]['library']['libraryId'] * - libraryId stored in $librariesInUse[]['preloaded'] */ public function saveLibraryUsage($contentId, $librariesInUse); /** * Loads a library * * @param string $machineName * @param int $majorVersion * @param int $minorVersion * @return array|FALSE * Array representing the library with dependency descriptions * FALSE if the library doesn't exist */ public function loadLibrary($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); /** * Delete all dependencies belonging to given library * * @param int $libraryId * Library Id */ public function deleteLibraryDependencies($libraryId); } /** * This class is used for validating H5P files */ class H5PValidator { public $h5pF; public $h5pC; // Schemas used to validate the h5p files private $h5pRequired = array( 'title' => '/^.{1,255}$/', 'language' => '/^[a-z]{1,5}$/', 'preloadedDependencies' => array( 'machineName' => '/^[\w0-9\-\.]{1,255}$/i', 'majorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', 'minorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', ), 'mainLibrary' => '/^[$a-z_][0-9a-z_\.$]{1,254}$/i', 'embedTypes' => array('iframe', 'div'), ); private $h5pOptional = array( 'contentType' => '/^.{1,255}$/', 'author' => '/^.{1,255}$/', 'license' => '/^(cc-by|cc-by-sa|cc-by-nd|cc-by-nc|cc-by-nc-sa|cc-by-nc-nd|pd|cr|MIT)$/', 'dynamicDependencies' => array( 'machineName' => '/^[\w0-9\-\.]{1,255}$/i', 'majorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', 'minorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', ), 'w' => '/^[0-9]{1,4}$/', 'h' => '/^[0-9]{1,4}$/', 'metaKeywords' => '/^.{1,}$/', 'metaDescription' => '/^.{1,}$/k', ); // Schemas used to validate the library files private $libraryRequired = array( 'title' => '/^.{1,255}$/', 'majorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', 'minorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', 'patchVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', 'machineName' => '/^[\w0-9\-\.]{1,255}$/i', 'runnable' => '/^(0|1)$/', ); private $libraryOptional = array( 'author' => '/^.{1,255}$/', 'license' => '/^(cc-by|cc-by-sa|cc-by-nd|cc-by-nc|cc-by-nc-sa|cc-by-nc-nd|pd|cr|MIT)$/', 'description' => '/^.{1,}$/', 'dynamicDependencies' => array( 'machineName' => '/^[\w0-9\-\.]{1,255}$/i', 'majorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', 'minorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', ), 'preloadedDependencies' => array( 'machineName' => '/^[\w0-9\-\.]{1,255}$/i', 'majorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', 'minorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', ), 'editorDependencies' => array( 'machineName' => '/^[\w0-9\-\.]{1,255}$/i', 'majorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', 'minorVersion' => '/^[0-9]{1,5}$/', ), 'preloadedJs' => array( 'path' => '/^((\\\|\/)?[a-z_\-\s0-9\.]+)+\.js$/i', ), 'preloadedCss' => array( 'path' => '/^((\\\|\/)?[a-z_\-\s0-9\.]+)+\.css$/i', ), 'dropLibraryCss' => array( 'machineName' => '/^[\w0-9\-\.]{1,255}$/i', ), 'w' => '/^[0-9]{1,4}$/', 'h' => '/^[0-9]{1,4}$/', 'embedTypes' => array('iframe', 'div'), 'fullscreen' => '/^(0|1)$/', ); /** * Constructor for the H5PValidator * * @param object $H5PFramework * The frameworks implementation of the H5PFrameworkInterface */ public function __construct($H5PFramework, $H5PCore) { $this->h5pF = $H5PFramework; $this->h5pC = $H5PCore; } /** * Validates a .h5p file * * @return boolean * TRUE if the .h5p file is valid */ public function isValidPackage() { // Create a temporary dir to extract package in. $tmpDir = $this->h5pF->getUploadedH5pFolderPath(); $tmp_path = $this->h5pF->getUploadedH5pPath(); $valid = TRUE; // Extract and then remove the package file. $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open($tmp_path) === true) { $zip->extractTo($tmpDir); $zip->close(); } else { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('The file you uploaded is not a valid HTML5 Package.')); $this->h5pC->delTree($tmpDir); return; } unlink($tmp_path); // Process content and libraries $libraries = array(); $files = scandir($tmpDir); $mainH5pData; $libraryJsonData; $mainH5pExists = $imageExists = $contentExists = FALSE; foreach ($files as $file) { if (in_array(substr($file, 0, 1), array('.', '_'))) { continue; } $filePath = $tmpDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; // Check for h5p.json file. if (strtolower($file) == 'h5p.json') { $mainH5pData = $this->getJsonData($filePath); if ($mainH5pData === FALSE) { $valid = FALSE; $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Could not find or parse the main h5p.json file')); } else { $validH5p = $this->isValidH5pData($mainH5pData, $file, $this->h5pRequired, $this->h5pOptional); if ($validH5p) { $mainH5pExists = TRUE; } else { $valid = FALSE; $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Could not find or parse the main h5p.json file')); } } } // Check for h5p.jpg? elseif (strtolower($file) == 'h5p.jpg') { $imageExists = TRUE; } // Content directory holds content. elseif ($file == 'content') { if (!is_dir($filePath)) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Invalid content folder')); $valid = FALSE; continue; } $contentJsonData = $this->getJsonData($filePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'content.json'); if ($contentJsonData === FALSE) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Could not find or parse the content.json file')); $valid = FALSE; continue; } else { $contentExists = TRUE; // In the future we might let the libraries provide validation functions for content.json } if (!$this->h5pF->validateContentFiles($filePath)) { $valid = FALSE; continue; } } // The rest should be library folders else { if (!is_dir($filePath)) { // Ignore this. Probably a file that shouldn't have been included. continue; } $libraryH5PData = $this->getLibraryData($file, $filePath, $tmpDir); if ($libraryH5PData) { $libraries[$file] = $libraryH5PData; } else { $valid = FALSE; } } } if (!$contentExists) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('A valid content folder is missing')); $valid = FALSE; } if (!$mainH5pExists) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('A valid main h5p.json file is missing')); $valid = FALSE; } if ($valid) { $this->h5pC->librariesJsonData = $libraries; $this->h5pC->mainJsonData = $mainH5pData; $this->h5pC->contentJsonData = $contentJsonData; $libraries['mainH5pData'] = $mainH5pData; // Check for the dependencies in h5p.json as well as in the libraries $missingLibraries = $this->getMissingLibraries($libraries); foreach ($missingLibraries as $missing) { if ($this->h5pF->getLibraryId($missing['machineName'], $missing['majorVersion'], $missing['minorVersion'])) { unset($missingLibraries[$missing['machineName']]); } } if (!empty($missingLibraries)) { foreach ($missingLibraries as $library) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Missing required library @library', array('@library' => $this->h5pC->libraryToString($library)))); } } $valid = empty($missingLibraries) && $valid; } if (!$valid) { $this->h5pC->delTree($tmpDir); } return $valid; } /** * Validates a H5P library * * @param string $file * Name of the library folder * @param string $filePath * Path to the library folder * @param string $tmpDir * Path to the temporary upload directory * @return object|boolean * H5P data from library.json and semantics if the library is valid * FALSE if the library isn't valid */ public function getLibraryData($file, $filePath, $tmpDir) { if (preg_match('/^[\w0-9\-\.]{1,255}$/i', $file) === 0) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Invalid library name: %name', array('%name' => $file))); return FALSE; } $h5pData = $this->getJsonData($filePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'library.json'); if ($h5pData === FALSE) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Could not find library.json file with valid json format for library %name', array('%name' => $file))); return FALSE; } // check if allowed to update this library if (! $this->h5pF->isAllowedLibraryUpdate($h5pData)) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Not allowed to update library %name', array('%name' => $h5pData['machineName']))); return FALSE; } // validate json if a semantics file is provided $semanticsPath = $filePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'semantics.json'; if (file_exists($semanticsPath)) { $semantics = $this->getJsonData($semanticsPath, TRUE); if ($semantics === FALSE) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Invalid semantics.json file has been included in the library %name', array('%name' => $file))); return FALSE; } else { $h5pData['semantics'] = $semantics; } } // validate language folder if it exists $languagePath = $filePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'language'; if (is_dir($languagePath)) { $languageFiles = scandir($languagePath); foreach ($languageFiles as $languageFile) { if (in_array($languageFile, array('.', '..'))) { continue; } if (preg_match('/^(-?[a-z]+){1,7}\.json$/i', $languageFile) === 0) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Invalid language file %file in library %library', array('%file' => $languageFile, '%library' => $file))); return FALSE; } $languageJson = $this->getJsonData($languagePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $languageFile, TRUE); if ($languageJson === FALSE) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Invalid language file %languageFile has been included in the library %name', array('%languageFile' => $languageFile, '%name' => $file))); return FALSE; } $parts = explode('.', $languageFile); // $parts[0] is the language code $h5pData['language'][$parts[0]] = $languageJson; } } $validLibrary = $this->isValidH5pData($h5pData, $file, $this->libraryRequired, $this->libraryOptional); $validLibrary = $this->h5pF->validateContentFiles($filePath, TRUE) && $validLibrary; if (isset($h5pData['preloadedJs'])) { $validLibrary = $this->isExistingFiles($h5pData['preloadedJs'], $tmpDir, $file) && $validLibrary; } if (isset($h5pData['preloadedCss'])) { $validLibrary = $this->isExistingFiles($h5pData['preloadedCss'], $tmpDir, $file) && $validLibrary; } if ($validLibrary) { return $h5pData; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Use the dependency declarations to find any missing libraries * * @param array $libraries * A multidimensional array of libraries keyed with machineName first and majorVersion second * @return array * A list of libraries that are missing keyed with machineName and holds objects with * machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion properties */ private function getMissingLibraries($libraries) { $missing = array(); foreach ($libraries as $library) { if (isset($library['preloadedDependencies'])) { $missing = array_merge($missing, $this->getMissingDependencies($library['preloadedDependencies'], $libraries)); } if (isset($library['dynamicDependencies'])) { $missing = array_merge($missing, $this->getMissingDependencies($library['dynamicDependencies'], $libraries)); } if (isset($library['editorDependencies'])) { $missing = array_merge($missing, $this->getMissingDependencies($library['editorDependencies'], $libraries)); } } return $missing; } /** * Helper function for getMissingLibraries, searches for dependency required libraries in * the provided list of libraries * * @param array $dependencies * A list of objects with machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion properties * @param array $libraries * An array of libraries keyed with machineName * @return * A list of libraries that are missing keyed with machineName and holds objects with * machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion properties */ private function getMissingDependencies($dependencies, $libraries) { $missing = array(); foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { if (isset($libraries[$dependency['machineName']])) { if (!$this->h5pC->isSameVersion($libraries[$dependency['machineName']], $dependency)) { $missing[$dependency['machineName']] = $dependency; } } else { $missing[$dependency['machineName']] = $dependency; } } return $missing; } /** * Figure out if the provided file paths exists * * Triggers error messages if files doesn't exist * * @param array $files * List of file paths relative to $tmpDir * @param string $tmpDir * Path to the directory where the $files are stored. * @param string $library * Name of the library we are processing * @return boolean * TRUE if all the files excists */ private function isExistingFiles($files, $tmpDir, $library) { foreach ($files as $file) { $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file['path']); if (!file_exists($tmpDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $library . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path)) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('The file "%file" is missing from library: "%name"', array('%file' => $path, '%name' => $library))); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Validates h5p.json and library.json data * * Error messages are triggered if the data isn't valid * * @param array $h5pData * h5p data * @param string $library_name * Name of the library we are processing * @param array $required * Validation pattern for required properties * @param array $optional * Validation pattern for optional properties * @return boolean * TRUE if the $h5pData is valid */ private function isValidH5pData($h5pData, $library_name, $required, $optional) { $valid = $this->isValidRequiredH5pData($h5pData, $required, $library_name); $valid = $this->isValidOptionalH5pData($h5pData, $optional, $library_name) && $valid; return $valid; } /** * Helper function for isValidH5pData * * Validates the optional part of the h5pData * * Triggers error messages * * @param array $h5pData * h5p data * @param array $requirements * Validation pattern * @param string $library_name * Name of the library we are processing * @return boolean * TRUE if the optional part of the $h5pData is valid */ private function isValidOptionalH5pData($h5pData, $requirements, $library_name) { $valid = TRUE; foreach ($h5pData as $key => $value) { if (isset($requirements[$key])) { $valid = $this->isValidRequirement($value, $requirements[$key], $library_name, $key) && $valid; } // Else: ignore, a package can have parameters that this library doesn't care about, but that library // specific implementations does care about... } return $valid; } /** * Va(lidate a requirement given as regexp or an array of requirements * * @param mixed $h5pData * The data to be validated * @param mixed $requirement * The requirement the data is to be validated against, regexp or array of requirements * @param string $library_name * Name of the library we are validating(used in error messages) * @param string $property_name * Name of the property we are validating(used in error messages) * @return boolean * TRUE if valid, FALSE if invalid */ private function isValidRequirement($h5pData, $requirement, $library_name, $property_name) { $valid = TRUE; if (is_string($requirement)) { if ($requirement == 'boolean') { if (!is_bool($h5pData)) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t("Invalid data provided for %property in %library. Boolean expected.", array('%property' => $property_name, '%library' => $library_name))); $valid = FALSE; } } else { // The requirement is a regexp, match it against the data if (is_string($h5pData) || is_int($h5pData)) { if (preg_match($requirement, $h5pData) === 0) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t("Invalid data provided for %property in %library", array('%property' => $property_name, '%library' => $library_name))); $valid = FALSE; } } else { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t("Invalid data provided for %property in %library", array('%property' => $property_name, '%library' => $library_name))); $valid = FALSE; } } } elseif (is_array($requirement)) { // We have sub requirements if (is_array($h5pData)) { if (is_array(current($h5pData))) { foreach ($h5pData as $sub_h5pData) { $valid = $this->isValidRequiredH5pData($sub_h5pData, $requirement, $library_name) && $valid; } } else { $valid = $this->isValidRequiredH5pData($h5pData, $requirement, $library_name) && $valid; } } else { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t("Invalid data provided for %property in %library", array('%property' => $property_name, '%library' => $library_name))); $valid = FALSE; } } else { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t("Can't read the property %property in %library", array('%property' => $property_name, '%library' => $library_name))); $valid = FALSE; } return $valid; } /** * Validates the required h5p data in libraray.json and h5p.json * * @param mixed $h5pData * Data to be validated * @param array $requirements * Array with regexp to validate the data against * @param string $library_name * Name of the library we are validating (used in error messages) * @return boolean * TRUE if all the required data exists and is valid, FALSE otherwise */ private function isValidRequiredH5pData($h5pData, $requirements, $library_name) { $valid = TRUE; foreach ($requirements as $required => $requirement) { if (is_int($required)) { // We have an array of allowed options return $this->isValidH5pDataOptions($h5pData, $requirements, $library_name); } if (isset($h5pData[$required])) { $valid = $this->isValidRequirement($h5pData[$required], $requirement, $library_name, $required) && $valid; } else { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('The required property %property is missing from %library', array('%property' => $required, '%library' => $library_name))); $valid = FALSE; } } return $valid; } /** * Validates h5p data against a set of allowed values(options) * * @param array $selected * The option(s) that has been specified * @param array $allowed * The allowed options * @param string $library_name * Name of the library we are validating (used in error messages) * @return boolean * TRUE if the specified data is valid, FALSE otherwise */ private function isValidH5pDataOptions($selected, $allowed, $library_name) { $valid = TRUE; foreach ($selected as $value) { if (!in_array($value, $allowed)) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Illegal option %option in %library', array('%option' => $value, '%library' => $library_name))); $valid = FALSE; } } return $valid; } /** * Fetch json data from file * * @param string $filePath * Path to the file holding the json string * @param boolean $return_as_string * If true the json data will be decoded in order to validate it, but will be * returned as string * @return mixed * FALSE if the file can't be read or the contents can't be decoded * string if the $return as string parameter is set * array otherwise */ private function getJsonData($filePath, $return_as_string = FALSE) { $json = file_get_contents($filePath); if (!$json) { return FALSE; } $jsonData = json_decode($json, TRUE); if (!$jsonData) { return FALSE; } return $return_as_string ? $json : $jsonData; } /** * Helper function that copies an array * * @param array $array * The array to be copied * @return array * Copy of $array. All objects are cloned */ private function arrayCopy(array $array) { $result = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { $result[$key] = arrayCopy($val); } elseif (is_object($val)) { $result[$key] = clone $val; } else { $result[$key] = $val; } } return $result; } } /** * This class is used for saving H5P files */ class H5PStorage { public $h5pF; public $h5pC; /** * Constructor for the H5PStorage * * @param object $H5PFramework * The frameworks implementation of the H5PFrameworkInterface */ public function __construct($H5PFramework, $H5PCore) { $this->h5pF = $H5PFramework; $this->h5pC = $H5PCore; } /** * Saves a H5P file * * @param int $contentId * The id of the content we are saving * @param int $contentMainId * The main id for the content we are saving. This is used if the framework * we're integrating with uses content id's and version id's * @return boolean * TRUE if one or more libraries were updated * FALSE otherwise */ public function savePackage($contentId, $contentMainId = NULL) { // Save the libraries we processed during validation $library_saved = FALSE; foreach ($this->h5pC->librariesJsonData as $key => &$library) { $libraryId = $this->h5pF->getLibraryId($key, $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion']); $library['saveDependencies'] = TRUE; if (!$libraryId) { $new = TRUE; } elseif ($this->h5pF->isPatchedLibrary($library)) { $new = FALSE; $library['libraryId'] = $libraryId; } else { $library['libraryId'] = $libraryId; // We already have the same or a newer version of this library $library['saveDependencies'] = FALSE; continue; } $this->h5pF->saveLibraryData($library, $new); $current_path = $this->h5pF->getUploadedH5pFolderPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $key; $destination_path = $this->h5pF->getH5pPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->h5pC->libraryToString($library, TRUE); $this->h5pC->delTree($destination_path); rename($current_path, $destination_path); $library_saved = TRUE; } foreach ($this->h5pC->librariesJsonData as $key => &$library) { if ($library['saveDependencies']) { $this->h5pF->deleteLibraryDependencies($library['libraryId']); if (isset($library['preloadedDependencies'])) { $this->h5pF->saveLibraryDependencies($library['libraryId'], $library['preloadedDependencies'], 'preloaded'); } if (isset($library['dynamicDependencies'])) { $this->h5pF->saveLibraryDependencies($library['libraryId'], $library['dynamicDependencies'], 'dynamic'); } if (isset($library['editorDependencies'])) { $this->h5pF->saveLibraryDependencies($library['libraryId'], $library['editorDependencies'], 'editor'); } } } // Move the content folder $current_path = $this->h5pF->getUploadedH5pFolderPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'content'; $destination_path = $this->h5pF->getH5pPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'content' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $contentId; rename($current_path, $destination_path); // Save what libraries is beeing used by this package/content $librariesInUse = array(); $this->getLibraryUsage($librariesInUse, $this->h5pC->mainJsonData); $this->h5pF->saveLibraryUsage($contentId, $librariesInUse); $this->h5pC->delTree($this->h5pF->getUploadedH5pFolderPath()); // Save the data in content.json $contentJson = file_get_contents($destination_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'content.json'); $mainLibraryId = $librariesInUse[$this->h5pC->mainJsonData['mainLibrary']]['library']['libraryId']; $this->h5pF->saveContentData($contentId, $contentJson, $this->h5pC->mainJsonData, $mainLibraryId, $contentMainId); return $library_saved; } /** * Delete an H5P package * * @param int $contentId * The content id */ public function deletePackage($contentId) { $this->h5pC->delTree($this->h5pF->getH5pPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'content' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $contentId); $this->h5pF->deleteContentData($contentId); } /** * Update an H5P package * * @param int $contentId * The content id * @param int $contentMainId * The content main id (used by frameworks supporting revisioning) * @return boolean * TRUE if one or more libraries were updated * FALSE otherwise */ public function updatePackage($contentId, $contentMainId = NULL) { $this->deletePackage($contentId); return $this->savePackage($contentId, $contentMainId); } /** * Copy/clone an H5P package * * May for instance be used if the content is beeing revisioned without * uploading a new H5P package * * @param int $contentId * The new content id * @param int $copyFromId * The content id of the content that should be cloned * @param int $contentMainId * The main id of the new content (used in frameworks that support revisioning) */ public function copyPackage($contentId, $copyFromId, $contentMainId = NULL) { $source_path = $this->h5pF->getH5pPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'content' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $copyFromId; $destination_path = $this->h5pF->getH5pPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'content' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $contentId; $this->h5pC->copyTree($source_path, $destination_path); $this->h5pF->copyLibraryUsage($contentId, $copyFromId, $contentMainId); } /** * Identify what libraries are beeing used taking all dependencies into account * * @param array $librariesInUse * List of libraries in use, indexed by machineName * @param array $jsonData * library.json og h5p.json data holding dependency information * @param boolean $dynamic * Whether or not the current library is a dynamic dependency */ public function getLibraryUsage(&$librariesInUse, $jsonData, $dynamic = FALSE) { if (isset($jsonData['preloadedDependencies'])) { foreach ($jsonData['preloadedDependencies'] as $preloadedDependency) { $library = $this->h5pF->loadLibrary($preloadedDependency['machineName'], $preloadedDependency['majorVersion'], $preloadedDependency['minorVersion']); $librariesInUse[$preloadedDependency['machineName']] = array( 'library' => $library, 'preloaded' => $dynamic ? 0 : 1, ); $this->getLibraryUsage($librariesInUse, $library, $dynamic); } } if (isset($jsonData['dynamicDependencies'])) { foreach ($jsonData['dynamicDependencies'] as $dynamicDependency) { if (!isset($librariesInUse[$dynamicDependency['machineName']])) { $library = $this->h5pF->loadLibrary($dynamicDependency['machineName'], $dynamicDependency['majorVersion'], $dynamicDependency['minorVersion']); $librariesInUse[$dynamicDependency['machineName']] = array( 'library' => $library, 'preloaded' => 0, ); } $this->getLibraryUsage($librariesInUse, $library, TRUE); } } } } /** * Functions and storage shared by the other H5P classes */ class H5PCore { public static $styles = array( 'styles/h5p.css', ); public static $scripts = array( 'js/jquery.js', 'js/h5p.js', 'js/flowplayer-3.2.12.min.js', ); public $h5pF; public $librariesJsonData; public $contentJsonData; public $mainJsonData; /** * Constructor for the H5PCore * * @param object $H5PFramework * The frameworks implementation of the H5PFrameworkInterface */ public function __construct($H5PFramework) { $this->h5pF = $H5PFramework; } /** * Check if a library is of the version we're looking for * * Same verision means that the majorVersion and minorVersion is the same * * @param array $library * Data from library.json * @param array $dependency * Definition of what library we're looking for * @return boolean * TRUE if the library is the same version as the dependency * FALSE otherwise */ public function isSameVersion($library, $dependency) { if ($library['majorVersion'] != $dependency['majorVersion']) { return FALSE; } if ($library['minorVersion'] != $dependency['minorVersion']) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Recursive function for removing directories. * * @param string $dir * Path to the directory we'll be deleting * @return boolean * Indicates if the directory existed. */ public function delTree($dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { return; } $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.','..')); foreach ($files as $file) { (is_dir("$dir/$file")) ? $this->delTree("$dir/$file") : unlink("$dir/$file"); } return rmdir($dir); } /** * Recursive function for copying directories. * * @param string $source * Path to the directory we'll be copying * @return boolean * Indicates if the directory existed. */ public function copyTree($source, $destination) { $dir = opendir($source); @mkdir($destination); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..')) { if (is_dir($source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) { $this->copyTree($source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file, $destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); } else { copy($source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file,$destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); } } } closedir($dir); } /** * Writes library data as string on the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion} * * @param array $library * With keys machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion * @param boolean $folderName * Use hyphen instead of space in returned string. * @return string * On the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion} */ public function libraryToString($library, $folderName = FALSE) { return $library['machineName'] . ($folderName ? '-' : ' ') . $library['majorVersion'] . '.' . $library['minorVersion']; } /** * Writes library data as string on the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion} * * @param string $libraryString * On the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion} * @return array|FALSE * With keys machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion. * Returns FALSE only if string is not parsable in the normal library * string formats "Lib.Name-x.y" or "Lib.Name x.y" */ public function libraryFromString($libraryString) { $re = '/^([\w0-9\-\.]{1,255})[\-\ ]([0-9]{1,5})\.([0-9]{1,5})$/i'; $matches = array(); $res = preg_match($re, $libraryString, $matches); if ($res) { return array( 'machineName' => $matches[1], 'majorVersion' => $matches[2], 'minorVersion' => $matches[3] ); } return FALSE; } } /** * Functions for validating basic types from H5P library semantics. */ class H5PContentValidator { public $h5pF; public $h5pC; private $typeMap; private $semanticsCache; /** * Constructor for the H5PContentValidator * * @param object $H5PFramework * The frameworks implementation of the H5PFrameworkInterface * @param object $H5PCore * The main H5PCore instance */ public function __construct($H5PFramework, $H5PCore) { $this->h5pF = $H5PFramework; $this->h5pC = $H5PCore; $this->typeMap = array( 'text' => 'validateText', 'number' => 'validateNumber', 'boolean' => 'validateBoolean', 'list' => 'validateList', 'group' => 'validateGroup', 'image' => 'validateImage', 'video' => 'validateVideo', 'audio' => 'validateAudio', 'select' => 'validateSelect', 'library' => 'validateLibrary', ); // Cache for semantics used within this validation to avoid unneccessary // json_decodes if a library is used multiple times. $this->semanticsCache = array(); } /** * Validate the given value from content with the matching semantics * object from semantics * * Function will recurse via external functions for container objects like * 'list', 'group' and 'library'. * * @param object $value * Object to be verified. May be a string or an array. (normal or keyed) * @param object $semantics * Semantics object from semantics.json for main library. Further * semantics will be loaded from H5PFramework if any libraries are * found within the value data. */ public function validateBySemantics(&$value, $semantics) { $fakebaseobject = (object) array( 'type' => 'group', 'fields' => $semantics, ); $this->validateGroup($value, $fakebaseobject, FALSE); } /** * Validate given text value against text semantics. */ public function validateText(&$text, $semantics) { if (isset($semantics->widget) && $semantics->widget == 'html') { // Build allowed tag list, based in $semantics->tags and known defaults. // These four are always allowed. $tags = array('div', 'span', 'p', 'br'); if (isset($semantics->tags)) { $tags = array_merge($tags, $semantics->tags); // Add related tags for table etc. if (in_array('table', $semantics->tags)) { $tags = array_merge($tags, array('tr', 'td', 'th', 'colgroup', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot')); } if (in_array('b', $semantics->tags)) { $tags[] = 'strong'; } if (in_array('i', $semantics->tags)) { $tags[] = 'em'; } if (in_array('ul', $semantics->tags) || in_array('ol', $semantics->tags)) { $tags[] = 'li'; } } $allowedtags = implode('', array_map(array($this, 'bracketTags'), $tags)); // Strip invalid HTML tags. $text = strip_tags($text, $allowedtags); } else { // Filter text to plain text. $text = htmlspecialchars($text); } // Check if string is within allowed length if (isset($semantics->maxLength)) { $text = mb_substr($text, 0, $semantics->maxLength); } // Check if string is according to optional regexp in semantics if (isset($semantics->regexp)) { $pattern = $semantics->regexp->pattern; $pattern .= isset($semantics->regexp->modifiers) ? $semantics->regexp->modifiers : ''; if (preg_match($pattern, $text) === 0) { // Note: explicitly ignore return value FALSE, to avoid removing text // if regexp is invalid... $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Provided string is not valid according to regexp in semantics.')); $text = ''; } } } private function bracketTags($tag) { return '<'.$tag.'>'; } /** * Validate given value against number semantics */ public function validateNumber(&$number, $semantics) { // Validate that $number is indeed a number if (!is_numeric($number)) { $number = 0; } // Check if number is within valid bounds. Move within bounds if not. if (isset($semantics->min) && $number < $semantics->min) { $number = $semantics->min; } if (isset($semantics->max) && $number > $semantics->max) { $number = $semantics->max; } // Check if number is within allowed bounds even if step value is set. if (isset($semantics->step)) { $testnumber = $number - (isset($semantics->min) ? $semantics->min : 0); $rest = $testnumber % $semantics->step; if ($rest !== 0) { $number -= $rest; } } // Check if number has proper number of decimals. if (isset($semantics->decimals)) { $number = round($number, $semantics->decimals); } } /** * Validate given value against boolean semantics */ public function validateBoolean(&$bool, $semantics) { if (!is_bool($bool)) { $bool = FALSE; } } /** * Validate select values */ public function validateSelect(&$select, $semantics) { // Special case for dynamicCheckboxes (valid options are generated live) if (isset($semantics->widget) && $semantics->widget == 'dynamicCheckboxes') { // No practical way to guess valid parameters. Just make sure we don't // have special chars here. Also, dynamicCheckboxes will insert an // array, so iterate it. foreach ($select as $key => $value) { $select[$key] = htmlspecialchars($value); } } else if (!in_array($select, array_map(array($this, 'map_object_value'), $semantics->options))) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Invalid selected option in select.')); $select = $semantics->options[0]->value; } } private function map_object_value($o) { return $o->value; } /** * Validate given list value agains list semantics. * Will recurse into validating each item in the list according to the type. */ public function validateList(&$list, $semantics) { $field = $semantics->field; $function = $this->typeMap[$field->type]; // Check that list is not longer than allowed length. We do this before // iterating to avoid unneccessary work. if (isset($semantics->max)) { array_splice($list, $semantics->max); } // Validate each element in list. foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $this->$function($value, $field); } } /** * Validate given image data */ public function validateImage(&$image, $semantics) { $image->path = htmlspecialchars($image->path); if (isset($image->mime) && substr($image->mime, 0, 5) !== 'image') { unset($image->mime); } } /** * Validate given video data */ public function validateVideo(&$video, $semantics) { foreach ($video as $variant) { $variant->path = htmlspecialchars($variant->path); if (isset($variant->mime) && substr($variant->mime, 0, 5) !== 'video') { unset($variant->mime); } } } /** * Validate given audio data */ public function validateAudio(&$audio, $semantics) { foreach ($audio as $variant) { $variant->path = htmlspecialchars($variant->path); if (isset($variant->mime) && substr($variant->mime, 0, 5) !== 'audio') { unset($variant->mime); } } } /** * Validate given group value against group semantics. * Will recurse into validating each group member. */ public function validateGroup(&$group, $semantics, $flatten = TRUE) { // Groups with just one field are compressed in the editor to only output // the child content. (Exemption for fake groups created by // "validateBySemantics" above) if (count($semantics->fields) == 1 && $flatten) { $field = $semantics->fields[0]; $function = $this->typeMap[$field->type]; $this->$function($group, $field); } else { foreach ($group as $key => &$value) { // Find semantics for name=$key $found = FALSE; foreach ($semantics->fields as $field) { if ($field->name == $key) { $function = $this->typeMap[$field->type]; $found = TRUE; break; } } if ($found) { $this->$function($value, $field); } else { // If validator is not found, something exists in content that does // not have a corresponding semantics field. Remove it. $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('H5P internal error: no validator exists for ' . $key)); unset($group->$key); } } } foreach ($semantics->fields as $field) { if (!(isset($field->optional) && $field->optional)) { // Check if field is in group. if (! property_exists($group, $field->name)) { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('No value given for mandatory field ' . $field->name)); } } } } /** * Validate given library value against library semantics. * * Will recurse into validating the library's semantics too. */ public function validateLibrary(&$value, $semantics) { // Check if provided library is within allowed options if (in_array($value->library, $semantics->options)) { if (isset($semanticsCache[$value->library])) { $librarySemantics = $semanticsCache[$value->library]; } else { $libspec = $this->h5pC->libraryFromString($value->library); $library = $this->h5pF->loadLibrary($libspec['machineName'], $libspec['majorVersion'], $libspec['minorVersion']); $librarySemantics = json_decode($library['semantics']); $semanticsCache[$value->library] = $librarySemantics; } $this->validateBySemantics($value->params, $librarySemantics); } else { $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Library used in content is not a valid library according to semantics')); } } } ?>