/** * Queue requests and handle them at your convenience * * @type {RequestQueue} */ H5P.RequestQueue = (function ($) { /** * A queue for requests, will be automatically processed when regaining connection * * @param {string} itemName Name that requests will be stored as in local storage * @param {string} eventName Name of event that will be triggered when a new item is added to the queue * @constructor */ const RequestQueue = function (itemName, eventName) { this.processingQueue = false; this.itemName = itemName; this.eventName = eventName; // Initialize listener for when requests are added to queue window.addEventListener('offline', this.updateOnlineStatus.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('online', this.updateOnlineStatus.bind(this)); }; /** * Add request to queue * * @param {string} url * @param {Object} data * @returns {boolean} */ RequestQueue.prototype.add = function (url, data) { if (!window.localStorage) { return false; } let storedStatements = this.getStoredRequests(); if (!storedStatements) { storedStatements = []; } storedStatements.push({ url: url, data: data, }); window.localStorage.setItem(this.itemName, JSON.stringify(storedStatements)); H5P.externalDispatcher.trigger(this.eventName); return true; }; /** * Get stored requests * * @returns {boolean|Array} Stored requests */ RequestQueue.prototype.getStoredRequests = function () { if (!window.localStorage) { return false; } const item = window.localStorage.getItem(this.itemName); if (!item) { return []; } return JSON.parse(item); }; /** * Clear stored requests * * @returns {boolean} True if the storage was successfully cleared */ RequestQueue.prototype.clear = function () { if (!window.localStorage) { return false; } window.localStorage.removeItem(this.itemName); return true; }; /** * Start processing of requests queue */ RequestQueue.prototype.resumeQueue = function () { // Not supported if (!H5PIntegration || !window.navigator || !window.localStorage) { return; } // Already processing if (this.processingQueue) { return; } // Application is offline, re-send when we detect a connection if (!window.navigator.onLine) { return; } // We're online, attempt to send queued requests const queue = this.getStoredRequests(); const queueLength = queue.length; // Clear storage, failed requests will be re-added this.clear(); // No items left in queue if (!queueLength) { return; } // Make sure requests are not changed while they're being handled this.processingQueue = true; // Process queue in original order this.processQueue(queue); }; /** * Process first item in the request queue * * @param {Array} queue Request queue */ RequestQueue.prototype.processQueue = function (queue) { if (!queue.length) { return; } // Make sure the requests are processed in a FIFO order const request = queue.shift(); const self = this; $.post(request.url, request.data) .fail(self.onQueuedRequestFail.bind(self, request)) .always(self.onQueuedRequestProcessed.bind(self, queue)) }; /** * Request fail handler * * @param {Object} request */ RequestQueue.prototype.onQueuedRequestFail = function (request) { // Queue the failed request again if we're offline if (!window.navigator.onLine) { this.add(request.url, request.data); } }; RequestQueue.prototype.onQueuedRequestProcessed = function (queue) { if (queue.length) { this.processQueue(queue); return; } // Finished processing this queue this.processingQueue = false; if (!window.navigator.onLine) { return; } // Process next queue if items were added while processing current queue const requestQueue = this.getStoredRequests(); if (requestQueue.length) { this.resumeQueue(); } }; /** * Display toast message on the first content of current page * * @param {string} msg Message to display */ RequestQueue.prototype.displayToastMessage = function (msg) { H5P.attachToastTo( H5P.jQuery('.h5p-content:first')[0], msg, { position: { horizontal: 'centered', vertical: 'centered', noOverflowX: true } } ); }; /** * Update online status */ RequestQueue.prototype.updateOnlineStatus = function () { // Lost connection if (!window.navigator.onLine) { this.displayToastMessage(H5P.t('connectionLost')); return; } // Re-connected, resume processing of queue let message = H5P.t('connectionReestablished'); const requestQueue = this.getStoredRequests(); if (requestQueue.length) { message += ' ' + H5P.t('resubmitScores'); this.resumeQueue(); } this.displayToastMessage(message); }; return RequestQueue; })(H5P.jQuery); H5P.offlineRequestQueue = new H5P.RequestQueue('requestQueue', 'requestQueued');