(function (MemoryGame, EventDispatcher, $) { /** * Controls all the operations for each card. * * @class H5P.MemoryGame.Card * @extends H5P.EventDispatcher * @param {Object} image * @param {number} id * @param {string} alt * @param {Object} l10n Localization * @param {string} [description] * @param {Object} [styles] */ MemoryGame.Card = function (image, id, alt, l10n, description, styles, audio) { /** @alias H5P.MemoryGame.Card# */ var self = this; // Initialize event inheritance EventDispatcher.call(self); var path, width, height, $card, $wrapper, removedState, flippedState, audioPlayer; alt = alt || 'Missing description'; // Default for old games if (image && image.path) { path = H5P.getPath(image.path, id); if (image.width !== undefined && image.height !== undefined) { if (image.width > image.height) { width = '100%'; height = 'auto'; } else { height = '100%'; width = 'auto'; } } else { width = height = '100%'; } } if (audio) { // Check if browser supports audio. audioPlayer = document.createElement('audio'); if (audioPlayer.canPlayType !== undefined) { // Add supported source files. for (var i = 0; i < audio.length; i++) { if (audioPlayer.canPlayType(audio[i].mime)) { var source = document.createElement('source'); source.src = H5P.getPath(audio[i].path, id); source.type = audio[i].mime; audioPlayer.appendChild(source); } } } if (!audioPlayer.children.length) { audioPlayer = null; // Not supported } else { audioPlayer.controls = false; audioPlayer.preload = 'auto'; var handlePlaying = function () { if ($card) { $card.addClass('h5p-memory-audio-playing'); self.trigger('audioplay'); } }; var handleStopping = function () { if ($card) { $card.removeClass('h5p-memory-audio-playing'); self.trigger('audiostop'); } }; audioPlayer.addEventListener('play', handlePlaying); audioPlayer.addEventListener('ended', handleStopping); audioPlayer.addEventListener('pause', handleStopping); } } /** * Update the cards label to make it accessible to users with a readspeaker * * @param {boolean} isMatched The card has been matched * @param {boolean} announce Announce the current state of the card * @param {boolean} reset Go back to the default label */ self.updateLabel = function (isMatched, announce, reset) { // Determine new label from input params var label = (reset ? l10n.cardUnturned : alt); if (isMatched) { label = l10n.cardMatched + ' ' + label; } // Update the card's label $wrapper.attr('aria-label', l10n.cardPrefix.replace('%num', $wrapper.index() + 1) + ' ' + label); // Update disabled property $wrapper.attr('aria-disabled', reset ? null : 'true'); // Announce the label change if (announce) { $wrapper.blur().focus(); // Announce card label } }; /** * Flip card. */ self.flip = function () { if (flippedState) { $wrapper.blur().focus(); // Announce card label again return; } $card.addClass('h5p-flipped'); self.trigger('flip'); flippedState = true; if (audioPlayer) { audioPlayer.play(); } }; /** * Flip card back. */ self.flipBack = function () { self.stopAudio(); self.updateLabel(null, null, true); // Reset card label $card.removeClass('h5p-flipped'); flippedState = false; }; /** * Remove. */ self.remove = function () { $card.addClass('h5p-matched'); removedState = true; }; /** * Reset card to natural state */ self.reset = function () { self.stopAudio(); self.updateLabel(null, null, true); // Reset card label flippedState = false; removedState = false; $card[0].classList.remove('h5p-flipped', 'h5p-matched'); }; /** * Get card description. * * @returns {string} */ self.getDescription = function () { return description; }; /** * Get image clone. * * @returns {H5P.jQuery} */ self.getImage = function () { return $card.find('img').clone(); }; /** * Append card to the given container. * * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container */ self.appendTo = function ($container) { $wrapper = $('
  • ' + '
    ' + (styles && styles.backImage ? '' : '') + '
    ' + '
    ' + (path ? '' + alt + '' + (audioPlayer ? '
    ' : '') : '') + '
    ' + '
  • ') .appendTo($container) .on('keydown', function (event) { switch (event.which) { case 13: // Enter case 32: // Space self.flip(); event.preventDefault(); return; case 39: // Right case 40: // Down // Move focus forward self.trigger('next'); event.preventDefault(); return; case 37: // Left case 38: // Up // Move focus back self.trigger('prev'); event.preventDefault(); return; case 35: // Move to last card self.trigger('last'); event.preventDefault(); return; case 36: // Move to first card self.trigger('first'); event.preventDefault(); return; } }); $wrapper.attr('aria-label', l10n.cardPrefix.replace('%num', $wrapper.index() + 1) + ' ' + l10n.cardUnturned); $card = $wrapper.children('.h5p-memory-card') .children('.h5p-front') .click(function () { self.flip(); }) .end(); if (audioPlayer) { $card.children('.h5p-back') .click(function () { if ($card.hasClass('h5p-memory-audio-playing')) { self.stopAudio(); } else { audioPlayer.play(); } }) } }; /** * Re-append to parent container. */ self.reAppend = function () { var parent = $wrapper[0].parentElement; parent.appendChild($wrapper[0]); }; /** * Make the card accessible when tabbing */ self.makeTabbable = function () { if ($wrapper) { $wrapper.attr('tabindex', '0'); } }; /** * Prevent tabbing to the card */ self.makeUntabbable = function () { if ($wrapper) { $wrapper.attr('tabindex', '-1'); } }; /** * Make card tabbable and move focus to it */ self.setFocus = function () { self.makeTabbable(); if ($wrapper) { $wrapper.focus(); } }; /** * Check if the card has been removed from the game, i.e. if has * been matched. */ self.isRemoved = function () { return removedState; }; /** * Stop any audio track that might be playing. */ self.stopAudio = function () { if (audioPlayer) { audioPlayer.pause(); audioPlayer.currentTime = 0; } }; }; // Extends the event dispatcher MemoryGame.Card.prototype = Object.create(EventDispatcher.prototype); MemoryGame.Card.prototype.constructor = MemoryGame.Card; /** * Check to see if the given object corresponds with the semantics for * a memory game card. * * @param {object} params * @returns {boolean} */ MemoryGame.Card.isValid = function (params) { return (params !== undefined && (params.image !== undefined && params.image.path !== undefined) || params.audio); }; /** * Checks to see if the card parameters should create cards with different * images. * * @param {object} params * @returns {boolean} */ MemoryGame.Card.hasTwoImages = function (params) { return (params !== undefined && (params.match !== undefined && params.match.path !== undefined) || params.matchAudio); }; /** * Determines the theme for how the cards should look * * @param {string} color The base color selected * @param {number} invertShades Factor used to invert shades in case of bad contrast */ MemoryGame.Card.determineStyles = function (color, invertShades, backImage) { var styles = { front: '', back: '', backImage: !!backImage }; // Create color theme if (color) { var frontColor = shade(color, 43.75 * invertShades); var backColor = shade(color, 56.25 * invertShades); styles.front += 'color:' + color + ';' + 'background-color:' + frontColor + ';' + 'border-color:' + frontColor +';'; styles.back += 'color:' + color + ';' + 'background-color:' + backColor + ';' + 'border-color:' + frontColor +';'; } // Add back image for card if (backImage) { var backgroundImage = 'background-image:url(' + backImage + ')'; styles.front += backgroundImage; styles.back += backgroundImage; } // Prep style attribute if (styles.front) { styles.front = ' style="' + styles.front + '"'; } if (styles.back) { styles.back = ' style="' + styles.back + '"'; } return styles; }; /** * Convert hex color into shade depending on given percent * * @private * @param {string} color * @param {number} percent * @return {string} new color */ var shade = function (color, percent) { var newColor = '#'; // Determine if we should lighten or darken var max = (percent < 0 ? 0 : 255); // Always stay positive if (percent < 0) { percent *= -1; } percent /= 100; for (var i = 1; i < 6; i += 2) { // Grab channel and convert from hex to dec var channel = parseInt(color.substr(i, 2), 16); // Calculate new shade and convert back to hex channel = (Math.round((max - channel) * percent) + channel).toString(16); // Make sure to always use two digits newColor += (channel.length < 2 ? '0' + channel : channel); } return newColor; }; })(H5P.MemoryGame, H5P.EventDispatcher, H5P.jQuery);