Merge branch 'master' into upgrade-speed

Frode Petterson 2015-03-04 10:21:29 +01:00
commit 812c3b5e7c
15 changed files with 223 additions and 353 deletions

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} }
} }
for (i = 0; i < h5ps.length; i++) { for (i = 0; i < h5ps.length; i++) {
loadContent(contentId, h5ps[i]); if (!resizer) {
contentId++; loadResizer(h5ps[i].getAttribute('data-h5p'));
* Return integration object
H5P.getIntegration = function (id) {
var content = contents[id];
return {
getJsonContent: function () {
return content.params;
getContentPath: function () {
return content.path + 'content/' + + '/';
getFullscreen: function () {
return content.fullscreen;
getLibraryPath: function (library) {
return content.path + 'libraries/' + library;
getContentData: function () {
return {
library: content.library,
jsonContent: content.params,
fullScreen: content.fullscreen,
exportUrl: content.exportUrl,
embedCode: content.embedCode
i18n: content.i18n,
showH5PIconInActionBar: function () {
// Always show H5P-icon when embedding
return true;
} }
}; addIframe(h5ps[i]);
// Detect if we support fullscreen, and what prefix to use.
var fullScreenBrowserPrefix, safariBrowser;
if (document.documentElement.requestFullScreen) {
fullScreenBrowserPrefix = '';
else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullScreen &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') === -1 // Skip Android
) {
safariBrowser = navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/(\d)/);
safariBrowser = (safariBrowser === null ? 0 : parseInt(safariBrowser[1]));
// Do not allow fullscreen for safari < 7.
if (safariBrowser === 0 || safariBrowser > 6) {
fullScreenBrowserPrefix = 'webkit';
} }
} }
else if (document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen) {
fullScreenBrowserPrefix = 'moz';
else if (document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen) {
fullScreenBrowserPrefix = 'ms';
/** return H5POldEmbed;
* Enter fullscreen mode.
H5P.fullScreen = function ($element, instance, exitCallback, body) {
var iframe = document.getElementById('h5p-iframe-' + $element.parent().data('content-id'));
var $classes = $element.add(body);
var $body = $classes.eq(1);
* Prepare for resize by setting the correct styles.
* @param {String} classes CSS
var before = function (classes) {
$classes.addClass(classes); = '100%';
* Gets called when fullscreen mode has been entered.
* Resizes and sets focus on content.
var entered = function () {
// Do not rely on window resize events.
* Gets called when fullscreen mode has been exited.
* Resizes and sets focus on content.
* @param {String} classes CSS
var done = function (classes) {
H5P.isFullscreen = false;
// Do not rely on window resize events.
if (exitCallback !== undefined) {
H5P.isFullscreen = true;
if (fullScreenBrowserPrefix === undefined) {
// Create semi fullscreen.
before('h5p-semi-fullscreen'); = 'fixed';
var $disable = $element.prepend('<a href="#" class="h5p-disable-fullscreen" title="Disable fullscreen"></a>').children(':first');
var keyup, disableSemiFullscreen = function () {
$body.unbind('keyup', keyup); = 'static';
return false;
keyup = function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
$body.keyup(keyup); // TODO: Does not work with iframe's $!
else {
// Create real fullscreen.
var first, eventName = (fullScreenBrowserPrefix === 'ms' ? 'MSFullscreenChange' : fullScreenBrowserPrefix + 'fullscreenchange');
document.addEventListener(eventName, function () {
if (first === undefined) {
// We are entering fullscreen mode
first = false;
// We are exiting fullscreen
document.removeEventListener(eventName, arguments.callee, false);
if (fullScreenBrowserPrefix === '') {
else {
var method = (fullScreenBrowserPrefix === 'ms' ? 'msRequestFullscreen' : fullScreenBrowserPrefix + 'RequestFullScreen');
var params = (fullScreenBrowserPrefix === 'webkit' && safariBrowser === 0 ? Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT : undefined);
return H5P;
})(); })();
new H5P(); new H5POldEmbed();

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ H5P.EventDispatcher = (function () {
* @param {Function} listener - Event listener * @param {Function} listener - Event listener
* @param {Function} thisArg - Optionally specify the this value when calling listener. * @param {Function} thisArg - Optionally specify the this value when calling listener.
*/ */
self.on = function (type, listener, thisArg) { this.on = function (type, listener, thisArg) {
if (thisArg === undefined) { if (thisArg === undefined) {
thisArg = self; thisArg = self;
} }
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ H5P.EventDispatcher = (function () {
* @param {Function} listener - Event listener * @param {Function} listener - Event listener
* @param {Function} thisArg - Optionally specify the this value when calling listener. * @param {Function} thisArg - Optionally specify the this value when calling listener.
*/ */
self.once = function (type, listener, thisArg) { this.once = function (type, listener, thisArg) {
if (thisArg === undefined) { if (thisArg === undefined) {
thisArg = self; thisArg = self;
} }
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ H5P.EventDispatcher = (function () {
* @param {String} type - Event type * @param {String} type - Event type
* @param {Function} listener - Event listener * @param {Function} listener - Event listener
*/ */ = function (type, listener) { = function (type, listener) {
if (listener !== undefined && !(listener instanceof Function)) { if (listener !== undefined && !(listener instanceof Function)) {
throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); throw TypeError('listener must be a function');
} }
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ H5P.EventDispatcher = (function () {
* Custom event data(used when event type as string is used as first * Custom event data(used when event type as string is used as first
* argument * argument
*/ */
self.trigger = function (event, eventData) { this.trigger = function (event, eventData) {
if (event === undefined) { if (event === undefined) {
return; return;
} }

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ var H5PLibraryDetails= H5PLibraryDetails || {};
* Initializing * Initializing
*/ */
H5PLibraryDetails.init = function () { H5PLibraryDetails.init = function () {
H5PLibraryDetails.$adminContainer = H5PIntegration.getAdminContainer(); H5PLibraryDetails.$adminContainer = H5P.jQuery(H5PAdminIntegration.containerSelector);
H5PLibraryDetails.library = H5PIntegration.getLibraryInfo(); H5PLibraryDetails.library = H5PAdminIntegration.libraryInfo;
// currentContent holds the current list if data (relevant for filtering) // currentContent holds the current list if data (relevant for filtering)
H5PLibraryDetails.currentContent = H5PLibraryDetails.library.content; H5PLibraryDetails.currentContent = H5PLibraryDetails.library.content;

View File

@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ var H5PLibraryList = H5PLibraryList || {};
* Initializing * Initializing
*/ */
H5PLibraryList.init = function () { H5PLibraryList.init = function () {
var $adminContainer = H5PIntegration.getAdminContainer(); var $adminContainer = H5P.jQuery(H5PAdminIntegration.containerSelector).html('');
var libraryList = H5PIntegration.getLibraryList(); var libraryList = H5PAdminIntegration.libraryList;
if (libraryList.notCached) { if (libraryList.notCached) {
$adminContainer.append(H5PUtils.getRebuildCache(libraryList.notCached)); $adminContainer.append(H5PUtils.getRebuildCache(libraryList.notCached));
} }
// Create library list // Create library list
$adminContainer.append(H5PLibraryList.createLibraryList(H5PIntegration.getLibraryList())); $adminContainer.append(H5PLibraryList.createLibraryList(H5PAdminIntegration.libraryList));
}; };
/** /**
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ var H5PLibraryList = H5PLibraryList || {};
* @param {object} libraries List of libraries and headers * @param {object} libraries List of libraries and headers
*/ */
H5PLibraryList.createLibraryList = function (libraries) { H5PLibraryList.createLibraryList = function (libraries) {
var t = H5PIntegration.i18n.H5P; var t = H5PAdminIntegration.l10n;
if(libraries.listData === undefined || libraries.listData.length === 0) { if(libraries.listData === undefined || libraries.listData.length === 0) {
return $('<div>' + t.NA + '</div>'); return $('<div>' + t.NA + '</div>');
} }

View File

@ -47,14 +47,10 @@
actionHandlers.prepareResize = function (iframe, data, respond) { actionHandlers.prepareResize = function (iframe, data, respond) {
responseData = {}; responseData = {};
// Retain parent size to avoid jumping/scrolling
responseData.parentHeight =;
// = iframe.parentElement.clientHeight + 'px';
// Reset iframe height, in case content has shrinked. // Reset iframe height, in case content has shrinked. = '1px'; = '1px';
respond('resizePrepared', responseData); respond('resizePrepared');
}; };
/** /**
@ -68,9 +64,6 @@
actionHandlers.resize = function (iframe, data, respond) { actionHandlers.resize = function (iframe, data, respond) {
// Resize iframe so all content is visible. // Resize iframe so all content is visible. = data.height + 'px'; = data.height + 'px';
// Free parent
// = data.parentHeight;
}; };
/** /**
@ -84,43 +77,6 @@
} }
}; };
// /**
// * Enter semi full screen.
// * Expands the iframe so that it covers the whole page.
// *
// * @private
// * @param {Object} iframe Element
// * @param {Object} data Payload
// * @param {Function} respond Send a response to the iframe
// */
// actionHandlers.fullScreen = function (iframe, data, respond) {
// = 'fixed';
// = = 0;
// = 101;
// = = '100%';
// document.body.addEventListener('keyup', escape, false);
// respond('fullScreen');
// };
// /**
// * Exit semi full screen.
// *
// * @private
// * @param {Object} iframe Element
// * @param {Object} data Payload
// * @param {Function} respond Send a response to the iframe
// */
// actionHandlers.exitFullScreen = function (iframe, data, respond) {
// = '';
// = = '';
// = '';
// = '100%';
// = '';
// document.body.removeEventListener('keyup', escape, false);
// respond('exitFullScreen');
// };
// Listen for messages from iframes // Listen for messages from iframes
window.addEventListener('message', function receiveMessage(event) { window.addEventListener('message', function receiveMessage(event) {
if ( !== 'h5p') { if ( !== 'h5p') {
@ -142,7 +98,7 @@
// Find action handler handler // Find action handler handler
if (actionHandlers[]) { if (actionHandlers[]) {
actionHandlers[](iframe,, function (action, data) { actionHandlers[](iframe,, function respond(action, data) {
if (data === undefined) { if (data === undefined) {
data = {}; data = {};
} }
@ -152,4 +108,17 @@
}); });
} }
}, false); }, false);
// Let h5p iframes know we're ready!
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
var ready = {
context: 'h5p',
action: 'ready'
for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
if (iframes[i].src.indexOf('h5p') !== -1) {
iframes[i].contentWindow.postMessage(ready, '*');
})(); })();

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ var H5PUtils = H5PUtils || {};
* @param {array} headers List of headers * @param {array} headers List of headers
*/ */
H5PUtils.createTable = function (headers) { H5PUtils.createTable = function (headers) {
var $table = $('<table class="h5p-admin-table' + (H5PIntegration.extraTableClasses !== undefined ? ' ' + H5PIntegration.extraTableClasses : '') + '"></table>'); var $table = $('<table class="h5p-admin-table' + (H5PAdminIntegration.extraTableClasses !== undefined ? ' ' + H5PAdminIntegration.extraTableClasses : '') + '"></table>');
if(headers) { if(headers) {
var $thead = $('<thead></thead>'); var $thead = $('<thead></thead>');

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ H5P.XAPIEvent.prototype.getVerb = function(full) {
H5P.XAPIEvent.prototype.setObject = function(instance) { H5P.XAPIEvent.prototype.setObject = function(instance) {
if (instance.contentId) { if (instance.contentId) { = { = {
'id': H5P.contentDatas['cid-' + instance.contentId].url, 'id': H5PIntegration.contents['cid-' + instance.contentId].url,
'objectType': 'Activity', 'objectType': 'Activity',
'extensions': { 'extensions': {
'': instance.contentId '': instance.contentId
@ -98,11 +98,33 @@ H5P.XAPIEvent.prototype.setObject = function(instance) {
* Helper function to set the actor, email and name will be added automatically * Helper function to set the actor, email and name will be added automatically
*/ */
H5P.XAPIEvent.prototype.setActor = function() { H5P.XAPIEvent.prototype.setActor = function() { = { if (H5PIntegration.user !== undefined) {
'name':, = {
'mbox': 'mailto:' + H5P.user.mail, 'name':,
'objectType': 'Agent' 'mbox': 'mailto:' + H5PIntegration.user.mail,
}; 'objectType': 'Agent'
else {
var uuid;
if (localStorage.H5PUserUUID) {
uuid = localStorage.H5PUserUUID;
else {
uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(char) {
var random = Math.random()*16|0, newChar = char === 'x' ? random : (random&0x3|0x8);
return newChar.toString(16);
localStorage.H5PUserUUID = uuid;
} = {
'account': {
'name': uuid,
'homePage': window.location.origin + H5PIntegration.basePath
'objectType': 'Agent'
}; };
/** /**

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ H5P.init = function () {
var $element = H5P.jQuery(this); var $element = H5P.jQuery(this);
var $container = H5P.jQuery('<div class="h5p-container"></div>').appendTo($element); var $container = H5P.jQuery('<div class="h5p-container"></div>').appendTo($element);
var contentId = $'content-id'); var contentId = $'content-id');
var contentData = H5P.contentDatas['cid-' + contentId]; var contentData = H5PIntegration.contents['cid-' + contentId];
if (contentData === undefined) { if (contentData === undefined) {
return H5P.error('No data for content id ' + contentId + '. Perhaps the library is gone?'); return H5P.error('No data for content id ' + contentId + '. Perhaps the library is gone?');
} }
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ H5P.init = function () {
H5P.on(instance, 'xAPI', H5P.xAPICompletedListener); H5P.on(instance, 'xAPI', H5P.xAPICompletedListener);
H5P.on(instance, 'xAPI', H5P.externalDispatcher.trigger); H5P.on(instance, 'xAPI', H5P.externalDispatcher.trigger);
if (H5P.isFramed) if (H5P.isFramed) {
var resizeDelay;{ var resizeDelay;
if (H5P.externalEmbed === false) { if (H5P.externalEmbed === false) {
// Internal embed // Internal embed
// Make it possible to resize the iframe when the content changes size. This way we get no scrollbars. // Make it possible to resize the iframe when the content changes size. This way we get no scrollbars.
@ -145,6 +145,11 @@ H5P.init = function () {
// External embed // External embed
var parentIsFriendly = false; var parentIsFriendly = false;
// Handle that the resizer is loaded after the iframe
H5P.communicator.on('ready', function () {
// Handle hello message from our parent window // Handle hello message from our parent window
H5P.communicator.on('hello', function () { H5P.communicator.on('hello', function () {
// Initial setup/handshake is done // Initial setup/handshake is done
@ -153,14 +158,14 @@ H5P.init = function () {
// Hide scrollbars for correct size // Hide scrollbars for correct size = 'hidden'; = 'hidden';
H5P.communicator.send('prepareResize'); // Content need to be resized to fit the new iframe size
H5P.trigger(instance, 'resize');
}); });
// When resize has been prepared tell parent window to resize // When resize has been prepared tell parent window to resize
H5P.communicator.on('resizePrepared', function (data) { H5P.communicator.on('resizePrepared', function (data) {
H5P.communicator.send('resize', { H5P.communicator.send('resize', {
height: document.body.scrollHeight, height: document.body.scrollHeight
parentHeight: data.parentHeight
}); });
}); });
@ -193,15 +198,16 @@ H5P.init = function () {
H5P.jQuery( () { H5P.jQuery( () {
if (window.parent.H5P.isFullscreen) { if (window.parent.H5P.isFullscreen) {
// Use timeout to avoid bug in certain browsers when exiting fullscreen. Some browser will trigger resize before the fullscreenchange event. // Use timeout to avoid bug in certain browsers when exiting fullscreen. Some browser will trigger resize before the fullscreenchange event.
H5P.trigger(instance, 'resize'); H5P.trigger(instance, 'resize');
} }
else { else {
H5P.trigger(instance, 'resize'); H5P.trigger(instance, 'resize');
} }
}); });
} }
// Resize content. // Resize content.
H5P.trigger(instance, 'resize'); H5P.trigger(instance, 'resize');
}); });
@ -218,6 +224,47 @@ H5P.init = function () {
}); });
}; };
* Loop through assets for iframe content and create a set of tags for head.
* @private
* @param {number} contentId
* @returns {string} HTML
H5P.getHeadTags = function (contentId) {
var basePath = window.location.protocol + '//' + + H5PIntegration.basePath;
var createUrl = function (path) {
if (path.substring(0,7) !== 'http://' && path.substring(0,8) !== 'https://') {
// Not external, add base path.
path = basePath + path;
return path;
var createStyleTags = function (styles) {
var tags = '';
for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
tags += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + createUrl(styles[i]) + '">';
return tags;
var createScriptTags = function (scripts) {
var tags = '';
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
tags += '<script src="' + createUrl(scripts[i]) + '"></script>';
return tags;
return createStyleTags(H5PIntegration.core.styles) +
createStyleTags(H5PIntegration.contents['cid-' + contentId].styles) +
createScriptTags(H5PIntegration.core.scripts) +
createScriptTags(H5PIntegration.contents['cid-' + contentId].scripts) +
'<script>H5PIntegration =; H5P.jQuery(document).ready(function () { H5P.init(); });</script>';
H5P.communicator = (function () { H5P.communicator = (function () {
/** /**
* @class * @class
@ -450,7 +497,7 @@ H5P.getPath = function (path, contentId) {
} }
if (contentId !== undefined) { if (contentId !== undefined) {
prefix = H5P.url + '/content/' + contentId; prefix = H5PIntegration.url + '/content/' + contentId;
} }
else if (window.H5PEditor !== undefined) { else if (window.H5PEditor !== undefined) {
prefix = H5PEditor.filesPath; prefix = H5PEditor.filesPath;
@ -460,7 +507,8 @@ H5P.getPath = function (path, contentId) {
} }
if (!hasProtocol(prefix)) { if (!hasProtocol(prefix)) {
prefix = window.parent.location.protocol + "//" + + prefix; // Use absolute urls
prefix = window.location.protocol + "//" + + prefix;
} }
return prefix + '/' + path; return prefix + '/' + path;
@ -571,15 +619,15 @@ H5P.t = function (key, vars, ns) {
ns = 'H5P'; ns = 'H5P';
} }
if (H5P.l10n[ns] === undefined) { if (H5PIntegration.l10n[ns] === undefined) {
return '[Missing translation namespace "' + ns + '"]'; return '[Missing translation namespace "' + ns + '"]';
} }
if (H5P.l10n[ns][key] === undefined) { if (H5PIntegration.l10n[ns][key] === undefined) {
return '[Missing translation "' + key + '" in "' + ns + '"]'; return '[Missing translation "' + key + '" in "' + ns + '"]';
} }
var translation = H5P.l10n[ns][key]; var translation = H5PIntegration.l10n[ns][key];
if (vars !== undefined) { if (vars !== undefined) {
// Replace placeholder with variables. // Replace placeholder with variables.
@ -717,18 +765,24 @@ H5P.findCopyrights = function (info, parameters, contentId) {
* @returns {undefined} * @returns {undefined}
*/ */
H5P.openEmbedDialog = function ($element, embedCode, resizeCode, size) { H5P.openEmbedDialog = function ($element, embedCode, resizeCode, size) {
var fullEmbedCode = embedCode + resizeCode;
var dialog = new H5P.Dialog('embed', H5P.t('embed'), '<textarea class="h5p-embed-code-container" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false"></textarea>' + H5P.t('size') + ': <input type="text" value="' + size.width + '" class="h5p-embed-size"/> × <input type="text" value="' + size.height + '" class="h5p-embed-size"/> px<div role="button" tabindex="0" class="h5p-expander">' + H5P.t('showAdvanced') + '</div><div class="h5p-expander-content"><p>' + H5P.t('advancedHelp') + '</p><textarea class="h5p-embed-code-container" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false">' + resizeCode + '</textarea></div>', $element); var dialog = new H5P.Dialog('embed', H5P.t('embed'), '<textarea class="h5p-embed-code-container" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false"></textarea>' + H5P.t('size') + ': <input type="text" value="' + size.width + '" class="h5p-embed-size"/> × <input type="text" value="' + size.height + '" class="h5p-embed-size"/> px<div role="button" tabindex="0" class="h5p-expander">' + H5P.t('showAdvanced') + '</div><div class="h5p-expander-content"><p>' + H5P.t('advancedHelp') + '</p><textarea class="h5p-embed-code-container" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false">' + resizeCode + '</textarea></div>', $element);
// Selecting embed code when dialog is opened // Selecting embed code when dialog is opened
H5P.jQuery(dialog).on('dialog-opened', function (event, $dialog) { H5P.jQuery(dialog).on('dialog-opened', function (event, $dialog) {
var $inner = $dialog.find('.h5p-inner'); var $inner = $dialog.find('.h5p-inner');
var $scroll = $inner.find('.h5p-scroll-content');
var diff = $scroll.outerHeight() - $scroll.innerHeight();
var positionInner = function () { var positionInner = function () {
$inner.css('height', ''); var height = $inner.height();
var h = $inner.height(); if ($scroll[0].scrollHeight + diff > height) {
if (Math.floor($dialog.height()) === h) { $inner.css('height', ''); // 100%
$inner.css('height', '100%');
} }
$inner.css('marginTop', '-' + (h / 2) + 'px'); else {
$inner.css('height', 'auto');
height = $inner.height();
$inner.css('marginTop', '-' + (height / 2) + 'px');
}; };
// Handle changing of width/height // Handle changing of width/height
@ -742,31 +796,24 @@ H5P.openEmbedDialog = function ($element, embedCode, resizeCode, size) {
return Math.ceil(num); return Math.ceil(num);
}; };
var updateEmbed = function () { var updateEmbed = function () {
$dialog.find('.h5p-embed-code-container:first').val(embedCode.replace(':w', getNum($w, size.width)).replace(':h', getNum($h, size.height))); $dialog.find('.h5p-embed-code-container:first').val(fullEmbedCode.replace(':w', getNum($w, size.width)).replace(':h', getNum($h, size.height)));
}; };
var w = size.width; $w.change(updateEmbed);
$w.change(function () {
// Keep aspect ratio when changing width
var newW = getNum($w, size.width);
$h.val(Math.ceil(newW * (getNum($h, size.height) / w)));
w = newW;
$h.change(updateEmbed); $h.change(updateEmbed);
updateEmbed(); updateEmbed();
// Select text and expand textareas // Select text and expand textareas
$dialog.find('.h5p-embed-code-container').focus(function () { $dialog.find('.h5p-embed-code-container').each(function(index, value) {
H5P.jQuery(this).select().css('height', this.scrollHeight + 'px'); H5P.jQuery(this).css('height', this.scrollHeight + 'px').focus(function() {
positionInner(); H5P.jQuery(this).select();
}).blur(function () { });
H5P.jQuery(this).css('height', ''); });
positionInner(); $dialog.find('.h5p-embed-code-container').eq(0).select();
}).select(); positionInner();
// Expand advanced embed // Expand advanced embed
$dialog.find('.h5p-expander').click(function () { var expand = function () {
var $expander = H5P.jQuery(this); var $expander = H5P.jQuery(this);
var $content = $; var $content = $;
if ($':visible')) { if ($':visible')) {
@ -777,7 +824,15 @@ H5P.openEmbedDialog = function ($element, embedCode, resizeCode, size) {
$expander.addClass('h5p-open').text(H5P.t('hideAdvanced')); $expander.addClass('h5p-open').text(H5P.t('hideAdvanced'));
$; $;
} }
$dialog.find('.h5p-embed-code-container').each(function(index, value) {
H5P.jQuery(this).css('height', this.scrollHeight + 'px');
positionInner(); positionInner();
$dialog.find('.h5p-expander').click(expand).keypress(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 32) {
}); });
}); });
@ -1146,7 +1201,7 @@ H5P.libraryFromString = function (library) {
* @returns {String} The full path to the library. * @returns {String} The full path to the library.
*/ */
H5P.getLibraryPath = function (library) { H5P.getLibraryPath = function (library) {
return H5P.url + '/libraries/' + library; return H5PIntegration.url + '/libraries/' + library;
}; };
/** /**
@ -1194,8 +1249,8 @@ H5P.trim = function (value) {
* @returns {Boolean} * @returns {Boolean}
*/ */
H5P.jsLoaded = function (path) { H5P.jsLoaded = function (path) {
H5P.loadedJs = H5P.loadedJs || []; H5PIntegration.loadedJs = H5PIntegration.loadedJs || [];
return H5P.jQuery.inArray(path, H5P.loadedJs) !== -1; return H5P.jQuery.inArray(path, H5PIntegration.loadedJs) !== -1;
}; };
/** /**
@ -1205,8 +1260,8 @@ H5P.jsLoaded = function (path) {
* @returns {Boolean} * @returns {Boolean}
*/ */
H5P.cssLoaded = function (path) { H5P.cssLoaded = function (path) {
H5P.loadedCss = H5P.loadedCss || []; H5PIntegration.loadedCss = H5PIntegration.loadedCss || [];
return H5P.jQuery.inArray(path, H5P.loadedCss) !== -1; return H5P.jQuery.inArray(path, H5PIntegration.loadedCss) !== -1;
}; };
/** /**
@ -1245,7 +1300,7 @@ H5P.shuffleArray = function (array) {
* @param {Number} time optional reported time usage * @param {Number} time optional reported time usage
*/ */
H5P.setFinished = function (contentId, score, maxScore, time) { H5P.setFinished = function (contentId, score, maxScore, time) {
if (H5P.postUserStatistics === true) { if (H5PIntegration.postUserStatistics === true) {
/** /**
* Return unix timestamp for the given JS Date. * Return unix timestamp for the given JS Date.
* *
@ -1258,7 +1313,7 @@ H5P.setFinished = function (contentId, score, maxScore, time) {
// Post the results // Post the results
// TODO: Should we use a variable with the complete path? // TODO: Should we use a variable with the complete path? + 'setFinished', { + 'setFinished', {
contentId: contentId, contentId: contentId,
score: score, score: score,
maxScore: maxScore, maxScore: maxScore,

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