Merge branch 'user-results'

Svein-Tore Griff With 2014-11-01 12:52:26 +01:00
commit bcedede174
4 changed files with 691 additions and 17 deletions

js/h5p-data-view.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
var H5PDataView = (function ($) {
* Initialize a new H5P data view.
* @class
* @param {Object} container
* Element to clear out and append to.
* @param {String} source
* URL to get data from. Data format: {num: 123, rows:[[1,2,3],[2,4,6]]}
* @param {Array} headers
* List with column headers. Can be strings or objects with options like
* "text" and "sortable". E.g.
* [{text: 'Col 1', sortable: true}, 'Col 2', 'Col 3']
* @param {Object} l10n
* Localization / translations. e.g.
* {
* loading: 'Loading data.',
* ajaxFailed: 'Failed to load data.',
* noData: "There's no data available that matches your criteria.",
* currentPage: 'Page $current of $total',
* nextPage: 'Next page',
* previousPage: 'Previous page',
* search: 'Search'
* }
* @param {Object} classes
* Custom html classes to use on elements.
* e.g. {tableClass: 'fixed'}.
* @param {Array} filters
* Make it possible to filter/search in the given column.
* e.g. [null, true, null, null] will make it possible to do a text
* search in column 2.
* @param {Function} loaded
* Callback for when data has been loaded.
function H5PDataView(container, source, headers, l10n, classes, filters, loaded) {
var self = this;
self.$container = $(container).addClass('h5p-data-view').html('');
self.source = source;
self.headers = headers;
self.l10n = l10n;
self.classes = (classes === undefined ? {} : classes);
self.filters = (filters === undefined ? [] : filters);
self.loaded = loaded;
self.limit = 20;
self.offset = 0;
self.filterOn = [];
* Load data from source URL.
* @public
H5PDataView.prototype.loadData = function () {
var self = this;
// Throbb
// Create URL
var url = self.source;
url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'offset=' + self.offset + '&limit=' + self.limit;
// Add sorting
if (self.sortBy !== undefined && self.sortDir !== undefined) {
url += '&sortBy=' + self.sortBy + '&sortDir=' + self.sortDir;
// Add filters
var filtering;
for (var i = 0; i < self.filterOn.length; i++) {
if (self.filterOn[i] === undefined) {
filtering = true;
url += '&filters[' + i + ']=' + encodeURIComponent(self.filterOn[i]);
// Fire ajax request
dataType: 'json',
cache: true,
url: url
}).fail(function () {
// Error handling
self.setMessage($('<p/>', {text: self.l10n.ajaxFailed}));
}).done(function (data) {
if (!data.rows.length) {
self.setMessage($('<p/>', {text: filtering ? self.l10n.noData : self.l10n.empty}));
else {
// Update table data
// Update pagination widget
if (self.loaded !== undefined) {
* Display the given message to the user.
* @public
* @param {jQuery} $message wrapper with message
H5PDataView.prototype.setMessage = function ($message) {
var self = this;
if (self.table === undefined) {
else {
* Update table data.
* @public
* @param {Array} rows
H5PDataView.prototype.updateTable = function (rows) {
var self = this;
if (self.table === undefined) {
// Clear out container
// Add filters
// Create new table
self.table = new H5PUtils.Table(self.classes, self.headers);
self.table.setHeaders(self.headers, function (col, dir) {
// Sorting column or direction has changed callback.
self.sortBy = col;
self.sortDir = dir;
// Add/update rows
* Update pagination widget.
* @public
* @param {Number} num size of data collection
H5PDataView.prototype.updatePagination = function (num) {
var self = this;
if (self.pagination === undefined) {
// Create new widget
var $pagerContainer = $('<div/>', {'class': 'h5p-pagination'});
self.pagination = new H5PUtils.Pagination(num, self.limit, function (offset) {
// Handle page changes in pagination widget
self.offset = offset;
}, self.l10n);
else {
// Update existing widget
self.pagination.update(num, self.limit);
* Add filters.
* @public
H5PDataView.prototype.addFilters = function () {
var self = this;
for (var i = 0; i < self.filters.length; i++) {
if (self.filters[i] === true) {
// Add text input filter for col i
* Add text filter for given col num.
* @public
* @param {Number} col
H5PDataView.prototype.addTextFilter = function (col) {
var self = this;
* Find input value and filter on it.
* @private
var search = function () {
var filterOn = $input.val().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (filterOn === '') {
filterOn = undefined;
if (filterOn !== self.filterOn[col]) {
self.filterOn[col] = filterOn;
// Add text field for filtering
var typing;
var $input = $('<input/>', {
type: 'text',
on: {
'blur': function () {
'keyup': function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
return false;
else {
typing = setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
return H5PDataView;

View File

@ -130,4 +130,353 @@ var H5PUtils = H5PUtils || {};
return $container; return $container;
}; };
* Generic table class with useful helpers.
* @class
* @param {Object} classes
* Custom html classes to use on elements.
* e.g. {tableClass: 'fixed'}.
H5PUtils.Table = function (classes) {
var numCols;
var sortByCol;
var $sortCol;
var sortCol;
var sortDir;
// Create basic table
var tableOptions = {};
if (classes.table !== undefined) {
tableOptions['class'] = classes.table;
var $table = $('<table/>', tableOptions);
var $thead = $('<thead/>').appendTo($table);
var $tfoot = $('<tfoot/>').appendTo($table);
var $tbody = $('<tbody/>').appendTo($table);
* Add columns to given table row.
* @private
* @param {jQuery} $tr Table row
* @param {(String|Object)} col Column properties
* @param {Number} id Used to seperate the columns
var addCol = function ($tr, col, id) {
var options = {
on: {}
if (!(col instanceof Object)) {
options.text = col;
else {
if (col.text !== undefined) {
options.text = col.text;
if (col.class !== undefined) {
options.class = col.class;
if (sortByCol !== undefined && col.sortable === true) {
// Make sortable
options.role = 'button';
options.tabIndex = 1;
// This is the first sortable column, use as default sort
if (sortCol === undefined) {
sortCol = id;
sortDir = 0;
options['class'] = 'h5p-sort';
} = function () {
sort($th, id);
// Append
var $th = $('<th>', options).appendTo($tr);
if (sortCol === id) {
$sortCol = $th; // Default sort column
* Updates the UI when a column header has been clicked.
* Triggers sorting callback.
* @private
* @param {jQuery} $th Table header
* @param {Number} id Used to seperate the columns
var sort = function ($th, id) {
if (id === sortCol) {
// Change sorting direction
if (sortDir === 0) {
sortDir = 1;
else {
sortDir = 0;
else {
// Change sorting column
$sortCol = $th.addClass('h5p-sort');
sortCol = id;
sortDir = 0;
sortByCol(sortCol, sortDir);
* Set table headers.
* @public
* @param {Array} cols
* Table header data. Can be strings or objects with options like
* "text" and "sortable". E.g.
* [{text: 'Col 1', sortable: true}, 'Col 2', 'Col 3']
* @param {Function} sort Callback which is runned when sorting changes
this.setHeaders = function (cols, sort) {
numCols = cols.length;
sortByCol = sort;
// Create new head
var $newThead = $('<thead/>');
var $tr = $('<tr/>').appendTo($newThead);
for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
addCol($tr, cols[i], i);
// Update DOM
$thead = $newThead;
* Set table rows.
* @public
* @param {Array} rows Table rows with cols: [[1,'hello',3],[2,'asd',6]]
this.setRows = function (rows) {
var $newTbody = $('<tbody/>');
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var $tr = $('<tr/>').appendTo($newTbody);
for (var j = 0; j < rows[i].length; j++) {
$('<td>', {
html: rows[i][j]
$tbody = $newTbody;
* Set custom table body content. This can be a message or a throbber.
* Will cover all table columns.
* @public
* @param {jQuery} $content Custom content
this.setBody = function ($content) {
var $newTbody = $('<tbody/>');
var $tr = $('<tr/>').appendTo($newTbody);
$('<td>', {
colspan: numCols
$tbody = $newTbody;
* Set custom table foot content. This can be a pagination widget.
* Will cover all table columns.
* @public
* @param {jQuery} $content Custom content
this.setFoot = function ($content) {
var $newTfoot = $('<tfoot/>');
var $tr = $('<tr/>').appendTo($newTfoot);
$('<td>', {
colspan: numCols
* Appends the table to the given container.
* @public
* @param {jQuery} $container
this.appendTo = function ($container) {
* Generic pagination class. Creates a useful pagination widget.
* @class
* @param {Number} num Total number of items to pagiate.
* @param {Number} limit Number of items to dispaly per page.
* @param {Function} goneTo
* Callback which is fired when the user wants to go to another page.
* @param {Object} l10n
* Localization / translations. e.g.
* {
* currentPage: 'Page $current of $total',
* nextPage: 'Next page',
* previousPage: 'Previous page'
* }
H5PUtils.Pagination = function (num, limit, goneTo, l10n) {
var current = 0;
var pages = Math.ceil(num / limit);
// Create components
// Previous button
var $left = $('<button/>', {
html: '&lt;',
'class': 'button',
title: l10n.previousPage
}).click(function () {
goTo(current - 1);
// Current page text
var $text = $('<span/>').click(function () {
$input.width($text.width()).show().val(current + 1).focus();
// Jump to page input
var $input = $('<input/>', {
type: 'number',
min : 1,
max: pages,
on: {
'blur': function () {
'keyup': function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
return false;
// Next button
var $right = $('<button/>', {
html: '&gt;',
'class': 'button',
title: l10n.nextPage
}).click(function () {
goTo(current + 1);
* Check what page the user has typed in and jump to it.
* @private
var gotInput = function () {
var page = parseInt($input.hide().val());
if (!isNaN(page)) {
goTo(page - 1);
* Update UI elements.
* @private
var updateUI = function () {
var next = current + 1;
// Disable or enable buttons
$left.attr('disabled', current === 0);
$right.attr('disabled', next === pages);
// Update counter
$text.html(l10n.currentPage.replace('$current', next).replace('$total', pages));
* Try to go to the requested page.
* @private
* @param {Number} page
var goTo = function (page) {
if (page === current || page < 0 || page >= pages) {
return; // Invalid page number
current = page;
// Fire callback
goneTo(page * limit);
* Update number of items and limit.
* @public
* @param {Number} newNum Total number of items to pagiate.
* @param {Number} newLimit Number of items to dispaly per page.
this.update = function (newNum, newLimit) {
if (newNum !== num || newLimit !== limit) {
// Update num and limit
num = newNum;
limit = newLimit;
pages = Math.ceil(num / limit);
$input.attr('max', pages);
if (current >= pages) {
// Content is gone, move to last page.
goTo(pages - 1);
* Append the pagination widget to the given container.
* @public
* @param {jQuery} $container
this.appendTo = function ($container) {
// Update UI
})(H5P.jQuery); })(H5P.jQuery);

View File

@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ else if (document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen) {
H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix = 'ms'; H5P.fullScreenBrowserPrefix = 'ms';
} }
// Keep track of when the H5Ps where started
H5P.opened = {};
/** /**
* Initialize H5P content. * Initialize H5P content.
* Scans for ".h5p-content" in the document and initializes H5P instances where found. * Scans for ".h5p-content" in the document and initializes H5P instances where found.
@ -87,6 +90,16 @@ H5P.init = function () {
} }
$actions.insertAfter($container); $actions.insertAfter($container);
// Keep track of when we started
H5P.opened[contentId] = new Date();
// Handle events when the user finishes the content. Useful for logging exercise results.
instance.$.on('finish', function (event) {
if ( !== undefined) {
if (H5P.isFramed) { if (H5P.isFramed) {
// Make it possible to resize the iframe when the content changes size. This way we get no scrollbars. // Make it possible to resize the iframe when the content changes size. This way we get no scrollbars.
var iframe = window.parent.document.getElementById('h5p-iframe-' + contentId); var iframe = window.parent.document.getElementById('h5p-iframe-' + contentId);
@ -963,16 +976,38 @@ H5P.shuffleArray = function (array) {
}; };
/** /**
* DEPRECATED! Do not use this function directly, trigger the finish event
* instead.
* Post finished results for user. * Post finished results for user.
* TODO: Should we use events instead? That way the parent can handle the results of the child.
* *
* @param {Number} contentId * @param {Number} contentId
* @param {Number} points * @param {Number} score achieved
* @param {Number} maxPoints * @param {Number} maxScore that can be achieved
* @param {Number} time optional reported time usage
*/ */
H5P.setFinished = function (contentId, points, maxPoints) { H5P.setFinished = function (contentId, score, maxScore, time) {
if (H5P.postUserStatistics === true) { if (H5P.postUserStatistics === true) { + 'setFinished', {contentId: contentId, points: points, maxPoints: maxPoints}); /**
* Return unix timestamp for the given JS Date.
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {Number}
var toUnix = function (date) {
return Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000);
// Post the results
// TODO: Should we use a variable with the complete path? + 'setFinished', {
contentId: contentId,
score: score,
maxScore: maxScore,
opened: toUnix(H5P.opened[contentId]),
finished: toUnix(new Date()),
time: time
} }
}; };

View File

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
border: none; border: none;
} }
.h5p-admin-table tr:nth-child(odd) { .h5p-admin-table tr:nth-child(odd),
.h5p-data-view tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #F9F9F9; background-color: #F9F9F9;
} }
.h5p-admin-table tbody tr:hover { .h5p-admin-table tbody tr:hover {
@ -248,3 +249,37 @@ button.h5p-admin.disabled:hover {
#h5p-admin-container .h5p-admin-center { #h5p-admin-container .h5p-admin-center {
text-align: center; text-align: center;
} }
.h5p-pagination {
text-align: center;
.h5p-pagination > span, .h5p-pagination > input {
margin: 0 1em;
.h5p-data-view input[type="text"] {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
.h5p-data-view input[type="text"]::-ms-clear {
display: none;
.h5p-data-view th[role="button"] {
cursor: pointer;
.h5p-data-view th[role="button"].h5p-sort:after,
.h5p-data-view th[role="button"]:hover:after,
.h5p-data-view th[role="button"].h5p-sort.h5p-reverse:hover:after {
content: "\25BE";
position: relative;
left: 0.5em;
top: -1px;
.h5p-data-view th[role="button"].h5p-sort.h5p-reverse:after,
.h5p-data-view th[role="button"].h5p-sort:hover:after {
content: "\25B4";
top: -2px;
.h5p-data-view th[role="button"]:hover:after,
.h5p-data-view th[role="button"].h5p-sort.h5p-reverse:hover:after,
.h5p-data-view th[role="button"].h5p-sort:hover:after {
color: #999;