Hotfix. Relates to #HFP-200
@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
var endTemplate = new EJS({text: resulttemplate});
var params = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
var initialParams = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
var poolOrder; // Order of questions in a pool
var currentQuestion = 0;
var questionInstances = [];
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
questions: questions,
questionOrder: newOrder
// Create a pool (a subset) of questions if necessary
if (params.poolSize && params.poolSize < params.questions.length) {
@ -477,7 +478,61 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
//Force the last page to be reRendered
rendered = false;
if (params.randomQuestions) {
if(params.poolSize > 0){
questionInstances = [];
// Make new pool from params.questions
// Randomize and get the results
var poolResult = randomizeQuestionOrdering(initialParams.questions, poolOrder);
var poolQuestions = poolResult.questions;
poolOrder = poolResult.questionOrder;
// Discard extra questions
poolQuestions = poolQuestions.slice(0, params.poolSize);
poolOrder = poolOrder.slice(0, params.poolSize);
// Replace original questions with just the ones in the pool
params.questions = poolQuestions;
// Create question instances from questions
// Instantiate question instances
for (var i = 0; i < params.questions.length; i++) {
var question;
// If a previous order exists, use it
if (questionOrder !== undefined) {
question = params.questions[questionOrder[i]];
else {
// Use a generic order when initialzing for the first time
question = params.questions[i];
if (override) {
// Extend subcontent with the overrided settings.
$.extend(question.params.behaviour, override);
question.params = question.params || {};
question.params.overrideSettings = question.params.overrideSettings || {};
question.params.overrideSettings.$confirmationDialogParent = $template.last();
question.params.overrideSettings.instance = this;
var hasAnswers = contentData.previousState && contentData.previousState.answers;
var questionInstance = H5P.newRunnable(question, contentId, undefined, undefined,
previousState: hasAnswers ? contentData.previousState.answers[i] : undefined,
parent: self
questionInstance.on('resize', function () {
up = true;
// Update buttons
} else if (params.randomQuestions) {
@ -498,6 +553,11 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
questionInstances = result.questions;
questionOrder = result.questionOrder;
var replaceQuestionsInDOM = function (questionInstances) {
// Find all question containers and detach questions from them
$('.question-container', $myDom).each(function (){
@ -514,6 +574,8 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
question.attach($('.question-container:eq(' + i + ')', $myDom));
//Show buttons if necessary
console.log('replaceQuestionsInDOM', questionInstances[0].getAnswerGiven());
if(questionInstances[questionInstances.length -1] === question
&& question.hasButton('finish')) {
@ -542,10 +604,8 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
if (questionInstances[questionInstances.length-1] !== question) {
var moveQuestion = function (direction) {
if (params.disableBackwardsNavigation && !questionInstances[currentQuestion].getAnswerGiven()) {
@ -762,47 +822,14 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
// Function for attaching the multichoice to a DOM element.
this.attach = function (target) {
if (this.isRoot()) {
if (typeof(target) === "string") {
$myDom = $('#' + target);
else {
$myDom = $(target);
// Render own DOM into target.
if (params.backgroundImage !== undefined) {
overflow: 'hidden',
background: '#fff url("' + H5P.getPath(params.backgroundImage.path, contentId) + '") no-repeat 50% 50%',
backgroundSize: '100% auto'
if (params.introPage.backgroundImage !== undefined) {
var $intro = $myDom.find('.intro-page');
if ($intro.length) {
var bgImg = params.introPage.backgroundImage;
var bgImgRatio = (bgImg.height / bgImg.width);
background: '#fff url("' + H5P.getPath(bgImg.path, contentId) + '") no-repeat 50% 50%',
backgroundSize: 'auto 100%',
minHeight: bgImgRatio * +window.getComputedStyle($intro[0]).width.replace('px','')
var registerImageLoadedListener = function (question) {
H5P.on(question, 'imageLoaded', function () {
// Function for attaching the multichoice to a DOM element.
function initializeQuestion() {
// Attach questions
for (var i = 0; i < questionInstances.length; i++) {
var question = questionInstances[i];
@ -857,6 +884,44 @@ H5P.QuestionSet = function (options, contentId, contentData) {
// Mark question if answered
toggleAnsweredDot(i, question.getAnswerGiven());
this.attach = function (target) {
if (this.isRoot()) {
if (typeof(target) === "string") {
$myDom = $('#' + target);
else {
$myDom = $(target);
// Render own DOM into target.
if (params.backgroundImage !== undefined) {
overflow: 'hidden',
background: '#fff url("' + H5P.getPath(params.backgroundImage.path, contentId) + '") no-repeat 50% 50%',
backgroundSize: '100% auto'
if (params.introPage.backgroundImage !== undefined) {
var $intro = $myDom.find('.intro-page');
if ($intro.length) {
var bgImg = params.introPage.backgroundImage;
var bgImgRatio = (bgImg.height / bgImg.width);
background: '#fff url("' + H5P.getPath(bgImg.path, contentId) + '") no-repeat 50% 50%',
backgroundSize: 'auto 100%',
minHeight: bgImgRatio * +window.getComputedStyle($intro[0]).width.replace('px','')
// Allow other libraries to add transitions after the questions have been inited
$('.questionset', $myDom).addClass('started');
Reference in New Issue