h5pF = $h5pFramework; } public function validatePackage() { // Requires PEAR require_once 'Archive/Tar.php'; // Create a temporary dir to extract package in. $tmp_dir = $this->h5pFramework->getTempDir(); $tmp_path = $this->h5pFramework->getTempPath(); // Extract and then remove the package file. $tar = new Archive_Tar($tmp_path, 'bz2'); if (!$tar->extract($tmp_dir)) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('The file you uploaded is not a valid HTML5 Pack.')); $this->rRmdir($tmp_dir); return; } unlink($tmp_path); // Process content and libraries $contents = array(); $tars = scandir($tmp_dir); for ($i = 2, $s = count($tars); $i < $s; $i++) { if (substr($tars[$i], -4) == '.tar') { $tar_file = $tmp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tars[$i]; $tar_name = substr($tars[$i], 0, -4); $tar_id = md5_file($tar_file); $tar_time = filemtime($tar_file); $content_path = $files_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tar_id; // Extract content to our files dir. if (is_dir($content_path)) { continue; // We already have this content/library. } mkdir($content_path); $tar = new Archive_Tar($tar_file); if (!$tar->extract($content_path)) { continue; // Wasn't a valid tar file. } if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9\-]/', $tar_name)) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('Invalid name: %name', array('%name' => $tar_name))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } // Go to extracted stuff and check it. $json = file_get_contents($content_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.js'); if (!$json) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('Could not find index.js file: %name', array('%name' => $tar_name))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } $content = json_decode($json); if (!$content) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('Invalid index.js file format: %name', array('%name' => $tar_name))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } if ($content->type != H5P_CONTENT && $content->type != H5P_LIBRARY) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('Invalid content type: %name', array('%name' => $tar_name))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } if ($content->type == H5P_CONTENT) { if (!isset($content->options)) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('Missing start options: %name', array('%name' => $tar_name))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } if (!isset($content->class)) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('Missing start class: %name', array('%name' => $tar_name))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } if (preg_match('/^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*$/', $content->class)) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('Invalid class name: %name', array('%name' => $content->class))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } $content->options = json_encode($content->options); } else { if (!isset($content->js) || !empty($content->js)) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('Library without any JS files: %name', array('%name' => $tar_name))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } // Check if JS files exist. for ($j = 0, $l = count($content->js); $j < $l; $j++) { $content->js[$j] = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $content->js[$j]); if (!file_exists($content_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $content->js[$j])) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('The JS file %file is missing from library: %name', array('%file' => $content->js[$j], '%name' => $tar_name))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } } // Check if CSS files exist. for ($j = 0, $l = count($content->css); $j < $l; $j++) { $content->css[$j] = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $content->css[$j]); if (!file_exists($content_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $content->css[$j])) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('The CSS file %file is missing from library: %name', array('%file' => $content->css[$j], '%name' => $tar_name))); $this->rRmdir($content_path); continue; } } } $content->id = $tar_id; $content->name = $tar_name; $content->time = $tar_time; $contents[$content->id] = $content; } } $this->rRmdir($tmp_dir); foreach ($contents as &$content) { if ($content->type == H5P_CONTENT) { // Check dependencies for content $name = strtolower(preg_replace('/.+([A-Z])/', '-$0', $content->class)); $missing_dependencies = h5p_find_missing_dependencies($contents, $name); if ($missing_dependencies) { $this->setErrorMessage($this->t('%name is missing the following dependencies: %dependencies', array('%name' => $content->name, '%dependencies' => implode(',', $missing_dependencies)))); } else { // TODO: Insert stuff? // TODO: Insert into database // TODO: Insert all files into files table. } } } // TODO: rmdir for libraries that doesn't have db records. } /** * Recursive function for removing directories. * * @param string $dir Directory. * @return boolean Indicates if the directory existed. */ private function rRmdir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $files = scandir($dir); for ($i = 2, $s = count($files); $i < $s; $i++) { $file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $files[$i]; if (!$this->rRmdir($file)) { unlink($file); } } rmdir($dir); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } ?>