Merge branch 'OPPG-413'

Frank Ronny Larsen 2013-07-08 16:24:24 +02:00
commit b76f1395f3
1 changed files with 314 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1071,11 +1071,325 @@ class H5PCore {
* @param array $library
* With keys machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion
* @param boolean $folderName
* Use hyphen instead of space in returned string.
* @return string
* On the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}
public function libraryToString($library, $folderName = FALSE) {
return $library['machineName'] . ($folderName ? '-' : ' ') . $library['majorVersion'] . '.' . $library['minorVersion'];
* Writes library data as string on the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}
* @param string $libraryString
* On the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}
* @return array|FALSE
* With keys machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion.
* Returns FALSE only if string is not parsable in the normal library
* string formats "Lib.Name-x.y" or "Lib.Name x.y"
public function libraryFromString($libraryString) {
$re = '/^([\w0-9\-\.]{1,255})[\-\ ]([0-9]{1,5})\.([0-9]{1,5})$/i';
$matches = array();
$res = preg_match($re, $libraryString, $matches);
if ($res) {
return array(
'machineName' => $matches[1],
'majorVersion' => $matches[2],
'minorVersion' => $matches[3]
return FALSE;
* Functions for validating basic types from H5P library semantics.
class H5PContentValidator {
public $h5pF;
public $h5pC;
private $typeMap;
private $semanticsCache;
* Constructor for the H5PContentValidator
* @param object $H5PFramework
* The frameworks implementation of the H5PFrameworkInterface
* @param object $H5PCore
* The main H5PCore instance
public function __construct($H5PFramework, $H5PCore) {
$this->h5pF = $H5PFramework;
$this->h5pC = $H5PCore;
$this->typeMap = array(
'text' => 'validateText',
'number' => 'validateNumber',
'boolean' => 'validateBoolean',
'list' => 'validateList',
'group' => 'validateGroup',
'image' => 'validateImage',
'video' => 'validateVideo',
'audio' => 'validateAudio',
'select' => 'validateSelect',
'library' => 'validateLibrary',
// Cache for semantics used within this validation to avoid unneccessary
// json_decodes if a library is used multiple times.
$this->semanticsCache = array();
* Validate the given value from content with the matching semantics
* object from semantics
* Function will recurse via external functions for container objects like
* 'list', 'group' and 'library'.
* @param object $value
* Object to be verified. May be a string or an array. (normal or keyed)
* @param object $semantics
* Semantics object from semantics.json for main library. Further
* semantics will be loaded from H5PFramework if any libraries are
* found within the value data.
public function validateBySemantics(&$value, $semantics) {
$fakebaseobject = (object) array(
'type' => 'group',
'fields' => $semantics,
$this->validateGroup($value, $fakebaseobject, FALSE);
* Validate given text value against text semantics.
public function validateText(&$text, $semantics) {
if ($semantics->widget && $semantics->widget == 'html') {
// Build allowed tag list, based in $semantics->tags and known defaults.
// These four are always allowed.
$tags = array('div', 'span', 'p', 'br');
if (isset($semantics->tags)) {
$tags = array_merge($tags, $semantics->tags);
// Add related tags for table etc.
if (in_array('table', $semantics->tags)) {
$tags = array_merge($tags, array('tr', 'td', 'th', 'colgroup', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot'));
if (in_array('b', $semantics->tags)) {
$tags[] = 'strong';
if (in_array('i', $semantics->tags)) {
$tags[] = 'em';
if (in_array('ul', $semantics->tags) || in_array('ol', $semantics->tags)) {
$tags[] = 'li';
$allowedtags = implode('', array_map(array($this, 'bracketTags'), $tags));
// Strip invalid HTML tags.
$text = strip_tags($text, $allowedtags);
else {
// Filter text to plain text.
$text = htmlspecialchars($text);
// Check if string is within allowed length
if (isset($semantics->maxLength)) {
$text = mb_substr($text, 0, $semantics->maxLength);
// Check if string is according to optional regexp in semantics
if (isset($semantics->regexp)) {
$pattern = $semantics->regexp->pattern;
$pattern .= isset($semantics->regexp->modifiers) ? $semantics->regexp->modifiers : '';
if (preg_match($pattern, $text) === 0) {
// Note: explicitly ignore return value FALSE, to avoid removing text
// if regexp is invalid...
$this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Provided string is not valid according to regexp in semantics.'));
$text = '';
private function bracketTags($tag) {
return '<'.$tag.'>';
* Validate given value against number semantics
public function validateNumber(&$number, $semantics) {
// Validate that $number is indeed a number
if (!is_numeric($number)) {
$number = 0;
// Check if number is within valid bounds. Move within bounds if not.
if (isset($semantics->min) && $number < $semantics->min) {
$number = $semantics->min;
if (isset($semantics->max) && $number > $semantics->max) {
$number = $semantics->max;
// Check if number is within allowed bounds even if step value is set.
if (isset($semantics->step)) {
$testnumber = $number - (isset($semantics->min) ? $semantics->min : 0);
$rest = $testnumber % $semantics->step;
if ($rest !== 0) {
$number -= $rest;
// Check if number has proper number of decimals.
if (isset($semantics->decimals)) {
$number = round($number, $semantics->decimals);
* Validate given value against boolean semantics
public function validateBoolean(&$bool, $semantics) {
if (!is_bool($bool)) {
$bool = FALSE;
* Validate select values
public function validateSelect(&$select, $semantics) {
// Special case for dynamicCheckboxes (valid options are generated live)
if ($semantics->widget == 'dynamicCheckboxes') {
// No practical way to guess valid parameters. Just make sure we don't
// have special chars here. Also, dynamicCheckboxes will insert an
// array, so iterate it.
foreach ($select as $key => $value) {
$select[$key] = htmlspecialchars($value);
else if (!in_array($select, array_map(array($this, 'map_object_value'), $semantics->options))) {
$this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Invalid selected option in select.'));
$select = $semantics->options[0]->value;
private function map_object_value($o) {
return $o->value;
* Validate given list value agains list semantics.
* Will recurse into validating each item in the list according to the type.
public function validateList(&$list, $semantics) {
$field = $semantics->field;
$function = $this->typeMap[$field->type];
// Check that list is not longer than allowed length. We do this before
// iterating to avoid unneccessary work.
if (isset($semantics->max)) {
array_splice($list, $semantics->max);
// Validate each element in list.
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$this->$function($value, $field);
* Validate given image data
public function validateImage(&$image, $semantics) {
$image->path = htmlspecialchars($image->path);
if ($image->mime && substr($image->mime, 0, 5) !== 'image') {
* Validate given video data
public function validateVideo(&$video, $semantics) {
foreach ($video as $variant) {
$variant->path = htmlspecialchars($variant->path);
if ($variant->mime && substr($variant->mime, 0, 5) !== 'video') {
* Validate given audio data
public function validateAudio(&$audio, $semantics) {
foreach ($audio as $variant) {
$variant->path = htmlspecialchars($variant->path);
if ($variant->mime && substr($variant->mime, 0, 5) !== 'audio') {
* Validate given group value against group semantics.
* Will recurse into validating each group member.
public function validateGroup(&$group, $semantics, $flatten = TRUE) {
// Groups with just one field are compressed in the editor to only output
// the child content. (Exemption for fake groups created by
// "validateBySemantics" above)
if (count($semantics->fields) == 1 && $flatten) {
$field = $semantics->fields[0];
$function = $this->typeMap[$field->type];
$this->$function($group, $field);
else {
foreach ($group as $key => &$value) {
// Find semantics for name=$key
$found = FALSE;
foreach ($semantics->fields as $field) {
if ($field->name == $key) {
$function = $this->typeMap[$field->type];
$found = TRUE;
if ($found) {
$this->$function($value, $field);
else {
// If validator is not found, something exists in content that does
// not have a corresponding semantics field. Remove it.
$this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('H5P internal error: no validator exists for ' . $key));
* Validate given library value against library semantics.
* Will recurse into validating the library's semantics too.
public function validateLibrary(&$value, $semantics) {
// Check if provided library is within allowed options
if (in_array($value->library, $semantics->options)) {
if (isset($semanticsCache[$value->library])) {
$librarySemantics = $semanticsCache[$value->library];
else {
$libspec = $this->h5pC->libraryFromString($value->library);
$library = $this->h5pF->loadLibrary($libspec['machineName'], $libspec['majorVersion'], $libspec['minorVersion']);
$librarySemantics = json_decode($library['semantics']);
$semanticsCache[$value->library] = $librarySemantics;
$this->validateBySemantics($value->params, $librarySemantics);
else {
$this->h5pF->setErrorMessage($this->h5pF->t('Library used in content is not a valid library according to semantics'));