{ "semantics": [ { "label": "البطاقات", "entity": "بطاقة", "field": { "label": "البطاقة", "fields": [ { "label": "الصورة" }, { "label": "Matching Image", "description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image." }, { "label": "الوصف", "description": "نص قصير يتم عرضه مرة واحدة علي اثنين من البطاقات متساوية" } ] } }, { "label": "Behavioural settings", "description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.", "fields": [ { "label": "Position the cards in a square", "description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container." }, { "label": "Number of cards to use", "description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards." }, { "label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over" } ] }, { "fields": [ {}, {} ] }, { "label": "الأقلمة", "fields": [ { "label": "نص تدوير البطاقة" }, { "label": "نص التوقيت الزمني" }, { "label": "نص الملاحظات" }, {}, {} ] } ] }