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2 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
b9d23b0ba9 | |
52bc8e3e28 |
@ -12,73 +12,30 @@
* @param {string} [description]
* @param {Object} [styles]
MemoryGame.Card = function (image, id, alt, l10n, description, styles, audio) {
MemoryGame.Card = function (image, id, alt, l10n, description, styles) {
/** @alias H5P.MemoryGame.Card# */
var self = this;
// Initialize event inheritance
var path, width, height, $card, $wrapper, removedState, flippedState, audioPlayer;
var path = H5P.getPath(image.path, id);
var width, height, $card, $wrapper, removedState, flippedState;
alt = alt || 'Missing description'; // Default for old games
if (image && image.path) {
path = H5P.getPath(image.path, id);
if (image.width !== undefined && image.height !== undefined) {
if (image.width > image.height) {
width = '100%';
height = 'auto';
else {
height = '100%';
width = 'auto';
if (image.width !== undefined && image.height !== undefined) {
if (image.width > image.height) {
width = '100%';
height = 'auto';
else {
width = height = '100%';
height = '100%';
width = 'auto';
if (audio) {
// Check if browser supports audio.
audioPlayer = document.createElement('audio');
if (audioPlayer.canPlayType !== undefined) {
// Add supported source files.
for (var i = 0; i < audio.length; i++) {
if (audioPlayer.canPlayType(audio[i].mime)) {
var source = document.createElement('source');
source.src = H5P.getPath(audio[i].path, id);
source.type = audio[i].mime;
if (!audioPlayer.children.length) {
audioPlayer = null; // Not supported
else {
audioPlayer.controls = false;
audioPlayer.preload = 'auto';
var handlePlaying = function () {
if ($card) {
var handleStopping = function () {
if ($card) {
audioPlayer.addEventListener('play', handlePlaying);
audioPlayer.addEventListener('ended', handleStopping);
audioPlayer.addEventListener('pause', handleStopping);
else {
width = height = '100%';
@ -120,17 +77,12 @@
flippedState = true;
if (audioPlayer) {
* Flip card back.
self.flipBack = function () {
self.updateLabel(null, null, true); // Reset card label
flippedState = false;
@ -148,7 +100,6 @@
* Reset card to natural state
self.reset = function () {
self.updateLabel(null, null, true); // Reset card label
flippedState = false;
removedState = false;
@ -182,7 +133,7 @@
$wrapper = $('<li class="h5p-memory-wrap" tabindex="-1" role="button"><div class="h5p-memory-card">' +
'<div class="h5p-front"' + (styles && styles.front ? styles.front : '') + '>' + (styles && styles.backImage ? '' : '<span></span>') + '</div>' +
'<div class="h5p-back"' + (styles && styles.back ? styles.back : '') + '>' +
(path ? '<img src="' + path + '" alt="' + alt + '" style="width:' + width + ';height:' + height + '"/>' + (audioPlayer ? '<div class="h5p-memory-audio-button"></div>' : '') : '<i class="h5p-memory-audio-instead-of-image">') +
'<img src="' + path + '" alt="' + alt + '" style="width:' + width + ';height:' + height + '"/>' +
'</div>' +
@ -225,18 +176,6 @@
if (audioPlayer) {
.click(function () {
if ($card.hasClass('h5p-memory-audio-playing')) {
else {
@ -282,16 +221,6 @@
self.isRemoved = function () {
return removedState;
* Stop any audio track that might be playing.
self.stopAudio = function () {
if (audioPlayer) {
audioPlayer.currentTime = 0;
// Extends the event dispatcher
@ -307,9 +236,8 @@
MemoryGame.Card.isValid = function (params) {
return (params !== undefined &&
(params.image !== undefined &&
params.image.path !== undefined) ||
params.image !== undefined &&
params.image.path !== undefined);
@ -321,9 +249,8 @@
MemoryGame.Card.hasTwoImages = function (params) {
return (params !== undefined &&
(params.match !== undefined &&
params.match.path !== undefined) ||
params.match !== undefined &&
params.match.path !== undefined);
@ -354,7 +281,7 @@
// Add back image for card
if (backImage) {
var backgroundImage = "background-image:url('" + backImage + "')";
var backgroundImage = 'background-image:url(' + backImage + ')';
styles.front += backgroundImage;
styles.back += backgroundImage;
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Card Back",
@ -118,4 +111,4 @@
@ -3,119 +3,112 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Verstek"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Kaarte",
"entity": "kaart",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Kaart",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Beeld"
"label": "Image"
"label": "Alternatiewe teks vir prent",
"description": "Beskryf wat jy in die foto kan sien. Die teks word gelees deur teks-na-spraak instrumente wat vir visueel beperkte gebruikers gebruik word."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Klankgreep",
"description": "'n Opsionele klank wat speel wanneer die kaartjie omgedraai word."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Passende Prent",
"description": "'n Opsionele prent om dit daar teenoor te laat pas in stede daarvan om twee kaartjies met dieselfde prent te gebruik."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Alternatiewe teks vir die passende prent",
"description": "Beskryf wat jy in die foto kan sien. Die teks word gelees deur teks-na-spraak instrumente wat vir visueel beperkte gebruikers gebruik word."
"label": "Passende klankgreep",
"description": "'n Opsionele klank wat speel wanneer die tweede kaartjie omgedraai word."
"label": "Beskrywing",
"description": "'n Opsionele kort teks wat opspring sodra die twee passende kaartjies gevind is."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Gedragsinstellings",
"description": "Hierdie opsies laat jou beheer hoe die spelletjie werk.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Plaas die kaartjies in 'n vierkant",
"description": "Sal probeer om die aantal kolomme en rye te pas wanneer jy die kaarte uitlê. Daarna sal die kaarte volgens die houer se grote aangepas word."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Aantal kaartjies om te gebruik",
"description": "As jy dit op 'n getal groter as 2 stel, sal die spelletjie willekeurige kaartjies uit die kaartlys kies."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Voeg 'n probeer weer knoppie by wanneer die spelletjie verby is"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Aansig en gevoel",
"description": "Beheer die visuele van die spelletjie.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Temakleur",
"description": "Kies 'n kleur om 'n tema vir jou kaartjie te skep."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Kaartjie agterkant",
"description": "Gebruik verstek agterkant vir jou kaartjies."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Lokalisasie",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Kaartjie draaiteks",
"default": "Kaartjie draai"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Tyd bestee teks",
"default": "Tyd bestee"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Terugvoerteks",
"default": "Goeie werk!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Probeer weer knoppie teks",
"default": "Probeer weer?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Maak toe knoppie etiket",
"default": "Maak toe"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Spelletjie etiket",
"default": "Geheue spelletjie. Vind die passend kaartjies."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Speletjie verby etiket",
"default": "Al die kaartjies is gevind."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Kaart indeks etiket",
"default": "Kaartjie %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Onaangeraakte kaartjie etiket",
"default": "Onaangeraak."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Kaartjie gepas etiket",
"default": "Pasmaat gevind."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "الوصف",
"description": "نص قصير يتم عرضه مرة واحدة علي اثنين من البطاقات متساوية"
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Card Back",
@ -84,7 +77,7 @@
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "نص الاراء",
"label": "نص الملاحظات",
"default": "Good work!"
@ -118,4 +111,4 @@
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "По подразбиране"
"label": "Карти",
"entity": "карта",
"field": {
"label": "Карта",
"fields": [
"label": "Изображение"
"label": "Алтернативен текст за изображението",
"description": "Опишете какво може да се види на снимката. Текстът се чете от инструментите за преобразуване на текст в реч, необходими на потребители с увредено зрение."
"label": "Аудиозапис",
"description": "Допълнителен звук, който се възпроизвежда при завъртане на картата."
"label": "Съответстващо изображение",
"description": "Незадължително изображение, с което да се сравнява, вместо да се използват две карти със същото изображение."
"label": "Алтернативен текст за съответстващо изображение",
"description": "Опишете какво може да се види на снимката. Текстът се чете от инструментите за преобразуване на текст в реч, необходими на потребители с увредено зрение."
"label": "Съответстващ аудио запис",
"description": "Допълнителен звук, който се възпроизвежда, когато втората карта е обърната."
"label": "Description",
"description": "Незадължителен кратък текст, който ще се появи след като бъдат намерени двете съвпадащи карти."
"label": "Настройки за поведение",
"description": "Тези опции ще ви позволят да контролирате поведението на играта.",
"fields": [
"label": "Позиционирайте картите в квадрат",
"description": "Ще бъдат съпоставени броя на колоните и редовете, когато поставяме картите. След това картите ще бъдат мащабирани, за да пасват на карето, в което се показват."
"label": "Брой на използваните карти",
"description": "Задаването на това число, по-голямо от 2, ще накара играта да избере случайни карти от списъка с карти."
"label": "Добавете бутон за повторен опит, когато играта приключи"
"label": "Изглед и усещане",
"description": "Управление на визуалните ефекти на играта.",
"fields": [
"label": "Цвят на темата",
"description": "Изберете цвят, за да създадете тема за вашата игра на карти."
"label": "Карта назад",
"description": "Използвайте персонализиран бутон назад за вашите карти."
"label": "Превод и локализация",
"fields": [
"label": "Брой обърнати карти",
"default": "Обърнати карти"
"label": "Вашето време",
"default": "Вашето време"
"label": "Обратна връзка",
"default": "Браво!"
"label": "Бутон за повторен опит",
"default": "Искаш ли да опиташ пак?"
"label": "Бутон за затваряне",
"default": "Затвори"
"label": "Етикет на Играта",
"default": "Имате ли добра памет? Намерете еднаквите карти"
"label": "Етикет за край на играта",
"default": "Всички карти са намерени"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Етикет за необърната карта.",
"default": "Необърната карта."
"label": "Етикет за открито съвпадение на карти",
"default": "Имате съвпадение."
@ -15,24 +15,16 @@
"label": "Slika"
"label": "Alternativni tekst za sliku",
"description": "Opiši šta može biti viđeno na slici. Tekst se čita elektronski za vizualno neuparene korisnike."
"label": "Audio traka",
"description": "Opcionalan zvuk koji se čuje kada se okrene karta."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Ista slika",
"description": "Opcionalna slika koja se koristi umjesto dvije iste slike."
"description": "Opcionalna slika koja se koristi umjestodvije iste slike."
"label": "Alternativni tekst za sliku podudaranja",
"description": "Opiši šta može biti viđeno na slici. Tekst se čita elektronski za vizualno neuparene korisnike."
"label": "Zvuk podudaranja",
"description": "Opcionalan zvuk koji se čuje kada se okrene druga karta."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Opis",
@ -54,20 +46,21 @@
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Dodaj dugme za ponovni pokušaj kada je igra gotova"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Pogledaj i osjeti",
"description": "Kontroliraj u igri ono što vidiš.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Boja teme",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Pozadina karte",
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
@ -92,30 +85,30 @@
"default": "Pokušaj ponovo?"
"label": "Oznaka za dugme zatvori",
"default": "Zatvori"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Oznaka za igru",
"default": "Memory igra. Pronađi kartu koja se podudara."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Oznaka za završenu igru",
"default": "Sve karte su pronađene."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Oznaka za indeksiranje karata",
"default": "Karta %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Oznaka za neokrenutu kartu",
"default": "Neokrenuta."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Oznaka za kartu podudaranja",
"default": "Pronađeno podudaranje."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -3,119 +3,112 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Opció predeterminada"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Cartes",
"entity": "carta",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Carta",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Imatge"
"label": "Image"
"label": "Text alternatiu per a la imatge",
"description": "Descriu el que es pot veure a la foto. El text és llegit per les eines de text a veu que necessiten els usuaris amb deficiència visual."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Pista d’àudio",
"description": "So opcional que es reprodueix en girar una carta."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Imatge coincident",
"description": "Imatge opcional per emparellar en lloc d’utilitzar dues cartes amb la mateixa imatge."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Text alternatiu per a la imatge",
"description": "Descriu el que es pot veure a la foto. El text és llegit per les eines de text a veu que necessiten els usuaris amb deficiència visual."
"label": "Pista d’àudio per a una coincidència",
"description": "So opcional que es reprodueix quan es gira la segona carta."
"label": "Descripció",
"description": "Text breu opcional que es mostrarà quan es trobin les dues cartes coincidents."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Opcions de comportament",
"description": "Aquestes opcions us permeten controlar com es comporta el joc.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Distribueix les cartes formant un quadrat",
"description": "Es provarà de fer coincidir el nombre de files i de columnes en disposar les cartes. Després, les cartes s’ajustaran al contenidor."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Nombre de targetes a utilitzar",
"description": "Si configureu aquest valor amb un número més gran que 2, el joc seleccionarà les cartes aleatòriament de la llista de cartes."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Afegeix el botó per tornar-ho a provar quan el joc finalitzi"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Aspecte visual",
"description": "Controleu els elements visuals del joc.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Color del tema",
"description": "Trieu un color per crear un tema per al joc de cartes."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Revers de la carta",
"description": "Utilitzeu un revers personalitzat per a les cartes."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Localització",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Text dels girs de cartes",
"default": "Girs de cartes"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Text de temps transcorregut",
"default": "Temps dedicat"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Text del suggeriment",
"default": "Correcte!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Text del botó \"Torna-ho a provar\"",
"default": "Voleu tornar-ho a provar?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Etiqueta del botó de tancar",
"default": "Tanca"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Etiqueta del joc",
"default": "Joc de memòria. Cerca les targetes coincidents."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Etiqueta \"El joc ha finalitzat\"",
"default": "S’han emparellat totes les cartes."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Etiqueta d’indexació de les cartes",
"default": "Carta %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Etiqueta per a les cartes no girades",
"default": "Sense girar."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Etiqueta per a les cartes coincidents",
"default": "S’ha trobat una coincidència."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -3,119 +3,112 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Výchozí"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Karty",
"entity": "karta",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Karta",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Obrázek"
"label": "Image"
"label": "Alternativní text pro obrázek",
"description": "Popište, co lze na fotografii vidět. Text je čten pomocí nástrojů převodu textu na řeč, které potřebují zrakově hendikepovaní uživatelé."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Zvuková stopa",
"description": "Volitelný zvuk, který se přehraje při otočení karty."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Odpovídající obrázek",
"description": "Volitelný obrázek, který bude odpovídat namísto použití dvou karet se stejným obrázkem."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Alternativní text pro odpovídající obrázek",
"description": "Popište, co lze na fotografii vidět. Text je čten pomocí nástrojů převodu textu na řeč, které potřebují zrakově hendikepovaní uživatelé."
"label": "Odpovídající zvuková stopa",
"description": "Volitelný zvuk, který se přehraje při otočení druhé karty."
"label": "Popis",
"description": "Volitelný krátký text, který se objeví, jakmile jsou nalezeny dvě odpovídající karty."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Nastavení chování",
"description": "Tyto možnosti vám umožní řídit, jak se hra bude chovat.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Umístit karty do čtverce",
"description": "Při rozložení karet se bude snažit porovnat počet sloupců a řádků. Poté budou karty upraveny podle velikosti kontejneru."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Počet karet k použití",
"description": "Pokud toto nastavíte na číslo větší než 2, bude hra vybírat náhodné karty ze seznamu karet."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Tlačítko pro opakování pokusu o ukončení hry"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Vzhled a pocit",
"description": "Ovládat vizuální prvky hry.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Barva motivu",
"description": "Vyberte barvu pro vytvoření motivu pro vaši karetní hru."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Zadní strana karty",
"description": "Použijte vlastní zadní stranu karet."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Localizace",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Text pro otočení karet",
"default": "Otočení karet"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Text pro strávený čas",
"default": "Strávený čas"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Text zpětné vazby",
"default": "Výborně!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Text tlačítka Zkusit znovu",
"default": "Zkusit znovu?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Text tlačítka Zavřít",
"default": "Zavřít"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Popisek hry",
"default": "Paměťová hra. Najděte odpovídající karty. (Pexeso)."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Popisek konce hry",
"default": "Všechny karty byly nalezeny."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Popisek indexu karty",
"default": "Karta %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Popisek neotočené karty",
"default": "Neotočená."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Popisek shody karet",
"default": "Nalezena shoda."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matchende billede",
"description": "Valgfrit billede som match i stedet for at have to kort med det samme billede."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Beskrivelse",
"description": "Valgfri tekst, som popper op, når to matchende billeder er fundet."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Farvetema",
"description": "Vælg en farve til bagsiden af dine kort."
"description": "Vælg en farve til bagsiden af dine kort.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Bagsidebillede",
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Eingabemaske"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Karten",
"entity": "Karte",
"entity": "karte",
"field": {
"label": "Karte",
"fields": [
@ -15,105 +15,98 @@
"label": "Bild"
"label": "Alternativtext für das Bild",
"description": "Beschreibt, was im Bild zu sehen ist. Dieser Text wird von Vorlesewerkzeugen für Sehbehinderte genutzt."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Ton",
"description": "Optionaler Ton, der abgespielt wird, wenn die Karte umgedreht wird."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Zugehöriges Bild",
"description": "Ein optionales zweites Bild, das mit dem ersten ein Paar bildet, anstatt zweimal das selbe Bild zu verwenden."
"label": "Alternativtext für das zweite Bild",
"description": "Beschreibt, was im Bild zu sehen ist. Dieser Text wird von Vorlesewerkzeugen für Sehbehinderte genutzt."
"label": "Ton zum zweiten Bild",
"description": "Optionaler Ton, der abgespielt wird, wenn die zweite Karte umgedreht wird."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Beschreibung",
"description": "Ein kurzer optionaler Text, der angezeigt wird, wenn das Kartenpaar gefunden wurde."
"description": "Ein kurzer Text, der angezeigt wird, sobald zwei identische Karten gefunden werden."
"label": "Verhaltenseinstellungen",
"description": "Diese Optionen legen fest, wie das Spiel im Detail funktioniert.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Karten in einem Quadrat anordnen",
"description": "Versucht die Karten in der gleichen Zahl von Reihen und Spalten zu anzuordnen. Danach wird die Kartengröße an den verfügbaren Platz angepasst."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Anzahl der zu verwendenden Karten",
"description": "Wenn die Anzahl größer als 2 ist, werden zufällige Karten aus der Liste ausgewählt."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "\"Wiederholen\"-Button anzeigen"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Erscheinungsbild",
"description": "Legt fest, wie das Spiel aussieht.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Themenfarbe",
"description": "Wähle eine Farbe, um das Spiel zu individualisieren."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Kartenrückseite",
"description": "Verwende eine benutzerdefinierte Rückseite für die Karten."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Bezeichnungen und Beschriftungen",
"label": "Übersetzung",
"fields": [
"label": "Text mit der Anzahl der Züge",
"label": "Text für die Anzahl der Züge",
"default": "Züge"
"label": "Text mit der bisher benötigten Zeit",
"label": "Text für die benötigte Zeit",
"default": "Benötigte Zeit"
"label": "Rückmeldungstext",
"default": "Gut gemacht!"
"label": "Text als Rückmeldung",
"default": "Gute Arbeit!"
"label": "Beschriftung des \"Wiederholen\"-Buttons",
"default": "Nochmal spielen"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Reset"
"label": "Beschriftung des \"Schließen\"-Buttons",
"default": "Schließen"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Bezeichnung des Spiels",
"default": "Memory - Finde die Kartenpaare!"
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Meldung, wenn das Spiel abgeschlossen wurde",
"default": "Du hast alle Kartenpaare gefunden!"
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Beschriftung der Kartennummer",
"default": "Karte %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Text, wenn eine Karte wieder zugedeckt wurde",
"default": "Zugedeckt."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Text, wenn ein Paar gefunden wurde",
"default": "Paar gefunden."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -3,119 +3,112 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Βασικό"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Κάρτες",
"entity": "καρτας",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Κάρτα",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Εικόνα"
"label": "Image"
"label": "Εναλλακτικό κείμενο εικόνας",
"description": "Δώστε μια περιγραφή της εικόνας. Το κείμενο διαβάζεται από εργαλεία ανάγνωσης κειμένου (text-to-speech) που χρησιμοποιούνται από χρήστες με προβλήματα όρασης."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Ήχος ανοίγματος",
"description": "Ήχος που ακούγεται κάθε φορά που μια κάρτα ανοίγει (προαιρετικά)."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Αντίστοιχη εικόνα",
"description": "Αντίστοιχη εικόνα που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί προαιρετικά αντί της χρήσης της ίδιας εικόνας σε δύο κάρτες (προαιρετικά)."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Εναλλακτικό κείμενο αντίστοιχης εικόνας",
"description": "Δώστε μια περιγραφή της εικόνας. Το κείμενο διαβάζεται από εργαλεία ανάγνωσης κειμένου (text-to-speech) που χρησιμοποιούνται από χρήστες με προβλήματα όρασης."
"label": "Ήχος αντιστοίχισης",
"description": "Ήχος που ακούγεται κάθε φορά που δύο κάρτες αντιστοιχίζονται μεταξύ τους (προαιρετικά)."
"label": "Κείμενο αντιστοίχισης",
"description": "Σύντομο κείμενο που εμφανίζεται κάθε φορά που δύο κάρτες αντιστοιχίζονται μεταξύ τους (προαιρετικά)."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Ρυθμίσεις παιχνιδιού",
"description": "Αυτές οι ρυθμίσεις σας επιτρέπουν να καθορίσετε τον τρόπο λειτουργίας του παιχνιδιού.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Διάταξη καρτών σε τετράγωνο",
"description": "Κατά τη διάταξη των καρτών επιχειρείται ο αριθμός των στηλών να είναι ίδιος με τον αριθμό των γραμμών. Οι διαστάσεις των καρτών προσαρμόζονται."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Αριθμός καρτών που χρησιμοποιούνται",
"description": "Επιλέγοντας αριθμό μεγαλύτερο του δύο (2) οδηγείτε το παιχνίδι στην τυχαία επιλογή καρτών από τη συνολική λίστα."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Προσθήκη κουμπιού νέας προσπάθειας μετά την ολοκλήρωση του παιχνιδιού"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Εμφάνιση",
"description": "Έλεγχος της εμφάνισης του παιχνιδιού.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Χρώμα \"θέματος\"",
"description": "Επιλέξτε ένα χρώμα για τη δημιουργία \"θέματος\" για το παιχνίδι μνήμης."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Πίσω πλευρά καρτών",
"description": "Χρησιμοποιήστε μια δική σας εικόνα για την πίσω πλευρά των καρτών."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Προσαρμογή",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Κείμενο ανοίγματος κάρτας",
"default": "Άνοιγμα κάρτας"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Κείμενο χρόνου που πέρασε",
"default": "Χρόνος"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Κείμενο ανατροφοδότησης",
"default": "Μπράβο!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Κείμενο κουμπιού νέας προσπάθειας",
"default": "Επανάληψη"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Ετικέτα κουμπιού κλεισίματος",
"default": "Κλείσιμο"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Ετικέτα παιχνιδιού",
"default": "Παιχνίδι μνήμης. Αντιστοίχισε τις κάρτες που ταιριάζουν μεταξύ τους."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Ετικέτα ολοκλήρωσης παιχνιδιού",
"default": "Έχουν αντιστοιχιστεί όλες οι κάρτες!"
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Ετικέτα ταξινόμησης κάρτας",
"default": "Κάρτα %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Ετικέτα κλειστής κάρτας",
"default": "Κλειστή."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Ετικέτα κάρτας που έχει αντιστοιχιστεί",
"default": "Έχει αντιστοιχιστεί."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Predeterminado"
"label": "Tarjetas",
"entity": "tarjeta",
"field": {
"label": "Tarjeta",
"fields": [
"label": "Imagen"
"label": "Texto alternativo para la imagen",
"description": "Describe lo que se puede ver en la foto. El texto es leído por herramientas de conversión de texto a voz, necesarias para usuarios con discapacidad visual."
"label": "Pista de Audio",
"description": "Un sonido opcional que se reproduce cuando se voltea la carta."
"label": "Imagen Coincidente",
"description": "Una imagen opcional para coincidir, en vez de usar dos tarjetas con la misma imagen."
"label": "Texto alternativo para Imagen Coincidente",
"description": "Describir lo que puede verse en la foto. El texto es leído por herramientas de conversión de texto a voz, necesarias para usuarios con discapacidad visual."
"label": "Pista de Audio Coincidente",
"description": "Un sonido opcional que se reproduce cuando se voltea la segunda carta."
"label": "Descripción",
"description": "Un breve texto opcional que aparecerá una vez se encuentren las dos cartas coincidentes."
"label": "Configuraciones del comportamiento",
"description": "Estas opciones le permitirán controlar cómo se comporta el juego.",
"fields": [
"label": "Colocar las tarjetas en un cuadrado",
"description": "Intentará igualar el número de columnas y filas al distribuir las tarjetas. Después, las tarjetas se escalarán para que se ajusten al contenedor."
"label": "Número de tarjetas a utilizar",
"description": "Establecer esto a un número mayor que 2 hará que el juego seleccione tarjetas aleatorias de la lista de tarjetas."
"label": "Añadir botón para volver a intentarlo cuando el juego ha terminado"
"label": "Aspecto y comportamiento",
"description": "Controla los efectos visuales del juego.",
"fields": [
"label": "Color del Tema",
"description": "Elegir un color para crear un tema para su juego de tarjetas."
"label": "Reverso de la Tarjeta",
"description": "Utilice una parte posterior personalizada para sus tarjetas."
"label": "Localización",
"fields": [
"label": "Texto para los giros de tarjetas",
"default": "Giros de tarjeta"
"label": "Texto de tiempo usado",
"default": "Tiempo usado"
"label": "Texto de retroalimentación",
"default": "¡Buen trabajo!"
"label": "Texto del botón Intente de nuevo",
"default": "¿Volver a intentarlo?"
"label": "Texto del botón Cerrar",
"default": "Cerrar"
"label": "Etiqueta del juego",
"default": "Juego de Memoria. Encuentra las cartas que coinciden."
"label": "Etiqueta de juego terminado",
"default": "Todas las cartas han sido encontradas."
"label": "Etiqueta de indexación de tarjeta",
"default": "Tarjeta %num:"
"label": "Texto de tarjeta sin voltear",
"default": "Sin voltear."
"label": "Texto de tarjeta coincidente",
"default": "Coincidencia encontrada."
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"label": "Tarjetas",
"entity": "tarjeta",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Tarjeta",
"fields": [
@ -16,23 +16,15 @@
"label": "Texto alternativo para la imagen",
"description": "Describe lo que se puede ver en la foto. El texto es leído por herramientas de conversión de texto a voz, necesarias para usuarios con discapacidad visual."
"description": "Describe lo que se puede ver en la foto. El texto es leído por una herramienta de conversion de texto a voz, a usuarios con discapacidad visual."
"label": "Pista de Audio",
"description": "Un sonido opcional que se reproduce cuando se voltea la carta."
"label": "Imagen Coincidente",
"label": "Imagen coincidente",
"description": "Una imagen opcional para emparejar, en vez de usar dos tarjetas con la misma imagen."
"label": "Texto alternativo para Imagen Coincidente",
"description": "Describir lo que puede verse en la foto. El texto es leído por herramientas de conversión de texto a voz, necesarias para usuarios con discapacidad visual."
"label": "Pista de Audio Coincidente",
"description": "Un sonido opcional que se reproduce cuando se voltea la segunda carta."
"label": "Texto alternativo para imagenes coincidentes",
"description": "El texto es leído por una herramienta de conversion de texto a voz, a usuarios con discapacidad visual."
"label": "Descripción",
@ -42,11 +34,11 @@
"label": "Configuraciones del comportamiento",
"label": "Ajustes de comportamiento",
"description": "Estas opciones le permitirán controlar cómo se comporta el juego.",
"fields": [
"label": "Colocar las tarjetas en un cuadrado",
"label": "Coloca las tarjetas en un cuadrado",
"description": "Intentará igualar el número de columnas y filas al distribuir las tarjetas. Después, las tarjetas se escalarán para que se ajusten al contenedor."
@ -63,11 +55,12 @@
"description": "Controla los efectos visuales del juego.",
"fields": [
"label": "Color del Tema",
"description": "Elegir un color para crear un tema para su juego de tarjetas."
"label": "Color del tema",
"description": "Elegir un color para crear un tema para su juego de cartas.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Reverso de la Tarjeta",
"label": "Parte posterior de la tarjeta",
"description": "Utilice una parte posterior personalizada para sus tarjetas."
@ -84,7 +77,7 @@
"default": "Tiempo usado"
"label": "Texto de retroalimentación",
"label": "Texto de comentarios",
"default": "¡Buen trabajo!"
@ -96,15 +89,15 @@
"default": "Cerrar"
"label": "Etiqueta del juego",
"default": "Juego de Memoria. Encuentra las cartas que coinciden."
"label": "Texto del juego",
"default": "Juego de memoria. Encuentra las cartas que hacen juego."
"label": "Etiqueta de juego terminado",
"label": "Texto del juego terminado",
"default": "Todas las cartas han sido encontradas."
"label": "Etiqueta de indexación de tarjeta",
"label": "Texto de indexación de la tarjeta",
"default": "Tarjeta %num:"
@ -112,7 +105,7 @@
"default": "Sin voltear."
"label": "Texto de tarjeta coincidente",
"label": "Texto de la tarjeta coincidente",
"default": "Coincidencia encontrada."
@ -3,117 +3,110 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Vaikimisi"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Kaardid",
"entity": "kaart",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Kaart",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Pilt"
"label": "Image"
"label": "Pildi alternatiivtekst",
"description": "Kirjelda, mis pildil näha on. Tekst on mõeldud vaegnägijaile tekstilugeriga kuulamiseks."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Heliriba",
"description": "Valikheli, mida mängitakse kaardi pööramisel."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Sobituv pilt",
"description": "Valikuline pilt võrdlemiseks, selmet kasutada kahte kaarti sama pildiga."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Sobituva pildi alternatiivtekst",
"description": "Kirjelda, mis pildil näha on. Tekst on mõeldud vaegnägijaile tekstilugeriga kuulamiseks."
"label": "Sobituv heliriba",
"description": "Valikheli, mida mängitakse teise kaardi pööramisel."
"label": "Kirjeldus",
"description": "Valikuline lühitekst, mida näidatakse hüpikaknas peale kahe sobituva kaardi leidmist."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Käitumisseaded",
"description": "Need valikud võimaldavad sul kontrollida mängu käitumist.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Aseta kaardid väljakule",
"description": "Proovib sobitada ridade ja veergude arvu kaartide asetamisel. Peale seda muudetakse kaartide suurust, et täita neid hoidev raam."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Kasutatav kaartide arv",
"description": "Määrates selle arvu kahest suuremaks valib mäng kaartide loetelust juhuslikud kaardid."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Lisa Proovi uuesti nupp lõppenud mängule"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Välimus",
"description": "Säti mängu visuaali.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Teemavärv",
"description": "Vali oma mängu teemavärv."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Kaardi taust",
"description": "Kasuta kohandatud kaarditausta."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Kohandamine",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Kaardi pööramise tekst",
"default": "Kaart pöörab"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Aega kulunud tekst",
"default": "Aega kulunud"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Tagasiside tekst",
"default": "Hea töö!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Proovi uuesti nupu tekst",
"default": "Proovida uuesti?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Sulge nupu tekst",
"default": "Sulge"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Mängu pealkiri",
"default": "Mälumäng. Leida sobituvad kaardid."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Mäng on lõppenud silt",
"default": "Kõik kaardid on leitud."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Kaardi indeksi silt",
"default": "Kaart %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Kaart pööramata silt",
"default": "Pööramata."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Kaart sobitub silt",
"default": "Vaste leitud."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Lehenetsia"
"label": "Txartelak",
"entity": "karta",
"field": {
"label": "Karta",
"fields": [
"label": "Irudia"
"label": "Irudiaren ordezko testua",
"description": "Deskribatu irudian ikusi daitekeena. Testua irakurketa tresna automatikoek irakurriko dute ikusmen urritasunak dituztenentzat."
"label": "Audio Pista",
"description": "Karta itzultzen denean erreproduzitzeko aukerazko soinua."
"label": "Pareko irudia",
"description": "Irudi bera duten bi karta ez erabiltzeko parekatzeko aukeran eskainiko den irudia."
"label": "Pareko irudiaren ordezko irudia",
"description": "Deskribatu argazkian ikusi daitekeena. Testua irakurketa tresna automatikoek irakurriko dute ikusmen urritasunak dituztenentzat."
"label": "Pareko Audio Pista",
"description": "Bigarren karta itzultzen denean erreproduzitzeko aukerazko soinua."
"label": "Deskribapena",
"description": "Bi karta parekatzen direnean bat-batean agertu den aukerako testu laburra."
"label": "Portaera-ezarpenak",
"description": "Aukera hauen bidez kontrolatu ahal izango duzu zereginaren portaera.",
"fields": [
"label": "Kokatu karta karratuan",
"description": "Txartelak banatzean lerro eta zutabe kopurua betetzen saiatuko da. Gero, kartak eskalatuko dira."
"label": "Erabiliko den karta kopurua",
"description": "2 baino altuagoa den zenbaki bat ezarriz gero jokoak hausazko karta hartuko du karta-zerrendatik."
"label": "Saiakera berria egiteko botoia txertatu jokoa amaitzerakoan"
"label": "Itxura",
"description": "Jokoaren itxura kontrolatu",
"fields": [
"label": "Estiloaren kolorea",
"description": "Aukeratu kolorea zure karta jokoarentzat estiloa sortzeko."
"label": "Kartaren atzeko aldea",
"description": "Erabili karta-atzeko alde pertsonalizatua."
"label": "Lokalizazioa",
"fields": [
"label": "Txartelak buelta ematen du testua",
"default": "Txartelak buelta ematen du"
"label": "Igarotako denboraren testua",
"default": "Igarotako denbora"
"label": "Feedback testua",
"default": "Lan bikaina!"
"label": "Saiatu berriro botoiaren",
"default": "Saiatu berriro?"
"label": "Itxi botoiaren etiketa",
"default": "Itxi"
"label": "Jokoaren etiketa",
"default": "Memoria jokoa. Aurkitu pareko kartak."
"label": "Amaitutako jokoaren etiketa",
"default": "Karta guztiak aurkitu dira."
"label": "Txartela zenbakiaren etiketa",
"default": "%num. txartela:"
"label": "buelta eman gabeko txartela",
"default": "Itzuli gabe"
"label": "Parekatutako txartelaren etiketa",
"default": "Parekoa topatuta."
@ -15,24 +15,16 @@
"label": "Kuva"
"label": "Vaihtoehtoinen teksti kuvalle.",
"description": "Kuvaile tekstillä mitä kuvassa näkyy. Tämä teksti luetaan ruudunlukijasovelluksella henkilöille jotka käyttävät ko. sovelluksia."
"label": "Audioraita.",
"description": "Vapaaehtoinen äänitehoste joka soitetaan kun kortti käännetään."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Vastattava kuva",
"description": "Valinnainen kuva johon verrata korttia sen sijaan, että kortille etsitään toista samaa kuvaa pariksi."
"label": "Vaihtoehtoinen teksti kuvapareille.",
"description": "Kuvaile tekstillä mitä kuvassa näkyy. Tämä teksti luetaan ruudunlukijasovelluksella henkilöille jotka käyttävät ko. sovelluksia."
"label": "Vastaavien parien audioraita.",
"description": "Vapaaehtoinen äänitehoste joka soitetaan kun toinen kortti käännetään."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Selite",
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Väriteema",
"description": "Valitse väri luodaksesi teeman pelille."
"description": "Valitse väri luodaksesi teeman pelille.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Kortin kääntöpuoli",
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Texte alternatif pour l'image",
"description": "Décrivez ce que représente l'image. Le texte est lu par la synthèse vocale."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Image correspondante",
"description": "Une image facultative à comparer au lieu d'utiliser deux cartes avec la même image."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Texte alternatif pour l'image correspondante",
"description": "Décrivez ce que représente l'image correspondante. Le texte est lu par la synthèse vocale."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "Un texte court optionnel qui apparaîtra une fois que les deux cartes correspondantes auront été trouvées."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Couleur du thème",
"description": "Choisissez une couleur pour créer un thème pour votre jeu de cartes."
"description": "Choisissez une couleur pour créer un thème pour votre jeu de cartes.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Dos des cartes",
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Por defecto"
"label": "Tarxetas",
"entity": "tarxeta",
"field": {
"label": "Tarxeta",
"fields": [
"label": "Imaxe"
"label": "Texto alternativo para a imaxe",
"description": "Describe o que pode verse na imaxe. Este texto será lido polas ferramentas de texto a voz que precisan os usuarios con discapaciade visual."
"label": "Pista de audio",
"description": "Son opcional que se escoita ao xirar a tarxeta."
"label": "Imaxe Coincidente",
"description": "Imaxe opcional coa que coincidir en lugar de usar dúas tarxetas coa mesma imaxe."
"label": "Texto alternativo para imaxe coincidente",
"description": "Describe o que se pode ver na imaxe. Este texto será lido polas ferramentas de texto a voz que precisan os usuarios con discapaciade visual."
"label": "Pista de audio coincidente",
"description": "Un son opcional que se escoita ao xirar a segunda tarxeta."
"label": "Descrición",
"description": "Texto curto opcional que aparece cando se emparellan as dúas tarxetas."
"label": "Configuración de comportamento",
"description": "Estas opcións permiten controlar o comportamento do xogo.",
"fields": [
"label": "Colocar as tarxetas nun cadrado",
"description": "Intentará emparellar o número de filas e columnas ao colocar as tarxetas. Despois, escalaranse as tarxetas para que encaixen no contedor."
"label": "Número de tarxetas a usar",
"description": "Se este valor e maior que 2, o xogo escollerá tarxetas ao chou da lista de tarxetas."
"label": "Engadir botón para reintentar cando remate o xogo"
"label": "Aspecto",
"description": "Controla o aspecto visual do xogo.",
"fields": [
"label": "Cor do tema",
"description": "Escolle unha cor para crear un tema para o teu xogo de tarxetas."
"label": "Reverso da tarxeta",
"description": "Usar un reverso personalizado nas tarxetas."
"label": "Localización",
"fields": [
"label": "Texto para xiros de tarxeta",
"default": "Xiros de tarxeta"
"label": "Texto para tempo transcorrido",
"default": "Tempo transcorrido"
"label": "Texto de retroalimentación",
"default": "Bo traballo!"
"label": "Texto para o botón reintentar",
"default": "Probar outra vez?"
"label": "Etiqueta para o botón pechar",
"default": "Pechar"
"label": "Etiqueta do xogo",
"default": "Xogo de memoria. Atopa as tarxetas coincidentes."
"label": "Etiqueta para xogo rematado",
"default": "Atoparonse todas as tarxetas."
"label": "Etiqueta para o índice das tarxetas",
"default": "Tarxeta %num:"
"label": "Etiqueta para as tarxetas non xiradas",
"default": "Sen xirar."
"label": "Etiqueta para coincidencia atopada",
"default": "Coincidencia atopada."
@ -3,119 +3,112 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "ברירת מחדל"
"label": "Default"
"label": "קלפים",
"entity": "קלף",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "קלף",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "תמונה"
"label": "Image"
"label": "תוכן חלופי לתמונה",
"description": "תאר מה אפשר לראות בתמונה. הטקסט נקרא על ידי כלי טקסט-לדיבור הנחוצים למשתמשים בעלי לקויות ראייה."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "ערוץ שמע",
"description": "צליל אופציונלי שמתנגן כאשר הופכים את הקלף."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "תמונה תואמת",
"description": "תמונה אופציונלית להתאמה במקום להשתמש בשני קלפים עם אותה התמונה."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "טקסט חליפי לתמונה תואמת",
"description": "תאר מה אפשר לראות בתמונה. הטקסט נקרא על ידי כלי טקסט-לדיבור שנחוצים למשתמשים בעלי לקויות ראייה."
"label": "ערוץ שמע תואם",
"description": "צליל אופציונלי שמתנן כאשר הופכים את הקלף השני."
"label": "תיאור",
"description": "טקסט קצר אופציונלי יקפוץ ברגע ששני הקלפים התואמים יימצאו."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "הגדרות כלליות",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "סדרו את הכרטיסים בריבוע",
"description": "ניסיון להתאים בין מספר הטורים והשורות בעת סידור הכרטיסים. לאחר מכן, גודל הכרטיסים יותאם למכל."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "מספר כרטיסים לשימוש",
"description": "להגדיר את זה למספר גדול מ-2 יגרום למשחק לבחור אקראית קלפים מרשימת הקלפים"
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "הוסף כפתור כדי לנסות שוב כאשר המשחק נגמר"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "הבט וחוש",
"description": "שליטה בהגדרות החזותיות של המשחק.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "צבע נושא",
"description": "בחר צבע ליצירת נושא למשחק הקלפים שלך"
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "גב הקלף",
"description": "השתמשו בגב מותאם אישית עבור הכרטיסים."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "תרגום מקומי",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "טקסט הפיכת קלף",
"default": "הופכים קלף"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "טקסט זמן שהושקע",
"default": "זמן שהושקע"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "משוב",
"default": "עבודה טובה!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "טקסט של כפתור נסה שוב",
"default": "נסה שוב?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "תווית כפתור סגור",
"default": "סגור"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "תווית משחק",
"default": "משחק זיכרון. מצא את הקלפים המתאימים."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "תווית המשחק נגמר",
"default": "נמצאו כל הקלפים."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "תווית מפתוח קלף",
"default": "כרטיס %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "תווית קלף לא הפוך",
"default": "לא הפוך."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "תווית קלף מותאם",
"default": "נמצאה התאמה."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Card Back",
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Predefinito"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Carte",
@ -15,60 +15,53 @@
"label": "Immagine"
"label": "Testo alternativo per l'immagine",
"description": "Descrivi cosa si può vedere nella foto. Il testo è letto da strumenti di sintesi vocale necessari a utenti ipovedenti"
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Traccia audio",
"description": "Un suono facoltativo che viene riprodotto quando si gira la scheda"
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Immagine corrispondente",
"description": "Un'immagine facoltativa da abbinare anziché usare due carte con la stessa immagine"
"label": "Testo alternativo per immagini corrispondenti",
"description": "Descrivi cosa si può vedere nella foto. Il testo è letto da strumenti di sintesi vocale necessari a utenti ipovedenti"
"label": "Traccia audio corrispondente",
"description": "Un suono facoltativo che viene riprodotto quando si gira la seconda carta"
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Descrizione",
"description": "Un breve testo facoltativo che apparirà quando vengono trovate due carte corrispondenti"
"description": "Breve testo visualizzato quando due carte uguali vengono trovate."
"label": "Impostazioni di esecuzione",
"description": "Queste opzioni permettono di controllare il comportamento del gioco",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Posiziona le carte in un quadrato",
"description": "Cercherà di far corrispondere il numero di colonne e righe durante la disposizione delle carte. In seguito, le carte saranno ridimensionate per adattarsi al contenitore"
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Numero di carte da usare",
"description": "Impostandolo su un numero maggiore di 2, il gioco sceglierà le carte dall'elenco in maniera del tutto casuale"
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Aggiungi un pulsante per riprovare quanto il gioco è finito"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Aspetto e soddisfazione (look and feel)",
"description": "Controlla gli effetti visivi del gioco",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Colore del tema",
"description": "Scegli un colore per creare una tema per il tuo gioco di carte"
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Dietro della carta",
"description": "Usa un retro personalizzato per le tue carte"
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
@ -76,46 +69,46 @@
"label": "Localizzazione",
"fields": [
"label": "Testo per i giri di carta",
"default": "Giri di carta"
"label": "Testo Gira carta",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Testo per il tempo trascorso",
"default": "Tempo trascorso"
"label": "Testo Tempo trascorso",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Testo del feedback",
"default": "Buon lavoro!"
"label": "Testo Feedback",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Testo del pulsante per riprovare",
"default": "Vuoi riprovare?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Reset"
"label": "Etichetta del pulsante di chiusura",
"default": "Chiudi"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Etichetta del gioco",
"default": "Gioco di memoria. Trova le carte corrispondenti"
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Etichetta di fine gioco",
"default": "Tutte le carte sono state trovate"
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Etichetta di indicizzazione della carta",
"default": "Carta %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Etichetta della carta non voltata",
"default": "Non voltata"
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Etichetta della cartata abbinata",
"default": "Trovata corrispondenza"
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "一致させる画像",
"description": "同じ画像の2枚のカードを使用する代わりに、別に一致させるためのオプション画像"
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "説明",
"description": "一致する2つのカードが見つかるとポップアップするオプションの短文テキスト。"
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "テーマ色",
"description": "カードゲームのテーマとなる色を選択してください。"
"description": "カードゲームのテーマとなる色を選択してください。",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "カード裏",
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Default"
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Image"
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "កាតបង្វិល"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "ពេលចំណាយ"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "ល្អណាស់!"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "សាកម្តងទៀត?"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "បិទ"
"label": "Game label",
"default": "ល្បែងចងចាំ! រកកាតដែលផ្គូផ្គង"
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "អ្នកបានរកឃើញកាតទាំងអស់ហើយ!"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "កាត %num:"
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "មិនបានបង្វិល។"
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "រកឃើញកាតផ្គូផ្គង។"
@ -3,120 +3,112 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "기본값"
"label": "Default"
"label": "카드",
"entity": "카드",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "카드",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "이미지"
"label": "Image"
"label": "이미지의 대체 텍스트",
"description": "사진에서 볼 수 있는 것을 묘사하세요. 이 텍스트는 시각 장애 사용자가 필요로 하는 텍스트 음성 변환 도구로 읽힌다."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "오디오 트랙",
"description": "카드를 돌렸을 때 재생되는 선택적 사운드."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "매칭 이미지",
"description": "(선택사항) 같은 이미지의 두 카드를 사용하는 대신에 매칭할 수 있는 선택적 이미지."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "매칭 이미지에 대한 대체 텍스트",
"description": "사진에서 볼 수 있는 것을 묘사하세요. 이 텍스트는 시각 장애 사용자가 필요로 하는 텍스트 음성 변환 도구로 읽힌다.."
"label": "매칭 오디오 트랙",
"description": "(선택사항)두 번째 카드를 돌릴 때 재생되는 사운드"
"label": "설명",
"description": "(선택사항) 일치되는 두 장의 카드가 발견되면 팝업될 짧은 텍스트."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "과제가 수행되는 방법 설정.",
"description": "이 옵션은 과제가 어떻게 수행될 지 환경을 설정합니다.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "카드를 정사각형으로 배열하기",
"description": "카드를 놓을 때 열과 행의 개수를 맞추려고 할 것이다. 이후, 카드는 용기에 맞게 크기가 조정될 것이다."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "사용할 카드 수",
"description": "이것을 2보다 큰 숫자로 설정하면 게임이 카드 목록에서 무작위 카드를 선택하게 될 것이다."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "게임 종료 시 재시도하기 위한 버튼 추가"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "외관과 느낌",
"description": "게임의 비주얼 관리",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "테마 색깔",
"description": "카드 게임의 테마를 만들 색을 선택하십시오."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "카드 뒷면",
"description": "카드의 뒷면을 맞춤형으로 사용하십시오."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "맞춤형 설정",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "카드가 돌려질 때 텍스트",
"default": "카드가 돌려집니다."
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "걸린 시간 텍스트",
"default": "걸린 시간"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "피드백 텍스트",
"default": "잘 했습니다.!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "재시도 버튼 텍스트",
"default": "다시 시도하시겠습니까?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "닫기 버튼 텍스트",
"default": "닫기"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "게임 라벨",
"default": "메모리 게임. 매칭되는 카드를 찾으세요."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "게임 완료 텍스트",
"default": "모든 카드가 발견되었습니다."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "카드 색인 라벨",
"default": "카드 %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "돌려지지 않은 카드 라벨",
"default": "돌려지지 않음."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "매칭된 카드 라벨",
"default": "매칭되었습니다."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Tilhørende bilde",
"description": "Et valgfritt bilde som brukes av kort nummer to istedenfor å bruke to kort med samme bilde."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Beskrivelse",
"description": "En valgfri kort tekst som spretter opp når kort-paret er funnet."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Temafarge",
"description": "Velg en farge for å skape et tema over kortspillet ditt."
"description": "Velg en farge for å skape et tema over kortspillet ditt.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Kortbaksiden",
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Bijpassende afbeelding",
"description": "Een optionele afbeelding die past in plaats van 2 kaarten met dezelfde afbeelding."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "Een optioneel geluid dat afspeelt wanneer de kaart wordt omgedraaid."
"label": "Omschrijving",
"description": "Een optionele korte tekst die zal verschijnen zodra de 2 overeenkomende kaarten zijn gevonden."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "De alternatieve tekst voor de bijpassende afbeelding",
"description": "Omschrijf wat de afbeelding voorstelt. De tekst zal worden gelezen door tekst-naar-spraak tools voor slechtzienden."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "Een optioneel geluid dat afspeelt wanneer de tweede kaart wordt omgedraaid."
"label": "Omschrijving",
"description": "Een optionele korte tekst die zal verschijnen zodra de 2 overeenkomende kaarten zijn gevonden."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Themakleur",
"description": "Kies een themakleur voor kaarten van je geheugenspel."
"description": "Kies een themakleur voor kaarten van je geheugenspel.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Achterkant kaart",
@ -118,4 +111,4 @@
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Card Back",
@ -77,45 +70,45 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Kort snur"
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Tid brukt"
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Bra jobba!"
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "prøv igjen?"
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Lukk"
"default": "Close"
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory-spel. Finn dei matchande korta."
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "Alle korta har blitt funne."
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Kort %num:"
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Ikkje snudd."
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match funne."
"default": "Match found."
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Card Back",
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Padrão"
"label": "Cartões",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Cartão",
"fields": [
"label": "Imagem"
"label": "Texto alternativo para a imagem",
"description": "Descreva o que pode ser visto na foto. O texto será lido para os usuários que necessitam utilizar leitores de tela."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Imagem-par",
"description": "Uma imagem opcional para ser combinada ao invés de utilizar dois cartões com a mesma imagem."
"label": "Texto alternativo para a Imagem-par",
"description": "Descreva o que pode ser visto na foto. O texto será lido para os usuários que necessitam utilizar leitores de tela."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Descrição",
"description": "Um texto curto opcional que aparecerá quando duas cartas forem combinadas corretamente."
"label": "Configurações comportamentais",
"description": "Estas opções permitirão que você controle como o jogo funciona.",
"fields": [
"label": "Posicionar os cartões em um quadrado",
"description": "Tentará coincidir o número de linhas e colunas quando distribuir os cartões. Após, os cartões serão dimensionados para preencher o espaço."
"label": "Número de cartas para serem usadas",
"description": "Colocando um número maior que 2 fara com que o jogo escolha cartões aleatórios da lista de cartões."
"label": "Adicionar botão para tentar novamente quando o jogo acabar"
"label": "Aparência e percepção",
"description": "Controla o visual do jogo.",
"fields": [
"label": "Cor tema",
"description": "Escolha uma cor para criar um tema para seu jogo."
"label": "Verso do cartão",
"description": "Use um verso customizado para seus cartões."
"label": "Localização",
"fields": [
"label": "Texto de virada de cartão",
"default": "Cartão virou"
"label": "Texto de tempo gasto",
"default": "Tempo gasto"
"label": "Texto de feedback",
"default": "Bom trabalho!"
"label": "Texto do botão Tentar Novamente",
"default": "Tentar novamente?"
"label": "Rótulo do botão Fechar",
"default": "Fechar"
"label": "Rótulo do jogo",
"default": "Jogo da memória. Forme pares de cartões."
"label": "Rótulo de fim de jogo",
"default": "Todas os cartões foram encontrados."
"label": "Rótulo de índice de cartão",
"default": "Cartão %num:"
"label": "Rótulo de cartão não virado",
"default": "Não virado."
"label": "Rótulo de combinação",
"default": "Combinação encontrada."
@ -3,117 +3,110 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Padrão"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Cartões",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Cartão",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Imagem"
"label": "Image"
"label": "Texto alternativo para a imagem",
"description": "Descreva o que pode ser visto na foto. O texto será lido para os usuários que necessitam utilizar leitores de tela."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Imagem-par",
"description": "Uma imagem opcional para ser combinada ao invés de utilizar dois cartões com a mesma imagem."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Texto alternativo para a Imagem-par",
"description": "Descreva o que pode ser visto na foto. O texto será lido para os usuários que necessitam utilizar leitores de tela."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Descrição",
"description": "Um texto curto opcional que aparecerá quando duas cartas forem combinadas corretamente."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Configurações comportamentais",
"description": "Estas opções permitirão que você controle como o jogo funciona.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Posicionar os cartões em um quadrado",
"description": "Tentará coincidir o número de linhas e colunas quando distribuir os cartões. Após, os cartões serão dimensionados para preencher o espaço."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Número de cartas para serem usadas",
"description": "Colocando um número maior que 2 fara com que o jogo escolha cartões aleatórios da lista de cartões."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Adicionar botão para tentar novamente quando o jogo acabar"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Aparência e percepção",
"description": "Controla o visual do jogo.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Cor tema",
"description": "Escolha uma cor para criar um tema para seu jogo."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Verso do cartão",
"description": "Use um verso customizado para seus cartões."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Localização",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Texto de virada de cartão",
"default": "Cartão virou"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Texto de tempo gasto",
"default": "Tempo gasto"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Texto de feedback",
"default": "Bom trabalho!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Texto do botão Tentar Novamente",
"default": "Tentar novamente?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Rótulo do botão Fechar",
"default": "Fechar"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Rótulo do jogo",
"default": "Jogo da memória. Forme pares de cartões."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Rótulo de fim de jogo",
"default": "Todas os cartões foram encontrados."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Rótulo de índice de cartão",
"default": "Cartão %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Rótulo de cartão não virado",
"default": "Não virado."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Rótulo de combinação",
"default": "Combinação encontrada."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Card Back",
@ -84,7 +77,7 @@
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Text de feedback",
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
@ -118,4 +111,4 @@
@ -3,117 +3,110 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "По умолчанию"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Карточки",
"entity": "карточка",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Карточка",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Изображение"
"label": "Image"
"label": "Альтернативный текст для изображения",
"description": "Опишите, что видно на фото. Текст читается с помощью инструментов преобразования текста в речь, необходимых пользователям с нарушениями зрения."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Звуковая дорожка",
"description": "Дополнительный звук, который воспроизводится при повороте карточки."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Соответствующее изображения",
"description": "Необязательное изображение для сравнения вместо использования двух карточек с одинаковым изображением."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Альтернативный текст для соответствующего изображения",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. Текст читается с помощью инструментов преобразования текста в речь, необходимых пользователям с нарушениями зрения."
"label": "Соответствующая звуковая дорожка",
"description": "Дополнительный звук, который воспроизводится при повороте второй карточки."
"label": "Описание",
"description": "Дополнительный короткий текст, который появится после того, как найдены две подходящие карточки."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Настройки поведения",
"description": "Эти параметры позволят вам контролировать поведение игры.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Положение карточки на площадке",
"description": "Постарайтесь сопоставить количество столбцов и строк при разложении карточек. После чего карточки будут масштабироваться до размера контейнера."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Количество карточек для использования",
"description": "Если установить значение больше 2, игра будет выбирать случайные карточки из списка."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Добавить кнопку для повтора, когда игра закончена"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Смотреть и чувствовать",
"description": "Управление визуальными эффектами игры.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Цвет темы",
"description": "Выберите цвет, чтобы создать тему для своей карточной игры."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Обратная сторона карточки",
"description": "Использование произвольной спины для своих карточек."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Локализация",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Текст перевернутой карточки",
"default": "Карточка перевернута"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Текст затраченного времени",
"default": "Затраченное время"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Текст обратной связи",
"default": "Хорошая работа!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Текст кнопки повтора",
"default": "Попробовать еще раз?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Надпись кнопки закрытия",
"default": "Закрыть"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Надпись игры",
"default": "Игра на запоминание. Найти подходящие карточки."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Надпись завершения игры",
"default": "Все карточки были найдены."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Надпись номера карточки",
"default": "Карточка %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Надпись неперевернутой карточки",
"default": "Неперевернутая."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Надпись подходящей карточки",
"default": "Соответствие найдено."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Privzeto"
"label": "Kartice",
"entity": "kartica",
"field": {
"label": "Kartica",
"fields": [
"label": "Slika"
"label": "Nadomestno besedilo za prvo kartico v paru",
"description": "Besedilo opisuje videno na sliki in služi bralnikom zaslona."
"label": "Avdiozapis",
"description": "Neobvezen avdiozapis za spremljavo slike na prvi kartici para."
"label": "Ujemajoča slika",
"description": "Neobvezna slika za drugo kartico v paru. V nasprotnem primeru bosta par sestavljali kartici z enako sliko."
"label": "Nadomestno besedilo za drugo kartico v paru",
"description": "Besedilo opisuje videno na sliki in služi bralnikom zaslona."
"label": "Avdiozapis za drugo kartico v paru",
"description": "Neobvezen avdiozapis za spremljavo slike na drugi kartici para."
"label": "Opis rešitve",
"description": "Neobvezno besedilo ob uspešni povezavi kartic para."
"label": "Nastavitve interakcije",
"description": "Nastavitve omogočajo nadzor nad interakcijo aktivnosti za udeležence.",
"fields": [
"label": "Kartice poravnaj v pravokotnik",
"description": "Kartice prikaže enakomerno v obliki pravokotnika in ne zgolj poravnano v eni vrsti."
"label": "Uporabi naslednje število parov",
"description": "V primeru večjega nabora pripravljenih parov kartic, lahko izvajalec tukaj omeji (najmanj 2), koliko parov se dejansko uporabi. Ob ponovitvi aktivnosti bodo pari kartic iz celotnega nabora spet izbrani naključno."
"label": "Prikaži gumb za ponovitev aktivnosti po zaključku"
"label": "Vizualizacija",
"description": "Nastavitve izgleda kartic.",
"fields": [
"label": "Barvna shema",
"description": "Izbira barvne sheme kartic."
"label": "Slika hrbta kartic",
"description": "Izbira slike za hrbet kartic."
"label": "Določitev kartic",
"fields": [
"label": "Besedilo za obrnjene kartice",
"default": "Obrnjenih kartic"
"label": "Besedilo za porabljen čas",
"default": "Porabljen čas"
"label": "Besedilo ob zaključku naloge",
"default": "Dobro opravljeno!"
"label": "Besedilo gumba za ponoven poskus",
"default": "Poskusi ponovno?"
"label": "Besedilo gumba Zapri",
"default": "Zapri"
"label": "Besedilo aktivnosti spomin",
"default": "Poveži pare kartic."
"label": "Besedilo ob zaključku naloge",
"default": "Povezani so vsi pari."
"label": "Besedilo za razlikovanje kartic",
"default": "Kartica %num:"
"label": "Besedilo za neobrnjene kartice",
"default": "Neobrnjeno."
"label": "Besedilo ob povezanem paru",
"default": "Najden par."
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Default"
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Image"
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Default"
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Image"
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "Default"
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Image"
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -3,119 +3,112 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Уобичајено"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Картице",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "Картица",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Слика"
"label": "Image"
"label": "Алтернативни текст за слику",
"description": "Опишите шта се може видети на фотографији. Текст читају алати за претварање текста у говор који су потребни корисницима са оштећеним видом."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Аудио запис",
"description": "Опционални звук који се чује када се картица окрене."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Упарене слике",
"description": "Опционална слика за упоређивање уместо да користите две картице са истом сликом."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Алтернативни текст за подударање слике",
"description": "пишите шта се може видети на фотографији. Текст читају алати за претварање текста у говор који су потребни корисницима са оштећеним видом."
"label": "Подударање аудио записа",
"description": "Опционални звук који се чује када се окрене друга карта."
"label": "Опис",
"description": "Необавезни кратак текст који ће се појавити када се пронађу две одговарајуће картице."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Поставке понашања",
"description": "Ове опције ће вам омогућити да контролишете понашање игре.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Позиција карте у квадрат",
"description": "Покушаће да усклади број колона и редова приликом полагања карата. Након тога, картице ће се скалирати тако да одговарају контејнеру."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Број карата које треба користити",
"description": "Ако ово поставите на број већи од 2, игра ће изабрати случајне карте са листе карата."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Додај дугме за поновни покушај када се игра заврши"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Погледај и осети",
"description": "Контролишите визуелне елементе игре.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Боја теме",
"description": "Одаберите боју да бисте креирали тему за своју игру."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Полеђина карте",
"description": "Користите прилагођену полеђину за картице."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Локализација",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Текст окрета картице",
"default": "Окретање карата"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Текст утрошеног времена",
"default": "Утрошено време"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Текст повратне информације",
"default": "Одлично!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Текст дугмета Покушај поново",
"default": "Покушај поново?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Наслов дугмета Затвори",
"default": "Затвори"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Наслов Игре",
"default": "Игра Меморија"
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Текст завршетка игре",
"default": "Све карте су пронађене."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Ознака за индексирање картица",
"default": "Картица %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Наслов Неокренуте картице",
"default": "Неокренуте."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Наслов Картице се подударају",
"default": "Подударају се картице."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
@ -42,7 +34,7 @@
"label": "Beteende-inställningar",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Card Back",
@ -84,7 +77,7 @@
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Feedbacktext",
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
@ -118,4 +111,4 @@
@ -3,119 +3,112 @@
"widgets": [
"label": "Varsayılan"
"label": "Default"
"label": "Kartlar",
"entity": "kart",
"label": "Cards",
"entity": "card",
"field": {
"label": "kart",
"label": "Card",
"fields": [
"label": "Resim"
"label": "Image"
"label": "Resim için alt metin",
"description": "Resimde neler göründüğünü açıklayın. Alt metin, görme engelli kullanıcıların resim için ihtiyaç duyduğu açıklamadır. Yardımcı teknolojiler ile okunur."
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Müzik Parçası",
"description": "Kart döndürüldüğünde çalınması istenen ses (isteğe bağlı)."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
"label": "Eşleştirilen Resim",
"description": "Aynı görüntüye sahip iki kart kullanmak yerine eşleştirilecek farklı bir resim seçebilirsiniz (isteğe bağlı)."
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Eşleştirilen resim için alt metin",
"description": "Resimde neler göründüğünü açıklayın. Alt metin, görme engelli kullanıcıların resim için ihtiyaç duyduğu açıklamadır. Yardımcı teknolojiler ile okunur."
"label": "Eşleştirilen için müzik parçası",
"description": "İkinci kart döndürüldüğünde çalınması istenen ses (isteğe bağlı)."
"label": "Açıklama",
"description": "Kartlar eşleştiğinde açılır kutuda kısa metin (isteğe bağlı)."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
"label": "Etkinlik ayarları",
"description": "Bu seçenekler aktivitenin çalışma şeklini denetlemenize izin verir.",
"label": "Behavioural settings",
"description": "These options will let you control how the game behaves.",
"fields": [
"label": "Kartları kare şeklinde yerleştirin.",
"description": "Kartları yerleştirirken satır ve sütun sayısını eşitlenmeye çalışılacaktır. Daha sonra kartlar çerçeveye sığacak şekilde ölçeklendirilecektir."
"label": "Position the cards in a square",
"description": "Will try to match the number of columns and rows when laying out the cards. Afterward, the cards will be scaled to fit the container."
"label": "Kullanılacak kart sayısı",
"description": "İkiden büyük bir sayı girerek, oyunda kart havuzundan belirttiğiniz sayıda rastgele kartlar kullanabilirsiniz."
"label": "Number of cards to use",
"description": "Setting this to a number greater than 2 will make the game pick random cards from the list of cards."
"label": "Oyun bittiğinde yeniden başlatmak için bir buton ekleyin"
"label": "Add button for retrying when the game is over"
"label": "Görünüm ve doku",
"description": "Oyunun görselliğini değiştirin.",
"label": "Look and feel",
"description": "Control the visuals of the game.",
"fields": [
"label": "Tema rengi",
"description": "Kart oyunu teması için bir renk seçiniz."
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Kart Görünümü",
"description": "Kart arkası için bir görünüm seçin."
"label": "Card Back",
"description": "Use a custom back for your cards."
"label": "Yerelleştirme",
"label": "Localization",
"fields": [
"label": "Kart döndürme metni",
"default": "Kart dönüşleri"
"label": "Card turns text",
"default": "Card turns"
"label": "Geçen süre metni",
"default": "Geçen süre"
"label": "Time spent text",
"default": "Time spent"
"label": "Geri bildirim meni",
"default": "İyi oyundu!"
"label": "Feedback text",
"default": "Good work!"
"label": "Tekrar",
"default": "Tekrar denemek ister misiniz?"
"label": "Try again button text",
"default": "Try again?"
"label": "Kapatma butonu etiketi",
"default": "Kapat"
"label": "Close button label",
"default": "Close"
"label": "Oyun Başlığı",
"default": "Hazfıza oyunu. Kartları eşleştirin."
"label": "Game label",
"default": "Memory Game. Find the matching cards."
"label": "Oyun bitti etiketi",
"default": "Tüm kartlar eşleştirildi."
"label": "Game finished label",
"default": "All of the cards have been found."
"label": "Kart sıra etiketi",
"default": "Kart %num:"
"label": "Card indexing label",
"default": "Card %num:"
"label": "Kart döndürülmemiş etiketi",
"default": "Döndürülmedi."
"label": "Card unturned label",
"default": "Unturned."
"label": "Kart eşleşme etiketi",
"default": "Eşleştirildi."
"label": "Card matched label",
"default": "Match found."
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "По умовчанню"
"label": "Карточки",
"entity": "карточка",
"field": {
"label": "Карточка",
"fields": [
"label": "Зображення"
"label": "Альтернативний текст для зображення",
"description": "Опишіть, що видно на фото. Текст читаеться за допомогою інструментів перетворення тексту в мову, необхідну користувачам з порушенням зору."
"label": "Звукова доріжка",
"description": "Додатковий звук, який відтворюється при повороті карточки."
"label": "Відповідне зображення",
"description": "Необов'язкове зображення для співставлення замість використання двох карточок з однаковими зображеннями."
"label": "Альтернативний текст для відповідного зображення",
"description": "Опишіть, що видно на фото. Текст читаеться за допомогою інструментів перетворення тексту в мову, необхідну користувачам з порушенням зору."
"label": "Відповідна звукова доріжка",
"description": "Додатковий звук, який відтворюється при повороті карточки."
"label": "Опис",
"description": "Додатковий короткий текст, який появиться після того, як знайдено дві відповідні карточки."
"label": "Настройки поведінки",
"description": "Ці параметри дозволять вам контролювати поведінку гри.",
"fields": [
"label": "Розміщення карточки на площадці",
"description": "Постарайтеся співставити кількість стовпчиків і рядків при разкладанні карточок. Після чого карточки будуть масштабуватися до разміру контейнера."
"label": "Кількість карточок для використання",
"description": "Якщо встановити значення більше 2, гра будет обирати випадкові карточки із списку."
"label": "Добавити кнопку для повтору, коли гра закінчена"
"label": "Дивитися і відчувати",
"description": "Керування візуальними ефектами гри.",
"fields": [
"label": "Колір теми",
"description": "Оберіть колір, щоб створити тему для своеї карточної гри."
"label": "Зворотня сторона карточки",
"description": "Використання довільної сорочки для своїх карточок."
"label": "Локалізація",
"fields": [
"label": "Текст перевернутої карточки",
"default": "Карточка перевернута"
"label": "Текст витраченого часу",
"default": "Витречено часу"
"label": "Текст зворотнього зв'зку",
"default": "Гарна робота!"
"label": "Текст кнопки повтору",
"default": "Спробувати ще раз?"
"label": "Надпис кнопки закриття",
"default": "Закрить"
"label": "Надпис гри",
"default": "Гра на запам'ятовування. Знайди відповідні карточки."
"label": "Надпис завершення гри",
"default": "Всі карточки були знайдені."
"label": "Надпис номера карточки",
"default": "Карточка %num:"
"label": "Надпис неперевернутої карточки",
"default": "Неперевернута."
"label": "Надпис відповідної карточки",
"default": "Відповідність знайдено."
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "Matching Image",
"description": "An optional image to match against instead of using two cards with the same image."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Matching Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "Description",
"description": "An optional short text that will pop up once the two matching cards are found."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "Theme Color",
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game."
"description": "Choose a color to create a theme for your card game.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "Card Back",
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
"semantics": [
"widgets": [
"label": "预设"
"label": "所有卡片",
"entity": "卡片",
"field": {
"label": "卡片",
"fields": [
"label": "图像"
"label": "配对图像(非必要项)",
"description": "如果游戏中要配对的不是同一张图像,那么可以在这里添加要配对的另一张图像。"
"label": "音轨",
"description": "翻转卡片时可选声音."
"label": "配对成功文字(非必要项)",
"description": "在找到配对时会显示的文字讯息。"
"label": "配对图像的替代文字",
"description": "在报读器上用、或是配对图像无法正常输出时的文字。"
"label": "匹配音轨",
"description": "翻转第二张卡片时可选声音."
"label": "配对成功文字(非必要项)",
"description": "在找到配对时会显示的文字讯息。"
"label": "行为设置",
"description": "让你控制游戏行为的一些设置。",
"fields": [
"label": "将所有卡片显示在方形容器",
"description": "在布置卡片时,将尝试匹配列数和行数。之后,卡片将被缩放以适合容器。"
"label": "卡片的使用数量",
"description": "游戏中配对的卡片组合数量,设定后会从卡片集中随机挑选指定组合数,数字必须大于 2。"
"label": "显示「再试一次」按钮"
"label": "外观",
"description": "控制游戏的视觉效果。",
"fields": [
"label": "主题色调",
"description": "选择游戏环境要使用的色调。"
"label": "背面图像(非必要项)",
"description": "允许自定义卡片背景要使用的图片。"
"label": "本地化",
"fields": [
"label": "翻牌次数的显示文字",
"default": "翻牌次数"
"label": "花费时间的显示文字",
"default": "花费时间"
"label": "游戏过关的显示文字",
"default": "干得好!"
"label": "重试按钮的显示文字",
"default": "再试一次"
"label": "关闭按钮的显示文字",
"default": "关闭"
"label": "游戏说明的显示文字",
"default": "卡片记忆游戏,找出配对的所有图片吧!"
"label": "游戏结束的显示文字",
"default": "已配对完所有卡片。"
"label": "卡片索引的显示文字",
"default": "%num: 张卡片"
"label": "卡片未翻开的显示文字",
"default": "还没翻开。"
"label": "卡片已配对的显示文字",
"default": "配对成功。"
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "Alternative text for Image",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "相稱圖示",
"description": "可選用一張與主圖示相稱的圖示,並非使用兩張相同的圖示."
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "相稱圖示的替代文字",
"description": "請描述此張圖示中可以看到什麼. 此段文字將做為閱讀器導讀文字,對視障使用者更為友善."
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "描述",
"description": "選填。當找到兩張相稱圖示時所顯示的文字."
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "主題顏色",
"description": "為您的翻轉記憶牌遊戲設定一種顏色主題."
"description": "為您的翻轉記憶牌遊戲設定一種顏色主題.",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "記憶牌背面圖示",
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
"label": "配對圖像(非必要項)",
"description": "如果遊戲中要配對的不是同一張圖像,那麼可以在這裡添加要配對的另一張圖像。"
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned."
"label": "配對成功文字(非必要項)",
"description": "在找到配對時會跳出的文字訊息。"
@ -30,10 +26,6 @@
"label": "配對圖像的替代文字",
"description": "在報讀器上用、或是配對圖像無法正常輸出時顯示的文字。"
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned."
"label": "配對成功文字(非必要項)",
"description": "在找到配對時會跳出的文字訊息。"
@ -64,7 +56,8 @@
"fields": [
"label": "主題色調",
"description": "選擇遊戲環境要使用的色調。"
"description": "選擇遊戲環境要使用的色調。",
"default": "#909090"
"label": "背面圖像(非必要項)",
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"description": "See how many cards you can remember!",
"majorVersion": 1,
"minorVersion": 3,
"patchVersion": 7,
"patchVersion": 0,
"runnable": 1,
"author": "Joubel",
"license": "MIT",
@ -52,11 +52,6 @@
"machineName": "H5PEditor.VerticalTabs",
"majorVersion": 1,
"minorVersion": 3
"machineName": "H5PEditor.AudioRecorder",
"majorVersion": 1,
"minorVersion": 0
@ -318,28 +318,3 @@
.h5p-memory-game .h5p-programatically-focusable {
outline: none;
.h5p-memory-audio-instead-of-image {
font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4';
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
font-style: normal;
color: #404040;
font-size: 2em;
.h5p-memory-audio-button {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
font-family: 'H5PFontAwesome4';
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
line-height: 1;
.h5p-memory-audio-button:before {
content: "\f026";
.h5p-memory-audio-playing .h5p-memory-audio-instead-of-image:before,
.h5p-memory-audio-playing .h5p-memory-audio-button:before {
content: "\f028";
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ H5P.MemoryGame = (function (EventDispatcher, $) {
// Initialize event inheritance
var flipped, timer, counter, popup, $bottom, $taskComplete, $feedback, $wrapper, maxWidth, numCols, audioCard;
var flipped, timer, counter, popup, $bottom, $taskComplete, $feedback, $wrapper, maxWidth, numCols;
var cards = [];
var flipBacks = []; // Que of cards to be flipped back
var numFlipped = 0;
@ -218,9 +218,6 @@ H5P.MemoryGame = (function (EventDispatcher, $) {
var addCard = function (card, mate) {
card.on('flip', function () {
if (audioCard) {
// Always return focus to the card last flipped
for (var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
@ -263,15 +260,6 @@ H5P.MemoryGame = (function (EventDispatcher, $) {
// Count number of cards turned
card.on('audioplay', function () {
if (audioCard) {
audioCard = card;
card.on('audiostop', function () {
audioCard = undefined;
* Create event handler for moving focus to the next or the previous
@ -396,16 +384,16 @@ H5P.MemoryGame = (function (EventDispatcher, $) {
var cardParams = cardsToUse[i];
if (MemoryGame.Card.isValid(cardParams)) {
// Create first card
var cardTwo, cardOne = new MemoryGame.Card(cardParams.image, id, cardParams.imageAlt, parameters.l10n, cardParams.description, cardStyles,;
var cardTwo, cardOne = new MemoryGame.Card(cardParams.image, id, cardParams.imageAlt, parameters.l10n, cardParams.description, cardStyles);
if (MemoryGame.Card.hasTwoImages(cardParams)) {
// Use matching image for card two
cardTwo = new MemoryGame.Card(cardParams.match, id, cardParams.matchAlt, parameters.l10n, cardParams.description, cardStyles, cardParams.matchAudio);
cardTwo = new MemoryGame.Card(cardParams.match, id, cardParams.matchAlt, parameters.l10n, cardParams.description, cardStyles);
cardOne.hasTwoImages = cardTwo.hasTwoImages = true;
else {
// Add two cards with the same image
cardTwo = new MemoryGame.Card(cardParams.image, id, cardParams.imageAlt, parameters.l10n, cardParams.description, cardStyles,;
cardTwo = new MemoryGame.Card(cardParams.image, id, cardParams.imageAlt, parameters.l10n, cardParams.description, cardStyles);
// Add cards to card list for shuffeling
@ -436,10 +424,9 @@ H5P.MemoryGame = (function (EventDispatcher, $) {
for (var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
if ($list.children().length) {
$('<div/>', {
id: 'h5p-intro-' + numInstances,
'class': 'h5p-memory-hidden-read',
@ -477,13 +464,6 @@ H5P.MemoryGame = (function (EventDispatcher, $) {
else {
const $foo = $('<div/>')
.text('No card was added to the memory game!')
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
var closed;
var $popup = $('<div class="h5p-memory-pop" role="dialog"><div class="h5p-memory-top"></div><div class="h5p-memory-desc h5p-programatically-focusable" tabindex="-1"></div><div class="h5p-memory-close" role="button" tabindex="0" title="' + (l10n.closeLabel || 'Close') + '" aria-label="' + (l10n.closeLabel || 'Close') + '"></div></div>').appendTo($container);
var $popup = $('<div class="h5p-memory-pop" role="dialog"><div class="h5p-memory-top"></div><div class="h5p-memory-desc h5p-programatically-focusable" tabindex="-1"></div><div class="h5p-memory-close" role="button" tabindex="0" title="' + (l10n.closeLabel || 'Close') + '"></div></div>').appendTo($container);
var $desc = $popup.find('.h5p-memory-desc');
var $top = $popup.find('.h5p-memory-top');
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
"type": "image",
"label": "Image",
"importance": "high",
"ratio": 1
"ratio": 1,
"disableCopyright": true
"name": "imageAlt",
@ -33,15 +34,6 @@
"importance": "high",
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"name": "audio",
"type": "audio",
"importance": "high",
"label": "Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the card is turned.",
"optional": true,
"widgetExtensions": ["AudioRecorder"]
"name": "match",
"type": "image",
@ -59,15 +51,6 @@
"optional": true,
"description": "Describe what can be seen in the photo. The text is read by text-to-speech tools needed by visually impaired users."
"name": "matchAudio",
"type": "audio",
"importance": "low",
"label": "Matching Audio Track",
"description": "An optional sound that plays when the second card is turned.",
"optional": true,
"widgetExtensions": ["AudioRecorder"]
"name": "description",
"type": "text",
Reference in New Issue