DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright © 2021,2022 IsardVDI S.L.
# This file is part of DD
# DD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# DD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with DD. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# We need docker-compose >= 1.28 to catch configuration variables
docker-compose --version --short | sed 's/^docker-compose version \([^,]\+\),.*$/\1/'
# We cannot use sort -C because is not included in BusyBox v1.33.1 of docker:dind image
} | sort -c -V 2> /dev/null
if grep -q ^DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu /etc/lsb-release 2>/dev/null; then
echo ubuntu
elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
echo debian
help() {
cat <<-EOF
Example: ./dd.ctl [operation] [arguments]
For a new installation, you usually will want to run:
./dd-ctl prerequisites
./dd-ctl securize
./dd-ctl all
./dd-ctl saml
Generate adminer.yml to access DBs: ./dd-ctl adminer
Bring the current project up: ./dd-ctl all
Branding (custom/img, custom/menu): ./dd-ctl branding
Build the compose files: ./dd-ctl build
Build the devel compose files: ./dd-ctl build-devel
Apply customizations: ./dd-ctl customize
Stop the project when started: ./dd-ctl down
Show external files in repo, their license and source: ./dd-ctl listpatches
Generate .orig and .patch files to compare with upstream: ./dd-ctl genpatches
Rescan nextcloud data folders: ./dd-ctl nextcloud-scan
Install all prerequisites for installation: ./dd-ctl prerequisites
2022-08-08 11:58:04 +02:00
Update DD to latest version: ./dd-ctl update [branch-name] (defaults to main)
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
Restart api if changes applied (development): ./dd-ctl restart-api
Update SAML certificates: ./dd-ctl saml
Set secure passwords in dd.conf: ./dd-ctl securize
Set a config variable in dd.conf: ./dd-ctl setconf VARIABLE [VALUE]
Start the project when stopped: ./dd-ctl up
Upgrade plugins: ./dd-ctl upgrade-plugins
Regenerate docker-compose.yml from conf: ./dd-ctl yml
# Help messages
if [ -z "$OPERATION" ] || [ "$OPERATION" = "-h" ] || [ "$OPERATION" = "--help" ]; then
test -n "$OPERATION" || printf "Missing command.\n\n"
# Sanity checks
if [ -z "$(get_os)" ]; then
cat >&2 <<-EOF
Your OS doesn't seem to be Debian or Ubuntu and is not supported!
Things might still work, please report back.
if [ "$OPERATION" != "prerequisites" ]; then
if [ ! -d "custom" ]; then
echo "You need to copy custom.sample to custom folder and adapt it to your needs." >&2
exit 1
if [ ! -f "dd.conf" ]; then
echo "You need to copy dd.conf.sample to dd.conf and adapt" >&2
exit 1
if ! check_docker_compose_version; then
echo "ERROR: Please use docker-compose greather than or equal to $REQUIRED_DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION." >&2
exit 1
cp dd.conf .env
. ./.env
# Remove uncompatible docker packages
for pkg in docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc; do
if dpkg -s "${pkg}" >/dev/null; then
apt-get remove -y "${pkg}"
# Install upstream-docker repo pre-requisites
apt-get install -y \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg-agent \
software-properties-common \
git \
unzip \
curl -fsSL "https://download.docker.com/linux/${os:?}/gpg" | \
apt-key add -
add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/${os:?} \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
apt-get update -y
# docker-ce must be used instead of the one from the distro
apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
apt-get install -y python3-pip
# docker-compose > 1.28 is required, latest will be installed
pip3 install docker-compose
apt-get install -y dictionaries-common wamerican
2022-08-08 11:58:04 +02:00
# Bring down services
./dd-ctl down
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
# Switch to latest version
git fetch && git checkout $REPO_BRANCH
2022-08-08 11:58:04 +02:00
git pull --rebase --autostash
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
# Needed for dd-apps submodules...
git submodule update --init --recursive
2022-08-08 11:58:04 +02:00
# Rebuild containers
./dd-ctl build
# Upgrade plugins
./dd-ctl upgrade-plugins
# Reapply customisations if needed
./dd-ctl customize
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
setconf BUILD_APPS_ROOT_PATH "$CUSTOM_PATH/dd-apps" .env
setconf BUILD_SSO_ROOT_PATH "$CUSTOM_PATH/dd-sso" .env
## Prepare apps environment
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-apps/.env
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-apps/docker/postgresql && \
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-apps/docker/mariadb && \
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-apps/docker/moodle && \
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-apps/docker/nextcloud && \
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-apps/docker/wordpress && \
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-apps/docker/etherpad
## Prepare sso environment
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-sso/.env
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/.env
# Clean up older custom data
rm -rf custom/system/keycloak-themes
rmdir custom/system 2>/dev/null || true
if [ "$BEHIND_PROXY" = "true" ]; then
# Build compose ymls
docker-compose -f dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/$BEHIND \
-f dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/api.yml \
-f dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/keycloak.yml \
-f dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/avatars.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/postgresql/postgresql.yml \
-f dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/admin.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/moodle/moodle.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/nextcloud/nextcloud.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/wordpress/wordpress.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/etherpad/etherpad.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/onlyoffice/onlyoffice.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/redis/redis.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/postgresql/postgresql.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/mariadb/mariadb.yml \
-f dd-apps/docker/network.yml \
config > docker-compose.yml
cat <<-EOM
# Generate .orig and .patch files with ./dd-ctl genpatches
# file license author url
for patchfile in $(find . -name 'dd-patch'); do
patchdir="$(dirname "${patchfile}")"
grep -vE '^#' "${patchfile}" | awk "{print \"${patchdir}/\" \$0}"
for patchfile in $(find . -name 'dd-patch'); do
cd "$(dirname "${patchfile}")"
echo "IN DIR $(pwd)"
grep -vE '^#' dd-patch | while IFS= read -r line; do
fn="$(echo "${line}" | cut -f 1)"
url="$(echo "${line}" | cut -f 4)"
wget "${url}" -O "${fn}.orig"
diff "${fn}.orig" "${fn}" > "${fn}.patch"
cd "${CD}"
docker-compose build
## Prepare sso environment
setconf BUILD_SSO_ROOT_PATH "$CUSTOM_PATH/dd-sso" .env
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-sso/.env
ln -sf "${CUSTOM_PATH}/.env" dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/.env
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml \
-f dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/api.devel.yml \
-f dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/admin.devel.yml \
config > devel.yml
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
echo " --> Applying custom settings in nextcloud"
# docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -c 'export OC_PASS=$DDADMIN_PASSWORD && php occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name="DD Admin" --group="admin" $DDADMIN_USER'
# docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -c 'export OC_PASS=admin && php occ user:delete admin'
# docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -c 'export OC_PASS=LostAdminGroup && php occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name="Admin" --group="admin" admin'
# docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ --no-warnings config:app:set unaprova token --value "SuperS3cret"
#cp -R $BUILD_APPS_ROOT_PATH/dd-apps/docker/nextcloud/themes/* $DATA_FOLDER/nextcloud/themes/
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ --no-warnings config:system:set default_language --value="ca"
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ --no-warnings config:system:set skeletondirectory --value=''
# Disable certain NextCloud apps
for app in firstrunwizard recommendations dashboard; do
docker exec -i -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -s <<-EOF
php occ --no-warnings app:disable "${app}"
# Install and enable NextCloud apps
for app in bruteforcesettings polls calendar spreed bbb mail ownpad onlyoffice circles; do
docker exec -i -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -s <<-EOF
php occ --no-warnings app:install "${app}"
php occ --no-warnings app:enable "${app}"
2022-07-30 23:05:51 +02:00
# Temporary patch while upstream lands our changes
# See: https://github.com/nextcloud/mail/pull/6908
for f in appinfo/info.xml lib/Command/UpdateAccount.php lib/Db/MailAccountMapper.php; do
install -m 0644 -o 82 -g 82 "dd-apps/docker/nextcloud/nc_mail/$f" "${SRC_FOLDER}/nextcloud/custom_apps/mail/$f"
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
# Custom forms
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app apk add git npm composer
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app rm -rf /var/www/html/custom_apps/forms
2022-08-08 11:40:57 +02:00
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app git clone https://github.com/juanan3ip/form -b dev /var/www/html/custom_apps/forms
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app npm --prefix /var/www/html/custom_apps/forms install
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app composer -d/var/www/html/custom_apps/forms install --no-dev -o
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ app:enable forms
# Disable Big Blue Button media check by default
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ config:app:set bbb join.mediaCheck --value="false"
# Disable Big Blue Button listen only mode by default
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sed -i.orig 's/^\(\s*$room->setListenOnly(\)true\();\)$/\1false\2/' /var/www/html/custom_apps/bbb/lib/Service/RoomService.php
# Enable option to join muted to Big Blue Button room by default
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sed -i 's/^\(\s*$room->setJoinMuted(\)false\();\)$/\1true\2/' /var/www/html/custom_apps/bbb/lib/Service/RoomService.php
# Remove meeting join nextcloud bbb app dialog exclamation marks
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -c "sed -i.orig 's/\(^\s*\"Please enter your name!\" : [^¡]*\)¡\?\([^!]*\)!\(.*\)$/\1\2\3/' /var/www/html/custom_apps/bbb/l10n/*.json"
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -c "sed -i 's/\(^\s*\"Let\x27s go!\" : [^¡]*\)¡\?\([^!]*\)!\(.*\)$/\1\2\3/' /var/www/html/custom_apps/bbb/l10n/*.json"
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ --no-warnings config:system:set theme --value=dd
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ --no-warnings config:system:set allow_local_remote_servers --value=true
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ --no-warnings maintenance:theme:update
#docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ app:install user_saml
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ app:enable user_saml
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app apk add jq
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -c 'jq ". + {\"pad\": [\"application/x-ownpad\"], \"calc\": [\"application/x-ownpad\"]}" /var/www/html/resources/config/mimetypemapping.dist.json > /var/www/html/config/mimetypemapping.json'
# Open pads in a new tab/window
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sed -i.orig 's/^\(\s*\)\(var viewer = OC.generateUrl.*\)/\1\2\n\1window.open(viewer);\n\1return;/' /var/www/html/custom_apps/ownpad/js/ownpad.js
SMTP_LOCAL_PART="$(echo "${SMTP_USER}" | cut -d '@' -f 1)"
SMTP_DOMAIN="$(echo "${SMTP_USER}" | cut -d '@' -f 2)"
docker exec -i -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -s <<-EOF
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_smtpmode --value="smtp"
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_smtpsecure --value="${SMTP_PROTOCOL}"
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_sendmailmode --value="smtp"
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_from_address --value="${SMTP_LOCAL_PART}"
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_domain --value="${SMTP_DOMAIN}"
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_smtpauth --value=1
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_smtpauthtype --value="LOGIN"
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_smtphost --value="${SMTP_HOST}"
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_smtpport --value="${SMTP_PORT}"
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n mail_smtpname --value="${SMTP_USER}"
echo 'Setting Nextcloud password'
php occ --no-warnings config:system:set -n -q mail_smtppassword --value="${SMTP_PASSWORD}"
# Settings
docker exec -i -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -s <<-EOF
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n ownpad ownpad_etherpad_enable --value="yes"
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n ownpad ownpad_etherpad_host --value="https://pad.$DOMAIN"
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n onlyoffice DocumentServerUrl --value="https://oof.$DOMAIN"
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n onlyoffice jwt_secret --value="secret"
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n onlyoffice jwt_header --value="Authorization"
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n onlyoffice sameTab --value="false"
# Moodle nextcloud task needs forcesave onlyoffice option
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n onlyoffice customizationForcesave --value="true"
# Enable circles
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n circles members_limit --value="150"
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n circles allow_linked_groups --value="1"
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n circles skip_invitation_to_closed_circles --value="1"
# Add allow list IPs
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n bruteForce whitelist_1 --value=''
# OnlyOffice
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n onlyoffice preview --value="true"
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n onlyoffice defFormats --value="{\"csv\":\"false\",\"doc\":\"true\",\"docm\":\"false\",\"docx\":\"true\",\"docxf\":\"true\",\"oform\":\"true\",\"dotx\":\"false\",\"epub\":\"false\",\"html\":\"false\",\"odp\":\"true\",\"ods\":\"true\",\"odt\":\"true\",\"otp\":\"true\",\"ots\":\"true\",\"ott\":\"true\",\"pdf\":\"false\",\"potm\":\"false\",\"potx\":\"false\",\"ppsm\":\"false\",\"ppsx\":\"true\",\"ppt\":\"true\",\"pptm\":\"false\",\"pptx\":\"true\",\"rtf\":\"false\",\"txt\":\"false\",\"xls\":\"true\",\"xlsm\":\"false\",\"xlsx\":\"true\",\"xltm\":\"false\",\"xltx\":\"true\"}",
php occ --no-warnings config:app:set -n onlyoffice editFormats --value="{\"csv\":\"true\",\"odp\":\"false\",\"ods\":\"false\",\"odt\":\"false\",\"rtf\":\"false\",\"txt\":\"true\"}"
# Allow nextcloud into other apps iframes
# Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self' *.$DOMAIN;
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sed -i -e "/protected \\\$allowedFrameAncestors = \[/{n;s/\('\\\\\'self\\\\\'\)\('\)/\1 *.$DOMAIN\2/}" /var/www/html/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/ContentSecurityPolicy.php
# Content-Sety-Policy: connect-src 'self -' *.$DOMAIN;
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sed -i -e "/protected \\\$allowedConnectDomains = \[/{n;s/\('\\\\\'self\\\\\'\)\('\)/\1 *.$DOMAIN\2/}" /var/www/html/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/ContentSecurityPolicy.php
# Content-Sety-Policy: img-src 'self' *. -$DOMAIN;
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sed -i -e "/protected \\\$allowedImageDomains = \[/{n;s/\('\\\\\'self\\\\\'\)\('\)/\1 *.$DOMAIN\2/}" /var/www/html/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/ContentSecurityPolicy.php
# Content-Sety-Policy: style-src 'self' -*.$DOMAIN;
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sed -i -e "/protected \\\$allowedStyleDomains = \[/{n;s/\('\\\\\'self\\\\\'\)\('\)/\1 *.$DOMAIN\2/}" /var/www/html/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/ContentSecurityPolicy.php
# Content-Sety-Policy: font-src 'self' * -.$DOMAIN;
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sed -i -e "/protected \\\$allowedFontDomains = \[/{n;s/\('\\\\\'self\\\\\'\)\('\)/\1 *.$DOMAIN\2/}" /var/www/html/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/ContentSecurityPolicy.php
# Fix nextcloud files_external "segudos" typo
# https://github.com/nextcloud/server/pull/28990
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -c 'sed -i.orig -e "s/segudos/segundos/" /var/www/html/apps/files_external/l10n/es_*.js'
# Import fix from Nextcloud 22 of pdf viewer
# https://github.com/nextcloud/files_pdfviewer/issues/381#issuecomment-845806364
docker exec dd-apps-nextcloud-app sed -i 's/encodeURIComponent(i\[a\])/i[a]/' /var/www/html/apps/files_pdfviewer/js/files_pdfviewer-main.js
# Add default file for moodle activities
if [ ! -f $DATA_FOLDER/nextcloud/admin/files/template.docx ]; then
cp dd-apps/docker/nextcloud/template.docx $DATA_FOLDER/nextcloud/admin/files/
2022-08-08 11:40:57 +02:00
docker-compose exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app ./occ upgrade
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
# The folders shown as 'not writeable' are empty user folders. Not a problem.
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ files:scan --all
echo " --> Applying custom settings in moodle"
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/cfg.php --name=guestloginbutton --set=0
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/cfg.php --name=enrol_plugins_enabled --set=manual
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/cfg.php --name=enablemobilewebservice --set=0
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/cfg.php --name=enablebadges --set=0
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/cfg.php --name=timezone --set="${MOODLE_TIMEZONE-Europe/Madrid}"
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/purge_caches.php
echo " --> Applying custom settings in wordpress"
## Multisite
docker exec -ti dd-apps-wordpress /bin/sh -c "/multisite.sh"
docker-compose run --user=33 dd-apps-wordpress-cli /bin/bash -s <<-EOF
wp plugin activate onelogin-saml-sso
wp plugin install generateblocks --activate
wp plugin activate generateblocks --network
wp theme install generatepress --activate
wp theme enable generatepress --network
wp theme delete twentynineteen
wp theme delete twentytwenty
wp theme delete twentytwentyone
wp option set WPLANG ca
wp option set date_format "d/m/Y"
docker-compose run --user=root dd-apps-wordpress-cli /bin/bash -c 'chown -R 33:33 /var/www/html/wp-content/uploads;'
# configure keycloak: realm and client_scopes
echo " --> Setting up SAML for moodle"
docker exec -ti dd-sso-admin sh -c "export PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore:Unverified HTTPS request' && cd /admin/saml_scripts/ && python3 keycloak_config.py"
echo " --> Setting up SAML for moodle"
docker exec -ti dd-sso-admin sh -c "export PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore:Unverified HTTPS request' && cd /admin/saml_scripts/ && python3 moodle_saml.py"
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/purge_caches.php
echo " --> Generating certificates for nextcloud and wordpress"
docker exec -ti dd-sso-admin /bin/sh -c "/admin/generate_certificates.sh"
echo " --> Setting up SAML for nextcloud"
docker exec -ti dd-sso-admin sh -c "export PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore:Unverified HTTPS request' && cd /admin/saml_scripts/ && python3 nextcloud_saml.py"
echo " --> Setting up SAML for wordpress"
docker exec -ti dd-sso-admin sh -c "export PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore:Unverified HTTPS request' && cd /admin/saml_scripts/ && python3 wordpress_saml.py"
2022-07-10 20:31:57 +02:00
echo " --> Setting up SAML for email"
docker exec -ti dd-sso-admin sh -c "export PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore:Unverified HTTPS request' && cd /admin/saml_scripts/ && python3 email_saml.py"
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
echo "Waiting for system to be fully up before customizing... It can take some minutes..."
echo " (you can monitorize install with: docker logs dd-apps-moodle --follow"
while [ "`docker inspect -f {{.State.Health.Status}} dd-apps-moodle`" != "healthy" ]; do sleep 2; done
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/maintenance.php --enable
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/upgrade.php --non-interactive --allow-unstable
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/maintenance.php --disable
docker-compose -f dd-apps/docker/network.yml \
-f dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/adminer.yml config > adminer.yml
echo " --> Generated adminer.yml"
echo " Bring it up: docker-compose -f adminer.yml up -d"
echo " Connect to: https://sso.$DOMAIN/dd-sso-adminer/"
echo " Parameters:"
echo " - System: PostgreSQL (or Mysql for wordpress db)"
echo " Server: dd-apps-postgresql (or dd-apps-mariadb for wordpress db)"
echo " User/Pass/Database from dd.conf"
docker-compose -f dd-apps/docker/network.yml \
-f dd-sso/docker-compose-parts/pgtuner.yml config > pgtuner.yml
echo " --> Generated pgtuner.yml"
docker-compose exec dd-apps-postgresql psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 \
-U admin nextcloud -c "DELETE FROM oc_bruteforce_attempts;"
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -c 'export OC_PASS=admin && php occ user:delete admin'
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app sh -c 'export OC_PASS=N3xtcl0ud && php occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name="Admin" --group="admin" admin'
docker exec -ti dd-sso-keycloak sh -c "
/opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/kcadm.sh config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm master --user admin --password keycloakkeycloak \
&& /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/kcadm.sh get clients/bef873f0-2079-4876-8657-067de27d01b7 -r master"""
rm -rf /tmp/moodle
mkdir -p /tmp/moodle/mod
mkdir -p /tmp/moodle/mod/assign/submission
mkdir -p /tmp/moodle/auth/saml2
mkdir -p /tmp/moodle/theme/cbe
mkdir -p /tmp/moodle/blocks
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
curl --location "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_JITSI_OVERRIDE:-https://moodle.org/plugins/download.php/27002/mod_jitsi_moodle40_2022070602.zip}" > jitsi.zip
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
unzip jitsi.zip -d /tmp/moodle/mod/
rm jitsi.zip
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
curl --location "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_BBB_OVERRIDE:-https://moodle.org/plugins/download.php/26792/mod_bigbluebuttonbn_moodle311_2019101014.zip}" > bbb.zip
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
unzip bbb.zip -d /tmp/moodle/mod/
rm bbb.zip
# curl --location https://github.com/isard-vdi/moodle-auth_saml2/archive/refs/heads/role_map.zip > auth_saml2.zip
# curl --location https://moodle.org/plugins/download.php/24556/auth_saml2_moodle311_2021062900.zip > auth_saml2.zip
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
curl --location "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_SAML_OVERRIDE:-https://github.com/isard-vdi/moodle-auth_saml2/archive/refs/heads/role_map.zip}" > auth_saml2.zip
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
unzip auth_saml2.zip -d /tmp/moodle/auth/
mv /tmp/moodle/auth/moodle-auth_saml2-role_map/* /tmp/moodle/auth/saml2/
rm -rf /tmp/moodle/auth/moodle-auth_saml2-role_map
rm auth_saml2.zip
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
if [[ "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_TRESIPUNTSHARE_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPSHARE}}" == *"develop"* ]]; then
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
curl --location "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_TRESIPUNTSHARE_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPSHARE}}" > tresipuntshare.zip
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
unzip tresipuntshare.zip -d /tmp/moodle/mod/
mv /tmp/moodle/mod/moodle_mod_tresipuntshare-$PLUGIN_BRANCH /tmp/moodle/mod/tresipuntshare
rm tresipuntshare.zip
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
if [[ "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_TRESIPUNTVIDEO_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPVIDEO}}" == *"develop"* ]]; then
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
curl --location "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_TRESIPUNTVIDEO_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPVIDEO}}" > tresipuntvideo.zip
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
unzip tresipuntvideo.zip -d /tmp/moodle/mod/
mv /tmp/moodle/mod/moodle_mod_tresipuntvideo-$PLUGIN_BRANCH /tmp/moodle/mod/tresipuntvideo
rm tresipuntvideo.zip
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
if [[ "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_TRESIPUNTAUDIO_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPAUDIO}}" == *"develop"* ]]; then
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
curl --location "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_TRESIPUNTAUDIO_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPAUDIO}}" > tresipuntaudio.zip
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
unzip tresipuntaudio.zip -d /tmp/moodle/mod/
mv /tmp/moodle/mod/moodle_mod_tresipuntaudio-$PLUGIN_BRANCH /tmp/moodle/mod/tresipuntaudio
rm tresipuntaudio.zip
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
curl --location "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_ASSIGNSUBMISSION_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPSUBMISSION}}" > assignsubmission_tipnc.zip
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
unzip assignsubmission_tipnc.zip -d /tmp/moodle/mod/assign/submission/
mv /tmp/moodle/mod/assign/submission/moodle_assignsubmission_tipnc-$PLUGIN_BRANCH /tmp/moodle/mod/assign/submission/tipnc
rm assignsubmission_tipnc.zip
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
curl --location "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_TRESIPUNTMODSPEND_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPSPEND}}" > block_tresipuntmodspend.zip
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
unzip block_tresipuntmodspend.zip -d /tmp/moodle/blocks/
rm block_tresipuntmodspend.zip
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
if [[ "${MOODLE_THEME_CBE_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPCBE}}" == *"develop"* ]]; then
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
2022-08-08 11:42:28 +02:00
curl --location "${MOODLE_THEME_CBE_OVERRIDE:-${M3IPCBE}}" > tresipunt_theme_cbe.zip
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
unzip tresipunt_theme_cbe.zip -d /tmp/moodle/theme/cbe/
mv /tmp/moodle/theme/cbe/moodle_theme_cbe-$PLUGIN_BRANCH/* /tmp/moodle/theme/cbe/
rm tresipunt_theme_cbe.zip
#mkdir -p /tmp/moodle/local/tresipuntimportgc
#cp -R local_plugins/moodle/tresipuntimportgc/* /tmp/moodle/local/tresipuntimportgc/
cp -R /tmp/moodle/* $SRC_FOLDER/moodle/
rm -rf /tmp/moodle
docker exec -ti dd-apps-moodle php7 admin/cli/purge_caches.php
wget https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js -O $SRC_FOLDER/nextcloud/themes/dd/core/js/jquery_slim_3.2.1.js
cp -R dd-apps/docker/nextcloud/src/* $SRC_FOLDER/nextcloud/
2022-08-08 11:40:57 +02:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
cp -R dd-apps/docker/wordpress/src/* $SRC_FOLDER/wordpress/
if [ ! -d $SRC_FOLDER/wordpress/wp-content/mu-plugins ]; then
git clone https://gitlab.com/muplugins-multiste1/muplugins-google-sites.git $SRC_FOLDER/wordpress/wp-content/mu-plugins
if [ ! -d $SRC_FOLDER/wordpress/wp-content/mu-plugins/.git ]; then
echo "WARNING: $SRC_FOLDER/wordpress/wp-content/mu-plugins is not a git repository."
echo " This could be due to old installation. To bring all new mu-plugins code for WP"
echo " remove that folder and it will be cloned and mantained with git from now on."
sh -c "cd $SRC_FOLDER/wordpress/wp-content/mu-plugins; git pull"
docker-compose run --user=root dd-apps-wordpress-cli /bin/bash -c 'chown -R 33:33 /var/www/html/wp-content/mu-plugins;'
2022-08-26 14:55:06 +02:00
##install plugin gsite
docker exec dd-apps-wordpress apt-get update
docker exec dd-apps-wordpress apt-get install git -y
docker exec dd-apps-wordpress apt install zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev -y
docker exec dd-apps-wordpress apt-get install python3 python3-click python3-scrapy python3-unidecode python3-pillow python3-slugify -y
docker exec dd-apps-wordpress git clone https://gitlab.com/isard/gsite2wordpress
docker exec dd-apps-wordpress mv /var/www/html/gsite2wordpress /var/www
docker exec dd-apps-wordpress curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar
docker exec dd-apps-wordpress chmod +x wp-cli.phar
docker exec dd-apps-wordpress mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
# docker exec -ti dd-sso-keycloak sh -c "/opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --command='/subsystem=keycloak-server/theme=defaults/:write-attribute(name=cacheThemes,value=false)'"
# docker exec -ti dd-sso-keycloak sh -c "/opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --command='/subsystem=keycloak-server/theme=defaults/:write-attribute(name=cacheTemplates,value=false)'"
# docker exec -ti dd-sso-keycloak sh -c "/opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --command='/subsystem=keycloak-server/theme=defaults/:write-attribute(name=staticMaxAge,value=-1)'"
# docker exec -ti dd-sso-keycloak sh -c "/opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --command='reload'"
docker exec -ti --user root dd-sso-keycloak sh -c 'rm -rf /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/tmp/kc-gzip-cache/*'
docker-compose build dd-sso-api && docker-compose up -d dd-sso-api
local instance_id=$(docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ config:system:get instanceid)
local cachebuster=$(docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ config:app:get theming cachebuster)
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app mkdir -p /var/www/html/data/appdata_$instance_id/theming/images
2022-08-03 10:29:25 +02:00
cp custom/img/logo.png "${nc_logo}"
cp custom/img/background.png "${nc_background}"
chown 82:82 "${nc_logo}" "${nc_background}"
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ config:app:set theming logoMime --value="image/png"
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ config:app:set theming backgroundMime --value="image/png"
docker exec -u www-data dd-apps-nextcloud-app php occ config:app:set theming cachebuster --value="$(expr $cachebuster + 1 )"
genpwd() {
if [ ! -f /usr/share/dict/words ]; then
prerequisites_pwd > /dev/null
shuf -n3 /usr/share/dict/words | tr -d "\n" | tr -d "'"
securize() {
for dd_var in \
setconf "${dd_var}" "$(genpwd)"
setconf() {
dd_var="$(echo "$1" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")"
dd_line="$(printf '%s="%s"' "${dd_var:?}" "${dd_val}")"
if grep -qE "^${dd_var:?}=" "${conf_file}"; then
# Found uncommented, replace in-place
sed -i'' -E "s!^${dd_var:?}=.*\$!${dd_line}!" "${conf_file}"
elif grep -qE "^#[[:space:]]*${dd_var:?}=" "${conf_file}"; then
# Found commented, replace in-place
sed -i'' -E "s!^#[[:space:]]*${dd_var:?}=.*\$!${dd_line}!" "${conf_file}"
# Not found, append
echo "${dd_line}" >> "${conf_file}"
# Argument handling
case "$OPERATION" in
cat <<-EOF
#### After install ####
- SSO in moodle should be active. You can go to: https://moodle.$DOMAIN
If it fails, regenerate and lock certificate in moodle SAML2 connector as a local admin.
After that run ./dd-ctl saml
- SSO in nextcloud should be active. You can go to: https://nextcloud.$DOMAIN
- SSO in wordpress should be active. You should go to https://wp.$DOMAIN/wp-admin//plugins.php
#### Update customizations ####
- ./dd-ctl customize
2022-08-08 11:58:04 +02:00
DD education workspace
DD is the education workspace generated within the framework of Xnet's
Democratic Digitalisation Plan. It has been created and powered by Xnet,
families and promoting centres, IsardVDI, 3iPunt, MaadiX, eXO.cat,
Evilham and funded by the Directorate for Democratic Innovation, the
Barcelona City Council's Digital Innovation Commissioner, Social Economy
Commissioner, in collaboration with the Barcelona Education Consortium,
aFFaC and AirVPN.
DD can be used freely as long as this footer is included and the AGPLv3
license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) is respected.
Trobareu meś informació en català a la documentació:
Más información en castellano en la documentación:
More info in English in the documentation:
We thank the help of Miriam Carles, Cristian Ruiz, Anna Francàs,
Christopher Millard.
2022-07-10 12:15:47 +02:00
cat <<-EOF
# Following commands RESET ALL DATA except for certificates
# execute them only if you know what you are doing
# This *will* result in DATA LOSS
"$0" down
rm -rf /opt/DD/data/*
rm -rf /opt/DD/db/*
rm -rf '$SRC_FOLDER/avatars'
rm -rf '$SRC_FOLDER/moodle'
rm -rf '$SRC_FOLDER/nextcloud'
rm -rf '$SRC_FOLDER/wordpress'
docker restart dd-sso-api
setconf "$2" "$3"
cp dd.conf .env
. ./.env
printf "Unknown command '%s'\n\n" "$OPERATION" >&2
help >&2
exit 1