[NC] Rework image to self-configure as opposed to using dd-ctl
By managing volumes in a better fashion and using code that is closer
to being idempotent, while being declarative, we achieve an image that
is closer to the original one, but gets the plugins that we want and
the configuration that we want for integration with DD.
Closes #9 . This image now allows for BBB_HOST and BBB_API_SECRET as
variables in dd.conf, which also configure the corresponding plugin on
2023-03-02 12:24:34 +01:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html ) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
[https://dd.digitalitzacio-democratica.xnet-x.net/docs/index.ca/ ](https://dd.digitalitzacio-democratica.xnet-x.net/docs/index.ca/ ).
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
[https://dd.digitalitzacio-democratica.xnet-x.net/docs/index.es/ ](https://dd.digitalitzacio-democratica.xnet-x.net/docs/index.es/ ).
More info in English in the documentation:
[https://dd.digitalitzacio-democratica.xnet-x.net/docs/ ](https://dd.digitalitzacio-democratica.xnet-x.net/docs/ ).
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00