fixed paths

root 2021-05-28 11:00:31 +02:00
parent 6def906a2f
commit 80b85a630f
46 changed files with 1973 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
function LiiibreGroupUserCtl(
) {
const { realm, group } = $route.current.params;
$scope.query = "";
$scope.users = [];
$scope.memberIds = [];
$ = () => {
search: $scope.query,
first: 0,
max: 5,
(users) => {
$scope.users = [];
for (const user of users) {
UserGroupMembership.query({ realm, userId: }, (groups) => {
user.isMember = !!groups.find((x) => == group);
$scope.clearSearch = () => {
$scope.query = "";
$scope.users = [];
$scope.join = (id) => {
userId: id,
groupId: group,
() => {
$scope.leave = (id) => {
userId: id,
groupId: group,
() => {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
<div class="col-sm-9 col-md-10 col-sm-push-3 col-md-push-2">
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="#/realms/{{realm.realm}}/groups">{{:: 'groups' | translate}}</a></li>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<caption data-ng-show="users" class="hidden">{{:: 'table-of-group-members' | translate}}</caption>
<tr data-ng-show="searchLoaded && users.length > 0">
<th>{{:: 'username' | translate}}</th>
<th>{{:: 'last-name' | translate}}</th>
<th>{{:: 'first-name' | translate}}</th>
<th>{{:: 'email' | translate}}</th>
<tfoot data-ng-show="users && (users.length >= query.max || query.first > 0)">
<td colspan="7">
<div class="table-nav">
<button data-ng-click="firstPage()" class="first" ng-disabled="query.first == 0">{{::
'first-page' | translate}}</button>
<button data-ng-click="previousPage()" class="prev" ng-disabled="query.first == 0">{{::
'previous-page' | translate}}</button>
<button data-ng-click="nextPage()" class="next" ng-disabled="users.length < query.max">{{::
'next-page' | translate}}</button>
<tr ng-repeat="user in users">
<td><a href="#/realms/{{realm.realm}}/users/{{}}">{{user.username}}</a></td>
<td class="kc-action-cell" kc-open="/realms/{{realm.realm}}/users/{{}}">{{:: 'edit' | translate}}
<tr data-ng-show="!users || users.length == 0">
<td class="text-muted" data-ng-show="searchLoaded && users.length == 0 && lastSearch != null">{{::
'no-group-members' | translate}}</td>
<td class="text-muted" data-ng-show="searchLoaded && users.length == 0 && lastSearch == null">{{::
'no-group-members' | translate}}</td>
<div id="liiibre-users" ng-controller="LiiibreGroupUserCtl">
<form role="form" class="search-pf has-button" ng-submit="search()">
<div class="form-group has-clear">
<div class="search-pf-input-group">
<input ng-model="query" type="search" class="form-control" placeholder="{{:: 'search.placeholder' | translate}}">
<button type="button" class="clear" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="clearSearch()"><span
class="pficon pficon-close"></span></button>
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit"><span class="fa fa-search"></span></button>
<div class="list-group list-view-pf list-view-pf-view">
<div class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="user in users">
<div class="list-view-pf-actions">
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="join(" ng-if="!user.isMember">{{:: 'join' | translate}}</button>
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="leave(" ng-if="user.isMember">{{:: 'leave' | translate}}</button>
<div class="list-view-pf-main-info">
<div class="list-view-pf-left">
<span class="fa fa-user list-view-pf-icon-sm"></span>
<div class="list-view-pf-body">
<div class="list-view-pf-description">
<div class="list-group-item-heading" ng-if="user.firstName">
{{ user.firstName }} {{ user.lastName }}
<div class="list-group-item-heading" ng-if="!user.firstName">
{{ user.username }}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
${kcSanitize(msg("emailVerificationBodyHtml",link, linkExpiration, realmName, linkExpirationFormatter(linkExpiration)))?no_esc}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
${kcSanitize(msg("passwordResetBodyHtml",link, linkExpiration, realmName, linkExpirationFormatter(linkExpiration)))?no_esc}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
emailVerificationSubject=Let''s verify your email :)
emailVerificationBody=Hi!\n\nYou''re one click away from enjoying "{2}". Please click on this link to confirm your email now:\n\n{0}\n\nIf you didn''t create this account, just ignore this message.\n\nPS: Be quick, this link will expire within {3} for security reasons.
emailVerificationBodyHtml=<p>Hi!<br>You''re one click away from enjoying "{2}". Please click <a href="{0}">HERE</a> to confirm your email now.</p><br><p>If you didn''t create this account, just ignore this message.</p><br><p>PS: Be quick, this link will expire within {3} for security reasons.</p>
emailTestSubject=[KEYCLOAK] - SMTP test message
emailTestBody=This is a test message
emailTestBodyHtml=<p>This is a test message</p>
identityProviderLinkSubject=Link {0}
identityProviderLinkBody=Someone wants to link your "{1}" account with "{0}" account of user {2} . If this was you, click the link below to link accounts\n\n{3}\n\nThis link will expire within {5}.\n\nIf you don''t want to link account, just ignore this message. If you link accounts, you will be able to login to {1} through {0}.
identityProviderLinkBodyHtml=<p>Someone wants to link your <b>{1}</b> account with <b>{0}</b> account of user {2} . If this was you, click the link below to link accounts</p><p><a href="{3}">Link to confirm account linking</a></p><p>This link will expire within {5}.</p><p>If you don''t want to link account, just ignore this message. If you link accounts, you will be able to login to {1} through {0}.</p>
passwordResetSubject=Reset your password
passwordResetBody=Hi!\n\nLost your password? No worries, it happens to everyone :)\n\n\n\nHere's your link to reset it:\n\n{0}If you didn''t ask for it, just ignore this message.\n\nPS: Be quick, this link will expire within {3} for security reasons.
passwordResetBodyHtml=<p>Hi!<br>Lost your password? No worries, it happens to everyone :)</p><br><p>Please click <a href="{0}">HERE</a> to reset it.</p><br><p>If you didn''t ask for it, just ignore this message.</p><br><p>PS: Be quick, this link will expire within {3} for security reasons.</p>
executeActionsSubject=Update Your Account
executeActionsBody=Your administrator has just requested that you update your {2} account by performing the following action(s): {3}. Click on the link below to start this process.\n\n{0}\n\nThis link will expire within {4}.\n\nIf you are unaware that your administrator has requested this, just ignore this message and nothing will be changed.
executeActionsBodyHtml=<p>Your administrator has just requested that you update your {2} account by performing the following action(s): {3}. Click on the link below to start this process.</p><p><a href="{0}">Link to account update</a></p><p>This link will expire within {4}.</p><p>If you are unaware that your administrator has requested this, just ignore this message and nothing will be changed.</p>
eventLoginErrorSubject=Login error
eventLoginErrorBody=A failed login attempt was detected to your account on {0} from {1}. If this was not you, please contact an administrator.
eventLoginErrorBodyHtml=<p>A failed login attempt was detected to your account on {0} from {1}. If this was not you, please contact an administrator.</p>
eventRemoveTotpSubject=Remove OTP
eventRemoveTotpBody=OTP was removed from your account on {0} from {1}. If this was not you, please contact an administrator.
eventRemoveTotpBodyHtml=<p>OTP was removed from your account on {0} from {1}. If this was not you, please contact an administrator.</p>
eventUpdatePasswordSubject=Update password
eventUpdatePasswordBody=Your password was changed on {0} from {1}. If this was not you, please contact an administrator.
eventUpdatePasswordBodyHtml=<p>Your password was changed on {0} from {1}. If this was not you, please contact an administrator.</p>
eventUpdateTotpSubject=Update OTP
eventUpdateTotpBody=OTP was updated for your account on {0} from {1}. If this was not you, please contact an administrator.
eventUpdateTotpBodyHtml=<p>OTP was updated for your account on {0} from {1}. If this was not you, please contact an administrator.</p>
requiredAction.CONFIGURE_TOTP=Configure OTP
requiredAction.terms_and_conditions=Terms and Conditions
requiredAction.UPDATE_PASSWORD=Update Password
requiredAction.UPDATE_PROFILE=Update Profile
requiredAction.VERIFY_EMAIL=Verify Email
# units for link expiration timeout formatting
#for language which have more unit plural forms depending on the value (eg. Czech and other Slavic langs) you can override unit text for some other values like this:
emailVerificationBodyCode=Please verify your email address by entering in the following code.\n\n{0}\n\n.
emailVerificationBodyCodeHtml=<p>Please verify your email address by entering in the following code.</p><p><b>{0}</b></p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
emailVerificationSubject=V\u00e9rifions votre courriel :)
emailVerificationBody=Bonjour\n\nVoici le lien pour v\u00e9rifier votre courriel et profiter de votre espace "{2}" :\n\n{0}\n\n\n\nNe tardez pas trop, par mesure de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 ce lien expire dans {1} minutes.\n\nSi ce courriel ne vous concerne pas, vous pouvez l''ignorer.
emailVerificationBodyHtml=<p>Bonjour,<br>plus qu''un clic sur <a href="{0}">ce lien de confirmation</a> pour v\u00e9rifier votre courriel et profiter de votre espace "{2}" :)</p><br><p>Si ce courriel ne vous concerne pas, vous pouvez l''ignorer.</p><br><p>PS: Ne tardez pas trop, par mesure de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 ce lien expire dans {1} minutes.</p>
passwordResetSubject=R\u00e9initialiser votre mot de passe
passwordResetBody=Bonjour,\n\nun oublie de mot de passe ?\n\n\n\nPas de souci, \u00E7a arrive \u00e0 tout le monde :)\n\n\n\nVoici le lien pour r\u00e9initialiser le mot de passe de votre compte "{2}" :\n\n{0}\n\n\n\nNe tardez pas trop, par mesure de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 ce lien expire dans {1} minutes.\n\nSi ce courriel ne vous concerne pas, vous pouvez l''ignorer.
passwordResetBodyHtml=<p>Bonjour,<br>un oubli de mot de passe ?<br><br>Pas de souci, \u00E7a arrive \u00e0 tout le monde :)<br>Veuillez cliquer sur <a href="{0}">ce lien de r\u00e9initialisation de mot de passe</a> pour retrouver l''acc\u00e8s \u00e0 votre compte "{2}".</p><br><p>Si ce courriel ne vous concerne pas, vous pouvez l''ignorer.</p><br><p>PS: Ne tardez pas trop, par mesure de s\u00e9curit\u00e9 ce lien expire dans {1} minutes.</p>
executeActionsSubject=Mettre \u00e0 jour votre compte
executeActionsBody=Votre administrateur vient de demander une mise \u00e0 jour de votre compte {2}. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous afin de commencer le processus.\n\n{0}\n\nCe lien expire dans {1} minute(s).\n\nSi vous n''\u00eates pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez ignorer ce message ; aucun changement ne sera effectu\u00e9 sur votre compte.
executeActionsBodyHtml=<p>Votre administrateur vient de demander une mise \u00e0 jour de votre compte {2}. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous afin de commencer le processus.</p><p><a href="{0}">{0}</a></p><p>Ce lien expire dans {1} minute(s).</p><p>Si vous n''\u00eates pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez ignorer ce message ; aucun changement ne sera effectu\u00e9 sur votre compte.</p>
eventLoginErrorSubject=Erreur de connexion
eventLoginErrorBody=Une tentative de connexion a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9e sur votre compte {0} depuis {1}. Si vous n''\u00eates pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.
eventLoginErrorBodyHtml=<p>Une tentative de connexion a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9e sur votre compte {0} depuis {1}. Si vous n''\u00eates pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.</p>
eventRemoveTotpSubject=Suppression du OTP
eventRemoveTotpBody=Le OTP a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9 de votre compte {0} depuis {1}. Si vous n''\u00e9tiez pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.
eventRemoveTotpBodyHtml=<p>Le OTP a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9 de votre compte {0} depuis {1}. Si vous n''\u00e9tiez pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.</p>
eventUpdatePasswordSubject=Mise \u00e0 jour du mot de passe
eventUpdatePasswordBody=Votre mot de passe pour votre compte {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9 depuis {1}. Si vous n''\u00e9tiez pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.
eventUpdatePasswordBodyHtml=<p>Votre mot de passe pour votre compte {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9 depuis {1}. Si vous n''\u00e9tiez pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.</p>
eventUpdateTotpSubject=Mise \u00e0 jour du OTP
eventUpdateTotpBody=Le OTP a \u00e9t\u00e9 mis \u00e0 jour pour votre compte {0} depuis {1}. Si vous n''\u00e9tiez pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.
eventUpdateTotpBodyHtml=<p>Le OTP a \u00e9t\u00e9 mis \u00e0 jour pour votre compte {0} depuis {1}. Si vous n''\u00e9tiez pas \u00e0 l''origine de cette requ\u00eate, veuillez contacter votre administrateur.</p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<#ftl output_format="plainText">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<#ftl output_format="plainText">
${msg("emailVerificationBody",link, linkExpiration, realmName, linkExpirationFormatter(linkExpiration))}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<#ftl output_format="plainText">
${msg("passwordResetBody",link, linkExpiration, realmName, linkExpirationFormatter(linkExpiration))}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
doLogIn=Log In
doForgotPassword=Forgot Password?
doClickHere=Click here
doTryAgain=Try again
doTryAnotherWay=Try Another Way
kerberosNotConfigured=Kerberos Not Configured
kerberosNotConfiguredTitle=Kerberos Not Configured
bypassKerberosDetail=Either you are not logged in by Kerberos or your browser is not set up for Kerberos login. Please click continue to login in through other means
kerberosNotSetUp=Kerberos is not set up. You cannot login.
loginTitle=Log in to {0}
impersonateTitle={0} Impersonate User
impersonateTitleHtml=<strong>{0}</strong> Impersonate User
unknownUser=Unknown user
loginTotpTitle=Mobile Authenticator Setup
loginProfileTitle=Update Account Information
loginTimeout=Your login attempt timed out. Login will start from the beginning.
oauthGrantTitle=Grant Access to {0}
errorTitle=We are sorry...
errorTitleHtml=We are <strong>sorry</strong> ...
emailVerifyTitle=Email verification
emailForgotTitle=Forgot Your Password?
updatePasswordTitle=Update password
codeSuccessTitle=Success code
codeErrorTitle=Error code\: {0}
displayUnsupported=Requested display type unsupported
browserRequired=Browser required to login
browserContinue=Browser required to complete login
browserContinuePrompt=Open browser and continue login? [y/n]:
termsTitle=Terms and Conditions
termsText=<p>Terms and conditions to be defined</p>
termsPlainText=Terms and conditions to be defined.
recaptchaFailed=Invalid Recaptcha
recaptchaNotConfigured=Recaptcha is required, but not configured
consentDenied=Consent denied.
noAccount=New user?
usernameOrEmail=Username or email
firstName=First name
givenName=Given name
fullName=Full name
lastName=Last name
familyName=Family name
passwordConfirm=Confirm password
passwordNew=New Password
passwordNewConfirm=New Password confirmation
rememberMe=Remember me
authenticatorCode=One-time code
locality=City or Locality
region=State, Province, or Region
postal_code=Zip or Postal code
emailVerified=Email verified
gssDelegationCredential=GSS Delegation Credential
usernameHelper=This is how other members will be able to identify you. Attention this choice is definitive, it is recommended to opt for a username under the form ''firstnamelastname''.
profileScopeConsentText=User profile
emailScopeConsentText=Email address
phoneScopeConsentText=Phone number
offlineAccessScopeConsentText=Offline Access
samlRoleListScopeConsentText=My Roles
rolesScopeConsentText=User roles
restartLoginTooltip=Restart login
loginTotpIntro=You need to set up a One Time Password generator to access this account
loginTotpStep1=Install one of the following applications on your mobile:
loginTotpStep2=Open the application and scan the barcode:
loginTotpStep3=Enter the one-time code provided by the application and click Submit to finish the setup.
loginTotpStep3DeviceName=Provide a Device Name to help you manage your OTP devices.
loginTotpManualStep2=Open the application and enter the key:
loginTotpManualStep3=Use the following configuration values if the application allows setting them:
loginTotpUnableToScan=Unable to scan?
loginTotpScanBarcode=Scan barcode?
loginOtpOneTime=One-time code
loginTotpDeviceName=Device Name
loginChooseAuthenticator=Select login method
oauthGrantRequest=Do you grant these access privileges?
emailVerifyInstruction1=An email with instructions to verify your email address has been sent to you.
emailVerifyInstruction2=Haven''t received a verification code in your email?
emailVerifyInstruction3=to re-send the email.
emailLinkIdpTitle=Link {0}
emailLinkIdp1=An email with instructions to link {0} account {1} with your {2} account has been sent to you.
emailLinkIdp2=Haven''t received a verification code in your email?
emailLinkIdp3=to re-send the email.
emailLinkIdp4=If you already verified the email in different browser
emailLinkIdp5=to continue.
backToLogin=&laquo; Back to Login
emailInstruction=Enter your username or email address and we will send you instructions on how to create a new password.
copyCodeInstruction=Please copy this code and paste it into your application:
pageExpiredTitle=Page has expired
pageExpiredMsg1=To restart the login process
pageExpiredMsg2=To continue the login process
personalInfo=Personal Info:
role_realm-admin=Realm Admin
role_create-realm=Create realm
role_create-client=Create client
role_view-realm=View realm
role_view-users=View users
role_view-applications=View applications
role_view-clients=View clients
role_view-events=View events
role_view-identity-providers=View identity providers
role_manage-realm=Manage realm
role_manage-users=Manage users
role_manage-applications=Manage applications
role_manage-identity-providers=Manage identity providers
role_manage-clients=Manage clients
role_manage-events=Manage events
role_view-profile=View profile
role_manage-account=Manage account
role_manage-account-links=Manage account links
role_read-token=Read token
role_offline-access=Offline access
client_account-console=Account Console
client_security-admin-console=Security Admin Console
client_admin-cli=Admin CLI
client_realm-management=Realm Management
requiredFields=Required fields
invalidUserMessage=Invalid username or password.
invalidUsernameMessage=Invalid username.
invalidUsernameOrEmailMessage=Invalid username or email.
invalidPasswordMessage=Invalid password.
invalidEmailMessage=Invalid email address.
accountDisabledMessage=Account is disabled, contact your administrator.
accountTemporarilyDisabledMessage=Account is temporarily disabled; contact your administrator or retry later.
expiredCodeMessage=Login timeout. Please log in again.
expiredActionMessage=Action expired. Please continue with login now.
expiredActionTokenNoSessionMessage=Action expired.
expiredActionTokenSessionExistsMessage=Action expired. Please start again.
missingFirstNameMessage=Please specify first name.
missingLastNameMessage=Please specify last name.
missingEmailMessage=Please specify email.
missingUsernameMessage=Please specify username.
missingPasswordMessage=Please specify password.
missingTotpMessage=Please specify authenticator code.
missingTotpDeviceNameMessage=Please specify device name.
notMatchPasswordMessage=Passwords don''t match.
invalidPasswordExistingMessage=Invalid existing password.
invalidPasswordBlacklistedMessage=Invalid password: password is blacklisted.
invalidPasswordConfirmMessage=Password confirmation doesn''t match.
invalidTotpMessage=Invalid authenticator code.
usernameExistsMessage=Username already exists.
emailExistsMessage=Email already exists.
federatedIdentityExistsMessage=User with {0} {1} already exists. Please login to account management to link the account.
confirmLinkIdpTitle=Account already exists
federatedIdentityConfirmLinkMessage=User with {0} {1} already exists. How do you want to continue?
federatedIdentityConfirmReauthenticateMessage=Authenticate to link your account with {0}
nestedFirstBrokerFlowMessage=The {0} user {1} is not linked to any known user.
confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Review profile
confirmLinkIdpContinue=Add to existing account
configureTotpMessage=You need to set up Mobile Authenticator to activate your account.
updateProfileMessage=You need to update your user profile to activate your account.
updatePasswordMessage=You need to change your password to activate your account.
resetPasswordMessage=You need to change your password.
verifyEmailMessage=You need to verify your email address to activate your account.
linkIdpMessage=You need to verify your email address to link your account with {0}.
emailSentMessage=You should receive an email shortly with further instructions.
emailSendErrorMessage=Failed to send email, please try again later.
accountUpdatedMessage=Your account has been updated.
accountPasswordUpdatedMessage=Your password has been updated.
delegationCompleteHeader=Login Successful
delegationCompleteMessage=You may close this browser window and go back to your console application.
delegationFailedHeader=Login Failed
delegationFailedMessage=You may close this browser window and go back to your console application and try logging in again.
noAccessMessage=No access
invalidPasswordMinLengthMessage=Invalid password: minimum length {0}.
invalidPasswordMinDigitsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} numerical digits.
invalidPasswordMinLowerCaseCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} lower case characters.
invalidPasswordMinUpperCaseCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} upper case characters.
invalidPasswordMinSpecialCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} special characters.
invalidPasswordNotUsernameMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to the username.
invalidPasswordRegexPatternMessage=Invalid password: fails to match regex pattern(s).
invalidPasswordHistoryMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to any of last {0} passwords.
invalidPasswordGenericMessage=Invalid password: new password doesn''t match password policies.
failedToProcessResponseMessage=Failed to process response
httpsRequiredMessage=HTTPS required
realmNotEnabledMessage=Realm not enabled
invalidRequestMessage=Invalid Request
failedLogout=Logout failed
unknownLoginRequesterMessage=Unknown login requester
loginRequesterNotEnabledMessage=Login requester not enabled
bearerOnlyMessage=Bearer-only applications are not allowed to initiate browser login
standardFlowDisabledMessage=Client is not allowed to initiate browser login with given response_type. Standard flow is disabled for the client.
implicitFlowDisabledMessage=Client is not allowed to initiate browser login with given response_type. Implicit flow is disabled for the client.
invalidRedirectUriMessage=Invalid redirect uri
unsupportedNameIdFormatMessage=Unsupported NameIDFormat
invalidRequesterMessage=Invalid requester
registrationNotAllowedMessage=Registration not allowed
resetCredentialNotAllowedMessage=Reset Credential not allowed
permissionNotApprovedMessage=Permission not approved.
noRelayStateInResponseMessage=No relay state in response from identity provider.
insufficientPermissionMessage=Insufficient permissions to link identities.
couldNotProceedWithAuthenticationRequestMessage=Could not proceed with authentication request to identity provider.
couldNotObtainTokenMessage=Could not obtain token from identity provider.
unexpectedErrorRetrievingTokenMessage=Unexpected error when retrieving token from identity provider.
unexpectedErrorHandlingResponseMessage=Unexpected error when handling response from identity provider.
identityProviderAuthenticationFailedMessage=Authentication failed. Could not authenticate with identity provider.
couldNotSendAuthenticationRequestMessage=Could not send authentication request to identity provider.
unexpectedErrorHandlingRequestMessage=Unexpected error when handling authentication request to identity provider.
invalidAccessCodeMessage=Invalid access code.
sessionNotActiveMessage=Session not active.
invalidCodeMessage=An error occurred, please login again through your application.
identityProviderUnexpectedErrorMessage=Unexpected error when authenticating with identity provider
identityProviderNotFoundMessage=Could not find an identity provider with the identifier.
identityProviderLinkSuccess=You successfully verified your email. Please go back to your original browser and continue there with the login.
staleCodeMessage=This page is no longer valid, please go back to your application and log in again
realmSupportsNoCredentialsMessage=Realm does not support any credential type.
credentialSetupRequired=Cannot login, credential setup required.
identityProviderNotUniqueMessage=Realm supports multiple identity providers. Could not determine which identity provider should be used to authenticate with.
emailVerifiedMessage=Your email address has been verified.
staleEmailVerificationLink=The link you clicked is an old stale link and is no longer valid. Maybe you have already verified your email.
identityProviderAlreadyLinkedMessage=Federated identity returned by {0} is already linked to another user.
confirmAccountLinking=Confirm linking the account {0} of identity provider {1} with your account.
confirmEmailAddressVerification=Confirm validity of e-mail address {0}.
confirmExecutionOfActions=Perform the following action(s)
locale_pt_BR=Portugu\u00EAs (Brasil)
locale_pt-BR=Portugu\u00EAs (Brasil)
backToApplication=&laquo; Back to Application
missingParameterMessage=Missing parameters\: {0}
clientNotFoundMessage=Client not found.
clientDisabledMessage=Client disabled.
invalidParameterMessage=Invalid parameter\: {0}
alreadyLoggedIn=You are already logged in.
differentUserAuthenticated=You are already authenticated as different user ''{0}'' in this session. Please log out first.
brokerLinkingSessionExpired=Requested broker account linking, but current session is no longer valid.
proceedWithAction=&raquo; Click here to proceed
requiredAction.CONFIGURE_TOTP=Configure OTP
requiredAction.terms_and_conditions=Terms and Conditions
requiredAction.UPDATE_PASSWORD=Update Password
requiredAction.UPDATE_PROFILE=Update Profile
requiredAction.VERIFY_EMAIL=Verify Email
doX509Login=You will be logged in as\:
clientCertificate=X509 client certificate\:
noCertificate=[No Certificate]
pageNotFound=Page not found
internalServerError=An internal server error has occurred
console-otp=One Time Password:
console-new-password=New Password:
console-confirm-password=Confirm Password:
console-update-password=Update of your password is required.
console-verify-email=You need to verify your email address. We sent an email to {0} that contains a verification code. Please enter this code into the input below.
console-email-code=Email Code:
console-accept-terms=Accept Terms? [y/n]:
# Openshift messages
openshift.scope.user_info=User information
openshift.scope.user_check-access=User access information
openshift.scope.user_full=Full Access
openshift.scope.list-projects=List projects
# SAML authentication Redirect, please wait. is disabled. We strongly recommend to enable it. Click the button below to continue.
otp-display-name=Authenticator Application
otp-help-text=Enter a verification code from authenticator application.
password-help-text=Log in by entering your password.
auth-username-form-help-text=Start log in by entering your username
auth-username-password-form-display-name=Username and password
auth-username-password-form-help-text=Log in by entering your username and password.
# WebAuthn
webauthn-display-name=Security Key
webauthn-help-text=Use your security key to log in.
webauthn-passwordless-display-name=Security Key
webauthn-passwordless-help-text=Use your security key for passwordless log in.
webauthn-login-title=Security Key login
webauthn-registration-title=Security Key Registration
webauthn-available-authenticators=Available authenticators
# WebAuthn Error
webauthn-error-title=Security Key Error
webauthn-error-registration=Failed to register your Security key.
webauthn-error-api-get=Failed to authenticate by the Security key.
webauthn-error-different-user=First authenticated user is not the one authenticated by the Security key.
webauthn-error-auth-verification=Security key authentication result is invalid.
webauthn-error-register-verification=Security key registration result is invalid.
webauthn-error-user-not-found=Unknown user authenticated by the Security key.
identity-provider-redirector=Connect with another Identity Provider

View File

@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
doLogIn=Se connecter
doRegister=Cr\u00e9er un nouveau compte
doRegisterNow=Confirmer l''inscription
doForgotPassword=Mot de passe oubli\u00e9 ?
doClickHere=Cliquez ici
kerberosNotConfigured=Kerberos non configur\u00e9
kerberosNotConfiguredTitle=Kerberos non configur\u00e9
bypassKerberosDetail=Si vous n''\u00eates pas connect\u00e9 via Kerberos ou bien que votre navigateur n''est pas configur\u00e9 pour la connexion via Kerberos. Veuillez cliquer pour vous connecter via un autre moyen.
kerberosNotSetUp=Kerberos n''est pas configur\u00e9. Connexion impossible.
registerTitle=Cr\u00e9er un nouveau compte
registerWithTitle=Enregistrement avec {0}
loginTitle=Se connecter \u00e0 {0}
impersonateTitle={0} utilisateur impersonate
impersonateTitleHtml=<strong>{0}</strong> utilisateur impersonate
unknownUser=Utilisateur inconnu
loginTotpTitle=Configuration de l''authentification par mobile
loginProfileTitle=Mise \u00e0 jour du compte
loginTimeout=Le temps imparti pour la connexion est \u00e9coul\u00e9. Le processus de connexion red\u00e9marre depuis le d\u00e9but.
oauthGrantTitle=OAuth Grant
errorTitle=Nous sommes d\u00e9sol\u00e9s...
errorTitleHtml=Nous sommes <strong>d\u00e9sol\u00e9s</strong>...
emailVerifyTitle=V\u00e9rification du courriel
emailForgotTitle=Mot de passe oubli\u00e9 ?
updatePasswordTitle=Mise \u00e0 jour du mot de passe
codeSuccessTitle=Code succ\u00e8s
codeErrorTitle=Code d''erreur \: {0}
displayUnsupported=Type d''affichage demand\u00e9 non support\u00e9
browserRequired=Navigateur requis pour se connecter
browserContinue=Navigateur requis pour continuer la connexion
browserContinuePrompt=Ouvrir le navigateur et continuer la connexion? [y/n]:
termsTitle=Termes et Conditions
termsTitleHtml=Termes et Conditions
termsText=<p>Termes et conditions \u00e0 d\u00e9finir</p>
termsPlainText=Termes et conditions \u00e0 d\u00e9finir
recaptchaFailed=Re-captcha invalide
recaptchaNotConfigured=Re-captcha est requis, mais il n''est pas configur\u00e9
consentDenied=Consentement refus\u00e9.
noAccount=Vous venez d''arriver ?
usernameOrEmail=Pseudo ou courriel
fullName=Nom complet
familyName=Nom de famille
password=Mot de passe
passwordConfirm=Confirmation du mot de passe
passwordNew=Nouveau mot de passe
passwordNewConfirm=Confirmation du nouveau mot de passe
rememberMe=Se souvenir de moi
authenticatorCode=Code \u00e0 usage unique
locality=Ville ou Localit\u00e9
region=\u00c9tat, Province ou R\u00e9gion
postal_code=Code postal
emailVerified=Courriel v\u00e9rifi\u00e9
gssDelegationCredential=Accr\u00e9ditation de d\u00e9l\u00e9gation GSS
usernameHelper=C''est ainsi que les autres membres pourront vous identifier. Attention ce choix est d\u00e9finitif, il est recommand\u00e9 d''opter pour un pseudo sous la forme ''prenomnom''.
loginTotpIntro=Il est n\u00e9cessaire de configurer un g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur One Time Password pour acc\u00e9der \u00e0 ce compte
loginTotpStep1=Installez <a href="" target="_blank">FreeOTP</a> ou bien Google Authenticator sur votre mobile. Ces deux applications sont disponibles sur <a href="">Google Play</a> et Apple App Store.
loginTotpStep2=Ouvrez l''application et scannez le code-barres ou entrez la clef.
loginTotpStep3=Entrez le code \u00e0 usage unique fourni par l''application et cliquez sur Sauvegarder pour terminer.
loginTotpManualStep2=Ouvrez l''application et saisissez la cl\u00e9
loginTotpManualStep3=Utilisez la configuration de valeur suivante si l''application permet son \u00e9dition
loginTotpUnableToScan=Impossible de scanner?
loginTotpScanBarcode=Scanner le code barre ?
loginOtpOneTime=Code \u00e0 usage unique
loginTotp.totp=Bas\u00e9 sur le temps
loginTotp.hotp=Bas\u00e9 sur les compteurs
oauthGrantRequest=Voulez-vous accorder ces privil\u00e8ges d''acc\u00e8s ?
emailVerifyInstruction1=Un courriel avec des instructions \u00e0 suivre vous a \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9.
emailVerifyInstruction2=Vous n''avez pas re\u00e7u de code dans le courriel ?
emailVerifyInstruction3=pour renvoyer le courriel.
emailLinkIdpTitle=Association avec {0}
emailLinkIdp1=Un courriel avec des instructions pour associer le compte {1} sur {0} avec votre compte {2} vous a \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9.
emailLinkIdp2=Vous n''avez pas re\u00e7u de code dans le courriel ?
emailLinkIdp3=pour renvoyer le courriel.
emailLinkIdp4=Si vous avez d\u00e9j\u00e0 v\u00e9rifi\u00e9 votre courriel dans un autre navigateur
emailLinkIdp5=pour continuer.
backToLogin=&laquo; Retour \u00e0 la connexion
emailInstruction=Pas de panique. Entrez votre nom pseudo ou votre courriel ; un courriel va vous \u00eatre envoy\u00e9 pour cr\u00e9er un nouveau mot de passe.
copyCodeInstruction=Copiez le code et recopiez le dans votre application :
pageExpiredTitle=La page a expir\u00e9
pageExpiredMsg1=Pour recommencer le processus d''authentification
pageExpiredMsg2=Pour continuer le processus d''authentification
personalInfo=Information personnelle :
role_realm-admin=Administrateur du domaine
role_create-realm=Cr\u00e9er un domaine
role_create-client=Cr\u00e9er un client
role_view-realm=Voir un domaine
role_view-users=Voir les utilisateurs
role_view-applications=Voir les applications
role_view-clients=Voir les clients
role_view-events=Voir les \u00e9v\u00e9nements
role_view-identity-providers=Voir les fournisseurs d''identit\u00e9
role_manage-realm=G\u00e9rer le domaine
role_manage-users=G\u00e9rer les utilisateurs
role_manage-applications=G\u00e9rer les applications
role_manage-identity-providers=G\u00e9rer les fournisseurs d''identit\u00e9
role_manage-clients=G\u00e9rer les clients
role_manage-events=G\u00e9rer les \u00e9v\u00e9nements
role_view-profile=Voir le profil
role_manage-account=G\u00e9rer le compte
role_manage-account-links=G\u00e9rer les liens de compte
role_read-token=Lire le jeton d''authentification
role_offline-access=Acc\u00e8s hors-ligne
client_security-admin-console=Console d''administration de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9
client_admin-cli=Admin CLI
client_realm-management=Gestion du domaine
invalidUserMessage=Pseudo ou mot de passe invalide.
invalidEmailMessage=Courriel invalide.
accountDisabledMessage=Compte d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9, contactez votre administrateur.
accountTemporarilyDisabledMessage=Ce compte est temporairement d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9, contactez votre administrateur ou bien r\u00e9essayez plus tard.
expiredCodeMessage=Connexion expir\u00e9e. Veuillez vous reconnecter.
expiredActionMessage=Action expir\u00e9e. Merci de continuer la connexion.
expiredActionTokenNoSessionMessage=Action expir\u00e9e.
expiredActionTokenSessionExistsMessage=Action expir\u00e9e. Merci de recommencer.
missingFirstNameMessage=Veuillez entrer votre pr\u00e9nom.
missingLastNameMessage=Veuillez entrer votre nom.
missingEmailMessage=Veuillez entrer votre courriel.
missingUsernameMessage=Veuillez entrer votre pseudo.
missingPasswordMessage=Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe.
missingTotpMessage=Veuillez entrer votre code d''authentification.
notMatchPasswordMessage=Les mots de passe ne sont pas identiques.
invalidPasswordExistingMessage=Mot de passe existant invalide.
invalidPasswordBlacklistedMessage=Mot de passe invalide : ce mot de passe est blacklist\u00e9.
invalidPasswordConfirmMessage=Le mot de passe de confirmation ne correspond pas.
invalidTotpMessage=Le code d''authentification est invalide.
usernameExistsMessage=Ce pseudo existe d\u00e9j\u00e0.
emailExistsMessage=Ce courriel existe d\u00e9j\u00e0.
federatedIdentityExistsMessage=L''utilisateur avec {0} {1} existe d\u00e9j\u00e0. Veuillez acc\u00e9der \u00e0 au gestionnaire de compte pour lier le compte.
federatedIdentityEmailExistsMessage=Cet utilisateur avec ce courriel existe d\u00e9j\u00e0. Veuillez vous connecter au gestionnaire de compte pour lier le compte.
confirmLinkIdpTitle=Ce compte existe d\u00e9j\u00e0
federatedIdentityConfirmLinkMessage=L''utilisateur {0} {1} existe d\u00e9j\u00e0. Que souhaitez-vous faire ?
federatedIdentityConfirmReauthenticateMessage=Identifiez vous afin de lier votre compte avec {0}
confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=V\u00e9rifiez vos informations de profil
confirmLinkIdpContinue=Souhaitez-vous lier {0} \u00e0 votre compte existant
configureTotpMessage=Vous devez configurer l''authentification par mobile pour activer votre compte.
updateProfileMessage=Vous devez mettre \u00e0 jour votre profil pour activer votre compte.
updatePasswordMessage=Vous devez changer votre mot de passe pour activer votre compte.
resetPasswordMessage=Vous devez changer votre mot de passe.
verifyEmailMessage=Vous devez v\u00e9rifier votre courriel pour activer votre compte.
linkIdpMessage=Vous devez v\u00e9rifier votre courriel pour lier votre compte avec {0}.
emailSentMessage=Vous devriez recevoir rapidement un courriel avec de plus amples instructions.
emailSendErrorMessage=Erreur lors de l''envoi du courriel, veuillez essayer plus tard.
accountUpdatedMessage=Votre compte a \u00e9t\u00e9 mis \u00e0 jour.
accountPasswordUpdatedMessage=Votre mot de passe a \u00e9t\u00e9 mis \u00e0 jour.
noAccessMessage=Aucun acc\u00e8s
invalidPasswordMinLengthMessage=Mot de passe invalide : longueur minimale requise de {0}.
invalidPasswordMinDigitsMessage=Mot de passe invalide : doit contenir au moins {0} chiffre(s).
invalidPasswordMinLowerCaseCharsMessage=Mot de passe invalide : doit contenir au moins {0} lettre(s) en minuscule.
invalidPasswordMinUpperCaseCharsMessage=Mot de passe invalide : doit contenir au moins {0} lettre(s) en majuscule.
invalidPasswordMinSpecialCharsMessage=Mot de passe invalide : doit contenir au moins {0} caract\u00e8re(s) sp\u00e9ciaux.
invalidPasswordNotUsernameMessage=Mot de passe invalide : ne doit pas \u00eatre identique au pseudo.
invalidPasswordRegexPatternMessage=Mot de passe invalide : ne valide pas l''expression rationnelle.
invalidPasswordHistoryMessage=Mot de passe invalide : ne doit pas \u00eatre \u00e9gal aux {0} derniers mots de passe.
invalidPasswordGenericMessage=Mot de passe invalide : le nouveau mot de passe ne r\u00e9pond pas \u00e0 la politique de mot de passe.
failedToProcessResponseMessage=Erreur lors du traitement de la r\u00e9ponse
httpsRequiredMessage=Le protocole HTTPS est requis
realmNotEnabledMessage=Le domaine n''est pas activ\u00e9
invalidRequestMessage=Requ\u00eate invalide
failedLogout=La d\u00e9connexion a \u00e9chou\u00e9e
unknownLoginRequesterMessage=Compte inconnu du demandeur
loginRequesterNotEnabledMessage=La connexion du demandeur n''est pas active
bearerOnlyMessage=Les applications Bearer-only ne sont pas autoris\u00e9es \u00e0 initier la connexion par navigateur.
standardFlowDisabledMessage=Le client n''est pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 initier une connexion avec le navigateur avec ce response_type. Le flux standard est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9 pour le client.
implicitFlowDisabledMessage=Le client n''est pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 initier une connexion avec le navigateur avec ce response_type. Le flux implicite est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9 pour le client.
invalidRedirectUriMessage=L''URI de redirection est invalide
unsupportedNameIdFormatMessage=NameIDFormat non support\u00e9
invalidRequesterMessage=Demandeur invalide
registrationNotAllowedMessage=L''enregistrement n''est pas autoris\u00e9
resetCredentialNotAllowedMessage=La remise \u00e0 z\u00e9ro n''est pas autoris\u00e9e
permissionNotApprovedMessage=La permission n''est pas approuv\u00e9e.
noRelayStateInResponseMessage=Aucun \u00e9tat de relais dans la r\u00e9ponse du fournisseur d''identit\u00e9.
insufficientPermissionMessage=Permissions insuffisantes pour lier les identit\u00e9s.
couldNotProceedWithAuthenticationRequestMessage=Impossible de continuer avec la requ\u00eate d''authentification vers le fournisseur d''identit\u00e9.
couldNotObtainTokenMessage=Impossible de r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer le jeton du fournisseur d''identit\u00e9.
unexpectedErrorRetrievingTokenMessage=Erreur inattendue lors de la r\u00e9cup\u00e9ration du jeton provenant du fournisseur d''identit\u00e9.
unexpectedErrorHandlingResponseMessage=Erreur inattendue lors du traitement de la r\u00e9ponse provenant du fournisseur d''identit\u00e9.
identityProviderAuthenticationFailedMessage=L''authentification a \u00e9chou\u00e9e. Impossible de s''authentifier avec le fournisseur d''identit\u00e9.
couldNotSendAuthenticationRequestMessage=Impossible d''envoyer la requ\u00eate d''authentification vers le fournisseur d''identit\u00e9.
unexpectedErrorHandlingRequestMessage=Erreur inattendue lors du traitement de la requ\u00eate vers le fournisseur d''identit\u00e9.
invalidAccessCodeMessage=Code d''acc\u00e8s invalide.
sessionNotActiveMessage=La session n''est pas active.
invalidCodeMessage=Une erreur est survenue, veuillez vous reconnecter \u00e0 votre application.
identityProviderUnexpectedErrorMessage=Erreur inattendue lors de l''authentification avec fournisseur d''identit\u00e9.
identityProviderNotFoundMessage=Impossible de trouver le fournisseur d''identit\u00e9 avec cet identifiant.
identityProviderLinkSuccess=Votre compte a \u00e9t\u00e9 correctement li\u00e9 avec {0} compte {1} .
staleCodeMessage=Cette page n''est plus valide, merci de retourner \u00e0 votre application et de vous connecter \u00e0 nouveau.
realmSupportsNoCredentialsMessage=Ce domaine ne supporte aucun type d''accr\u00e9ditation.
identityProviderNotUniqueMessage=Ce domaine autorise plusieurs fournisseurs d''identit\u00e9. Impossible de d\u00e9terminer le fournisseur d''identit\u00e9 avec lequel s''authentifier.
emailVerifiedMessage=Votre courriel a \u00e9t\u00e9 v\u00e9rifi\u00e9.
staleEmailVerificationLink=Le lien que vous avez cliqu\u00e9 est p\u00e9rim\u00e9 et n''est plus valide. Peut-\u00eatre avez vous d\u00e9j\u00e0 v\u00e9rifi\u00e9 votre mot de passe ?
identityProviderAlreadyLinkedMessage=L''identit\u00e9 f\u00e9d\u00e9r\u00e9e retourn\u00e9e par {0} est d\u00e9j\u00e0 li\u00e9e \u00e0 un autre utilisateur.
confirmAccountLinking=Confirmez la liaison du compte {0} du fournisseur d''entit\u00e9 {1} avec votre compte.
confirmEmailAddressVerification=Confirmez la validit\u00e9 de l''adresse courriel {0}.
confirmExecutionOfActions=Suivez les instructions suivantes
backToApplication=&laquo; Revenir \u00e0 l''application
missingParameterMessage=Param\u00e8tres manquants \: {0}
clientNotFoundMessage=Client inconnu.
clientDisabledMessage=Client d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9.
invalidParameterMessage=Param\u00e8tre invalide \: {0}
alreadyLoggedIn=Vous \u00eates d\u00e9j\u00e0 connect\u00e9.
differentUserAuthenticated=Vous \u00eates d\u00e9j\u00e0 authentifi\u00e9 avec un autre utilisateur ''{0}'' dans cette session. Merci de vous d\u00e9connecter.
proceedWithAction=&raquo; Cliquez ici
requiredAction.CONFIGURE_TOTP=Configurer OTP
requiredAction.terms_and_conditions=Termes et conditions
requiredAction.UPDATE_PASSWORD=Mettre \u00e0 jour votre mot de passe
requiredAction.UPDATE_PROFILE=Mettre \u00e0 jour votre profil
requiredAction.VERIFY_EMAIL=Valider votre adresse email
doX509Login=Vous allez \u00eatre connect\u00e9 en tant que\:
clientCertificate=X509 certificat client\:
noCertificate=[Pas de certificat]
pageNotFound=Page non trouv\u00e9e
internalServerError=Une erreur interne du serveur s''est produite
# SAML authentication patienter... vous redirigeons vers votre application. est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9. Nous vous recommandons vivement de l''activer. Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour continuer.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
<#import "template.ftl" as layout>
<@layout.registrationLayout; section>
<#if section = "header">
<#elseif section = "form">
<form id="kc-register-form" class="${properties.kcFormClass!}" action="${url.registrationAction}" method="post">
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!} ${messagesPerField.printIfExists('firstName',properties.kcFormGroupErrorClass!)}">
<div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!}">
<label for="firstName" class="${properties.kcLabelClass!}">${msg("firstName")}</label>
<div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
<input type="text" id="firstName" class="${properties.kcInputClass!}" name="firstName" value="${(register.formData.firstName!'')}" placeholder="${msg("firstNamePlaceholder")}"/>
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!} ${messagesPerField.printIfExists('lastName',properties.kcFormGroupErrorClass!)}">
<div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!}">
<label for="lastName" class="${properties.kcLabelClass!}">${msg("lastName")}</label>
<div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
<input type="text" id="lastName" class="${properties.kcInputClass!}" name="lastName" value="${(register.formData.lastName!'')}" placeholder="${msg("lastNamePlaceholder")}"/>
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!} ${messagesPerField.printIfExists('email',properties.kcFormGroupErrorClass!)}">
<div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!}">
<label for="email" class="${properties.kcLabelClass!}">${msg("email")}</label>
<div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
<input type="text" id="email" class="${properties.kcInputClass!}" name="email" value="${(!'')}" autocomplete="email" placeholder="${msg("emailPlaceholder")}"/>
<#if !realm.registrationEmailAsUsername>
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!} ${messagesPerField.printIfExists('username',properties.kcFormGroupErrorClass!)}">
<div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!}">
<label for="username" class="${properties.kcLabelClass!}">${msg("username")}</label>
<div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
<input type="text" id="username" class="${properties.kcInputClass!}" name="username" value="${(register.formData.username!'')}" autocomplete="username" placeholder="${msg("usernamePlaceholder")}"/>
<div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!}">
<p class="${properties.kcLabelHelperClass!}">${msg("usernameHelper")}</p>
<#if passwordRequired??>
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!} ${messagesPerField.printIfExists('password',properties.kcFormGroupErrorClass!)}">
<div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!}">
<label for="password" class="${properties.kcLabelClass!}">${msg("password")}</label>
<div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
<input type="password" id="password" class="${properties.kcInputClass!}" name="password" autocomplete="new-password"/>
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!} ${messagesPerField.printIfExists('password-confirm',properties.kcFormGroupErrorClass!)}">
<div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!}">
<label for="password-confirm" class="${properties.kcLabelClass!}">${msg("passwordConfirm")}</label>
<div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
<input type="password" id="password-confirm" class="${properties.kcInputClass!}" name="password-confirm" />
<#if recaptchaRequired??>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-size="compact" data-sitekey="${recaptchaSiteKey}"></div>
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!}">
<div id="kc-form-options" class="${properties.kcFormOptionsClass!}">
<div class="${properties.kcFormOptionsWrapperClass!}">
<span><a href="${url.loginUrl}">${kcSanitize(msg("backToLogin"))?no_esc}</a></span>
<div id="kc-form-buttons" class="${properties.kcFormButtonsClass!}">
<input class="${properties.kcButtonClass!} ${properties.kcButtonPrimaryClass!} ${properties.kcButtonBlockClass!} ${properties.kcButtonLargeClass!}" type="submit" value="${msg("doRegisterNow")}"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" class="${properties.kcHtmlClass!}">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
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<meta name="${meta?split('==')[0]}" content="${meta?split('==')[1]}"/>
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<script src="${script}" type="text/javascript"></script>
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<div class="${properties.kcLoginClass!}">
<div id="kc-header" class="${properties.kcHeaderClass!}">
<div id="kc-header-wrapper" class="${properties.kcHeaderWrapperClass!}">
<a href="${url.loginUrl}">
<img src="${url.resourcesPath}/img/logo.png" style="width:5rem;"/><br>
<span class="title_html"> ${kcSanitize(msg("loginTitleHtml",(realm.displayNameHtml!'')))?no_esc}</span>
<div class="${properties.kcFormCardClass!} <#if displayWide>${properties.kcFormCardAccountClass!}</#if>">
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<a href="#" id="kc-current-locale-link">${locale.current}</a>
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<div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!} subtitle">
<span class="subtitle"><span class="required">*</span> ${msg("requiredFields")}</span>
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<div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!} subtitle">
<span class="subtitle"><span class="required">*</span> ${msg("requiredFields")}</span>
<div class="col-md-10">
<#nested "show-username">
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!}">
<div id="kc-username">
<label id="kc-attempted-username">${auth.attemptedUsername}</label>
<a id="reset-login" href="${url.loginRestartFlowUrl}">
<div class="kc-login-tooltip">
<i class="${properties.kcResetFlowIcon!}"></i>
<span class="kc-tooltip-text">${msg("restartLoginTooltip")}</span>
<#nested "show-username">
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!}">
<div id="kc-username">
<label id="kc-attempted-username">${auth.attemptedUsername}</label>
<a id="reset-login" href="${url.loginRestartFlowUrl}">
<div class="kc-login-tooltip">
<i class="${properties.kcResetFlowIcon!}"></i>
<span class="kc-tooltip-text">${msg("restartLoginTooltip")}</span>
<div id="kc-content">
<div id="kc-content-wrapper">
<#-- App-initiated actions should not see warning messages about the need to complete the action -->
<#-- during login. -->
<#if displayMessage && message?has_content && (message.type != 'warning' || !isAppInitiatedAction??)>
<div class="alert alert-${message.type}">
<#if message.type = 'success'><span class="${properties.kcFeedbackSuccessIcon!}"></span></#if>
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<span class="kc-feedback-text">${kcSanitize(message.summary)?no_esc}</span>
<#nested "form">
<#if auth?has_content && auth.showTryAnotherWayLink() && showAnotherWayIfPresent>
<form id="kc-select-try-another-way-form" action="${url.loginAction}" method="post" <#if displayWide>class="${properties.kcContentWrapperClass!}"</#if>>
<div <#if displayWide>class="${properties.kcFormSocialAccountContentClass!} ${properties.kcFormSocialAccountClass!}"</#if>>
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!}">
<input type="hidden" name="tryAnotherWay" value="on" />
<a href="#" id="try-another-way" onclick="document.forms['kc-select-try-another-way-form'].submit();return false;">${msg("doTryAnotherWay")}</a>
<#if displayInfo>
<div id="kc-info" class="${properties.kcSignUpClass!}">
<div id="kc-info-wrapper" class="${properties.kcInfoAreaWrapperClass!}">
<#nested "info">
<footer id="page-footer">
<div class="container2">
<div class="politics">
<a href="#">Resum de retenció de dades</a>
<span class="pipe">|</span>
<a href="#">Polítiques de privacitat</a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
styles=node_modules/patternfly/dist/css/patternfly.min.css node_modules/patternfly/dist/css/patternfly-additions.min.css lib/zocial/zocial.css css/login.css css/style.css

View File

@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ ADMINAPP_PASSWORD=Sup3rS3cret
### KEYCLOAK (sso)
KEYCLOAK_USER=admin ## DO NOT CHANGE. It is not being modified at container start
## DO NOT CHANGE. It is not being modified at container start

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a6826ec8c3b759ab0117629224d68d260854a98c
Subproject commit 7787a93a7338eb6c0dc915e93d82d54c045db941