Merge branch 'release' into stable

pull/10/merge 1.14
Paal Joergensen 2017-04-18 09:26:01 +02:00
commit da568e4b8a
18 changed files with 579 additions and 135 deletions

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@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class H5PDefaultStorage implements \H5PFileStorage {
* @return string * @return string
*/ */
public function getContent($file_path) { public function getContent($file_path) {
return file_get_contents($this->path . $file_path); return file_get_contents($file_path);
} }
/** /**
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class H5PDefaultStorage implements \H5PFileStorage {
// Prepare directory // Prepare directory
if (empty($contentId)) { if (empty($contentId)) {
// Should be in editor tmp folder // Should be in editor tmp folder
$path = ($this->alteditorpath !== NULL ? $this->alteditorpath : $this->path . '/editor'); $path = $this->getEditorPath();
} }
else { else {
// Should be in content folder // Should be in content folder
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ class H5PDefaultStorage implements \H5PFileStorage {
copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path); copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path);
} }
return $path; return $file;
} }
/** /**
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ class H5PDefaultStorage implements \H5PFileStorage {
public function cloneContentFile($file, $fromId, $toId) { public function cloneContentFile($file, $fromId, $toId) {
// Determine source path // Determine source path
if ($fromId === 'editor') { if ($fromId === 'editor') {
$sourcepath = ($this->alteditorpath !== NULL ? $this->alteditorpath : "{$this->path}/editor"); $sourcepath = $this->getEditorPath();
} }
else { else {
$sourcepath = "{$this->path}/content/{$fromId}"; $sourcepath = "{$this->path}/content/{$fromId}";
@ -358,6 +358,49 @@ class H5PDefaultStorage implements \H5PFileStorage {
copy($sourcepath, $targetpath); copy($sourcepath, $targetpath);
} }
* Copy a content from one directory to another. Defaults to cloning
* content from the current temporary upload folder to the editor path.
* @param string $source path to source directory
* @param string $contentId Id of content
* @return object Object containing h5p json and content json data
public function moveContentDirectory($source, $contentId = NULL) {
if ($source === NULL) {
return NULL;
if ($contentId === NULL || $contentId == 0) {
$target = $this->getEditorPath();
else {
// Use content folder
$target = "{$this->path}/content/{$contentId}";
$contentSource = $source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'content';
$contentFiles = array_diff(scandir($contentSource), array('.','..', 'content.json'));
foreach ($contentFiles as $file) {
if (is_dir("{$contentSource}/{$file}")) {
self::copyFileTree("{$contentSource}/{$file}", "{$target}/{$file}");
else {
copy("{$contentSource}/{$file}", "{$target}/{$file}");
// Successfully loaded content json of file into editor
$h5pJson = $this->getContent($source . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'h5p.json');
$contentJson = $this->getContent($contentSource . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'content.json');
return (object) array(
'h5pJson' => $h5pJson,
'contentJson' => $contentJson
/** /**
* Checks to see if content has the given file. * Checks to see if content has the given file.
* Used when saving content. * Used when saving content.
@ -386,6 +429,16 @@ class H5PDefaultStorage implements \H5PFileStorage {
} }
} }
* Check if server setup has write permission to
* the required folders
* @return bool True if site can write to the H5P files folder
public function hasWriteAccess() {
return self::dirReady($this->path);
/** /**
* Recursive function for copying directories. * Recursive function for copying directories.
* *
@ -472,4 +525,13 @@ class H5PDefaultStorage implements \H5PFileStorage {
return TRUE; return TRUE;
} }
* Easy helper function for retrieving the editor path
* @return string Path to editor files
private function getEditorPath() {
return ($this->alteditorpath !== NULL ? $this->alteditorpath : "{$this->path}/editor");
} }

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ interface H5PFileStorage {
* The files must be marked as temporary until the content form is saved. * The files must be marked as temporary until the content form is saved.
* *
* @param \H5peditorFile $file * @param \H5peditorFile $file
* @param int $contentid * @param int $contentId
*/ */
public function saveFile($file, $contentId); public function saveFile($file, $contentId);
@ -148,11 +148,22 @@ interface H5PFileStorage {
* Used when copy pasting content in H5P. * Used when copy pasting content in H5P.
* *
* @param string $file path + name * @param string $file path + name
* @param string|int $fromid Content ID or 'editor' string * @param string|int $fromId Content ID or 'editor' string
* @param int $toid Target Content ID * @param int $toId Target Content ID
*/ */
public function cloneContentFile($file, $fromId, $toId); public function cloneContentFile($file, $fromId, $toId);
* Copy a content from one directory to another. Defaults to cloning
* content from the current temporary upload folder to the editor path.
* @param string $source path to source directory
* @param string $contentId Id of content
* @return object Object containing h5p json and content json data
public function moveContentDirectory($source, $contentId = NULL);
/** /**
* Checks to see if content has the given file. * Checks to see if content has the given file.
* Used when saving content. * Used when saving content.
@ -171,4 +182,12 @@ interface H5PFileStorage {
* @param int $contentId * @param int $contentId
*/ */
public function removeContentFile($file, $contentId); public function removeContentFile($file, $contentId);
* Check if server setup has write permission to
* the required folders
* @return bool True if server has the proper write access
public function hasWriteAccess();
} }

View File

@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ interface H5PFrameworkInterface {
/** /**
* Fetches a file from a remote server using HTTP GET * Fetches a file from a remote server using HTTP GET
* *
* @param $url * @param string $url Where you want to get or send data.
* @param $data * @param array $data Data to post to the URL.
* @param bool $blocking Set to 'FALSE' to instantly time out (fire and forget).
* @param string $stream Path to where the file should be saved.
* @return string The content (response body). NULL if something went wrong * @return string The content (response body). NULL if something went wrong
*/ */
public function fetchExternalData($url, $data); public function fetchExternalData($url, $data = NULL, $blocking = TRUE, $stream = NULL);
/** /**
* Set the tutorial URL for a library. All versions of the library is set * Set the tutorial URL for a library. All versions of the library is set
@ -67,6 +69,14 @@ interface H5PFrameworkInterface {
*/ */
public function t($message, $replacements = array()); public function t($message, $replacements = array());
* Get URL to file in the specific library
* @param string $libraryFolderName
* @param string $fileName
* @return string URL to file
public function getLibraryFileUrl($libraryFolderName, $fileName);
/** /**
* Get the Path to the last uploaded h5p * Get the Path to the last uploaded h5p
* *
@ -568,6 +578,14 @@ interface H5PFrameworkInterface {
* @return boolean * @return boolean
*/ */
public function hasPermission($permission, $id = NULL); public function hasPermission($permission, $id = NULL);
* Replaces existing content type cache with the one passed in
* @param object $contentTypeCache Json with an array called 'libraries'
* containing the new content type cache that should replace the old one.
public function replaceContentTypeCache($contentTypeCache);
} }
/** /**
@ -713,7 +731,7 @@ class H5PValidator {
$mainH5pData = null; $mainH5pData = null;
$libraryJsonData = null; $libraryJsonData = null;
$contentJsonData = null; $contentJsonData = null;
$mainH5pExists = $imageExists = $contentExists = FALSE; $mainH5pExists = $contentExists = FALSE;
foreach ($files as $file) { foreach ($files as $file) {
if (in_array(substr($file, 0, 1), array('.', '_'))) { if (in_array(substr($file, 0, 1), array('.', '_'))) {
continue; continue;
@ -741,10 +759,6 @@ class H5PValidator {
} }
} }
} }
// Check for h5p.jpg?
elseif (strtolower($file) == 'h5p.jpg') {
$imageExists = TRUE;
// Content directory holds content. // Content directory holds content.
elseif ($file == 'content') { elseif ($file == 'content') {
// We do a separate skipContent check to avoid having the content folder being treated as a library // We do a separate skipContent check to avoid having the content folder being treated as a library
@ -775,7 +789,7 @@ class H5PValidator {
} }
// The rest should be library folders // The rest should be library folders
elseif ($this->h5pF->mayUpdateLibraries()) { elseif ($this->h5pC->mayUpdateLibraries()) {
if (!is_dir($filePath)) { if (!is_dir($filePath)) {
// Ignore this. Probably a file that shouldn't have been included. // Ignore this. Probably a file that shouldn't have been included.
continue; continue;
@ -858,7 +872,7 @@ class H5PValidator {
foreach ($missingLibraries as $libString => $library) { foreach ($missingLibraries as $libString => $library) {
$this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Missing required library @library', array('@library' => $libString))); $this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Missing required library @library', array('@library' => $libString)));
} }
if (!$this->h5pF->mayUpdateLibraries()) { if (!$this->h5pC->mayUpdateLibraries()) {
$this->h5pF->setInfoMessage($this->h5pF->t("Note that the libraries may exist in the file you uploaded, but you're not allowed to upload new libraries. Contact the site administrator about this.")); $this->h5pF->setInfoMessage($this->h5pF->t("Note that the libraries may exist in the file you uploaded, but you're not allowed to upload new libraries. Contact the site administrator about this."));
} }
} }
@ -929,6 +943,9 @@ class H5PValidator {
} }
} }
// Check for icon:
$h5pData['hasIcon'] = file_exists($filePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'icon.svg');
$validLibrary = $this->isValidH5pData($h5pData, $file, $this->libraryRequired, $this->libraryOptional); $validLibrary = $this->isValidH5pData($h5pData, $file, $this->libraryRequired, $this->libraryOptional);
$validLibrary = $this->h5pCV->validateContentFiles($filePath, TRUE) && $validLibrary; $validLibrary = $this->h5pCV->validateContentFiles($filePath, TRUE) && $validLibrary;
@ -1295,7 +1312,7 @@ class H5PStorage {
* FALSE otherwise * FALSE otherwise
*/ */
public function savePackage($content = NULL, $contentMainId = NULL, $skipContent = FALSE, $options = array()) { public function savePackage($content = NULL, $contentMainId = NULL, $skipContent = FALSE, $options = array()) {
if ($this->h5pF->mayUpdateLibraries()) { if ($this->h5pC->mayUpdateLibraries()) {
// Save the libraries we processed during validation // Save the libraries we processed during validation
$this->saveLibraries(); $this->saveLibraries();
} }
@ -1679,6 +1696,9 @@ Class H5PExport {
abstract class H5PPermission { abstract class H5PPermission {
const DOWNLOAD_H5P = 0; const DOWNLOAD_H5P = 0;
const EMBED_H5P = 1; const EMBED_H5P = 1;
} }
abstract class H5PDisplayOptionBehaviour { abstract class H5PDisplayOptionBehaviour {
@ -1689,6 +1709,9 @@ abstract class H5PDisplayOptionBehaviour {
} }
abstract class H5PHubEndpoints {
const CONTENT_TYPES = '';
/** /**
* Functions and storage shared by the other H5P classes * Functions and storage shared by the other H5P classes
@ -2401,69 +2424,99 @@ class H5PCore {
} }
/** /**
* Fetch a list of libraries' metadata from * Communicate with and get content type cache. Each platform
* Save URL tutorial to database. Each platform implementation * implementation is responsible for invoking this, eg using cron
* is responsible for invoking this, eg using cron *
* @param bool $fetchingDisabled * @param bool $fetchingDisabled
* @return bool|object Returns endpoint data if found, otherwise FALSE
*/ */
public function fetchLibrariesMetadata($fetchingDisabled = FALSE) { public function fetchLibrariesMetadata($fetchingDisabled = FALSE) {
// Gather data // Gather data
$uuid = $this->h5pF->getOption('site_uuid', ''); $uuid = $this->h5pF->getOption('site_uuid', '');
$platform = $this->h5pF->getPlatformInfo(); $platform = $this->h5pF->getPlatformInfo();
$data = array( $registrationData = array(
'api_version' => 2,
'uuid' => $uuid, 'uuid' => $uuid,
'platform_name' => $platform['name'], 'platform_name' => $platform['name'],
'platform_version' => $platform['version'], 'platform_version' => $platform['version'],
'h5p_version' => $platform['h5pVersion'], 'h5p_version' => $platform['h5pVersion'],
'disabled' => $fetchingDisabled ? 1 : 0, 'disabled' => $fetchingDisabled ? 1 : 0,
'local_id' => hash('crc32', $this->fullPluginPath), 'local_id' => hash('crc32', $this->fullPluginPath),
'type' => $this->h5pF->getOption('site_type', 'local'), 'type' => $this->h5pF->getOption('site_type', 'local')
'num_authors' => $this->h5pF->getNumAuthors(),
'libraries' => json_encode($this->combineArrayValues(array(
'patch' => $this->getLibrariesInstalled(),
'content' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryContentCount(),
'loaded' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('library'),
'created' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('content create'),
'createdUpload' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('content create upload'),
'deleted' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('content delete'),
'resultViews' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('results content'),
'shortcodeInserts' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('content shortcode insert')
); );
// Send request // Register site if it is not registered
$protocol = (extension_loaded('openssl') ? 'https' : 'http'); if (empty($uuid)) {
$result = $this->h5pF->fetchExternalData("{$protocol}://", $data); $protocol = (extension_loaded('openssl') ? 'https' : 'http');
if (empty($result)) { $endpoint = '';
return; $registration = $this->h5pF->fetchExternalData("{$protocol}://{$endpoint}", $registrationData);
// Failed retrieving uuid
if (!$registration) {
$errorMessage = $this->h5pF->t('Site could not be registered with the hub. Please contact your site administrator.');
$this->h5pF->t('The H5P Hub has been disabled until this problem can be resolved. You may still upload libraries through the "H5P Libraries" page.')
return FALSE;
// Successfully retrieved new uuid
$json = json_decode($registration);
$registrationData['uuid'] = $json->uuid;
$this->h5pF->setOption('site_uuid', $json->uuid);
$this->h5pF->t('Your site was successfully registered with the H5P Hub.')
// TODO: Uncomment when key is once again available in H5P Settings
// $this->h5pF->setInfoMessage(
// $this->h5pF->t('You have been provided a unique key that identifies you with the Hub when receiving new updates. The key is available for viewing in the "H5P Settings" page.')
// );
} }
// Process results if ($this->h5pF->getOption('send_usage_statistics', TRUE)) {
$json = json_decode($result); $siteData = array_merge(
if (empty($json)) { $registrationData,
'num_authors' => $this->h5pF->getNumAuthors(),
'libraries' => json_encode($this->combineArrayValues(array(
'patch' => $this->getLibrariesInstalled(),
'content' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryContentCount(),
'loaded' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('library'),
'created' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('content create'),
'createdUpload' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('content create upload'),
'deleted' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('content delete'),
'resultViews' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('results content'),
'shortcodeInserts' => $this->h5pF->getLibraryStats('content shortcode insert')
else {
$siteData = $registrationData;
$result = $this->updateContentTypeCache($siteData);
// No data received
if (!$result || empty($result)) {
return; return;
} }
// Handle libraries metadata // Handle libraries metadata
if (isset($json->libraries)) { if (isset($result->libraries)) {
foreach ($json->libraries as $machineName => $libInfo) { foreach ($result->libraries as $library) {
if (isset($libInfo->tutorialUrl)) { if (isset($library->tutorialUrl) && isset($library->machineName)) {
$this->h5pF->setLibraryTutorialUrl($machineName, $libInfo->tutorialUrl); $this->h5pF->setLibraryTutorialUrl($library->machineNamee, $library->tutorialUrl);
} }
} }
} }
// Handle new uuid return $result;
if ($uuid === '' && isset($json->uuid)) {
$this->h5pF->setOption('site_uuid', $json->uuid);
// Handle latest version of H5P
if (!empty($json->latest)) {
$this->h5pF->setOption('update_available', $json->latest->releasedAt);
$this->h5pF->setOption('update_available_path', $json->latest->path);
} }
/** /**
@ -2677,12 +2730,17 @@ class H5PCore {
* @param mixed $data * @param mixed $data
* @since 1.6.0 * @since 1.6.0
*/ */
public static function ajaxSuccess($data = NULL) { public static function ajaxSuccess($data = NULL, $only_data = FALSE) {
$response = array( $response = array(
'success' => TRUE 'success' => TRUE
); );
if ($data !== NULL) { if ($data !== NULL) {
$response['data'] = $data; $response['data'] = $data;
// Pass data flatly to support old methods
if ($only_data) {
$response = $data;
} }
self::printJson($response); self::printJson($response);
} }
@ -2691,17 +2749,25 @@ class H5PCore {
* Makes it easier to print response when AJAX request fails. * Makes it easier to print response when AJAX request fails.
* Will exit after printing error. * Will exit after printing error.
* *
* @param string $message * @param string $message A human readable error message
* @param string $error_code An machine readable error code that a client
* should be able to interpret
* @param null|int $status_code Http response code
* @since 1.6.0 * @since 1.6.0
*/ */
public static function ajaxError($message = NULL) { public static function ajaxError($message = NULL, $error_code = NULL, $status_code = NULL) {
$response = array( $response = array(
'success' => FALSE 'success' => FALSE
); );
if ($message !== NULL) { if ($message !== NULL) {
$response['message'] = $message; $response['message'] = $message;
} }
if ($error_code !== NULL) {
$response['errorCode'] = $error_code;
self::printJson($response, $status_code);
} }
/** /**
@ -2709,8 +2775,13 @@ class H5PCore {
* Makes it easier to respond using JSON. * Makes it easier to respond using JSON.
* *
* @param mixed $data * @param mixed $data
* @param null|int $status_code Http response code
*/ */
private static function printJson($data) { private static function printJson($data, $status_code = NULL) {
if ($status_code !== NULL) {
header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
print json_encode($data); print json_encode($data);
@ -2755,6 +2826,191 @@ class H5PCore {
return $token === substr(hash('md5', $action . $time_factor . $_SESSION['h5p_token']), -16, 13) || // Under 12 hours return $token === substr(hash('md5', $action . $time_factor . $_SESSION['h5p_token']), -16, 13) || // Under 12 hours
$token === substr(hash('md5', $action . ($time_factor - 1) . $_SESSION['h5p_token']), -16, 13); // Between 12-24 hours $token === substr(hash('md5', $action . ($time_factor - 1) . $_SESSION['h5p_token']), -16, 13); // Between 12-24 hours
} }
* Update content type cache
* @param object $postData Data sent to the hub
* @return bool|object Returns endpoint data if found, otherwise FALSE
public function updateContentTypeCache($postData = NULL) {
$interface = $this->h5pF;
// Make sure data is sent!
if (!isset($postData) || !isset($postData['uuid'])) {
return $this->fetchLibrariesMetadata();
$postData['current_cache'] = $this->h5pF->getOption('content_type_cache_updated_at', 0);
$protocol = (extension_loaded('openssl') ? 'https' : 'http');
$endpoint = H5PHubEndpoints::CONTENT_TYPES;
$data = $interface->fetchExternalData("{$protocol}://{$endpoint}", $postData);
if (! $this->h5pF->getOption('hub_is_enabled', TRUE)) {
return TRUE;
// No data received
if (!$data) {
$interface->t("Couldn't communicate with the H5P Hub. Please try again later.")
return FALSE;
$json = json_decode($data);
// No libraries received
if (!isset($json->contentTypes) || empty($json->contentTypes)) {
$interface->t('No content types were received from the H5P Hub. Please try again later.')
return FALSE;
// Replace content type cache
// Inform of the changes and update timestamp
$interface->setInfoMessage($interface->t('Library cache was successfully updated!'));
$interface->setOption('content_type_cache_updated_at', time());
return $data;
* Check if the current server setup is valid and set error messages
* @return object Setup object with errors and disable hub properties
public function checkSetupErrorMessage() {
$setup = (object) array(
'errors' => array(),
'disable_hub' => FALSE
if (!class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
$setup->errors[] = $this->h5pF->t('Your PHP version does not support ZipArchive.');
$setup->disable_hub = TRUE;
if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
$setup->errors[] = $this->h5pF->t(
'The mbstring PHP extension is not loaded. H5P needs this to function properly'
$setup->disable_hub = TRUE;
// Check php version >= 5.2
$php_version = explode('.', phpversion());
if ($php_version[0] < 5 || ($php_version[0] === 5 && $php_version[1] < 2)) {
$setup->errors[] = $this->h5pF->t('Your PHP version is outdated. H5P requires version 5.2 to function properly. Version 5.6 or later is recommended.');
$setup->disable_hub = TRUE;
// Check write access
if (!$this->fs->hasWriteAccess()) {
$setup->errors[] = $this->h5pF->t('A problem with the server write access was detected. Please make sure that your server can write to your data folder.');
$setup->disable_hub = TRUE;
$max_upload_size = self::returnBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$max_post_size = self::returnBytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
$byte_threshold = 5000000; // 5MB
if ($max_upload_size < $byte_threshold) {
$setup->errors[] =
$this->h5pF->t('Your PHP max upload size is quite small. With your current setup, you may not upload files larger than %number MB. This might be a problem when trying to upload H5Ps, images and videos. Please consider to increase it to more than 5MB.', array('%number' => number_format($max_upload_size / 1024 / 1024, 2, '.', ' ')));
if ($max_post_size < $byte_threshold) {
$setup->errors[] =
$this->h5pF->t('Your PHP max post size is quite small. With your current setup, you may not upload files larger than %number MB. This might be a problem when trying to upload H5Ps, images and videos. Please consider to increase it to more than 5MB', array('%number' => number_format($max_upload_size / 1024 / 1024, 2, '.', ' ')));
if ($max_upload_size > $max_post_size) {
$setup->errors[] =
$this->h5pF->t('Your PHP max upload size is bigger than your max post size. This is known to cause issues in some installations.');
// Check SSL
if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) {
$setup->errors[] =
$this->h5pF->t('Your server does not have SSL enabled. SSL should be enabled to ensure a secure connection with the H5P hub.');
$setup->disable_hub = TRUE;
return $setup;
* Check that all H5P requirements for the server setup is met.
public function checkSetupForRequirements() {
$setup = $this->checkSetupErrorMessage();
$this->h5pF->setOption('hub_is_enabled', !$setup->disable_hub);
if (!empty($setup->errors)) {
foreach ($setup->errors as $err) {
if ($setup->disable_hub) {
// Inform how to re-enable hub
$this->h5pF->t('H5P hub communication has been disabled because one or more H5P requirements failed.')
$this->h5pF->t('When you have revised your server setup you may re-enable H5P hub communication in H5P Settings.')
* Return bytes from php_ini string value
* @param string $val
* @return int|string
public static function returnBytes($val) {
$val = trim($val);
$last = strtolower($val[strlen($val) - 1]);
switch ($last) {
case 'g':
$val *= 1024;
case 'm':
$val *= 1024;
case 'k':
$val *= 1024;
return $val;
* Check if the current user has permission to update and install new
* libraries.
* @param bool [$set] Optional, sets the permission
* @return bool
public function mayUpdateLibraries($set = null) {
static $can;
if ($set !== null) {
// Use value set
$can = $set;
if ($can === null) {
// Ask our framework
$can = $this->h5pF->mayUpdateLibraries();
return $can;
} }
/** /**

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ H5P.ActionBar = (function ($, EventDispatcher) {
self.trigger(type); self.trigger(type);
}; };
H5P.jQuery('<li/>', { H5P.jQuery('<li/>', {
'class': 'h5p-button h5p-' + (customClass ? customClass : type), 'class': 'h5p-button h5p-noselect h5p-' + (customClass ? customClass : type),
role: 'button', role: 'button',
tabindex: 0, tabindex: 0,
title: H5P.t(type + 'Description'), title: H5P.t(type + 'Description'),

View File

@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ H5P.ConfirmationDialog = (function (EventDispatcher) {
// Confirm button // Confirm button
var confirmButton = document.createElement('button'); var confirmButton = document.createElement('button');
confirmButton.classList.add('h5p-core-button', confirmButton.classList.add('h5p-core-button');
'h5p-confirmation-dialog-confirm-button'); confirmButton.classList.add('h5p-confirmation-dialog-confirm-button');
confirmButton.textContent = options.confirmText; confirmButton.textContent = options.confirmText;
// Exit button // Exit button

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Utility that makes it possible to hide fields when a checkbox is unchecked * Utility that makes it possible to hide fields when a checkbox is unchecked
*/ */
(function ($) { (function ($) {
function setupHiding () { function setupHiding() {
var $toggler = $(this); var $toggler = $(this);
// Getting the field which should be hidden: // Getting the field which should be hidden:
@ -16,8 +16,39 @@
toggle(); toggle();
} }
function setupRevealing() {
var $button = $(this);
// Getting the field which should have the value:
var $input = $('#' + $'control'));
if (!$'value')) {
// Setup button action
var revealed = false;
var text = $button.html();
$ () {
if (revealed) {
revealed = false;
else {
revealed = true;
$(document).ready(function () { $(document).ready(function () {
// Get the checkboxes making other fields being hidden: // Get the checkboxes making other fields being hidden:
$('.h5p-visibility-toggler').each(setupHiding); $('.h5p-visibility-toggler').each(setupHiding);
// Get the buttons making other fields have hidden values:
}); });
})(H5P.jQuery); })(H5P.jQuery);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/* global H5PDisableHubData */
* Global data for disable hub functionality
* @typedef {object} H5PDisableHubData Data passed in from the backend
* @property {string} selector Selector for the disable hub check-button
* @property {string} overlaySelector Selector for the element that the confirmation dialog will mask
* @property {Array} errors Errors found with the current server setup
* @property {string} header Header of the confirmation dialog
* @property {string} confirmationDialogMsg Body of the confirmation dialog
* @property {string} cancelLabel Cancel label of the confirmation dialog
* @property {string} confirmLabel Confirm button label of the confirmation dialog
* Utility that makes it possible to force the user to confirm that he really
* wants to use the H5P hub without proper server settings.
(function ($) {
$(document).on('ready', function () {
// No data found
if (!H5PDisableHubData) {
// No errors found, no need for confirmation dialog
if (!H5PDisableHubData.errors || !H5PDisableHubData.errors.length) {
H5PDisableHubData.selector = H5PDisableHubData.selector ||
H5PDisableHubData.overlaySelector = H5PDisableHubData.overlaySelector ||
var dialogHtml = '<div>' +
'<p>' + H5PDisableHubData.errors.join('</p><p>') + '</p>' +
'<p>' + H5PDisableHubData.confirmationDialogMsg + '</p>';
// Create confirmation dialog, make sure to include translations
var confirmationDialog = new H5P.ConfirmationDialog({
headerText: H5PDisableHubData.header,
dialogText: dialogHtml,
cancelText: H5PDisableHubData.cancelLabel,
confirmText: H5PDisableHubData.confirmLabel
confirmationDialog.on('confirmed', function () {
enableButton.get(0).checked = true;
confirmationDialog.on('canceled', function () {
enableButton.get(0).checked = false;
var enableButton = $(H5PDisableHubData.selector);
enableButton.change(function () {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {;

View File

@ -232,7 +232,8 @@ button.h5p-admin.disabled:hover {
.h5p-admin-header { .h5p-admin-header {
margin-top: 1.5em; margin-top: 1.5em;
} }
#h5p-library-upload-form.h5p-admin-upload-libraries-form { #h5p-library-upload-form.h5p-admin-upload-libraries-form,
#h5p-content-type-cache-update-form.h5p-admin-upload-libraries-form {
position: relative; position: relative;
margin: 0; margin: 0;

View File

@ -113,4 +113,6 @@ button.h5p-confirmation-dialog-exit:hover {
.h5p-core-button.h5p-confirmation-dialog-confirm-button:before { .h5p-core-button.h5p-confirmation-dialog-confirm-button:before {
content: "\e601"; content: "\e601";
margin-top: -6px;
display: inline-block;
} }

styles/h5p.css Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
/* Custom H5P font to use for icons. */ /* Custom H5P font to use for icons. */
@font-face { @font-face {
font-family: 'h5p'; font-family: 'h5p';
src: url('../fonts/h5p-core-16.eot?80e76o'); src: url('../fonts/h5p-core-18.eot?cb8kvi');
src: url('../fonts/h5p-core-16.eot?80e76o#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), src: url('../fonts/h5p-core-18.eot?cb8kvi#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('../fonts/h5p-core-16.ttf?80e76o') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/h5p-core-18.ttf?cb8kvi') format('truetype'),
url('../fonts/h5p-core-16.woff?80e76o') format('woff'), url('../fonts/h5p-core-18.woff?cb8kvi') format('woff'),
url('../fonts/h5p-core-16.svg?80e76o#h5p-core-15') format('svg'); url('../fonts/h5p-core-18.svg?cb8kvi#h5p') format('svg');
font-weight: normal; font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal; font-style: normal;
} }
@ -30,6 +30,14 @@ html.h5p-iframe, html.h5p-iframe > body {
box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
} }
-khtml-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
html.h5p-iframe .h5p-content { html.h5p-iframe .h5p-content {
font-size: 16px; font-size: 16px;
line-height: 1.5em; line-height: 1.5em;
@ -147,7 +155,11 @@ div.h5p-fullscreen {
z-index: 20; z-index: 20;
} }
.h5p-iframe-wrapper iframe.h5p-iframe { .h5p-iframe-wrapper iframe.h5p-iframe {
width: 100%; /* Hack for IOS landscape / portrait */
width: 10px;
min-width: 100%;
*width: 100%;
/* End of hack */
height: 100%; height: 100%;
z-index: 10; z-index: 10;
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
@ -203,11 +215,10 @@ div.h5p-fullscreen {
} }
.h5p-actions > .h5p-button:before { .h5p-actions > .h5p-button:before {
font-family: 'H5P'; font-family: 'H5P';
font-size: 1em; font-size: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
vertical-align: top;
padding-right: 0; padding-right: 0;
font-size: 1.7em;
line-height: 1.125em;
vertical-align: middle;
} }
.h5p-actions > .h5p-button.h5p-export:before { .h5p-actions > .h5p-button.h5p-export:before {
content: "\e893"; content: "\e893";