# Extra documentation These configurations are automated, so are here only by informational purposes. ## Keycloak configuration Go to `https://sso.DOMAIN/auth/admin/master/console` ### THEMES - [ ] login theme: dd - [ ] account theme: account-avatar - [ ] internazionalization enabled: ON - [ ] default locale: ca 1. Configure -> Realm Settings -> Themes Configure as this: ![](img/snapshot/1FGGqna.png) ### SECURITY DEFENSES - [ ] Change second line of Content-Security-Policy to: `frame-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self' *.DOMAIN localhost; object-src 'none';` - [ ] Last one to: `max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains` - [ ] Save ![](img/snapshot/uS5uqJB.png) ### CLIENT SCOPES - [ ] client scopes => mappers => role_list => Single Role Attribute: ON ![](img/snapshot/Q2i349B.png) ![](img/snapshot/KYbY4ao.png) ![](img/snapshot/oJJPRdp.png) ### CLIENT - [ ] Clients -> Account-console -> Settings -> Add a *Valid Redirect URIs* "https://moodle.DOMAIN.net/*" in addition to the wp one "https://wp.DOMINI.net/*" ![](img/snapshot/vgamSuC.png) ### EVENTS ![](img/snapshot/events-keycloak.png) ### CLIENTS / account Add a valid redirection URI - [ ] `https://moodle.DOMAIN/*` - [ ] `https://wp.DOMAIN/*` - [ ] `/realms/master/account/*` - [ ] `https://nextcloud.DOMAIN/*` ![](img/snapshot/N_42e!m$3Fe.png) ### Wordpress Configuration ![](img/snapshot/Nk8YPCI.png) ![](img/snapshot/3ZRPyzd.png) Configure the nickname of Wordpress: ![](img/snapshot/uOwYjOJ.png) Script: ``` var Output = user.getFirstName()+" "+user.getLastName(); Output; ``` #### To allow closing the SAML session from Wordpress ![](img/snapshot/myofFZv.png) Add these settings: `/realms/master/account/*` `https://wp.DOMAIN/*` ![](img/snapshot/7U9t8Zn.png) Save the configuration. ## Nextcloud configuration ### Email - To configure email: ![](img/snapshot/5jIt2EE.png) ![](img/snapshot/gMQAKmb.png) ### Circles 1. To download the Circles application: Applications -> Featured apps -> Circles (Download and enable) ![](img/snapshot/yyNyUvc.png) 2. A new menu entry will exist in Settings ![](img/snapshot/IbRuJqC.png) 3. Get back to Settings and click "Administration" >> "Groupware" configuration: ![](img/snapshot/yjbOrLz.png) It could be enabled by command line: ``` docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ --no-warnings config:app:set circles members_limit --value="150" docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ --no-warnings config:app:set circles allow_linked_groups --value="1" docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ --no-warnings config:app:set circles skip_invitation_to_closed_circles --value="1 ``` ### Other configurations 4. Add docker network as whitelist. Administration -> Security ![](img/snapshot/9RxNQNx.png) 5. Configure OnlyOffice templates in Nextcloud ![](img/snapshot/ogGM_pzr3ybW.png) And save ## Wordpress settings ### SAML2 plugin **1. Login as admin in WordPress (with closed session in other environments): https://wp.\/wp-login.php?normal** **2. Enable plugin "OneLogin SAML SSO" and apply changes** ### Generate Block plugin and GeneratePress theme Check that GenerateBlock plugin and GeneratePress theme are installed and enabled. ![](img/snapshot/gZGNZXY.png) ![](img/snapshot/iThTdIa.png) ### Date and time - To set up date and time: ![](img/snapshot/JbyHUqJ.png)