{ "semantics":[ { "label":"カード", "entity":"カード", "field":{ "label":"カード", "fields":[ { "label":"画像" }, { "label":"一致させる画像", "description":"同じ画像の2枚のカードを使用する代わりに、別に一致させるためのオプション画像" }, { "label":"説明", "description":"一致する2つのカードが見つかるとポップアップするオプションの短文テキスト。" } ] } }, { "label":"動作設定", "description":"These options will let you control how the game behaves.", "fields":[ { "label":"Position the cards in a square", "description":"Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container." }, { "label":"使用するカードの数", "description":"Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards." }, { "label":"Add button for retrying when the game is over" } ] }, { "label":"Localization", "fields":[ { "label":"Card turns text", "default":"Card turns" }, { "label":"Time spent text", "default":"Time spent" }, { "label":"Feedback text", "default":"Good work!" }, { "label":"Try again button text", "default":"Try again?" } ] } ] }