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2013-01-08 13:04:15 +01:00
// Will render a Question with multiple choices for answers.
// Options format:
// {
// title: "Optional title for question box",
// question: "Question text",
// answers: [{text: "Answer text", correct: false}, ...],
// singleAnswer: true, // or false, will change rendered output slightly.
// }
window.H5P = window.H5P || {};
H5P.QuestionSet = function (options) {
if ( !(this instanceof H5P.QuestionSet) )
return new H5P.QuestionSet(options);
var texttemplate = '' +
'<div class="questionset">' +
' <h2 class="title"><%= title %></h2>' +
' <% for (var i=0; i<questions.length; i++) { %>' +
' <div class="question" id="q-<%= i %>">' +
' <h1><%= questions[i].machineName %></h1>' +
' </div>' +
' <% } %>' +
' <div class="question-footer">' +
' <div class="progress">' +
' <% if (progressType == "dots") { %>' +
' <% for (var i=0; i<questions.length; i++) { %>' +
' <span class="progress-dot unanswered" id="qdot-<%= i %>">o</span>' +
' <%} %>' +
' <% } else if (progressType == "textual") { %>' +
' <span class="progress-current"></span>' +
' of' +
' <span class="progress-total"><%= questions.length %></span>' +
' questions' +
' <% } %>' +
' </div>' +
' <button class="prev button">Previous</button>' +
' <button class="next button">Next</button>' +
' <button class="finish button">Finish</button>' +
' </div>' +
'</div>' +
var defaults = {
title: "",
randomOrder: false,
initialQuestion: 0,
progressType: 'textual',
questions: []
var template = new EJS({text: texttemplate});
var params = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, options);
var currentQuestion = -1;
var questionInstances = new Array();
var allQuestionsAnswered = false;
var myDom;
if (params.randomOrder) {
// TODO: Randomize order of questions
console.log("TODO: Randomize order of questions");
var _showQuestion = function (questionNumber) {
// Sanitize input.
if (questionNumber < 0) { questionNumber = 0; }
if (questionNumber >= params.questions.length) { questionNumber = params.questions.length - 1; }
$('.prev.button', myDom).attr({'disabled': (questionNumber === 0)});
$('.next.button', myDom).attr({'disabled': (questionNumber == params.questions.length-1)});
// Hide all questions
$('.question', myDom).hide();
// Reshow the requested question
$('#q-' + questionNumber, myDom).show();
// Update progress indicator
// Test if current has been answered.
if (params.progressType == 'textual') {
$('.progress-current', myDom).text("" + (questionNumber+1));
} else {
$('.progress-dot.current', myDom).removeClass('current');
// Set answered/unanswered for current.
$('#qdot-' + questionNumber, myDom).addClass('current');
// Remember where we are
currentQuestion = questionNumber;
return currentQuestion;
// Function for attaching the multichoice to a DOM element.
var attach = function (targetId) {
// Render own DOM into target.
template.update(targetId, params);
myDom = jQuery('#' + targetId);
// Attach questions
for (var i=0; i<params.questions.length; i++) {
var quest = params.questions[i];
// TODO: Render on init, inject in template.
var tmp = new (H5P.classFromName(quest.machineName))(quest.options).attach('q-' + i);
// Set event listeners.
$('.next.button', myDom).click(function() {
_showQuestion(currentQuestion + 1);
$('.prev.button', myDom).click(function() {
_showQuestion(currentQuestion - 1);
// Hide all but initial Question.
return this;
var getScore = function () {
var score = 0;
for (var i = questionInstances.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
score += questionInstances[i].getScore();
return score;
return {
attach: attach, // Attach to DOM object
getQuestions: function () {return questionInstances;},
getScore: getScore,
defaults: defaults // Provide defaults for inspection