Added support for sub-libraries in content upgrade. Also made upgrades async.

Frode Petterson 2014-06-13 15:02:26 +02:00
parent 8599f2381d
commit db5243383d
2 changed files with 403 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@ class H5PCore {
* @param array $versions
* @return array
public function get_upgrades($library, $versions) {
public function getUpgrades($library, $versions) {
$upgrades = array();
foreach ($versions as $upgrade) {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,29 @@
(function ($) {
var info, outData, $container, $throbber, throbberText, majorVersion, minorVersion;
var info, $container;
// TODO: Translate strings!
// Initialize
$(document).ready(function () {
// Get library info
info = H5PIntegration.getLibraryInfo();
// Get and reset container
$container = $('#h5p-admin-container').html('<p>' + info.message + '</p>');
// Make it possible to select version
var $version = $(getVersionSelect(info.versions)).appendTo($container);
// Add "go" button
$('<button/>', {
class: 'h5p-admin-upgrade-button',
text: info.buttonLabel,
click: function () {
// Start new content upgrade
new ContentUpgrade($version.val());
* Generate html for version select.
@ -19,129 +43,405 @@
* Process the current batch of parameters.
* Private. Helps process each property on the given object asynchronously in serial order.
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {Function} process
* @param {Function} finished
var processParameters = function (inData) {
var upgraded = {};
var asyncSerial = function (obj, process, finished) {
var id, isArray = obj instanceof Array;
var i = 0;
for (var id in inData.params) {
if (!inData.params.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
var param = JSON.parse(inData.params[id]);
for (var major in H5PUpgrades) {
if (!H5PUpgrades.hasOwnProperty(major) || major < info.majorVersion || major > majorVersion) {
for (var minor in H5PUpgrades[major]) {
if (!H5PUpgrades[major].hasOwnProperty(major) || minor <= info.minorVersion || minor > minorVersion) {
param = H5PUpgrades[major][minor](param);
// Keep track of each property that belongs to this object.
if (!isArray) {
var ids = [];
for (id in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
upgraded[id] = JSON.stringify(param);
var i = -1; // Keeps track of the current property
* Private. Process the next property
var next = function () {
id = isArray ? i : ids[i];
process(id, obj[id], check);
* Private. Check if we're done or have an error.
* @param {String} err
var check = function (err) {
$throbber.text(throbberText + Math.round(( - inData.left + i) / ( / 100)) + ' %') ;
if (i === (isArray ? obj.length : ids.length) || err !== undefined) {
else {
outData.params = JSON.stringify(upgraded);
outData.token = inData.token;
// Get next round of data to process.
check(); // Start
* Handles errors while processing parameters.
* Make it easy to keep track of version details.
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} version
* @param {Number} libraryId
* @returns {_L1.Version}
var process = function (inData) {
// Script is loaded. Start processing.
try {
function Version(version, libraryId) {
if (libraryId !== undefined) {
version = info.versions[libraryId];
// Public
this.libraryId = libraryId;
catch (err) {
$container.html('An error occurred while processing parameters: ' + err);
var versionSplit = version.split('.', 3);
// Public
this.major = versionSplit[0];
this.minor = versionSplit[1];
* Public. Custom string for this object.
* @returns {String}
this.toString = function () {
return version;
* Get the next batch of parameters.
* Displays a throbber in the status field.
* @param {String} msg
* @returns {_L1.Throbber}
var getParameters = function () {
function Throbber(msg) {
var $throbber = H5PUtils.throbber(msg);
* Makes it possible to set the progress.
* @param {String} progress
this.setProgress = function (progress) {
$throbber.text(msg + ' ' + progress);
* Start a new content upgrade.
* @param {Number} libraryId
* @returns {_L1.ContentUpgrade}
function ContentUpgrade(libraryId) {
var self = this;
// Get selected version
self.version = new Version(null, libraryId);
// Create throbber with loading text and progress
self.throbber = new Throbber('Upgrading to ' + self.version + '...');
// Get the next batch
libraryId: libraryId,
token: info.token
* Get the next batch and start processing it.
* @param {Object} outData
ContentUpgrade.prototype.nextBatch = function (outData) {
var self = this;
$.post(info.url, outData, function (inData) {
if (!(inData instanceof Object)) {
// Print errors from backend
return self.setStatus(inData);
if (inData.left === '0') {
if (inData.left === 0) {
// Nothing left to process
return self.setStatus(info.done);
if (inData.script !== undefined) {
dataType: 'script',
cache: true,
url: inData.script
}).done(function () {
// Start processing
}).fail(function () {
$container.html('Error: Could not load upgrade script.');
self.left = inData.left;
self.token = inData.token;
// Continue processing
// Start processing
// Initialize
$(document).ready(function () {
// Get library info
info = H5PIntegration.getLibraryInfo();
* Set current status message.
* @param {String} msg
ContentUpgrade.prototype.setStatus = function (msg) {
// Get and reset container
$container = $('#h5p-admin-container').html('<p>' + info.message + '</p>');
* Process the given parameters.
* @param {Object} parameters
ContentUpgrade.prototype.processBatch = function (parameters) {
var self = this;
var upgraded = {}; // Track upgraded params
// Make it possible to select version
var $version = $(getVersionSelect(info.versions)).appendTo($container);
var current = 0; // Track progress
asyncSerial(parameters, function (id, params, next) {
// Add "go" button
$('<button/>', {
class: 'h5p-admin-upgrade-button',
text: info.buttonLabel,
click: function () {
outData = {
libraryId: $version.val(),
token: info.token
// Make params possible to work with
params = JSON.parse(params);
// Get version
var version = info.versions[outData.libraryId];
var versionLevels = version.split('.', 3);
majorVersion = versionLevels[0];
minorVersion = versionLevels[1];
// Upgrade this content.
self.upgrade(, new Version(info.library.version), self.version, params, function (err, params) {
if (err === undefined || err === null) {
console.log('Content done', params);
upgraded[id] = JSON.stringify(params);
throbberText = 'Upgrading to ' + version + '...';
$throbber = H5PUtils.throbber(throbberText);
self.throbber.setProgress(Math.round(( - self.left + current) / ( / 100)) + ' %');
// Start upgrade progress
}, function (err) {
// Finished with all parameters that came in
if (err !== undefined && err !== null) {
return self.setStatus('<p>An error occurred while processing parameters:<br/>' + err + '</p>');
// Save upgraded content and get next round of data to process
libraryId: self.version.libraryId,
token: self.token,
params: JSON.stringify(upgraded)
* Upgade the given content.
* @param {String} name
* @param {Version} oldVersion
* @param {Version} newVersion
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Function} next
* @returns {undefined}
ContentUpgrade.prototype.upgrade = function (name, oldVersion, newVersion, params, next) {
var self = this;
console.log('Upgrading ' + name + ' ' + oldVersion + ' -> ' + newVersion);
// Load library details and upgrade routines
self.loadLibrary(name, newVersion, function (err, library) {
if (err) return next(err);
// Run upgrade routines on params
self.processParams(library, oldVersion, newVersion, params, function (err, params) {
if (err) return next(err);
// Check if any of the sub-libraries need upgrading
asyncSerial(library.semantics, function (index, field, next) {
self.processField(field, params, function (err, upgradedParams) {
if (upgradedParams) params = upgradedParams;
}, function (err) {
next(err, params);
* Load library data needed for content upgrade.
* @param {String} name
* @param {Version} version
* @param {Function} next
ContentUpgrade.prototype.loadLibrary = function (name, version, next) {
var self = this;
dataType: 'json',
url: info.libraryBaseUrl + '/' + name + '/' + version.major + '/' + version.minor
}).fail(function () {
next('Could not load data for library ' + name + ' ' + version);
}).done(function (library) {
if (library.upgradesScript) {
self.loadScript(library.upgradesScript, function (err) {
if (err) {
err = name + ' ' + version + ': ' + err;
next(err, library);
else {
next(null, library);
* Load script with upgrade hooks.
* @param {String} url
* @param {Function} next
ContentUpgrade.prototype.loadScript = function (url, next) {
dataType: 'script',
cache: true,
url: url
}).fail(function () {
next('Could not load upgrades script.');
}).done(function () {
* Run upgrade hooks on params.
* @param {Object} library
* @param {Version} oldVersion
* @param {Version} newVersion
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Function} next
ContentUpgrade.prototype.processParams = function (library, oldVersion, newVersion, params, next) {
if (H5PUpgrades[] === undefined) {
// TODO: Add error if we have loaded a script but cannot find the function? Will avoid some errors in the upgrades.js
// No upgrade hooks to run. Move on.
return next(null, params);
// Run upgrade hooks. Start by going through major versions
asyncSerial(H5PUpgrades[], function (major, minors, nextMajor) {
if (major < oldVersion.major || major > newVersion.major) {
// Older than the current version or newer than the selected
else {
// Go through the minor versions for this major version
asyncSerial(minors, function (minor, upgrade, nextMinor) {
if (minor <= oldVersion.minor || minor > newVersion.minor) {
// Older than or equal to the current version or newer than the selected
else {
// We found an upgrade hook, run it
upgrade(params, function (err, upgradedParams) {
params = upgradedParams;
}, nextMajor);
}, function (err) {
next(err, params);
* Process parameter fields to find and upgrade sub-libraries.
* @param {Object} field
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Function} next
ContentUpgrade.prototype.processField = function (field, params, next) {
var self = this;
switch (field.type) {
case 'library':
if (params.library === undefined || params.params === undefined) {
return next();
// Look for available upgrades
var usedLib = params.library.split(' ', 2);
for (var i = 0; i < field.options.length; i++) {
var availableLib = field.options[i].split(' ', 2);
if (availableLib[0] === usedLib[0]) {
if (availableLib[1] === usedLib[1]) {
return next(); // Same version
// We have different versions
var usedVer = new Version(usedLib[1]);
var availableVer = new Version(availableLib[1]);
if (usedVer.major > availableVer.major || (usedVer.major === availableVer.major && usedVer.minor >= availableVer.minor)) {
return next(); // Larger or same version that's available
// A newer version is available, run upgrade.
return self.upgrade(availableLib[0], usedVer, availableVer, params.params, next);
case 'group':
if (field.fields.length === 1) {
var wrap = {};
wrap[field.fields[0].name] = params;
params = wrap;
// Go through all fields in the group
asyncSerial(field.fields, function (index, field, next) {
self.processField(field, params, function (err, upgradedParams) {
if (upgradedParams) params = upgradedParams;
}, function (err) {
next(err, params);
case 'list':
if (params[] === undefined) {
return next();
// Go trough all params in the list
asyncSerial(params[], function (index, params, next) {
self.processField(field.field, params, function (err, upgradedParams) {
if (upgradedParams) params = upgradedParams;
}, function (err) {
next(err, params);