var H5PDataView = (function ($) { /** * Initialize a new H5P data view. * * @class * @param {Object} container * Element to clear out and append to. * @param {String} source * URL to get data from. Data format: {num: 123, rows:[[1,2,3],[2,4,6]]} * @param {Array} headers * List with column headers. Can be strings or objects with options like * "text" and "sortable". E.g. * [{text: 'Col 1', sortable: true}, 'Col 2', 'Col 3'] * @param {Object} l10n * Localization / translations. e.g. * { * loading: 'Loading data.', * ajaxFailed: 'Failed to load data.', * noData: "There's no data available that matches your criteria.", * currentPage: 'Page $current of $total', * nextPage: 'Next page', * previousPage: 'Previous page', * search: 'Search' * } * @param {Object} classes * Custom html classes to use on elements. * e.g. {tableClass: 'fixed'}. * @param {Array} filters * Make it possible to filter/search in the given column. * e.g. [null, true, null, null] will make it possible to do a text * search in column 2. * @param {Function} loaded * Callback for when data has been loaded. */ function H5PDataView(container, source, headers, l10n, classes, filters, loaded) { var self = this; self.$container = $(container).addClass('h5p-data-view').html(''); self.source = source; self.headers = headers; self.l10n = l10n; self.classes = (classes === undefined ? {} : classes); self.filters = (filters === undefined ? [] : filters); self.loaded = loaded; self.limit = 20; self.offset = 0; self.filterOn = []; self.loadData(); } /** * Load data from source URL. * * @public */ H5PDataView.prototype.loadData = function () { var self = this; // Throbb self.setMessage(H5PUtils.throbber(self.l10n.loading)); // Create URL var url = self.source; url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'offset=' + self.offset + '&limit=' + self.limit; // Add sorting if (self.sortBy !== undefined && self.sortDir !== undefined) { url += '&sortBy=' + self.sortBy + '&sortDir=' + self.sortDir; } // Add filters var filtering; for (var i = 0; i < self.filterOn.length; i++) { if (self.filterOn[i] === undefined) { continue; } filtering = true; url += '&filters[' + i + ']=' + encodeURIComponent(self.filterOn[i]); } // Fire ajax request $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', cache: true, url: url }).fail(function () { // Error handling self.setMessage($('

', {text: self.l10n.ajaxFailed})); }).done(function (data) { if (!data.rows.length) { self.setMessage($('

', {text: filtering ? self.l10n.noData : self.l10n.empty})); } else { // Update table data self.updateTable(data.rows); } // Update pagination widget self.updatePagination(data.num); if (self.loaded !== undefined) { self.loaded(); } }); }; /** * Display the given message to the user. * * @public * @param {jQuery} $message wrapper with message */ H5PDataView.prototype.setMessage = function ($message) { var self = this; if (self.table === undefined) { self.$container.html('').append($message); } else { self.table.setBody($message); } }; /** * Update table data. * * @public * @param {Array} rows */ H5PDataView.prototype.updateTable = function (rows) { var self = this; if (self.table === undefined) { // Clear out container self.$container.html(''); // Add filters self.addFilters(); // Create new table self.table = new H5PUtils.Table(self.classes, self.headers); self.table.setHeaders(self.headers, function (col, dir) { // Sorting column or direction has changed callback. self.sortBy = col; self.sortDir = dir; self.loadData(); }); self.table.appendTo(self.$container); } // Add/update rows self.table.setRows(rows); }; /** * Update pagination widget. * * @public * @param {Number} num size of data collection */ H5PDataView.prototype.updatePagination = function (num) { var self = this; if (self.pagination === undefined) { // Create new widget var $pagerContainer = $('

', {'class': 'h5p-pagination'}); self.pagination = new H5PUtils.Pagination(num, self.limit, function (offset) { // Handle page changes in pagination widget self.offset = offset; self.loadData(); }, self.l10n); self.pagination.appendTo($pagerContainer); self.table.setFoot($pagerContainer); } else { // Update existing widget self.pagination.update(num, self.limit); } }; /** * Add filters. * * @public */ H5PDataView.prototype.addFilters = function () { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.filters.length; i++) { if (self.filters[i] === true) { // Add text input filter for col i self.addTextFilter(i); } } }; /** * Add text filter for given col num. * @public * @param {Number} col */ H5PDataView.prototype.addTextFilter = function (col) { var self = this; /** * Find input value and filter on it. * @private */ var search = function () { var filterOn = $input.val().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (filterOn === '') { filterOn = undefined; } if (filterOn !== self.filterOn[col]) { self.filterOn[col] = filterOn; self.loadData(); } }; // Add text field for filtering var typing; var $input = $('', { type: 'text', placeholder:, on: { 'blur': function () { clearTimeout(typing); search(); }, 'keyup': function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { clearTimeout(typing); search(); return false; } else { clearTimeout(typing); typing = setTimeout(function () { search(); }, 500); } } } }).appendTo(self.$container); }; return H5PDataView; })(H5P.jQuery);