset-results">' +
' <div class="greeting"><%= message %></div>' +
@ -76,56 +126,14 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
' <% } %>' +
' <div class="buttons">' +
' <button type="button" class="h5p-joubelui-button h5p-button qs-finishbutton"><%= finishButtonText %></button>' +
' <button type="button" class="h5p-joubelui-button h5p-button qs-solutionbutton"><%= solutionButtonText %></button>' +
solutionButtonTemplate +
' <button type="button" class="h5p-joubelui-button h5p-button qs-retrybutton"><%= retryButtonText %></button>' +
' </div>' +
var defaults = {
initialQuestion: 0,
progressType: 'dots',
passPercentage: 50,
questions: [],
introPage: {
showIntroPage: false,
title: '',
introduction: '',
startButtonText: 'Start'
texts: {
prevButton: 'Previous question',
nextButton: 'Next question',
finishButton: 'Finish',
textualProgress: 'Question: @current of @total questions',
jumpToQuestion: 'Question %d of %total',
questionLabel: 'Question',
readSpeakerProgress: 'Question @current of @total',
unansweredText: 'Unanswered',
answeredText: 'Answered',
currentQuestionText: 'Current question'
endGame: {
showResultPage: true,
noResultMessage: 'Finished',
message: 'Your result:',
successGreeting: 'Congratulations!',
successComment: 'You have enough correct answers to pass the test.',
failGreeting: 'Sorry!',
failComment: "You don't have enough correct answers to pass this test.",
scoreString: 'You got @score of @total points',
finishButtonText: 'Finish',
solutionButtonText: 'Show solution',
retryButtonText: 'Retry',
showAnimations: false,
skipButtonText: 'Skip video'
override: {},
disableBackwardsNavigation: false
var template = new EJS({text: texttemplate});
var endTemplate = new EJS({text: resulttemplate});
var params = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
var initialParams = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
var poolOrder; // Order of questions in a pool
@ -155,27 +163,27 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
var randomizeQuestionOrdering = function (questions) {
// Save the original order of the questions in a multidimensional array [[question0,0],[question1,1]...
var questionOrdering =, index) { return [questionInstance, index] });
var questionOrdering = (questionInstance, index) { return [questionInstance, index]; });
// Shuffle the multidimensional array
questionOrdering = H5P.shuffleArray(questionOrdering);
// Retrieve question objects from the first index
var questions = [];
questions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < questionOrdering.length; i++) {
questions[i] = questionOrdering[i][0];
// Retrieve the new shuffled order from the second index
var newOrder = [];
for (var i = 0; i< questionOrdering.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < questionOrdering.length; j++) {
// Use a previous order if it exists
if(contentData.previousState && contentData.previousState.questionOrder) {
newOrder[i] = questionOrder[questionOrdering[i][1]];
if (contentData.previousState && contentData.previousState.questionOrder) {
newOrder[j] = questionOrder[questionOrdering[j][1]];
else {
newOrder[i] = questionOrdering[i][1];
newOrder[j] = questionOrdering[j][1];
@ -190,7 +198,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
if (params.poolSize > 0) {
// If a previous pool exists, recreate it
if(contentData.previousState && contentData.previousState.poolOrder) {
if (contentData.previousState && contentData.previousState.poolOrder) {
poolOrder = contentData.previousState.poolOrder;
// Recreate the pool from the saved data
@ -244,7 +252,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
* @param {object} questions H5P content types to be created as instances
* @return {array} Array of questions instances
var createQuestionInstancesFromQuestions = function(questions) {
var createQuestionInstancesFromQuestions = function (questions) {
var result = [];
// Create question instances from questions
// Instantiate question instances
@ -266,9 +274,6 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
question.params = question.params || {};
question.params.overrideSettings = question.params.overrideSettings || {};
question.params.overrideSettings.$confirmationDialogParent = $template.last();
question.params.overrideSettings.instance = this;
var hasAnswers = contentData.previousState && contentData.previousState.answers;
var questionInstance = H5P.newRunnable(question, contentId, undefined, undefined,
@ -283,7 +288,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
return result;
// Create question instances from questions given by params
questionInstances = createQuestionInstancesFromQuestions(params.questions);
@ -312,8 +317,8 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
var _updateButtons = function () {
// Verify that current question is answered when backward nav is disabled
if (params.disableBackwardsNavigation) {
if (questionInstances[currentQuestion].getAnswerGiven()
&& questionInstances.length-1 !== currentQuestion) {
if (questionInstances[currentQuestion].getAnswerGiven() &&
questionInstances.length-1 !== currentQuestion) {
else {
@ -354,6 +359,8 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
currentQuestion = questionNumber;
// Hide all questions
$('.question-container', $myDom).hide().eq(questionNumber).show();
@ -404,6 +411,31 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
return currentQuestion;
* Handle autoplays, limit to one at a time
* @param {number} currentQuestionIndex
var handleAutoPlay = function (currentQuestionIndex) {
for (var i = 0; i < questionInstances.length; i++) {
var currentQuestion = params.questions[currentQuestionIndex];
var hasAutoPlay = currentQuestion &&
|||| &&
|||| &&
|||| &&
if (hasAutoPlay && typeof questionInstances[currentQuestionIndex].play === 'function') {
* Show solutions for subcontent, and hide subcontent buttons.
* Used for contracts with integrated content.
@ -497,7 +529,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
//Force the last page to be reRendered
rendered = false;
if(params.poolSize > 0){
if (params.poolSize > 0) {
// Make new pool from params.questions
// Randomize and get the results
@ -550,7 +582,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
var replaceQuestionsInDOM = function (questionInstances) {
// Find all question containers and detach questions from them
$('.question-container', $myDom).each(function (){
$('.question-container', $myDom).each(function () {
@ -565,19 +597,19 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
question.attach($('.question-container:eq(' + i + ')', $myDom));
//Show buttons if necessary
if(questionInstances[questionInstances.length -1] === question
&& question.hasButton('finish')) {
if (questionInstances[questionInstances.length -1] === question &&
question.hasButton('finish')) {
if(questionInstances[questionInstances.length -1] !== question
&& question.hasButton('next')) {
if (questionInstances[questionInstances.length -1] !== question &&
question.hasButton('next')) {
if(questionInstances[0] !== question
&& question.hasButton('prev')
&& !params.disableBackwardsNavigation) {
if (questionInstances[0] !== question &&
question.hasButton('prev') &&
!params.disableBackwardsNavigation) {
@ -618,7 +650,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
* @param {number} dotIndex Index of dot
* @param {boolean} isAnswered True if is answered, False if not answered
var toggleAnsweredDot = function(dotIndex, isAnswered) {
var toggleAnsweredDot = function (dotIndex, isAnswered) {
var $el = $('.progress-dot:eq(' + dotIndex +')', $myDom);
// Skip current button
@ -680,12 +712,9 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
// Get total score.
var finals = self.getScore();
var totals = self.getMaxScore();
var scoreString = params.endGame.scoreString.replace("@score", finals).replace("@total", totals);
var scoreString = H5P.Question.determineOverallFeedback(params.endGame.overallFeedback, finals / totals).replace('@score', finals).replace('@total', totals);
var success = ((100 * finals / totals) >= params.passPercentage);
var eventData = {
score: scoreString,
passed: success
* Makes our buttons behave like other buttons.
@ -708,8 +737,8 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
var eparams = {
message: params.endGame.showResultPage ? params.endGame.message : params.endGame.noResultMessage,
comment: params.endGame.showResultPage ? (success ? params.endGame.successGreeting : params.endGame.failGreeting) : undefined,
resulttext: params.endGame.showResultPage ? (success ? params.endGame.successComment : params.endGame.failComment) : undefined,
comment: params.endGame.showResultPage ? (success ? params.endGame.oldFeedback.successGreeting : params.endGame.oldFeedback.failGreeting) : undefined,
resulttext: params.endGame.showResultPage ? (success ? params.endGame.oldFeedback.successComment : params.endGame.oldFeedback.failComment) : undefined,
finishButtonText: params.endGame.finishButtonText,
solutionButtonText: params.endGame.solutionButtonText,
retryButtonText: params.endGame.retryButtonText
@ -720,10 +749,6 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
if (params.endGame.showResultPage) {
// Add event handlers to summary buttons
hookUpButton('.qs-finishbutton', function () {
self.trigger('h5pQuestionSetFinished', eventData);
hookUpButton('.qs-solutionbutton', function () {
@ -749,7 +774,6 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
scoreBar = H5P.JoubelUI.createScoreBar(totals);
scoreBar.appendTo($('.feedback-scorebar', $myDom));
$('.feedback-text', $myDom).html(scoreString);
// Announce that the question set is complete
@ -760,6 +784,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
eparams.comment + '.' +
}, 0);
else {
@ -853,7 +878,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
// Hide next button if it is the last question
if(questionInstances[questionInstances.length -1] === question) {
if (questionInstances[questionInstances.length -1] === question) {
@ -1081,10 +1106,10 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
return info;
this.getQuestions = function() {
this.getQuestions = function () {
return questionInstances;
this.showSolutions = function() {
this.showSolutions = function () {
renderSolutions = true;
@ -1142,7 +1167,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
* Add the question itself to the definition part of an xAPIEvent
var addQuestionToXAPI = function(xAPIEvent) {
var addQuestionToXAPI = function (xAPIEvent) {
var definition = xAPIEvent.getVerifiedStatementValue(['object', 'definition']);
$.extend(definition, getxAPIDefinition());
@ -1153,8 +1178,8 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
* @param {Object} metaContentType
* @returns {array}
var getXAPIDataFromChildren = function(metaContentType) {
return metaContentType.getQuestions().map(function(question) {
var getXAPIDataFromChildren = function (metaContentType) {
return metaContentType.getQuestions().map(function (question) {
return question.getXAPIData();
@ -1165,7 +1190,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
* @see contract at {@link}
this.getXAPIData = function(){
this.getXAPIData = function () {
var xAPIEvent = this.createXAPIEventTemplate('answered');
@ -1177,7 +1202,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
return {
children: getXAPIDataFromChildren(this)
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "Quiz introduction",
"fields": [
"label": "Display introduction"
"label": "Title",
"description": "This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label": "Introduction text",
"description": "This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label": "Start button text",
"default": "Start Quiz"
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the introduction."
"label": "Background image",
"description": "An optional background image for the Question set."
"label": "Progress indicator",
"description": "Question set progress indicator style.",
"options": [
"label": "Textual"
"label": "Dots"
"default": "dots"
"label": "Pass percentage",
"description": "Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label": "Questions",
"widgets": [
"label": "Default"
"label": "Textual"
"entity": "question",
"field": {
"label": "Question type",
"description": "Library for this question."
"label": "Interface texts in quiz",
"fields": [
"label": "Back button",
"default": "Previous question"
"label": "Next button",
"default": "Next question"
"label": "Finish button",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Progress text",
"description": "Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default": "Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Question"
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Answered"
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "Current question"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "Quiz finished",
"fields": [
"label": "Display results"
"label": "Display solution button"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label": "Feedback heading",
"default": "Your result:",
"description": "This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label": "Overall Feedback",
"fields": [
"widgets": [],
"label": "Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description": "Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"entity": "range",
"field": {
"fields": [
"label": "Score Range"
"label": "Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder": "Fill in the feedback"
"label": "Old Feedback",
"fields": [
"label": "Quiz passed greeting",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Passed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Quiz failed title",
"description": "This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Failed comment",
"description": "This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label": "Solution button label",
"default": "Show solution",
"description": "Text for the solution button."
"label": "Retry button label",
"default": "Retry",
"description": "Text for the retry button."
"label": "Finish button text",
"default": "Finish"
"label": "Display video before quiz results"
"label": "Enable skip video button"
"label": "Skip video button label",
"default": "Skip video"
"label": "Passed video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label": "Fail video",
"description": "This video will be played if the user failes the quiz."
"label": "Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"fields": [
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Disabled"
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Disabled"
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
"label":"Quiz introduction",
"label":"Display introduction"
"description":"This title will be displayed above the introduction text."
"label":"Introduction text",
"description":"This text will be displayed before the quiz starts."
"label":"Start button text",
"default":"Start Quiz"
"label":"Background image",
"description":"An optional background image for the introduction."
"label":"Background image",
"description":"An optional background image for the Question set."
"label":"Progress indicator",
"description":"Question set progress indicator style.",
"label":"Pass percentage",
"description":"Percentage of Total score required for passing the quiz."
"label":"Question type",
"description":"Library for this question."
"label":"Interface texts in quiz",
"label":"Back button",
"default":"Previous question"
"label":"Next button",
"default":"Next question"
"label":"Finish button",
"label":"Progress text",
"description":"Text used if textual progress is selected.",
"default":"Question: @current of @total questions"
"label":"Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description":"You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default":"Question %d of %total"
"label":"Copyright dialog question label",
"label":"Readspeaker progress",
"description":"May use @current and @total question variables",
"default":"Question @current of @total"
"label":"Unanswered question text",
"label":"Answered question text",
"label":"Current question text",
"default":"Current question"
"label":"Disable backwards navigation",
"description":"This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label":"Randomize questions",
"description":"Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label":"Number of questions to be shown:",
"description":"Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label":"Quiz finished",
"label":"Display results"
"label":"Display solution button"
"label":"No results message",
"description":"Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"label":"Feedback heading",
"default":"Your result:",
"description":"This heading will be displayed at the end of the quiz when the user has answered all questions."
"label":"Overall Feedback",
"label":"Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description":"Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"label":"Score Range"
"label":"Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder":"Fill in the feedback"
"label":"Old Feedback",
"label":"Quiz passed greeting",
"description":"This text will be displayed above the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label":"Passed comment",
"description":"This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has successfully passed the quiz."
"label":"Quiz failed title",
"description":"This text will be displayed above the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label":"Failed comment",
"description":"This comment will be displayed after the score if the user has failed the quiz."
"label":"Solution button label",
"default":"Show solution",
"description":"Text for the solution button."
"label":"Retry button label",
"description":"Text for the retry button."
"label":"Finish button text",
"label":"Display video before quiz results"
"label":"Enable skip video button"
"label":"Skip video button label",
"default":"Skip video"
"label":"Passed video",
"description":"This video will be played if the user successfully passed the quiz."
"label":"Fail video",
"description":"This video will be played if the user failes the quiz."
"label":"Settings for \"Show solution\" and \"Retry\" buttons",
"label":"Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description":"This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"label":"Override \"Retry\" button",
"description":"This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
@ -1,213 +1,255 @@
"semantics": [
"label": "مقدمة المسابقة",
"fields": [
"label":"مقدمة المسابقة",
"label": "عرض المقدمة"
"label":"عرض المقدمة"
"label": "العنوان",
"description": "سيتم عرض هذا العنوان فوق النص المقدمة"
"description":"سيتم عرض هذا العنوان فوق النص المقدمة"
"label": "مقدمة النص",
"description": "سيتم عرض هذا النص قبل أن تبدأ هذه المسابقة"
"label":"مقدمة النص",
"description":"سيتم عرض هذا النص قبل أن تبدأ هذه المسابقة"
"label": "بدء زر النص"
"label":"بدء زر النص",
"default":"Start Quiz"
"label": "صورة الخلفية",
"description": "إدخال صورة خلفية اختيارية"
"label":"صورة الخلفية",
"description":"إدخال صورة خلفية اختيارية"
"label": "صورة الخلفية",
"description": "صورة خلفية اختيارية لأسئلة"
"label":"صورة الخلفية",
"description":"صورة خلفية اختيارية لأسئلة"
"label": "مؤشر التقدم",
"description": "أسئلة لتعيين نمط مؤشر التقدم",
"options": [
"label":"مؤشر التقدم",
"description":"أسئلة لتعيين نمط مؤشر التقدم",
"label": "النصية"
"label": "النقاط"
"label": "نسبة النجاح",
"description": "النسبة المئوية لمجموع النقاط المطلوبة لاجتياز الاختبار"
"label": "الأسئلة",
"widgets": [
"label": "الافتراضي"
"label": "النصية"
"entity": "السؤال",
"field": {
"label": "نوع السؤال",
"description": "مكتبة لهذا السؤال"
"label":"نسبة النجاح",
"description":"النسبة المئوية لمجموع النقاط المطلوبة لاجتياز الاختبار"
"label":"نوع السؤال",
"description":"مكتبة لهذا السؤال"
"label": "واجهة النصوص لهذه المسابقة",
"fields": [
"label":"واجهة النصوص لهذه المسابقة",
"label": "زر الرجوع"
"label":"زر العودة",
"default":"Previous question"
"label": "زر التقدم"
"label":"زر التقدم",
"default":"Next question"
"label": "زر الانتهاء"
"label":"زر الانتهاء",
"label": "نص التقدم",
"description": "النص المستخدم إذا تم تحديد التقدم نصيا"
"label":"نص التقدم",
"description":"النص المستخدم إذا تم تحديد التقدم نصيا",
"default":"Question: @current of @total questions"
"label": "Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description": "You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default": "Question %d of %total"
"label":"Label for jumping to a certain question",
"description":"You must use the placeholder '%d' instead of the question number, and %total instead of total amount of questions.",
"default":"Question %d of %total"
"label": "Copyright dialog question label",
"default": "Question"
"label":"Copyright dialog question label",
"label": "Readspeaker progress",
"description": "May use @current and @total question variables",
"default": "Question @current of @total"
"label":"Readspeaker progress",
"description":"May use @current and @total question variables",
"default":"Question @current of @total"
"label": "Unanswered question text",
"default": "Unanswered"
"label":"Unanswered question text",
"label": "Answered question text",
"default": "Answered"
"label":"Answered question text",
"label": "Current question text",
"default": "Current question"
"label":"Current question text",
"default":"Current question"
"label": "Disable backwards navigation",
"description": "This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label":"Disable backwards navigation",
"description":"This option will only allow you to move forward in Question Set"
"label": "Randomize questions",
"description": "Enable to randomize the order of questions on display."
"label":"Randomize questions",
"description":"تمكين العرض بطريقة عشوائية وترتيب الأسئلة على الشاشة"
"label": "Number of questions to be shown:",
"description": "Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label":"Number of questions to be shown:",
"description":"Create a randomized batch of questions from the total."
"label": "انتهاء المسابقة",
"fields": [
"label":"انتهاء المسابقة",
"label": "عرض النتائج"
"label":"عرض النتائج"
"label": "No results message",
"description": "Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"default": "Finished"
"label":"Display solution button"
"label": "نص راس الملاحظات",
"description": "سيتم عرض هذا العنوان في نهاية هذه المسابقة حيثما أجاب المستخدم على جميع الأسئلة المستعملة"
"label":"No results message",
"description":"Text displayed on end page when \"Display results\" is disabled",
"label": "عرض نص النتيجة",
"description": "النص يستخدم لعرض مجموع النقاط للمستخدم \"@score\" سوف تحل محلها النتيجة المحسوبة, \"@total\" حسب أقصى درجة ممكنة"
"label":"نص راس الملاحظات",
"default":"Your result:",
"description":"سيتم عرض هذا العنوان في نهاية هذه المسابقة حيثما أجاب المستخدم على جميع الأسئلة المستعملة"
"label": "تعليق النجاح بالمسابقة",
"description": "سيتم عرض هذا النص أعلاه النتيجة إذا انقضى المستخدم بنجاح هذه المسابقة"
"label": "ملاحظة النجاح",
"description": "سيتم عرض هذه الملاحظة بعد النتيجة إذا انقضى المستخدم بنجاح هذه المسابقة"
"label": "تعليق الرسوب بالمسابقة",
"description": "سيتم عرض هذا النص أعلاه النتيجة إذا كان المستخدم قد فشلت في المسابقة"
"label": "ملاحظة الرسوب",
"description": "سيتم عرض هذه الملاحظة بعد النتيجة إذا كان المستخدم قد فشلت في المسابقة"
"label": "تسمية زر اظهار الحل",
"description": "نص زر الحل"
"label": "تسمية زر إعادة المحاولة",
"description": "نص زر إعادة المحاولة"
"label": "نص زر الانتهاء"
"label": "عرض الفيديو قبل نتائج المسابقة"
"label": "تفعيل زر تخطى الفيديو"
"label": "تسمية زر تخطى الفيديو"
"label": "فيديو النجاح بالمسابقة",
"description": "سيتم تشغيل هذا الفيديو إذا كان المستخدم ناجحا بهذه المسابقة"
"label": "فيديو الرسوب بالمسابقة",
"description": "سيتم تشغيل هذا الفيديو إذا كان المستخدم راسبا بهذه المسابقة"
"label": "إعدادات زر \"مشاهدة حل \" وزر \"إعادة المحاولة\" ",
"fields": [
"label": "Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label":"شفافية خلفية العناصر",
"label": "Enabled"
"label": "Disabled"
"label":"Define custom feedback for any score range",
"description":"Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!",
"label":"Score Range"
"label":"Feedback for defined score range",
"placeholder":"Fill in the feedback"
"label": "Override \"Retry\" button",
"description": "This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"options": [
"label":"Old Feedback",
"label": "Enabled"
"label":"تعليق النجاح بالمسابقة",
"description":"سيتم عرض هذا النص أعلاه النتيجة إذا انقضى المستخدم بنجاح هذه المسابقة"
"label": "Disabled"
"label":"ملاحظة النجاح",
"description":"سيتم عرض هذه الملاحظة بعد النتيجة إذا انقضى المستخدم بنجاح هذه المسابقة"
"label":"تعليق الرسوب بالمسابقة",
"description":"سيتم عرض هذا النص أعلاه النتيجة إذا كان المستخدم قد فشلت في المسابقة"
"label":"ملاحظة الرسوب",
"description":"سيتم عرض هذه الملاحظة بعد النتيجة إذا كان المستخدم قد فشلت في المسابقة"
"label":"تسمية زر اظهار الحل",
"default":"مشاهدة الحل",
"description":"نص زر الحل"
"label":"تسمية زر إعادة المحاولة",
"default":"إعادة المحاولة",
"description":"نص زر إعادة المحاولة"
"label":"نص زر الانتهاء",
"label":"عرض الفيديو قبل نتائج المسابقة"
"label":"تفعيل زر تخطى الفيديو"
"label":"تسمية زر تخطى الفيديو",
"default":"Skip video"
"label":"فيديو النجاح بالمسابقة",
"description":"سيتم تشغيل هذا الفيديو إذا كان المستخدم ناجحا بهذه المسابقة"
"label":"فيديو الرسوب بالمسابقة",
"description":"سيتم تشغيل هذا الفيديو إذا كان المستخدم راسبا بهذه المسابقة"
"label":"إعدادات زر \"مشاهدة حل \" وزر \"إعادة المحاولة\" ",
"label":"Override \"Show Solution\" button",
"description":"This option determines if the \"Show Solution\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
"label":"Override \"Retry\" button",
"description":"This option determines if the \"Retry\" button will be shown for all questions, disabled for all or configured for each question individually.",
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
"label":"Uvod u kviz",
"label":"Prikaži uvod"
"description":"Ovaj će naziv biti prikazan iznad uvodnog teksta."
"label":"Tekst uvoda",
"description":"Ovaj će naziv biti prikazan prije početka kviza."
"label":"Oznaka za dugme \"Start\"",
"label":"Slika pozadine",
"description":"Slika pozadine na početku. (opcionalno)."
"label":"Slika pozadine",
"description":"Slika pozadine seta pitanja. (opcionalno)."
"label":"Prikaz napredovanja",
"description":"Prikazivanje napredovanja",
"label":"Procenat za uspješan prolaz",
"description":"Procenat tačnih odgovora kao preduvijet da je kviz\/zadatak uspješno završen."
"label":"Vrsta pitanja",
"description":"Biblioteka za ovo pitanje."
"label":"Prikaz teksta u kvizu",
"label":"Oznaka za dugme \"Nazad\"",
"label":"Oznaka za dugme \"Naprijed\"",
"label":"Oznaka za dugme \"Završi\"",
"label":"Početni tekst",
"description":"Koristi tekst ako je izabran za napredak u pisanom obliku.",
"default":"Aktuelno pitanje: @current od @total pitanja"
"label":"Označavanje za skakanje do određene tačke",
"description":"Koristi mjesto '%d' za redoslijed pitanja i %total za ukupan broj pitanja.",
"default":"Pitanje %d od %total"
"label":"Opis pitanja u vezi sa vezi s autorom",
"label":"Napredno \"Readspeaker\"" |