var H5P = H5P || {}; // Determine if we're inside an iframe. H5P.isFramed = (window.self !==; // Useful jQuery object. H5P.$window = H5P.jQuery(window); // Detect if we support fullscreen, and what prefix to use. if (document.documentElement.requestFullScreen) { H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix = ''; } else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullScreen && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') === -1 // Skip Android && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Version/') === -1 // Skip Safari ) { H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix = 'webkit'; } else if (document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen) { H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix = 'moz'; } else if (document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen) { H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix = 'ms'; } /** * Initialize H5P content. * Scans for ".h5p-content" in the document and initializes H5P instances where found. */ H5P.init = function () { // Useful jQuery object. H5P.$body = H5P.jQuery('body'); // Prepare internal resizer for content. var $window = H5P.jQuery(; // H5Ps added in normal DIV. var $containers = H5P.jQuery(".h5p-content").each(function () { var $element = H5P.jQuery(this); var $container = H5P.jQuery('
').appendTo($element); var contentId = $'content-id'); var contentData = H5PIntegration.getContentData(contentId); if (contentData === undefined) { return H5P.error('No data for content id ' + contentId + '. Perhaps the library is gone?'); } var library = { library: contentData.library, params: H5P.jQuery.parseJSON(contentData.jsonContent) }; // Create new instance. var instance = H5P.newRunnable(library, contentId); instance.attach($container); // Not sent to newRunnable to avoid resize. // Check if we should add and display a fullscreen button for this H5P. if (contentData.fullScreen == 1) { H5P.jQuery('
').prependTo($container).children().click(function () { H5P.fullScreen($container, instance); }); }; var $actions = H5P.jQuery(''); if (contentData.export !== '') { // Display export button H5P.jQuery('
  • ' + H5P.t('download') + '
  • ').appendTo($actions).click(function () { window.location.href = contentData.export; }); } if (instance.getCopyrights !== undefined) { // Display copyrights button H5P.jQuery('
  • ' + H5P.t('copyrights') + '
  • ').appendTo($actions).click(function () { H5P.openCopyrightsDialog($actions, instance); }); } if (contentData.embedCode !== undefined) { // Display embed button H5P.jQuery('
  • ' + H5P.t('embed') + '
  • ').appendTo($actions).click(function () { H5P.openEmbedDialog($actions, contentData.embedCode); }); } if (H5PIntegration.showH5PIconInActionBar()) { H5P.jQuery('
  • ').appendTo($actions); } $actions.insertAfter($container); if (H5P.isFramed) { // Make it possible to resize the iframe when the content changes size. This way we get no scrollbars. var iframe = window.parent.document.getElementById('h5p-iframe-' + contentId); var resizeIframe = function () { // Use timeout to make sure the iframe is resized setTimeout(function () { var fullscreen = $container.hasClass('h5p-fullscreen') || $container.hasClass('h5p-semi-fullscreen'); if (!fullscreen) { // Retain parent size to avoid jumping/scrolling var parentHeight =; = iframe.parentElement.clientHeight + 'px'; // Reset iframe height, incase content has shrinked. = '1px'; // Resize iframe so all content is visible. = (iframe.contentDocument.body.scrollHeight) + 'px'; // Free parent = parentHeight; } }, 1); }; if (instance.$ !== undefined) { instance.$.on('resize', resizeIframe); } } var resize = function () { if (instance.$ !== undefined) { // Resize content. instance.$.trigger('resize'); } }; resize(); // Resize everything when window is resized. $window.resize(resize); }); // Insert H5Ps that should be in iframes. H5P.jQuery("iframe.h5p-iframe").each(function () { var $iframe = H5P.jQuery(this); var contentId = $'content-id'); // DEPRECATED AND WILL BE REMOVED. MAKE SURE YOUR H5Ps EXPOSES A $ AND A resize FUNCTION. $iframe.ready(function () { resizeIframeInterval = setInterval(function () { if (H5P.isFullscreen) { return; } var $doc = $iframe.contents(); var contentHeight = $doc.height(); var frameHeight = $iframe.innerHeight(); if (frameHeight !== contentHeight) { $iframe.css('height', contentHeight + 'px'); $doc[0] = 'hidden'; } }, 500); }); // END DEPRECATION; this.contentDocument.write('' + H5PIntegration.getHeadTags(contentId) + '
    '); this.contentDocument.close(); }); }; /** * Enable full screen for the given h5p. * * @param {jQuery} $element Content container. * @param {object} instance * @param {function} exitCallback Callback function called when user exits fullscreen. * @param {jQuery} $body For internal use. Gives the body of the iframe. * @returns {undefined} */ H5P.fullScreen = function ($element, instance, exitCallback, body) { if (H5P.isFramed) { // Trigger resize on wrapper in parent window. window.parent.H5P.fullScreen($element, instance, exitCallback, H5P.$body.get()); return; } var $container = $element; var $classes, $iframe; if (body === undefined) { $body = H5P.$body; } else { // We're called from an iframe. $body = H5P.jQuery(body); $classes = $body.add($element.get()); var iframeSelector = '#h5p-iframe-' + $element.parent().data('content-id'); $iframe = H5P.jQuery(iframeSelector); $element = $iframe.parent(); // Put iframe wrapper in fullscreen, not container. } $classes = $element.add(H5P.$body).add($classes); var done = function (c) { H5P.isFullscreen = false; $classes.removeClass(c); if (H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix === undefined) { // Resize content. if (instance.$ !== undefined) { instance.$.trigger('resize'); } else if (instance.resize !== undefined) { instance.resize(); } } if (exitCallback !== undefined) { exitCallback(); } }; if (H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix === undefined) { // Create semi fullscreen. $classes.addClass('h5p-semi-fullscreen'); H5P.isFullscreen = true; var $disable = $container.prepend('').children(':first'); var keyup, disableSemiFullscreen = function () { $disable.remove(); $body.unbind('keyup', keyup); done('h5p-semi-fullscreen'); return false; }; keyup = function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 27) { disableSemiFullscreen(); } }; $; $body.keyup(keyup); } else { // Create real fullscreen. var first, eventName = (H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix === 'ms' ? 'MSFullscreenChange' : H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix + 'fullscreenchange'); H5P.isFullscreen = true; document.addEventListener(eventName, function () { if (first === undefined) { first = false; return; } done('h5p-fullscreen'); document.removeEventListener(eventName, arguments.callee, false); }); if (H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix === '') { $element[0].requestFullScreen(); } else { var method = (H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix === 'ms' ? 'msRequestFullscreen' : H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix + 'RequestFullScreen'); var params = (H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix === 'webkit' ? Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT : undefined); $element[0][method](params); } $classes.addClass('h5p-fullscreen'); } if ($iframe !== undefined) { // Set iframe to its default size(100%). $iframe.css('height', ''); } if (H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix === undefined) { // Resize content. if (instance.$ !== undefined) { instance.$.trigger('resize'); } else if (instance.resize !== undefined) { instance.resize(); } } // Allow H5P to set focus when entering fullscreen mode if (instance.focus !== undefined) { instance.focus(); } }; /** * Find the path to the content files based on the id of the content * * Also identifies and returns absolute paths * * @param string path * Absolute path to a file, or relative path to a file in the content folder * @param contentId * Id of the content requesting a path */ H5P.getPath = function (path, contentId) { if (path.substr(0, 7) === 'http://' || path.substr(0, 8) === 'https://') { return path; } return H5PIntegration.getContentPath(contentId) + path; }; /** * THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED, USE getPath INSTEAD * * Find the path to the content files folder based on the id of the content * * @param contentId * Id of the content requesting a path */ H5P.getContentPath = function (contentId) { return H5PIntegration.getContentPath(contentId); }; /** * Get library class constructor from H5P by classname. * Note that this class will only work for resolve "H5P.NameWithoutDot". * Also check out: H5P.newRunnable * * Used from libraries to construct instances of other libraries' objects by name. * * @param {string} name Name of library * @returns Class constructor */ H5P.classFromName = function (name) { var arr = name.split("."); return this[arr[arr.length-1]]; }; /** * A safe way of creating a new instance of a runnable H5P. * * TODO: Should we check if version matches the library? * TODO: Dynamically try to load libraries currently not loaded? That will require a callback. * * @param {Object} library Library/action object form params. * @param {Number} contentId * @param {jQuery} $attachTo The element to attach the new instance to. * @return {Object} Instance. */ H5P.newRunnable = function (library, contentId, $attachTo) { try { var nameSplit = library.library.split(' ', 2); var versionSplit = nameSplit[1].split('.', 2); } catch (err) { return H5P.error('Invalid library string: ' + library.library); } if ((library.params instanceof Object) !== true || (library.params instanceof Array) === true) { H5P.error('Invalid library params for: ' + library.library); return H5P.error(library.params); } // Find constructor function try { nameSplit = nameSplit[0].split('.'); var constructor = window; for (var i = 0; i < nameSplit.length; i++) { constructor = constructor[nameSplit[i]]; }; if (typeof constructor !== 'function') { throw null; } } catch (err) { return H5P.error('Unable to find constructor for: ' + library.library); } var instance = new constructor(library.params, contentId); if ($attachTo !== undefined) { instance.attach($attachTo); if (instance.$ !== undefined) { // Resize content. instance.$.trigger('resize'); } } return instance; }; /** * Used to print useful error messages. * * @param {mixed} err Error to print. * @returns {undefined} */ H5P.error = function (err) { if (window['console'] !== undefined && console.error !== undefined) { console.error(err); } } /** * Translate text strings. * * @param {String} key Translation identifier, may only contain a-zA-Z0-9. No spaces or special chars. * @param {Object} vars Data for placeholders. * @param {String} ns Translation namespace. Defaults to H5P. * @returns {String} Text */ H5P.t = function (key, vars, ns) { if (ns === undefined) { ns = 'H5P'; } if (H5PIntegration.i18n[ns] === undefined) { return '[Missing translation namespace "' + ns + '"]'; } if (H5PIntegration.i18n[ns][key] === undefined) { return '[Missing translation "' + key + '" in "' + ns + '"]'; } var translation = H5PIntegration.i18n[ns][key]; if (vars !== undefined) { // Replace placeholder with variables. for (var placeholder in vars) { translation = translation.replace(placeholder, vars[placeholder]); } } return translation; }; H5P.Dialog = function (name, title, content, $element) { var self = this; var $dialog = H5P.jQuery('

    ' + title + '

    ' + content + '
    ') .insertAfter($element) .click(function () { self.close(); }) .children('.h5p-inner') .click(function () { return false; }) .find('.h5p-close') .click(function () { self.close(); }) .end() .end(); = function () { setTimeout(function () { $dialog.addClass('h5p-open'); // Fade in // Triggering an event, in case something has to be done after dialog has been opened. H5P.jQuery(self).trigger('dialog-opened', [$dialog]); }, 1); }; this.close = function () { $dialog.removeClass('h5p-open'); // Fade out setTimeout(function () { $dialog.remove(); }, 200); }; }; /** * Gather copyright information and display in a dialog over the content. * * @param {jQuery} $element to insert dialog after. * @param {object} instance to get copyright information from. * @returns {undefined} */ H5P.openCopyrightsDialog = function ($element, instance) { var copyrights = instance.getCopyrights(); if (copyrights !== undefined) { copyrights = copyrights.toString(); } if (copyrights === undefined || copyrights === '') { copyrights = H5P.t('noCopyrights'); } var dialog = new H5P.Dialog('copyrights', H5P.t('copyrightInformation'), copyrights, $element);; }; /** * Display a dialog containing the embed code. * * @param {jQuery} $element to insert dialog after. * @param {string} embed code. * @returns {undefined} */ H5P.openEmbedDialog = function ($element, embedCode) { var dialog = new H5P.Dialog('embed', H5P.t('embed'), '', $element); // Selecting embed code when dialog is opened H5P.jQuery(dialog).on('dialog-opened', function (event, $dialog) { $dialog.find('.h5p-embed-code-container').select(); });; }; /** * Copyrights for a H5P Content Library. */ H5P.ContentCopyrights = function () { var label; var media = []; var content = []; /** * Public. Set label. * * @param {String} newLabel */ this.setLabel = function (newLabel) { label = newLabel; }; /** * Public. Add sub content. * * @param {H5P.MediaCopyright} newMedia */ this.addMedia = function (newMedia) { if (newMedia !== undefined) { media.push(newMedia); } }; /** * Public. Add sub content. * * @param {H5P.ContentCopyrights} newContent */ this.addContent = function (newContent) { if (newContent !== undefined) { content.push(newContent); } }; /** * Public. Print content copyright. * * @returns {String} HTML. */ this.toString = function () { var html = ''; // Add media rights for (var i = 0; i < media.length; i++) { html += media[i]; } // Add sub content rights for (var i = 0; i < content.length; i++) { html += content[i]; } if (html !== '') { // Add a label to this info if (label !== undefined) { html = '

    ' + label + '

    ' + html; } // Add wrapper html = '
    ' + html + '
    '; } return html; }; } /** * A ordered list of copyright fields for media. * * @param {Object} copyright information fields. * @param {Object} labels translation. Optional. * @param {Array} order of fields. Optional. * @param {Object} extraFields for copyright. Optional. */ H5P.MediaCopyright = function (copyright, labels, order, extraFields) { var thumbnail; var list = new H5P.DefinitionList(); /** * Private. Get translated label for field. * * @param {String} fieldName * @return {String} */ var getLabel = function (fieldName) { if (labels === undefined || labels[fieldName] === undefined) { return H5P.t(fieldName); } return labels[fieldName]; }; /** * Private. Get humanized value for field. * * @param {String} fieldName * @return {String} */ var humanizeValue = function (fieldName, value) { if (fieldName === 'license') { return H5P.copyrightLicenses[value]; } return value; }; if (copyright !== undefined) { // Add the extra fields for (var field in extraFields) { if (extraFields.hasOwnProperty(field)) { copyright[field] = extraFields[field]; } } if (order === undefined) { // Set default order order = ['title', 'author', 'year', 'source', 'license']; } for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { var fieldName = order[i]; if (copyright[fieldName] !== undefined) { list.add(new H5P.Field(getLabel(fieldName), humanizeValue(fieldName, copyright[fieldName]))); } } } /** * Public. Set thumbnail. * * @param {H5P.Thumbnail} newThumbnail */ this.setThumbnail = function (newThumbnail) { thumbnail = newThumbnail; }; /** * Public. Checks if this copyright is undisclosed. * I.e. only has the license attribute set, and it's undisclosed. * * @returns {Boolean} */ this.undisclosed = function () { if (list.size() === 1) { var field = list.get(0); if (field.getLabel() === getLabel('license') && field.getValue() === humanizeValue('license', 'U')) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Public. Print media copyright. * * @returns {String} HTML. */ this.toString = function () { var html = ''; if (this.undisclosed()) { return html; // No need to print a copyright with a single undisclosed license. } if (thumbnail !== undefined) { html += thumbnail; } html += list; if (html !== '') { html = ''; } return html; }; } // Translate table for copyright license codes. H5P.copyrightLicenses = { 'U': 'Undisclosed', 'CC BY': 'Attribution', 'CC BY-SA': 'Attribution-ShareAlike', 'CC BY-ND': 'Attribution-NoDerivs', 'CC BY-NC': 'Attribution-NonCommercial', 'CC BY-NC-SA': 'Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike', 'CC BY-NC-ND': 'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs', 'GNU GPL': 'General Public License', 'PD': 'Public Domain', 'ODC PDDL': 'Public Domain Dedication and Licence', 'CC PDM': 'Public Domain Mark', 'C': 'Copyright' }; /** * Simple class for creating thumbnails for images. * * @param {String} source * @param {Number} width * @param {Number} height */ H5P.Thumbnail = function (source, width, height) { var thumbWidth, thumbHeight = 100; if (width !== undefined) { thumbWidth = Math.round(thumbHeight * (width / height)); } /** * Public. Print thumbnail. * * @returns {String} HTML. */ this.toString = function () { return '' + H5P.t('thumbnail') + ''; }; } /** * Simple data class for storing a single field. */ H5P.Field = function (label, value) { /** * Public. Get field label. * * @returns {String} */ this.getLabel = function () { return label; }; /** * Public. Get field value. * * @returns {String} */ this.getValue = function () { return value; }; } /** * Simple class for creating a definition list. */ H5P.DefinitionList = function () { var fields = []; /** * Public. Add field to list. * * @param {H5P.Field} field */ this.add = function (field) { fields.push(field); }; /** * Public. Get Number of fields. * * @returns {Number} */ this.size = function () { return fields.length; }; /** * Public. Get field at given index. * * @param {Number} index * @returns {Object} */ this.get = function (index) { return fields[index]; }; /** * Public. Print definition list. * * @returns {String} HTML. */ this.toString = function () { var html = ''; for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { var field = fields[i]; html += '
    ' + field.getLabel() + '
    ' + field.getValue() + '
    '; } return (html === '' ? html : '
    ' + html + '
    '); }; } /** * THIS FUNCTION/CLASS IS DEPRECATED AND WILL BE REMOVED. * * Helper object for keeping coordinates in the same format all over. */ H5P.Coords = function (x, y, w, h) { if ( !(this instanceof H5P.Coords) ) return new H5P.Coords(x, y, w, h); this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.w = 1; this.h = 1; if (typeof(x) === 'object') { this.x = x.x; this.y = x.y; this.w = x.w; this.h = x.h; } else { if (x !== undefined) { this.x = x; } if (y !== undefined) { this.y = y; } if (w !== undefined) { this.w = w; } if (h !== undefined) { this.h = h; } } return this; }; /** * Parse library string into values. * * @param {string} library * library in the format "machineName majorVersion.minorVersion" * @returns * library as an object with machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion properties * return false if the library parameter is invalid */ H5P.libraryFromString = function (library) { var regExp = /(.+)\s(\d)+\.(\d)$/g; var res = regExp.exec(library); if (res !== null) { return { 'machineName': res[1], 'majorVersion': res[2], 'minorVersion': res[3] }; } else { return false; } }; /** * Get the path to the library * * @param {String} library * The library identifier in the format "machineName-majorVersion.minorVersion". * @returns {String} The full path to the library. */ H5P.getLibraryPath = function (library) { return H5PIntegration.getLibraryPath(library); }; /** * Recursivly clone the given object. * TODO: Consider if this needs to be in core. Doesn't $.extend do the same? * * @param {object} object Object to clone. * @param {type} recursive * @returns {object} A clone of object. */ H5P.cloneObject = function (object, recursive) { var clone = object instanceof Array ? [] : {}; for (var i in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (recursive !== undefined && recursive && typeof object[i] === 'object') { clone[i] = H5P.cloneObject(object[i], recursive); } else { clone[i] = object[i]; } } } return clone; }; /** * Remove all empty spaces before and after the value. * TODO: Only include this or String.trim(). What is best? * * @param {String} value * @returns {@exp;value@call;replace} */ H5P.trim = function (value) { return value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; /** * Check if javascript path/key is loaded. * * @param {String} path * @returns {Boolean} */ H5P.jsLoaded = function (path) { for (var i = 0; i < H5P.loadedJs.length; i++) { if (H5P.loadedJs[i] === path) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Check if styles path/key is loaded. * * @param {String} path * @returns {Boolean} */ H5P.cssLoaded = function (path) { for (var i = 0; i < H5P.loadedCss.length; i++) { if (H5P.loadedCss[i] === path) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Shuffle an array in place. * TODO: Consider if this should be a part of core. I'm guessing very few libraries are going to use it. * * @param {array} array Array to shuffle * @returns {array} The passed array is returned for chaining. */ H5P.shuffleArray = function (array) { if (! array instanceof Array) { return; } var i = array.length, j, tempi, tempj; if ( i === 0 ) return false; while ( --i ) { j = Math.floor( Math.random() * ( i + 1 ) ); tempi = array[i]; tempj = array[j]; array[i] = tempj; array[j] = tempi; } return array; }; /** * Post finished results for user. * TODO: Should we use events instead? That way the parent can handle the results of the child. * * @param {Number} contentId * @param {Number} points * @param {Number} maxPoints */ H5P.setFinished = function (contentId, points, maxPoints) { if (H5P.postUserStatistics === true) { + 'setFinished', {contentId: contentId, points: points, maxPoints: maxPoints}); } }; // Add indexOf to browsers that lack them. (IEs) if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (needle) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] === needle) { return i; } } return -1; }; } // Need to define trim() since this is not available on older IEs, // and trim is used in several libs if (String.prototype.trim === undefined) { String.prototype.trim = function () { return H5P.trim(this); }; } // Finally, we want to run init when document is ready. But not if we're // in an iFrame. Then we wait for parent to start init(). if (H5P.jQuery) { H5P.jQuery(document).ready(function () { if (!H5P.initialized) { H5P.initialized = true; H5P.init(); } }); }