# Customizing ## Megamenu links The [Megamenu][megamenu-internal] has two parts: - [Internal / system][megamenu-internal] - [External / configurable][megamenu-external] [megamenu-internal]: https://dd.digitalitzacio-democratica.xnet-x.net/manual-usuari/menu-principal-dd/ [megamenu-external]: https://dd.digitalitzacio-democratica.xnet-x.net/manual-usuari/eines-externes-megamenu/ Only [External links in Megamenu][megamenu-external] can be modified using the interface, [internal links][megamenu-internal] such as `https://admin.DOMAIN` cannot be modified using the interface. In both cases a customization and provisioning can be made editing files `custom/menu/custom.yaml` and `custom/menu/system.yaml`. The examples of these files are in `custom.sample/menu/custom.yaml` and `custom.sample/menu/system.yaml`. ### `custom/menu/system.yaml` When editing `custom/menu/system.yaml`, keep in mind that depending on the `href` value and if is defined the `subdomain`, each link will be generated different. Also note that relative urls must start with `/` or `#`. ```yaml # Example of apps_internal in custom/menu/system.yaml apps_internal: # Generates the link https://DOMAIN/about - href: /about icon: fa fa-rss name: About shortname: a # Generates the link https://moodle.DOMAIN/courses - subdomain: moodle href: /courses icon: fa fa-graduation-cap name: Courses shortname: courses # Generates the link https://external-url.com # because url is absolute - href: https://external-url.com icon: fa fa-book name: external-url.com shortname: external url ``` ## Peu de pĆ gina en el login The footer is part of the Keycloak login theme, to modify it, it needs to use a theme based on 'dd' theme. To make things easier, in directory `dd-sso/docker/keycloak/themes` there are these subdirectories: - `dd-custom`: an empty directory, what is created here, keycloak will use as a new `dd-custom` theme. - `dd-custom.sample`: an example of how the theme `dd-custom` would be prepared in order to replace the footer. So, to customize the footer, you need to copy the contents of `dd-custom.sample` to `dd-custom`, then edit `dd-custom/login/dd-footer.ftl` to suit our needs. Once this is done, in the keycloak administration interface you need to pick `dd-custom` as a login theme: `https://sso.DOMAIN/auth/admin/master/console/#/realms/master/theme-settings` > **Note:** dd-custom directory never will be updated, so it is your responsibility > to review the chnges with maintained `dd` theme, the contents of directory `dd-custom` > and contents of `dd-custom.sample` to make your customization compatible. ## IntegraciĆ³ amb altres eines It is possible to integrate DD with other tools, read about it in [integrations](integrations.md) section.